ROD AXD GITS! SPORT. The Waitemata Acclimatisation Club, formed a year ago by some 25 sporting enthusiasts across the water, has done good service since its inception, and is now firmly established. The area covered by the club,; which is affiliated with the parent body in Auckland, extends from tfie North Head up the harbour to Lucas Creek, and thence straight across to Stlverdale.
;Bt way- of encouragement, the Auckland Acclimatisation Society forwarded, free-of charge, forty young pheasants, and ten thousand trout fry. A small gime farm was established on the property of the president, Mr. Frank J. Quick, at Milford, and the pheasants panned there were well looked after by Mr. Quick, himself. With the exception of four hens and one cock, the pheasants have been liberated in various parts of the club's territory. The ten thousand trout fry from the hatcheries at Rotorua were received last Saturday, and were liberated on Sunday in the Mangataupi stream (near Sunnyside, Dairy Flat), and also in two streams at Albany.
The progress made was the subject of congratulation at the annual meeting, held in the Masonic Hall. Northcote, last evening. The committee anticipated that ere long there would be sufficient sport to warrant a large increase of licenses, both for angling and shooting. The Auckland Society had donated settings of pheasant eggs, and good results were anticipated by breeders. Mr. Alfred Parrish stated that the Auckland Society had ordered partridges from the Old Country, and had paid for fourteen thousand pairs of hawks' feet during the past three months. The destruction of hawks was necessary, and sixpence a pair of feet was paid. About 150 pheasants' eggs would be the quota for distribution in the Waitemata area.
The appointment of additional honour afy rangers waa recommended.
'The -officers elected for the ensuing year were: President, Mr. F. J. Quick; vice-president, Mr. Alfred Parrish: hon. secretary and treasurer. Mr. Frank Bartleet"; committee, Messrs. W J. Smale, C. Stayte, Percy Taylor, Albert Davidson, Gieo. Dunn, Arthur Parrish. Walter Gee, Robert Brunton, Jas. Mackay, H. Krißsensen, Captain N. G. Harries, and Captain R. White; delegates to council, Messrs. Alf. Parrish and W. J. Smale; auditor, Mr. C. A. Deuxberry.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 257, 30 October 1925, Page 11
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