OPENED AT EPSOM. YESTERDAY'S SOLEMN CEREMONY. The new Catholic church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, at Epsom, was opened yesterday morning in the presence of a very large congregation. His Lordship Bishop Liston performed the solemn ceremony of blessing, and this was followed by' High Mass. The Rev. W. Kennedy was the celebrant, the Itcv. W. Flanagan, of Queensland, deacon, Father O'Brien, sub-deacon, and Father O'Byrne, master of ceremonies. In a most impressive sermon, Dr. Liston paid a warm tribute to the excellent work accomplished by the parish priest, Father O'Byrne, also the Catholics of the district, in having established a church and school within the space of a little over four years. The Bishop referred to the high purpose and calling of the Catholic Church, which he said was a mighty power for men's salvation. It had, in the olden days, lifted them from the degradation of paganism to the heights of purity, truth and virtue, and to-day, as of old, it revealed to men the true relationship of God and man. making known to them the deetiny and purpose of life. Altars of the Catholic Church were raised throughout the world in great cities, in the wild and desolate places, to remind men that God was here upon the earth, speaking to sinner and saint, loading them to the heart's true home, the Church of God. where His children might find peace of heart and rest unto their souls. Many, many years ago the first Catholic layman made his lonely way to the wild uncivilised country of North Auckland, to be joined later by New Zealand's first Catholic'bishop, the pood Bishop Pornpallier. Together they worshipped God in the heart of the wilds of tho Hokianga district. To-day the traditions that urged them to labour unceasingly for the advancement of the Kingdom of God were'still living. They had found expression anew in the erection of tho new church, whose opening had been called upon to bless and prosper that day.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 9
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