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SOCIAL JOTTINGS. Mrs. Edmiston. of Takarnina. is visiting Cambridge and is the guest of Mrs. Smales, Highgate. Miss M. Lempfert, of Wellington, is visiting Auckland, and is the guest of Mrs. Twohill, ?hortland Street. The Misses Murphy, of Gisborne, who have been visiting Auckland and wore the guests of Mrs. It. Burns, have returned home. Mrs. C. Thomas and Mis? Matson, who have been in Auckland, staying at the Grand Hotel, have returned to Christehurcli. Master Bernard K. Fergueson, the younger son of the Governor-General aud Lady Alice Fergusson, arrived in Wellington by the Ruahinc to spend a term's holiday with his parents. He will be present at the marriage of Miss Fergusson to Major L. P. Haviland, his- Excellency's military secretary, which will take place quietly early in ; October.
The subject uf enough sleep aiul rest was dealt with in Dr. M. Staler's recent lecture i r> thp W.F..A. stressed the fact that mothers habitually stint the jirowina child of full rest aud sleep by allowing lati! hours, night entertainments, and homework to he done late ivt uiaht. Recent experimental work in KnglanJ and America has shown that To per lent of children got insufficient sleep, and that their powers of attention and retention in their school work Mitfer in csart proportion. Dr. Staley pointed our th. , nocd for a mid-day rest for all children under six years of age. and described the nurseries established liy school authorities in England (to replace infant classes), in which tin , child is expected, simply to sleep, play and cat. In this connection she advocated
;! cheap hoi mid-day meal at the school* j to replace the unsatisfactory cold j IniK-kes or s\\eels now taken by the children, for whom indeed it is really essential, the speaker said. With voluu-1 t.-er helpers tv distribute it during the' lunch hour— ou the. Birmingham plan— | this scheme is very economical, and no strain on the teachers. j Writing from Durban. Somli Africa. Sister Charlotte Matthews, formerly of I Xew Zealand, states that the South African nurses are struggling hard to get co-operation, and will no doubt in time become a well organised body. There appeared to be a lack of some recognised head to the profession, such as one director of nursing under the Health Department. Durban Mas growing,' rapidly and Sister Matthew.- noticed a big difference since her arrival there two years Madame Curie, of Polish birth, has been given thp Freedom of Warsaw, and on the same occasion laid the foundation stone of a Radium Institute in the city, previously. Mrs. Morrison is the lirst woman barrister tv practice in New South Wales. She has been warmly welcomed by the hiiprcme Court, particularly by mcn —such n« the Hon. J. A. Browne. M.LA.—who have taken a prominent part iv securing reforms in the law as it affects women and children. Mrs. Morrison is a good speaker, and is doing much good work socially for the education of her sex in matters of citizenship. * 'fhe Bill tv enable women Reercfceee to -it and vote ill the. House of Lords was rejected on its second reading by la. very narrow margin of two vote*. \ itI count Astor pointed out that if women wen- competent and could qualify to sit on the front bench of the House of Commons, it was ridiculous that they should not ho allowed to occupy even a i back bench iv the Hous« of Lords. It ■i* evident that this reform cannot be I too lonir delayed.
ENGAGEMENTS. j I The engagement is announced of Miss | Mildred Celia (Milli). daughter of Mr. j and Mrs. J. C. Devitt, of "Denore."! Epsom, to Mr. W. K. Ranfurly King, of j Rcaiuera. Auckland. _ j Tlie engagement is announced of Mjss | Joyce Stevenson, only daughter of j Colonel and Mrs. J. Preston Stevenson, j "Kyrewood." Parnell, to Mr. John Biu- I ning. Kclbuni. Wellington. I WEDDINGS. The wedding was solemnised at St. Matthew's (Anglican i Church, Morrinsville. on Wednesday of Mi** Alfredn ( Ellen Buckland, only daughter of Jlr. i and the late Mr.. W. .T. Buckland. of | Mount Eden. Auckland, to Mr. Edward ; Pearce Xorman Bell, eldest son of Mr. ! and Mrs. J. .