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MAIL NOTICE. THIS DAY. Tauranga. To Puke. Mntata, Papamoa. I'ongukuwu. Whakatane Opotiki and Hawken 1.8. 4.3U p.m. Wellington. Palmerston North. Hastings, and Napier (letters only), 5 p.m. Southern Offices of New Zealand (also Gisborne. letters). 5.30 p.m. ; Whangarei Hpads, Parua Bay, Oneraul, W'hangarcl. Kaino. etc., 7.45 p.m. , Whangaparaoii Oneroa, aud Shakespear, 1 1.8., T. 40 p.m. TUESDAY. Stli September. Turua, Paeron, Thames, etc., 1 p.m. Gisborne, Tukoniaru Bay, Tolosn Bay. Wiiipiro Bay. Ruatorea. Kahukura, and Te Araroa. also Lot tin I'oint. 3 p.m. Russell. Opua. Wbangaroa. Totarn. N., Kaeo, : Miingonui, Kaitaia, etc., 3.30 p.m. I AVeUiiicr!on. Pnlincrston North. Hastings. j and Napier tletters only), 5 p.m. i Southern Offices of New Zealand. 5.30 p.m. I Wbangarei. Onerahi. Kamo. Whnkaparn, I Kawakawa, Ilussell, Opua, Kaikohe, etc., I 7.4.J p.m. i OUTGOING OVERSEAS MAILS. Australian States, Ceylon. India, China. Japan, Straits Settlements,' and South Africa, per Uliuiaroa, on Friday, lltn September, at 0 a.m. Fi.ii. Tonga, Apia, and Pa?o Pago, per Tofoa, on Saturday, 12th September, at 0 a.m. Cook Islands. Tahiti. Canada, North America, West Indies, Great Britain. Ireland, and Continent of Europe, via San l-'ranciseo (to connect with Tahiti at Wellington), on Monday, 14th September, at "p. 30 p.m. Due London about 13th October. Great Britain. Ireland and Continent of Europe, specially addressed correspondonce only: also Pitcairn Island (per Tainui from Wellington), per Main Trunk, on ' Monday, 21st September, at 5.30 p.m. INCOMING OVERSEAS MAILS. 5..«. I'limaroa. due Auckland on "Wednesday. Oth September. 151 hatxs Australian mail, nnd 10 boss from beyond). R.M.s. Niagara, due Auckland on Monday. ]4th September. (English and American mail.) WM. J. COW. CliSef Postmaster. " THE AUCKLAND STAR." SUBSCRIPTION: WEEKLY (Delivered) Ninepence TWELVEMONTHS (Posted) £2 5/THREE MONTHS (Ported) . 12/6 ORDERS FOR REGUL. , R DELIVERIES MAY BE PLACED WITH RUNNERS AND" AGENTS. OR SENT DIRECT TO THE OFFICE. TELEPHONES : NOS. 42-123, 42-555. j COUNTRY READERS DESIRING THE " STAR " POSTED arc reqitcetcd to I Address to THE I MANAGER, "AUCKLAND STAR," P.O. BOX 1409, AUCKLAND. i FINDING JUST THii CORRECT WALLPAPER. I If you arc particular, .".nil want just i the Correct WALLPAPERS to provide • (lie perfect setting fur j-niir New Home i Decoration Plans, it nlways pays to ! go to JPHILLIPPS & IMPEY, LTD., : QUEKN STREET. j WHERE THE P.H; STOCKS ARE. A SELECT YOUR MUSIC ROLLS At the E. and !■'- over 11i.t>-;• ito choose from—with the hi tost ort'e:iuys arriving by every mail. Very reasonable prices enable you to set t<ij.'etli(>r a representative library of Roils for ;i very small mitlay. Spend a Icistiie hour selecting rrum our comprehensive xi<n-!<». J E. & F. PIANO AGENCY, LTD., f 'AUCKLAND'S PREMIER PIANO I HOUSE." 191. QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. D F ! o~r sig hi tesi' in G I You Cannot Do Better Thau Consult i T. PEACOCK AND SON, j UP-TO-DATE OPTICIANS. j l>lß. QUEEN STREET. I MR. .1. A. PEACOCK. F.S.M.C. i England, I ! with Honours). SIGHT SPECIALIST. I We Hlivo Cuiniiioilluii* Rooms. i i BEST APPLIANCES. Ample Selection of! i SPECTACLES, mill Kuxuru ACCURATE! ! FITTING. RD | j __ ': rp 11 E TO U T T X R T> O X. I PRICE LIST. . "SUNNYDAY - " <'huice>t- Creamery Butter. l/lli per 11». "GOLDACRE" First-grade Creamery Butter. I/I) per lb. (No boric acid used in the Manufacture of cither of these Brands). Finest Cheddar Ches>se 1/3 per lb. (You will enjoy this to the last morsel). Pure White Clover Honey. Screw-top Jars, 3/4 per jar: Coinpo. Pots. 1/2 per pot. "SUNNYDAY" TEA. No. 1 Quality, 3/ per lb : No. 2 Quality. 2/6 per lb. GUARANTEED NEW-LAID EGGS AND FRESH CREAM IN DAILY SUPPLY. Doctors and Other Discriminating People Patronise OUR MODEL SHOP. If you appreciate Quality and Cleanliness, If you study Health aud Economy YOU WILL DO SO. I You may Pay Higher Prices Elsewhere, but I you cannot obtain Better Quality. T HE B v T T E X pOX PRODUCE SERVICE. LTD.), 1. CUSTOMS STREET WEST ■ (Opposite Waitemata Hotel). MH '"DKOPERTY r\ W >" E R S. • THE ONLY CERTAIN WAY OF ERADT- ■ GATING BORER AND OTHEU VERMIN. Other methods may be pnrlinlly successful, but every Nook and Crack "of Walls, Furniture and Hangings, is reached when : your Buildings are Fumigated with • "pLADE'S "DATENT /"■< AS. i I This modern scientific method of exterminating vermin totally and permanently ' destroys Wood Borer. Bugs. Fleas. Spiders, Moths. Mice and Rats. Doctors and Sanitary Experts, as well as thousands of . private individuals, have tried Blade's Gas. . and unreservedly recommend it. Gas is . harmless to all furnishings. No building is ■ too small or too large to be treated - successfully. Inspections and Quotations Free. - INQUIRE TO-DAY. . "DLADB'S TJATENT /"lAS. T7IUMIGATING /"10., PREMIER BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. "Phone 41-173. AR /COOPERATIVE TREE PLANTING V-- , SOCIETY, LTD. NOMINAL CAPITAL, £30,000. The Society covenants to Plant 100 Forest Trees lor each £ 5 subscribed, on the Building Society Principle of One > Shilling Weekly. Guaranteed Security is given over iand, trees, building, fences, etc., under Trust Deed of Mortgage, in which the subscribers benefit ,- Pari Passu," and , Bonds are provided so that children and ' others will receive the proceeds realised in twenty years. RESIDENT SECRETARY. Acacia Bldgs., O , Council St., Auckland, i __ RD A«V. BRYANT (Successor to I". Bryant), i COAL MERCHANT AND CARRIER, Tramway Buildings, Lower Albert Street, aud Jervois Road. Ponsouby. , Telephone 40-679. C
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 6
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875Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 6
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.