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IlllllllllllllllllUillllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiinilllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllliiiiliiiiiiiiiiv I Ready I I Recreation iMci? I = Soon the weather will improve. Kir E Your son will be wanting holiday Ijftj 'y 5 = attire. The enjoyment of any out- si J E r ing is enhanced by suitable attire. Wj I J E = We are ready with an adequate '\jlLw' = selection of all that is needed for '•■■■V I = = outside pleasure. You will, as J 5 = usual, find our Roods splendid = value. Prices are keen, and selec- \ = tion extensive. Here are emimer- = ated just a few lines:— = = mS"* Crea " l F'«nnel Trousers. Kelt u,,,ps and hip pocket— lß/11. S r »«n • crtani Flmnil Trouuri.. Belt loops ana lilp pocket— l 7/11. s = *° u y?» Cream CdUone«b«rdin«Trou»6r«. Best finish— l 7/11. Men's, 18 11 = = youths Blazer Coats. .Navy, trimmed Gold, Red, Blue, or White— l 4/11. 17/11 = = i O, ! J , * 1 " 1 " CoaU - ?Jivy. trimmed Gold. Red. Blue, or White — 9/11, 10/e. = — wen s Cream Bock*. Wool and Cotton, rnshrinkable. Ideal weal' — 2/11 — — men • tight Fancy Sockt. splendid range of patterns— 3/11, 4/11, 5/9. = S Wen s Sports Coats. Smart Ujrln Tweed: hair lined—27 6,36/-. 5 = Tenme or Canoe Shirts, for men. Plain or Stripes— e/11, 7/11, t/11. = = Boys Canoe or Tennis Shirts. White or strines— 4/11, S 11. — _ Boys' Cotton Helmets, urash or Khaki Drill— Jf/11. = = Boys' Helmets, in Best White Drill or Khaki Gabardine—3/8. = — See our Splendid Ranges of Boys' Sports Suits in latest shapes. .New = ,- Tweeds, Worsteds, and Srrgres to hand. Trk-es are low, and yon will find — £ it easy to make a selection. S = We carry Special Stocks of suits tor Young- Men, with larire rmijrps of E S Shirts, Underwear, Hats, and Ties. — ~ Special Holiday Selection. 5 1 HI n4a^artnfthtpe^<i^ut^ind.[o^ tt>^<f | ~< 11111111111111111111111 ■ 1111 ■ Mlllllllllllllllllllll ■11 ■ 111 • 1111111111111 * * 111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 111 fll k^ DE WITTS PILLS .CO-OPERATE WITH NATURE AND THUS ACHIEVE- RESULTS UNOBTAINABLE BY ANY OTHER MEANS YOU CANNOT CHOOSE k BETTER REMEDY FOR SCIATICA RED hot needles were employed in the treatment of Sciatica before De Witt's Tills were available, but even those heroic enough to submit to such painful treatment were not certain of relief. Scientific research has revealed much since those days, and it is now recognised that local treatment of this painful ailment is of little or no value. The great sciatic nerve lies deeply beneath — the skin, and the pain known as PROOF THAT MUST Sciatica is caused by uric acid which CONVINCE EVERT * nd lacerateS the nerve - suffering reader Only One Way A Living Witness to Permanently Ease the Pain Relief cannot be expected while Mh <vL th * s harrarful acid remains, and you sM *&!* '"</« mußt l° ok to your Sidneys for relief, O £/ I or c*e * alone are capable of extractfg£*. M m S poisonous uric acid from your Make and keep your kidneys ; /\. healthy and active by taking l)e /^(^^• y M^'■ r ' tts s anr * y° ur sciatic trouble xr rwT ! it i mnst tlisa PP e ar because the cause Mr. TA\LOR (fromphoto.) will be removed. That ie the modern Writing from 13 Schild Street, method ,of treatment, and it is a Yarraville, Victoria, Mr. J. method that invariably proves sueIVlor says:—" The first couple cessful. Grateful testimonials from of doses of De Witt's Pills did men and women in all parts of the mc so much good that I knew , , ~. . ". . . I had found a remedy at la»t. world prove this, and it ia certain By the time I had finished one - that wherever you search or whatever bottle my pain had quite gone you spend you cannot find a better and it has never returned." remedy for your ailment, or one that will give you relief in less time. Be persuaded to get a box to-day. You will find that all chemists Bell De Witt's Pills, and if you take two before you go to bed to-night they will ease your pain while you sleep and in the morning you will have convincing proof that they are doing you good. The World's Homo Remedy for 40 Years— DeWITTS KIDNEY AND BLADDER TAKE TWO TO-NIOHT 1 HVBk I H Tike two of De Wttfg Pilie tonight I B and in the morning you will Mt »nd H M M Iml and know tor ocrtaia that they B B H—_ B___ Buit do yon good m m i i^^ Watch for such symptome *c pvffiness under the eyes, heaviness of the limbs, swollen feet or ankles, foul breath, scalding pains, gravel or stone. These symptoms usually precede attacks of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica or serious Kidney Trouble, and much suffering and expense may be saved by qnickly netting a box of De Witt's Pills from the Chemist and taking them as directed. I EAR AMCkAHAPE ROAD. I I U EYE-OPENER BARGAINS ] = To-morrow's "Eye-Opener." | E Good value in Ladies' Cambric Camisoles, trimmed with pretty t Embroidery, V necks, no sleeves, threaded at neck with satin ribbon. Usually 2/11—George Court's Eye-opener Price, 1/11. Ladies' Oiled Sunshades—Latest style China Oiled Sunshades, t for street wear or seaside, popular colourings. Exceptional Z value. Usually 5/11 —George Court's Eye-opener Price, 4/5 !■; each. ZZ I 9 tin iQ y GEOBGECOUTOT | Z mmmmmmmm R«*A • Auckbutd. vhmmmmJ
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
Word Count
864Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 13
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.