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PROPERTIES FOR BALE. J>ARFOOT, » Newmarket, for Remuera, I *-* Epsom, and Green Lane Properties. loioun-d Map of Distrj.-t Supplied free. C j J>EAUTIFUL New Bungalow. 4 rooms and ; kitchenette : vacant ; Heme Bay Water- ; front ; £1200, £100 deposit.—Write S. 21, : Star. jgLNGALOW. 4 rooms, electric light. : modern. Columbia Rd.. Ed.-ndale, £1100; l deposit £24M.—Pnone 2K-OMI. OLNGALOW. new, 5 rooms: minute : ,->,•»■, ,"- val Oak c:lr '' sclp « locality: £1425: t-m> rieposir.—Brown". , Dominion 'Rd. s!t TJUNGALOW. new, 4 rooms, kitchenette: ™- , r ' ln r " ! - Pt - Chevaiier: all convs.: deposit £0.3. Owner.—Write S. iOIS. J pALLIOPE KD., Devonport—S-Roomed !Y _ Bungalow, all coots.; 5 mins. ferry: glorious harbour view : £2300 Apdlv owner. 9. Calliope Rd. ' I r^lTY—Welleslt-y St. Residence. 7 room?; V j sttJtal >l ,, aparrmf-nts: £1100, cash £100 Anderson. io;i. Our-en St. ; QOUNTRY House. beautiful position : ;V, fruit : near station, school : suitable chicken farm, market garden: ±925; rent ! -■ ■—-. Kotbosay St.. Remuera. _ ; T?PSOM—Modem Buncalow. latest convs. ic™ Lar ? e Section, stands hi^-h.—Henley, N 7.. Insurance Bldgs. * j "piVE Rooms, c.1., harbour views, all ; Nn s' aST >o tPrms - —APP I ? Owner. Q.OVT. Mortsage.—Bunjralow, 5 rooms, kitchpnette: every convenience: nice sec■K lorcly view; price. £120<J; £200 cash.— ■■i"hfTton R'l.. Avundalo. 14.T \EVONPOKT—Govt. Mortgngo £900 _ appros. : total price £1060. near : oner. — Buniralnw. 6 rovms. bathroom, mod i convs. ; washhouse. Section 55 x 192 elej I'Ti ■ f ' wn " r is |~avin!: Auckland.— I !*"ld'ers Lan.j Bnr»an. He!lahv's Bides. ! fl OVT - Mortgage €095 approx. ; total I~* price £Poo.—Villa Residence, kauri. ; 6 rooms, bathroom, washhouse. Section 83 x IMS. 30 fruit trees. Owner leavinc and ; must sell qui-ckly.—Soldiers , Land Bureau, j IT"".nhv"s Bides. ; j_j AltBuUR Views, Kemuera—Charming ■ Bungalow, y Itooms, sleeping balcony ; elevated; unsurpassed views: sacrince at I tIUoU : worth z^xju. —Mavhill, 5, Phoenis hambers. J TTOME. lovely, lmin trams, 5 rooms. 1.. . ~*! 1 - r 'o. iKIOO deposit.—Builder, 06, ; ainki Kd.. Mt. Eden. *~ ! TJUI'.sE. 2 rooms, for Removal.—S, Rewa I XX - R<l.. Threo Kings. 226 I TJOUSE. 6 rooms, c.1.. handy shops and I -*-•- trams : or would take Small House, \ near wharf. Devonport. as deposit.—Write :B. 4-!.'il. STAR. 299 hyrANUEItE Crossing—Beautiful Bungalow. p •"> Hooms, c.1.; i-acre section: £115<i; msh £150.—Kay. Phoenix Chambers. ATT. ALBERT—6-Roomed Bungalow, all t,"t_S on "l ; lar ? e section: R ood" outlook: -102...—03. St. Lukes Rd. Phone 20-544. I \J" T - ALBERT—Modern Bungalow. 4 ! rooms, sleeping porch; handy trams; ItlOO: cash £200.—Bertram, " Phoenix \ Chambers. jni ALBERT.—Bungalow, 5 rooms, convs.. sleeping porch ; section laid out. £1200: £200 deposit.—First house, bpnngleigh Ay.. off Woodward Rd. ATT. ALBERT—Bungalow. modern. 5 largo rooms, every cony. ; Govt. Mortgage. iTir-e 4.-1250. Deposit £300. No .agents.—Writ.- F. 9617. Star. i Af T EDEN. — House, 6 rooms: splendid ■"-*■ condition; i-acre.—Apply Owner, I".!, Gordon Rd. 'Phone 20-13 S. C "V"EW Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchenette ; ■*-' take Section as part deposit.—2l, Stewart Rd.. Mt. Alnert. YEW Bungalow. 5 rooms, kitchenette; --* consider Section as part deposit.— Hutson. Stewnrt V .. . 'r. Albert. "V"ICE Villa Rosi. . 7 rooms, every ■*•' cony.: near tnims. DUS: suitable apartments, boarder?. 'aih £100; no agents: i genuine.—Write B. ■* /. Star. C ! VOW Building—s Rooms. £1173. small ( -*•' deposit good man.—Builder, CO, WaiI riki Rd.. Mt. Eden. I /"T|FFER wanted—Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitj chenette ; near car and school; view. 27. Mewburn Ay., Mt. Eden. PARNEI.L — Fine fi-Roomed House, splendidly situated, adjacent Park. i elevated, jrrand freehold section, <><! x 100: snip at £1100.—Don Miller, Brunswick P. Idas. l_£ ■pENkOSE. — Sunny Bungalow. built-in -*- wardrobe, cupboards, dresser, etc. : small dpposit; large section. —Write S. PS'i2. Star. T> EMFEKA.