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SITUATIONS VACANT. [Prepaid Advertisements, not exceeding fifteen words, One Shilling: three consecutive insertions, Two Shillings and Sixpence.] A MATEUR Vaudeville Artists wanted. — -"■*- Apply Tom Hartlgrave, Parnell Pictures, Monday anil Wednesday evenings, before 7.30. '_ ■pAXDSMEX —Cornets. Tenor, Trombone. -*-* Euphonium. Drums, for new Skating Kink opening Auckland shortly.—Write M. 242. Star. "DOOT Trade.—Wanted, good Finisher for -*-» light work.—Apply Northampton Boot Factory. Eden Terrace. BOY wanted for Office. —Apply J. J. Craig. Ltd.. 100. Queen St. 60 BOY. smart, for Messages, etc. —W. c<. Allen and Co., Stationers, "Herald" Buildings. BOY, strong, n-anteil for copper-smithing trade. — Stewart and Longbottom, 47. Albert St. 131 T>OY wanted for 'Messages, etc. —Apply -L* Whitcombe and Tombs. Ltd., Booksellers and Stationers. Queen St. BOYS wanted. as apprentices for elk-king and press department.—G. A. Coles and " Co.. Ltd.. Exmouth St.. Eden Ter. 333 BOY. smart, matriculated, as Junior for our office.—Hemingways Correspondence Schools, Chancery Chambers, 0"Copnoil St. BRASS Finisher, good, wanted; also Brass Polisher. —Apply Millar, Patcrsnn and Lees. Halspy St. 12S BRICKLAYERS C 2). wanted. — Apply Johns Bros.. Endean's Bldgs., or at .lob. T.ower Vincent St. ol "DRICKLAYERS wanted.—Apply \V. J. -*-* Westray. new shoos. Remuera terminus, or 10. Xorman St.. Dominion Rd. TJRICKLAYERS WANTED. Apply H. C. XICHOLLS, Builder. Rautangi Rd., Mr. Eden. 31 j /CARPENTER, tradesman. —Stanuers, Alex- '-- j andra Aye., Mt. Albert. /CARPENTERS.—Two Good Men wanted. J. E. Berry, corner of Mt. Albert and Enston Rds. 143 '/CELLIST wanted for leading Picture Theatre Orchestra. Apply, in first instance, to B. 4413. STAR. 27 DAVE WII.FORD, Premier Tailor and Costumier. requires immediately 2 First-class Tailors.—New address : Second floor. Palmerston Bldgs.. Queen St. DRESSMAKERS (2), experienced; one ablo. to do cutting.—lnquire Star. 434 THIRST Class Electric Wlreman wanted immediately; good wages.—Apnly OTonnoll. 23. Islington St.. Ponsonhy. 1.~>4 n IRI,, smart, reliable, assist fruit shop.— Apply after 6 p.m., Stevens, 214. Svinonrls St. AUCKLAND lIARBOttI BOARD.
APPOINTMENT OF CADKTS. Superintendent's Office, 2nd September, 1925. Applications ■will be received at this Office until N~oon on THURSDAY. September 10, H>2s. for the following Positions : — TWO CADETS, ?"or the Secretary and Treasurer's Department. Salary to commence, £32 per annum. i Conditions of appointment may be seen ! at the Board's Office, Quay Street. By order, H. B. BURNETT, C Superintendent. "DREAKER-OUT wanted, urgent, £1. upJ-* wards: Ropey. £1 day upwards: Truckey. 10/: two Orosscutters, one keep own saw, 21/, mate £1 : good men only wanted : contractor.—Apply J. Wilson, Wliaknmarama Land Timber Co., Tauranga. ■p o ok b i x r> i no. WANTED. A GOOD MAN FOR GUIIXOTIXI3 CUTTING AND BOOKBINDING. Apply MANAGER, STAR O F V I C E. DR A IP B X ST. Wanted for Gisborue : EXPERIENCE© MAN AS FIRST SALES FOR -MAXCHESTER AND DRESS DEPARTMENTS. Single Man Preferred. Apply in first instance, with copies of references to KOSS AND GLENDINING, LTD., Elliott Street, Auckland. LADY, yOI'NG, CAPABLE WASTED, FIRST SALES, Hosiery Section. i And TWO EXPERIENCED ASSISTANTS For Glove, Art Needle Work, and Haberdashery Departments. Good Stock Keepers Essential. Apply REXDELL'S, l>4 Kqrrtngahape Road. , MA XT L B II EA D WAXT ED. I Wanted fur a Leading Christehureh Drapery Establishment, THOROUGHLY CAPABLE WOMAN, To Take Charge of Mantle Showroom. Apply immediately by letter, enclosing copies testimonial:? only, stating age and salary required, to MANTLES, C/o Tike Jewell-Skinner Advertising Agenev Ltd.. ••..■»• 154-156. Hereford Street. Christchnrch. 3 (_) X G AXIS T. Applications are invited for the Position of CHOIRMASTER AND ORGANIST for The Mount Eden Congregational Church Salary Fifty Guineas Per Annum. Written applications to be addressed
C. K. PAT-ERSON, i l<s, .Strand Arcade. ! Auckland. I S A I, E S M B X i*J Highest remuneration offered to firstclass Salesmen handling the sale o£ our Afforestation Bonds. Recommended" by leading financial experts ns a gilt-edged investment. Personal npplicaUon to Sales Manager. New Zealand Timber Land* Lid l>2. Shortland Street. ' r)"j CSEVERAL GIRLS WANTED FOR PACKING. Apply MATCHES LIMITED, So, Jervois Road. rp AILOR ESS E S WANTED. FOR WAXGANUI. COAT, VEST AND TROUSER MACHINISTS AND TABLE HANDS. Permanent Employment. Good Wages. Fnre raid. Apply BOX 377. WANGANUI. 14 ~pO STRAW HAT MACHINISTS. Wanted : EXPERIENCED STRAW HAT MACHINIST, For Dunedin, (he Exhibition City. Good Wages. Constant Employment , . WARNEKS, LTD.. P.G and 38, King Street, Dunedin. 1THAMES VALLEY ELECTRIC POWER BOARD. CHIEF CLERK. Applications, addressed to the Chairman, P.O. Box 68. fe Aroha. will be received up to Noon of September 14. for the Position of CHIEF CLERK to the above Board. Conditions of appointment may be ol.tainerl from the Office of the Board. Te Aroha. B spRAOUKi IX . . . i {'. iji* Manager-Secretary,
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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752Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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