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LAST DAYS In 32 Departments Be sure to arrange a shopping visit this week when many Bargains in Oddments, Footwear, Millinery, Frocks, Materials, Toilet Requisites, Remnants, Men's Wear, Maids 9 , Children's, and Ladies' Apparel, Furnishings, etc., are offered at - FINAL CLEAN-UP PRICES. — Everything t Reduced A Sure Economy MUj El and worth-while to in every purchase. M _' %. shop at the J,C.L. \ "star attractions." f 24-inch Purs Linen Dowlas Toa Towelling. Jgr tml. A heavy, cjurnlilf- q.uiility. warranted all , ■ "■ li'.ien, ■■" pri'cM -f-o create ;i liri.-R . . —-» r:_ a ] Star Attraction Price, TO-IKORnOVV, £r Rarvnln rinai ..._. i/- the yard. tsargain Week ■ , /_. , . • .„...„, .„ Basement ,-. v Ladies' "Roslyn" Shetland Knit "All-Woo! /Km . , r , of -' •■ Nightdresses, In Cream, .-Ky. Helio.. and £Pf \ aSueS £4/4 '- £ iliicV'-iiu:irtei ??fievc; sol't finished srar- ,n Saving B mom. to sive satti'rwtluu.iu every- Household On Mf Star Attraction Prioe, ' Goods Jensen-Moore M 12/6 each «l the talk Pisnos mo c m » «» b *9tk of the at 75gns. # frOm 9tO 11 S.m. Only. \ Town. # Mailorders no. ecccp^d^^r- Sui At.racbon " Pnc t % 11 Guaranteed M Comparison bytheJ.C.L. M % Invited. V "Always Busy' , Auckland's Leading Drapers and Furnishers you liy *' m your e P are *'"'*» t0 p'** th * fvjtßrJßSr plane with diitinction and eate. 'B Af , t" TIJ T* You can • ctua "y i» rn in « few hours to ■ a Sat 1 ■ P' a V simpl* tunes, *c; in ordinary, and M"% ■ w fTjßr NOT patent, ndiuic; in one month you H I I JBt may master * nc! P'*y cer thirty beauti- ~ * £ 4f? ful selections, and rapidly be able to play >r jy t U nt, read any music, and entertain yourself, your family, and your friends. It's a Shame YOU CANT PLAY the PIANO. I^J^S •VVhen a little gin or OJ years learns, OF. PIANOFORTE INSTIUCTION WILL treble. Surely tills l*njoet.satisfactory Jbome. inaL ieeK S . J " piny Z %s<&. AT THE n»r . UiU.^^^l^l^^ piano—when a β-fiitirrrian or SO yfars WORLU. It will open up opportunities —(Mrs.) A. L. Howard. Penneshaw. surprises himself anU hi* Mends by Ills for ;i musiral career lor thousands, and Kangaroo islanfl, S.A. r 3plrt nrnirrooc v- ™ „,„,,:.,:.„ ~.■,'„„ .. i< cndni sod by thp most capable pfanomusician—wnrr nI- ( 6| . ti . |s ;iIK] tutors AS evtaence or "Your MetHod IS very easy lo underlarmers wjre living- scores of mile* tbP value and simplicity of the Arkins' stand, and I am Pfofmsm* much more ■from a town learns by post In one montli Method, note these reports:— rapidly tnan r anticipated. Learning- i> to play thirty pieeos or bea.nirul music "My rtJuirhtor. Rita, is only cl years, and %J F^\ irn PL c *[)% s \V ° P "' —wbon a locomotive driver l,ocoine-4 a rminot read, so I help her all I cnn. Wo crow s .n.s.w. m a «t»- „■„„, '. „ ' ', are vi-ry tileased iviin what .-lie na< don---. -What people liave done tlious^nds it's p U11? " t ,n lnis *Pari> time. — tiwn shl , Knows all tlie notes, counts very o r tftMors liuvp done, thousands are do 111 R- " s a sh.irnc r<jr you nut in nr nbl ,, to wli. knows the nxerciser. and likes the to-day, tliousaiids will do to-morrow, W'y •?■«• pianu as weir Arkins' lessons very mud). Plie plays And YOU can De onp of tliem: For tlie T h . • ii'inif. Swept ll'imi:' vifitn Tiotn li.iridc. same opportunity that enabled them to mere is nothinsr exceptional about iliVsc understands tlie treble ciof and bass cu>r. become capable pianists is now open to People. And ye, svriruv, surely, easily, ;I,KI Knows tlie lines and spaces In the yon: jjlfy and thousands ~;■ otliors have round piaytns- the piano better than T A 1 W™^ 'hoy haa o V .-,- r!r.Hiincl it wns possible. 1 KIAL 1J B^ Row they nre ;,j,| o to contribute ,i real IT| ir r"OC«/%1i.Tn ■ ' ■'-■'. shar^owar ( .s tr.e or LESSONS * M^MmUMmmd tneir. leisure hours are lilled Willi , .-. ~,. Sfnuine musical pleasure, r/d they have no not put this paper dorni without sending- ror the 6 free trial lessons. "last achieved a cherished ambition. ' and lull details-of our amazing- Special Offer.; The trial lossons will be your key / levvonc ''errui new mo.thori which enabled to a successful musical-training—a source-of inspiration and instruction—they them to succeed so admirably is the win interest you., and opOJl.your eyes to thC-.WOnders Of tne-'ARKIKS , SIMPLIFIED Qiscoyery or a liriillant young- Australian, METHOD—and they will clearly prove to y6u that this easy, practical method IsMp. K. D. o. Arkins, and has been dcvei- jjased entirely "upon regular' Standard music,'reveallnj at last the speedy path I ft. opea by Him in collalioration with Mr. success in learning-, at home, to play the .jpWaoV. only a iimited edition Q-.Vern Darnett and Mr. \V. o r these New Free Trial/Lessons available, so Eej\d,'at-"once, to be sure.Qr getting: or Australia's most capable artists. a set, Pimply-forward. j-aur:namc and adiir«|'s' > ': ; and enclose 3d. in stamps, for Salp C ' S n ° " -from the uiiiver- jiostage, to " • . ■* i. - 53~r1~3 ARKINS PIANOFORTE ACADEMY, ' a form nr exceed:njri.v monotonous 3314, DERIWENT HOUSE, 284 Castlereagh Street, corner Uverpool Street, SYDNEY.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 15
Word Count
829Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 15
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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 15
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.