Smith & Caughey Ltd* Remarkable Display of Beautiful Designs and Colourings During a recent visit to England, France and America one of our Directors selected the Newest and most fashionable materials from leading manufacturers in those great silk-producing countries. As a result we have a very comprehensive selection of beautiful Silks, so that ladies who appreciate refinement in material and colouring for their new gowns will find no difficulty in having their requirements filled here. Early inspection of the remarkably fine displays in our Silk Department and windows is advised. All goods marked at, Lowest Cash Prices. Among the New Silks now on display are the following: — Fancy Crepe de Chines, in the dainty floral designs that are so popular in Paris and London. Floral Georgettes, one of the most fashionable silk materials for frocks, in the newest effects as worn by smart Parisians. Ombre Marriette, new shaded effect for evening and house gowns. Broche Crepe de Chine, in all the newest colourings. 34-inch Figured Shantungs, for frocks, jumpers, and trimmings, in all the most popular designs and colourings. Liberty Shantungs, in numerous attractive novelty patterns. Check Marocains, for smart frocks. Black and White Effects in Marocains, Crepes de Chines, Georgettes, etc.; all the vogue in London and Paris for day frocks. Fancy Toile de Soie. a new French washing silk for summer frocks, smart coloured effects on white ground. Crepe Dorea, the latest effect .in crepe de chine; good heavy weight for useful dresses. Spots are the latest vogue in Paris, and our selection of silks with spot effect? comprises Crepes de Chines, Foulards, etc.; also stripe and . spot designs in Crepes de Chines. Plain Fuji Silk, heavy weight— 29 inches wide—2 11, 3 6, 3/11 yard. 36 inches wide—4/1 5 6, yard. Fuji Silk, in all newest shades— 29 inches wide—3/11 yard. 36 inches wide—s/6 yard. See Window Display Patterns.—A splendid selection of the new Spring and Summer -i-jsigns is now obtainable at our Butterick Pattern Section, adjoining the Uress Department. Butterick Patterns are very easy to follow, and enable you to make up any garment on the least amount of material. Auckland's Great Shopping Centre i ■ ~~ MAZAWATTEE £| Competition ROY WAKELIN, Standard 1., Whau Whau Valley. VIOLET GOFFIN, Standard 11., Grey Lynn. KATHLYN WILLIAMS, Standard 111., Edendale. ALAN PHILIP, Standard IV., Heme Bay. ISABELLE SCORRINGI, Standard V., Onehunga. CLIFFORD PARIS, Standard VI., Mount Eden. A Canister of Delicious " MAZAWATTEE Tea " will be sent to each of the above. Next Competition Closes December 15th, 1925. Boys and Girls! Use "Mazawattee" Writing Pads and Exercise Books. You may win a prize for mother. OBTAINABLE AT ALL STORES. 1 " : '"" DO"" YOU "REALISE JUST WHAT ATTRACTS | i THE GREAT PURCHASING PUBLIC ? | QUALITY! J ~ ~ /-netomer's eye "when he sees your well- Hi If quality unconsciously strikes >our customer s y , ■ i l -i i Circular, Billhead, rnce List, etc., ne •;; your tot Sll be of *nd~ Hi^uaKty. Let us put you on the high road to extending your busine*. by muans of | quality printing. . j;j Our service is unique and comprehensive, orgamsed on the most up-to-date | lines, and based, on an experience of over 50 years. || Rinr 42-234 *nd we .kail L= happy *• «cad our reprmenUtive jjj to talk it over and *W« any help and information required. |{| 5Hi? Irrtt 'printing $c $ttblioljmg (En., %tb. | Shortland Street Auckland^^|
Page 15 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 15
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