—Up-to-date House, c.1.. 6 -£*■ rooms. Sale or Exchange ; £1."i70.—7, Rothesay St. EOOMS to), molern home: i-ommis-*\nv.: £",o rt"r" ,K it: <•>■'" pnti? Ti.ide. - Wri'n ■;. +■".. PtaH. CECTION. 113 ACKErf. 0.U.1 , .: ruads ou three all fenced, nil piou^lia-'l';: i 1 jjadiJMi-ks: 1£..u.~e. :: r t ...iii-: ..u e i:ji:.- st;i----i tiou. lutt u.-i.:;j, uti*. Markftn!*!i' liui!".- ,- ---: s:-"*v* r.-.i;:irk.-. •!.-. '!."■.tul l'rice. i'.M.-O ■ a»U. No ag tui'. — WiU--* 11. 7*)7'.. S.-ai;. ON1I': Buyswatir. 3 ru..m.-: k - weii-lniiit : ferry: £luoo ur offer; j ea.-y inrrii-.—l;<>. Beresford -Sγ. i cI.N UI.LN AY.. Dniuiniou lid. —Lovely Bilii--r.:i.TT. n'-arly coniplefed ; £117r. : ] (irj.o>;: £i.*iii. p.ruwne. 227, T'omininn Rd. ■"?' TAKAPUNA — Houses and Pet-rions. — Neviile Newcomb, Ltd., His Majesty's Arc.irie. Auckland. TAKAPUNA —Bunjraiow, 4 rooms and kitchenette : motor garage. £12.">0. Dopoclt fi.'i'i.—Abbott Elmsly. f)'o, Queen St. OA ACRES Level Land, fully improved : J —'" .-.-Rcomed Hoiiso: mi!o station: I £I2OO: cash £200.—Francis, Acrent, Papa- ! k JiI!L _ I .£- ~A —6 ROOMS, i-acre. Penrose: handy ! sw'J" to station. No agents. Total £ —Inquire STAR. 453 J 4_> -Tfift —ATTRACTIVE Cottage, Avon- =«- •"" dale, splendid letting proposition : r!o=e concrete road : terms.—Write B. j -M'> 3. Star. 47 £"7ftn TOTAL PRICE—PARNELL—£.'O 4 W liepo^ir.—O-Roomed Ist ; Faction : nice elevated level section, beaufiful harbour views: freehold property.— JACK RODOERS. ■". Short's Blrlss.. l.'ie, : Queer. Sr. I POT"?:— BUNGALOW. 4 rooms: second : lvC I"J section: £75 deposit.—LaycocK : and Knitiifnll. :-i2. Quwn St ' f"ftßrl~ MT - ALBERT—New 4-Roomed. 1 c»Oi>J p.].. wardrobes: p.w.c: large sec- , tion.—o3. St. Luke.* Rd. 'Phope 20-544. I.p-JA'T!!: —ROYAL OAK.—New Bunga- .; »lv Ji) low. HV"rv cony.. 3 bedrooms: I r>pautifnl views—Builder, cor. Cameron and I A Tin Srs. X?11^O'- MT EDEN—iim Deposit.— ! Bunsralnw. 4 rooms. kit'-Qen-otte: '->rply section.— Vaughan. Tallies. Arcade. Npwton. l|o J l?-|Xnfk —ST. ANDREWS RD.. Ensora. \ Modern Buncralow. 5 rooms. i overv cony. : volcanic section ■ Govt. Morf. I TnnT-ire St.- 4£3 REAT SOUTH RD.—Absolute Sacrifice. , T £14.10 Total Price—7- ROOMED GENITLEMANS RESIDENCE, every convenij ence. large rnlcanic sectinr:. 6."> ft frontage: . I outbuildings and stables : handy to car. I Insured for £l.''..".'"'. I-'eposir £2.">i>. Balance •| Ist Mortgage. Must be =old. —Jack Rodgers, , 5. Short's. Rnildings. 1-16. Queen Street. FACTORY. SITUATED MAUNGAWEKA. HO x 40ft. 2 storeys high, with ]ennto 15 x 40. on J-nrre section. Frontage to I main srr-et. fiOft. Also f-ontaining a Shop. Boiler and Engine, suitable for any i kind of work. Low price for qnu-k sale. I £400 or offer.—JOHNSTON. Mannpiweka, or J. Cooper, 11. High St.. Dovnnport. A GREAT DAIRYING OPPORTUNITY. FARM. 200 ACRES, at Muuazatapere. near Wh.-mgr.rei : first-class : 7-roomed I house ; electric light and power, etc. : offered lat £'&■ per a<-re: splendid p<?rli2re«» and ■' pedigree stock available for negotiation: ' owner arranging go England early nest y<? Write OWNER. BOX 721. AUCKLAND. SHOPS.— 3 LARGE BRICK SHOPS. EACH VOTH 5 LIVING ROOMS, well let tmsv thoroughfare, wonderful value. T'a'i« is * nndoobtedlr the best bnyinsr in ; Auckland to-day. Total Price. £4500. VeTy '. easy terms arranzed. • y JACK EODGERS. 5. Sport's BHgS-- ?TT°»r. \x£ 0 II T ~H A R A M A. ' ! FINE RESIDENCE, well buHr, every con- ■ ver.ienc'e. fa-ing -'»i suu grt-at views. I _. lt n from 4to !» a'-ves adjoining. ~^P is to 2 roads, few mins. !>e a h. Mase - fine i)o-:ltry farm. Creek running turougn ' nmnertv 'Prices, from £2300. af.-ordin- f> .tent" of tend reqidwL ] Kohimarama. Phoce Oβ, bt. Heher s.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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1,099Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 3
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