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AMUSEMENTS. KID "DOOTS" "DOS TTJLANS. ID -DOOIS" Jt>OX A LA.N3. THE BOX PLANS FOR THE NEXT FOUR NIGHTS OF " KID BOOTS " \.NU -MATINEE TO-MORROW AXE NOW Oi'K.N AT LEWIS K. EADY AND SON, LTD. THE I'LANS FOR THE .LAST lIlltUB NIGHTS AND MATINEE NEXT WEDNESDAY OF '■ KID SOOTS " WILL aia OPENED MONDAY NEXT, THE I'LA.NS FOR "GOOD -MORNING, DEAIUE," YOU. 5 LAST NIGHTS COMMENCING S DAY, NOVEUIiER 7. WILL BE OPIiXKU WEDNESDAY MORNING NEXT. "X" ID "ROOTS- XfATINEE. "-"-ID JJOOTS" -J-*- ATINEE. TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) AT i AND WEDNESDAY NEXT, NOV. 4. Children to Matinee Half-price all parrs except Late Doors Gallery. Doors open TTIS TVTAJESTY-S rpiIEATRE ■α-is -A-heatue", Direction.. J. C. WILLIAMSON (N 7. 1 ltd Manager John Farrcll." TO-NIGHT AT S TONIUIIT AT 8! And Six Following Evenings. J. C. WILLIAMSON (N.Z.), LTD.. Present the Biggest and Best Musical Comedy ever staged. KID "ROOTS." ID JJOOTS" " T£" ID "ROOTS." •' XV ID J-'OOTS." Unchallenged. The Most Supreme and Astounding Success Ever Achieved by the Big Firm in the Realm of Musical Comedy in 50 years. Interpreted by a Cast of Surpassing Brilliancy, which' includes .TOSIE MELVILLE, .TOSIE MELVILLE JOSIE MELVILLE, And GEORGE GEE GEORGE GEE GEORGE GEE. Also, JEAN NEWCOMBE. George Volaire. Adele Crane. Field Fisher Reginald Roberts, Paul I'lunkett George Crotly, Gladys Hermes. Jack Dunne, Percy Le Fre. Together With FRED HAYWOOD and His JAZZ BAND FRED HAYWOOD and His JAZZ BAND* FRED HAYWOOD and His JAZZ BAND. Flay Produced by GEORGE HIGHLAND. Stage Manager H. Nightingale. Musical Director Harry- JacoDS. SECOND PRODUCTION : Saturday Week—Five Nights Only. GOOD "nEARIE." OOD -M-ORNINCt, -LJeaRIE" GOOD TIBBIEOOD • iU -ORNING, J-'EARIE." PRICES: D.C. and R.S., 8/; Stalls </• Gallery, 1/6. Early Door Stalls and' Gallery, 1/ Extra. All prices Plus Amusement Tax. Day Sales at Symons' Confectionery Store (H.M. Arcade). /"hNEHUNGA PICTURES. TO-NIGHT. Strand. Universal Presents Strand. a Special Attraction ;i Strand. Featuring NORMAN KERRY and Strand. MARY PHILBIN In Strand. "FIFTH AVENUE MODELS" Strand. "FIFTH AVENUE MODELS." Strand. A thrilling story of New York life. Strand. Also screening: Strand. "THE RIDDLE RIDER." Strand. Serial. "r\ H A R L B V ' S A U N T." FUN>T ENOUGH TO MAKE A CAT LAUGH. TIVOLI AND EVERYBODY'S, FRIDAY. PAJfCIJTG. rpO-NIG-HT. TO-NIG-HT, 8 TO 11. STAR AND CIRCLE HALL, 161, PONSONBY ROAD. Learners', Beginners' and Advanced Patrons' Dance in all Ballroom Dances. Beginners, one lesson 1/, full course 5/. No failures here. We guarantee to teach you. Also Druids' Hall, Newton, Every Sat., 2.30 to 5.30, and Star and Circle Sat. Night, 8 to 11. Extras Sat. Nignt, Streamer Waltz and Monte Carlo. Prop., W. BUCKLEY. rpHB G-BNTjrNE ODD-TILME DANCE. ■*- DRUIDS' HAT/L. NEWTON. TO-NIGHT, S-12. Spot Waltz, Chocolates aud Cigarettes. Sixty Prizes. Our Orchestra is Noted for TuneM Melodies and 'Perfect Time. Expert Management. Ladies, 1/. Gents, 2/. W. E. MeMICHAEL, Hon. Secretary. _ TTAVANA JAZZ ACADEMY. AT THE MASONIC, EVERY FRIDAY AT S. Imitators we hare In plenty. Equals—very few. Superiors —XO>'E. NORMAN TOKI, Manager. . POINT CHEVALIER SAILING CLUB'S DANCE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. In CLUB'S PAVILION. JOAN STREET. 8 p.m. till Midnight. The Dance that brings the crowd to Point Chevalier. Dancing to suit everyone. Good floor. Good supner. Good prizes. Parkers Orchestra. Buses to City after dance. Gents, 2/6 ; Ladies, 2/ : Double, 4/.—•»• HOGAN, Hon. Social /CLUBHOUSE — BAYSWATER WHARF. Kj TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) NIGHT. OLD TIME DANCE. With Old Time Music. A Popular Success. Featuring Vnleta, Mazurka, Barn Dance, ' Schottische, Lancers and D'Albcrts. Floor, Music and Supper Unexcelled. Ladies, 1/. Gentlemen, 1/0. It's a Boating Club Function. WAIKOWAI HALL, —EVERT SATUHDAY NIGHT, S to 11. Paltridges Orchestra from the Druids'. Bus leaves G.P.O. 7.30, via Dominion Road. Keturn fare. 11. Admission : Ladies XI. Gents 1/6K. CULLEN, Manager. - BALLROOM Dnndng, correct style, expert privnte tuition. — Modern D » n H g Studio, 30, Palmerston liiagf , opp. G - pj LEARN to Dnnce for Christmas. Consult Frank Woodruffe, the ::xpert I DS^" C <; tor. 17S. Upper Symnmls Pt. XTATIONAL, Fancy taught j «' IN perienced teacher (Gold Medallist)' young pupils' homes visited. Terms. 1 « s----son. 1/3:2. 2/.—Write H. 1104, Stab. YOUNG Lady offers* Expert rrl 7f'! Tuition all Modern Rallroom DancWo£l 1/ term. —Write F. 1518. STAB. _ FUNERAL NOTICES. _ H' A. C. B. SOCIEl 1, ngVXjgr -AUCKLAND BRANCH, ll&P The Funeral of th « ' a m US Brother Michael P- Hurley J' leave C. Little and Sons. Ltd., Vutert£?£ Hobson Street, for the HlUrtoro' Cemetew at 2 p.m. to-morrow (SuUm.ay). ";}' ' Members plense ™£$£ Printed and Pub!lsh«l for tie "The Brett I'rintins and » u^° t o i Company, Limited" by Henry Lake Takapuna. J> urualist, a : tne ti of th; Company. t-hortland Auckland. . FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1925.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
Word Count
764Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
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Page 14 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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