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PTTBI/IC NOTICES. T> 0 A P C I* O S B D. O'ltorfcp Road is CLOSED to all vphienlar trsrfio durius repairs, until further notie<\ J By order. ONE TREE HILL ROAD P.OARP. 11 f> i '
i■ t x r. a n k r r r t c v. , j Ni»Mpp is h<-rphy jrivpri thru Divid'-tids n r f I ! now Payniilp in lin- uad'-nupntioni-d K^iat' , * |i>n ill ainmivivl Claims. Pri'mis.-ory \< ( ! f • i any i -.. ho prixlii 1 for endorsement prior 1 to rcoi'ivin.y I>ivi lor.ds : — 1 ' C'oniubo. Allirrt .lame-, of Poki>no. Firmer. ■ i I'irj-i and Final !UvM»nd »f -".' in tli<J i Pound. » Sransfip'.d. Rprnanl. of Pa proa. Fut*fSnpr, , : i--=i-: Dividf-nd of 1" in il>p TVmnrt. Jolin i'h.'.rli-s «nd Anion David. ■r:i,:;a-.- a.- "Advaru-p I>:ury Kiicir.'-pr? and 5;,.,., MPts: VWrks. of A'li&tand," Fir-r - ! J'-ri'Vnd ..f I<\< in the round. ■ ' Ko"lu-on. tianlpl. »f P'ltnriirn. r.ntraetor. t I K-r-- and Final Pivitfpnd «'■: •" '• in the c 1 \!i-.w"'Vli.r!-- Leonard, cf Opotiki. Pharpi> i ii'ilkpr. anil Final Pividpnd of ." v , 1 ; in tin , round ilnriitrirV WtiUnm vi,:.,r. of rannkura. - 1 '■ " Rn.,t t:i tniU-r. Firs! D'.vfilPntl of G in th« I'oiind. n C.uiMi ■<■!!. H»nry K'-'x-rr. of n.-irsrnviiv. l'.iwT-T. V\:>\ r'iviilrnil of -1 in th>' >' H:;n"'-r. i-harip*. of SnwnilJlpr. First ! Hiv'i'pml .'f ' in tlif I'tuiml. 1 ! nsilk-pr :-'iryr and Final Dividend of 1'■"! " ' in ih" ronnil. l i K<-ny \!p\ Cameron, of Awaklno, Farmer. ; First anil Final DlvWenU of 4d in the round. ' ... " Saundrr* Alfrpd r,pnr=p. of Waiotira. - ! Minor and r.atty. Kato-rt Edward, ol ! Aiirk'nnil. Ijilwiircr. Fir-t nnil Final i>iviil( in!- of .«.'..1 in tli" r.'-'nd. c Hnlford Kv.i Rnjsp l»liv». <>f Aiirklnnd. Draper iind Starioncr. First Dividend ut n j 1 r. In i!i" round. 11-!"-ki!i- I'rnpst ITrriT-y. of Orornhancii, s i Farr.ipr. 'First Dividend of 1 :'. In tbp " ; I'.iiind. 1 i Mnhr.n. (ifoiTr. y of "Nfetamata. ~ i Proiluc \f-r-hTnt. Sim-.iu , ! IMvidnnd of i ]/ in Hi ,l I'ourd. 1 BpnnPtt. Horiraiii Oorsp Morton, of Takas ' puna. StiirpViTiwr. Si'fOlld IHvidrnd of i i■' in Hip l'oniKl. ; Carlin" I>.in>-1. '•!' AuPklnnd. Buiidpr. Ftr*t ' : I 'ami Final Ulvi-l-iKI o£ 2, 7 in iho round, i Martin William Patrick, of Rotorua, Storp--0 k-<"-i'Pr. Fir<t Piviflcnd of 1' in Pound. I MrtrsMtroyil. Atihur. of Matam»ta. Motor liarnui 1 Propri-tor. Second I'ividpnd of (id in tlv Pound. Builpr VlPT.anilPf. of Karangaliape Roan. V.w'ron. s.o(.nd and Final Dividend of i;':; in iiip found. ''• Or.-]pr. Alirk tiporge. of AwaKPri, n_par
Whiikatane Farmer. First nnd Final Dividend of 1/ in th« Pound. Grsm Samuel of Auckland. Bootmaker. and Final Dividend of 4d in the Pound. Fletcher. Thomas Norton, of Tsurangn. Karnu-r. Supplementary Dividend of -id \u the Pound. Richards *W>'<>r;:e, of Auckland, Gentleman. First and Fiual Dividend of 5-16thS of a l I't-nny in the round. ■ i Sands Vrthur William, of Horntm, General i srnn'kcr-p'T. Supplementary Dividend of I :iirt in -tii" round. i Mark M;>te ..f Tauransa Pettier, First i and Final 'l>ivi'l<rirl oH 1/tf in the Pound. Moo Edward Johnston, of Takapuna. Commercial Traveller. First and Final Dividend n[ .Y',d in tlie Found. Trniil William Allen, of Whakatane. Storekeeper. First ami Final Dividend of 1 I-; in tli" Pound. ' gnninnTi-hy. .lames, of Maranku. ButoliPr, I " Fir-; and Final Dividmd of. 3/11 in the I IVr.nd. I Coward. Annie Doris, of Matata, Married i \Vom:in. Fir<t and Fiual Dividend of 3/ j in the i'ounil. I Baker. Ada Caroline. of Ranui Koad. ! Krmurra. Married Woman. Second and ■ ! Final Dividend of T'.rl in thf> Pound. i Me.ul. Leonard Edgar, of Mount Eden. Ruild.n. Firs: and Final Dividend of lid in the Found. ; i Walton. William Fr.x. of Walton. Farmer, Fir.