AMUSEMENTS. STRAND— Tolo —QTKAND 5 Negri, — i STRAND— In —OTBAND < *TRAND— '■ East — K-TTRAND ; STRAND— Of —CJTRAND ; Suez." — ' direction : Fuller-Hny-ward Theatres. "Always a Good Entertainment. - ' TO-NIGHT, at 6 and 8. Paramount Pictures Present for the First : Time in Auckland, SOMERSET "VfAUGHAM'S Somerset -"J-augham'S Most Successful Stage Play. An Inspired Production, wherein its Famous Characters Weave the Magic Spell of its Enchanting Drama. POLA "VTEORI. OLA EGRI. ! POLA -V EGRI - I OLA .1 THE WORLD'S ] EMOTIONAL STAR. I In ! "EAST OF SUEZ." ! L All the allure of the Orient ; with Us seething intrigues, its wily peoples, are in the picture, together with thrilling romance and plots. • * • Included in the Cast are: EDMUND LOWE. JtOCKCLIFFE FELI.OWES, And NOAH BEERY. The Evils of China ; the social ostracism of those who mate with Chinese. Also Screening : A New Hal Roach Comedy, "THE GOOFY AGE." You Kemeember the Scream "A Sailor Papn " was? STRAND MAGAZINE. Of English Topical Events. • # • " PATHE REVIEW." Colooured Gems of Interest. • • • And at 8 o"clock Session and 2.30J X and 8 Saturday: THE -VTOORE mRIO, HE iu OORE -*-RK>, In a High-class Instrumental Interlude. STRAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. Auckland's Biggest Picture Band. Box Plan at Theatre. USUAL PRICES : 1/ to 2/9. T> E G E N T, -p P 8 O M. TO-NIGHT AT 8. Special Starring Engagement. TITOE AND riO., Maori Entertainers, With Harmony, Singing. Steel Gultara, Ukulele, Hakaa and Hula Dancing. SELECTED VAUDEVILLE TRIALS. Adult Night. MADAME SHERSON Mezzo Soprano. MURIEL ALLISON Balladlst. VIC. PETERSON Soprano. MISS ANSELL Contralto. SYBIL ELSMORE Soprano. VALDA AND WILLA, Song and Simultaneous Dance Artists. Picture Programme : " rpilE rpALKER," With ANNA 0. NILSSON. LEWIS STONH, and SHIRLEY MASON. Phone 20-142. BUILDING SOCIETIES. rnHE -VTOUTHEKN /COOPERATIVE rpERMINATING "DUILDING OOCIETY. RESULTS OF APPROPRIATION MEETING, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1925. GROUP 1 — liullOL as advertised: Winning Llusu-r, .So. ill, , '1 snares .\us. liU<s-6, taking i *400; li .>naied -\os. ITUV-β, : taKiiis. £-Uh> £*J0 GROUP l—sine by Tender: £j0 XJ per illX), taking £SOO j/iROUI' I— ballot as advertised: U Winning Cluster No. 69, Share Nos. j.iMi, taking *sw G.ROUP 2— Sale by Tender: £47 11/8 per £11W, taking .. fSOO GROUP 3—iiallot as advertised: AVlnnlng Cluster No. 139, Share Nos. 553-0, taking ... £300 GROUI , 3—Sale by Tender: £40 15/ per £100, taking £800 GROUP 4—Ballot as advertised: Winning, Cluster No. 268, Share Nos. 1069-72, taking .. £800 CIROUP 4—Sale by Tender: T £30 10/ per £100, taking £8W aROUP s—-Ballot as advertised: ■Winning Cluster N~o. IS6, Share Nos. 741-4,, taking £800 GROUP i»—Sale by Tender: £55 5,/ per £100, taking £800 GROUP 6—Ballot as advertised: Winning Cluster Xo. 23, Share Nos. 89-02, taking fSOO GROUP C—Sale by Tender: £50 0/3 per £100, taking £800 GROUP 7—Ballot as advertised: Winning Cluster No.' 133, Share Nos. 520-32, taking ... £800 GROUP 7—Sale by Tender: £47 per £100, taking £400, and £46 5/, taking £400 £SOO GROUP B—Ballot as advertised: Winning Cluster Xo. 147, Share Nos. 555-S, taking £800 GROUP B—Sale by Tender: £50 per £100, taking £80U GROUP 9—Ballot as advertised: Winning Cluster No. 160, Share Nos. C 73-6, taking £SW GROUP o—Sale by Tender: £53 10/ per £100, taking £«W GROUP 10—Ballot as advertised: Winning Cluster No. 447, Share Xos 1783-S, taking .. £800 GROUP 10—Sale by Tender: £30 per £100, takln? fSOU 11—Ballot as advertised: T Winning Cluster No. 304, Share Nos. 1213-6 <2 members), taking £800 GROUP 11—Sale by Tender: £50 per £100, taking £SW 12—Ballot as advertised: VJ Winning Cluster No. 357, Share Nos. 1425-8, taking .. £SOU GROUP-. 12—Sale by Tender: £43 17/6 per £100, taking ... £80U Amount Appropriated ... £1Q 2(MJ Amount Advertised 2(MJ APOLOGY. The Management of the Society tendei sincere apologies to the several hondretf !' members who were unable to gain admls , sion owing to the Hall being overcrowded. I " JOIN THE PROGRESSIVE AND SUCCESSFUL ' NORTHERN ' FOB £SOO BALLOTS." Apply for "Shares at the Offices : 1 IOS-109, VICTORIA ARCADE (First Floor) THE NORTHERN CO-OPERATIVE TERMINATING SOCIETT. :' P.O. BOX 645. Telenlione 41-579. ELECTRICAIi ENGINEERS. s mT7KNB^ LL AND JONES Repair Al I X Electrical Machinery. Onr Bewtadlns - Department Guarantees Work.— 'Phone -*oi I immediate service: 42-810. ■*
Page 14 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 14
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