Removal Sale ! Regnlefed Teleguphic A<Mre««: / / "UNLIMITED , / ,n ow IRONMONGERS :: EDEN TERRACE ENGLISH SPECIAL LAWN MOWER.—U.S.A. manufacture, 7 crucible steel 14-inch blades, finest drop-forged case-hardened ball bearings, 10-inch driving wheels, which give high velocity, ensuring an even and clean cut; suitable for private lawns, bowling greens, etc. Absolutely no better machine made Only £5/5/BUFFALO.—A good cheap and reliable machine, similar to above, that will give years of hard use; has 5 crucible steel 14-inch blades, 9-inch driving wheels Our Reduced Price, £3/5/We will Pack, Deliver in town, on rail or boat. We guarantee to be able to supply spare parts for our lawn mowers. Paragon Lawn Mowers at Reduced Prices to Clear. Garden Spades, Rakes, Hoes, Picks, Water Hose, at Reduced Prices. Now is the time to buy Iron Planes, Saws, and All Tools. SECOND-HAND.—Timber Jack, 95/-; Bottle Jacks, 15/-; Orion Kange, with high-pressure boiler and brass plate-rack, £6/10/-. TOWN AND COUNTRY INQUIRIES SOLICITED. Use "FIBROLITE" For Walls, Ceilings, Gables, Partitions, etc. "FIBROLITE" Asbestos Cement Being available in widths of 3ft Sheets are fire retardant, borer and 4ft, and in lengths of 6, 7, proof, hygienic, artistic and 8, 9, and 10ft, "FIBROLITE" is improve with age. quickly erected without waste. Stocks carried by : John Burns & Co., Ltd.; Winstone, Ltd.; Briscoe & Co., Ltd.; G. J. Browne, Ltd.; Builders' Supplies, Ltd.; Mason, Struthers, & Co., Ltd.; Smith & Smith, Ltd. Manufacturers* Representative: P. EVANS, Nathan's Buildings, Grey Street. Wellington.
The Prime Minister and every Member of Cabinet has received an official copy of the U.S.A. Government Report, from which these extracts are taken. This Report, dated February, 1925, gives the results of an investigation ■£ ordered to be made by Congress on May 28th, 1924. Our own Prime Minister, our own Cabinet Ministers can tell you, if need be, that the following are true extracts:— / SAVINGS—" Under Prohibition the number of f ' savings accounts in the Nation's Banks has increased 400 per cent. ,, .■weß* LIFE SAVING—"The saving in human lives fm through the decreased death rate prevailing under Prohibition has been estimated at close on a million :: lives in the last five years." .jf' / CRIME —"Reductions in violent crimes, in offences usually associated with drink, in social vice, and in public drunkenness, have distinguished the Prohibition years as compared with an equal License period." »■; # DRUNKENNESS—" In spite of increased severity on the part of most Police Departments, arrests for public drunkenness have decreased about 500,000 per year, according to well-known criminal statis- / ticians." £ INSANITY—" Alcoholic insanity has decreased 66 per cent, in the first three Prohibition years, compared with the last wet years." lin Who knows best—the N.Z. Liquor Traffic, with its scribes hired to fake WhO facts and figures, or the United States Government? Who is best worth believing, peevish U.S.A. writers bleating for their bottle, and defiling V e O their country's good name—or the United States Government acquainted IVIiOWS • w ith ALL the facts? Why does the N.Z. Liquor Traffic distort and fake the facts? Because it fears what you will do when you realise the TRUTH. - ffV FOR THE GOOD OF NEW ZEALAND - Strike Out the ip"! i ikwT \:i /lines w u ~ , "™ M * s m fHHH 25 9 (Cut this out and keep it by you.)
Page 11 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 11
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