-t Dividend of l/« in the Pound. " 1 Room- A. <;.. of D:ir~avi!le, Storekeeper. I 1 and Final Dividend of 1/ in the - I rr.un.l. ■ Mrt.e ;i n. Wi!ii:im Kentish, of Faeroa. "; Fanner Fir."t and F-iua! Dividend of 1/! in rhe round. i X..* TboiiMi.-" Kdwin. of Hinuera. farmer. Fi-sr and Final Dividend of \'l in the i I'.mnJ. . ! Adi-oek. Clifford Harold, of Auckland. r on- . i fi.-:loner. First and Final Dividend of - - i hi rhe I'onnd. Connt'il. Donald, of >r.i!incaruro-n. Farm»r. Si:pi>!"mentary Pivli'.end of 2d in tin* f..i;:i rT. ; Burke Nnrmnn Ivan I>iirhri(lce and F.lli = .T.i'-k I'arjnnp. of Auckland. Electrical F.nirinerrs-. IMr.-t Piridend of r>''i in tlie i I'llHTlll. riiarl'on Brn*.. of Rr.torni. >Totor Car Pro- ' prlctor; , , Fir-t Dividend of 1/6 in the '■ I'niiniT. ' rhri--t".il:pr. TTarold Alfred, of Warkirorth. Shoe Inij'orrer. First and Final Dividend itf :■: 7 in the Pound. Haxxrpil. T.. of Pukekohp. Storekeeper. First and Final I>ividend of 1/10 In the Pound. Baxter. William, of Opotiki. Farmer. First "r.d Final Divideii'l <>f Sd in the Pound. ; Frank Sidney, of Banritnn. Oountr i Kne':m»r. Kir-- and Final Dividend of I/: , , in tlie Pound. i Kprinz. Jnhn Joseph, of Ruatoki. Ptore--1 fce<'! , r Si'.pplemrntarj" Dividend ol lOrl in •i The" Pound. Caviil. of BomhaT. F.irmor. Third ' ■ and Final Divided <.f ?A in th" Pound. • : Markf. Harry Anrley. of Paero.n. A netioneer. ■ I Sneond and Final Dividend of 1 C in thI'ruipii. Grey. Edward Francis, of Katikati. Fanner First and Final Dividend of -i/2 in the
pounfl. So-ii-ii. nf iFnn~.-iTrni. Stor»keppor. First Plrlili>ml "f "i in the Pound. HartiifU. ? : tan! n y. nf TlianiP*. (tPD^rai Stnrfbepupr. Fir>r and Final Dividend nf ."i '0 in the Piiiinil. ?im-.n. M;ix Aspwns FJrdcl*T. of T» KuUi. fV.nfopiii r.rr. Firs; :>na Final Dividend of 0/31 in t!io Foiin.l. Pinmrs. I.r ; -!> V."il!;r>.ms. nf Rlnpkhouse Bar, Srnrpkorvrr. Fir.-t and Final Diridrnc! of in 0 in tho round. W. s. FISHER, ("iffi'-ial Assignee. Auckland. Tth Spptemhpr. 1023. Z5
LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. BAKF.K v."iintfil at en.-'-, take char;:' , ; i;aist I;;- (•omiH-icnt. -Wriie M. 3'M, ST A U. B»V tvaiuoii.—Ajipiy N.Z. FVture Sup- ;■!<■>. I.imire.l. Kowrr.i Fli'T. W'W I'.i'il ;i:i-s. tji'H.v St.. Awk :[;■■;. . nENIXU. BrlcUvun! Kamls il'i vranreil. mnrri.'.l :n«n with hnys preferred: hovis.. aci-ommoilatirin : reasonable rnnr. — Ari'ly l\v t:'lf]'hon«-. 1;. Uhfrfoni. Grans-r Pii-irk- ami T' ! " <Yi.. U'h;rlnnl_ . _ Vosr Ham': sr-ad.v job.—Jack oriffin. ■!(T,vl> Hi.. IV::-"i'i.y. •— / i IKK for light diirle*: must h» V.T cnpahl" and f.mJ »f children—inqnijv ' (•<!■!. r= (-lr:hr-- I'mhrc'.la. Lily Xj • '-i ■ fanirci-ir. in-ITT.- Park; reward.— j T . ft.. Hfj.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 5
Word Count
1,010Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 5
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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