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RUN OVER WHILE ASLEEP. FATALITY AT PUKEHUIA. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) DARGAVILLE, this day. A single man named Nicholson, aged 4D years, employed by the Public Works Department on railway construction work at Pukehuia, on the Waiotira section of the North Auckland railway, was killed in Tokatoka Tunnel yesterday afternoon by a Public Works train. It is surmised that deceased, who was off work yesterday, fell lasleep in the tunnel, and that the train ran over his body, which was frightfully mangled. INQUEST AT WHANGAREI. TERDICT OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH. , [By Telegraph.—Oivn Correspondent.) F • WHANGAREI, this day. An inquest was conducted by Mr. R. •W. Tate, S.M., in the Whangarel Court house this morning concerning the death of Norman Alexander Nicholson, a singU man who was killed instantly yesterday in Tokatoka tunnel, near Waiotira, b\ {being run over by a Public Works train Deceased, who hailed from Gisborne ibad been three years engaged on railway construction works in North Auckland During the last six months he was shifi |»8s at Tokatoka tunnel. In evidence, William Charles Hughes driver, said owing to a curve in th< tunnel, which was under construction it was impossible to see ahead. Whei ite was about eight chains in the tunne he felt a bump, and a faint cry appearec to come from under the engine. Tht brakes were applied and the train wa: pulled up in about live yards. He founc Nicholson about midway under tin engine. Assisted by the guard, PJehan Joseph Pitman, and" the use of jacks, hi extricated the body. A bottle of brandi pne-third full, was found nearby. Further evidence disclosed tha deceased was addicted on occasions ti drink. Trevor M. Wright, engineer ii charge of Kirikopuni section, stated h< lad warned deceased three weeks agi regarding dismissal on that account At the time he came by his deatl deceased had no right to be in thi tunnel, as he was off duty. Warnin; notices to that effect were posted at botl the entrances to the tunnel. Dr. Ward said death was due tt severe injuries sustained. Death mus tare been instantaneous. A verdict in accordance with th. medical testimony was returned, n< blame being attached to anybody.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 242, 13 October 1925, Page 5

Word Count

KILLED IN TUNNEL Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 242, 13 October 1925, Page 5

KILLED IN TUNNEL Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 242, 13 October 1925, Page 5


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