\. M. Bell, of Morrine-j villc. The bride wore fawn moire l bengaline. draped at the side and re-,' lieved with blue, and fawn pailette silk ! hat with touches of blue, and carried a ; bouquet of primroses, daffodils, violets; and . asparagus fern. The bridesmaid.; Mis? Kthel A. ■Robertson, of Hamilton.! cousin of the bride, was frocked in shell . pink crepe de chine, worked with bluf. ■ shell j)ink georgette hat, relieved with blue, and carried a, bouquet similar to that of the bride. The best man was Mr. j Jack Bell, brother of the bridegroom. Aj reception was afterwards held at the! i residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vowles, j I Piako. Mrs. Bell, mother of the bride- '• ] > crooni. wore a grey coat frock, black hat ' j and brown marabout: Mrs. E. A. Vowles. ■ ! knitted frock with Oriental trimmings;; I Mrs. F. Boyes (Aucklandi, navy coat; frock, navy" hat: Mrs. D. P»obertson.! (Hamilton">. bine jersey silk, black j beaded; Miss W. Robertson (Mercer".; nigger brown gabardine: Mrs. Beck j fWaibil. biscuit crepe de chine; Mrs. • ■J. 8011, navy: Miss Jean Robertsonj I ! Hamilton i. blue crepe de chine: Miss! • Rona Vowles. pink crepe de chine. i "AT HOME" AT THE UNIVERSITY; COLLEGE. j Tlie. president of the Auckland j ! University College Council, the Hon. G. \ : Fow-lds. and Mr«. Fowlds were "At i i Home" to members of the council aud ; of the etaff and their wives iv the j College Library on Saturday evening. J In the course of a felicitous address 01 ; i welcome Mr. Fowlds said it was hoped \ that these gatherings would become an I annual fixture, enabling , members of the council and staff to meet one another i SGoialSv. This gathering was in the I nauire of a farewell to the building, for . ', by the time the next one took place Ithev. would be in their new home iv , ! Princes Street. The evening was spent • jin conversation, interspersed with innsic !by tlie College orchestra. i LYCEUM RECEPTION. ■ A very large and enthusiastic iueet-1 ing of tbe mtmbers of the Lyceum Club j took place on Friday evening to wel- j come back lo Auckland the president, i Mrs. W. H. Parkes. who haa been travel- j ling in Europe ior the last fifteen \ \ months. Miss Melville, vice-president, i occupied tbe chair, welcomed Mr?.; Parkes on behalf of the executive and members, and explained how greatly please.l th.-y all were to have her once atjain at, die head of the club ir.anagel mrnt. ' Other speeches o£ welcome were Igjveii by Mrs. M. McCallum, Tepjrtißat-
ing the dramatic circle: Mrs. W. J. Brookes, arts and crafts; Miss Alice Lavr, musical circle; Mrs. Kapsou, welfare circle: Mrs. Garlick, gardening circle; I\lrs. Palmer, luncheon committee; Miss Reid, on behalf of the delegates of the National Council of AVomen; Miss Wallace, dance committee; and Miss Janet Murray, house committee: and also from the bridge circle. Miss De Camp. In replying briefly. Mrs. Parkes thanked all who had ma do her home-coming so warm and enthusiastic. and the members generally for the manner in which they hod supported the executive. iShe also especially thanked the vice-presidents, who had been i:i charge during her absence and paid a high compliment to the enthusiastic and tactful secretary. Mrs. Tomlin. who bathe welfare of the flub jo much at heart. During tl'C evening a sonnet of welcome. written Ly Mrs. Laide Cooke. was recited by Mrs. M. MVCalhnn. who also pave "La France."' Songs were pi yon by Mrs. Anstiss and Mi-s E. Millar, and a recitation by Miss Wallace. Mrs. Walton and Miss Axford wen , accompanist;-. Sapper was then served, and a i very pleas-ant reunion closed.
WAIKATO NOTES. Mrs. K. H. Hammond, has returned home to Hamilton from Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac Donald. of Wellington, were in Hamilton during the week. Mesdames Coats. Cook. Mi>s Jackson, and Sister Hannah, of Auckland, stayed at Grand Central for the annual conference of the Women* National Council. Miss Johnstone. of the High School stafl has returned to Hamilton from a three months" visit to Australia. Mr*. Fraer of Christehnreh. win a ;| t
Brighton during the week. Mi*> Amy Shane and Miss Welch returned to Wellington by the Limited <m Thursday night. Mis-j Newbijjen. r>i Auckland, was the guest of friends during l!if> annual conference of the Women's Xational Council. Mrs. E. IT. (I'Menra. of Hamilton, is spending a holiday a". St. Holier'-'. Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Cardalo have returned to Christelmrcli from their visit to Hamilton. Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Moore, who were in Hamilton, have returned home lo Wellington. The members of all the circle? of the Hamilton Art and Crafts -Society met on Monday afternoon at 11 io club room* in Milton Street. The literary circle were responsible for the arrangement-. The rooms were decorated with daffodils and demati". J. M. Barries play "Rosalind" was presented, those taking part in the reading were -Mo--dames W. J. Stevens. H. Valder. Meljville Bell. Mrs. W. J. Steven* aU«. read an excellent paper on the works ot •7. M. Barrie.
Ah enjoyable dance was held in thp assembly hall at the Hamilton High School on Friday evening. The decorations wore done in the school colours (red and blacki and looked very effective. The hostesses were: Mrs. Eben. Wilson, rich black- and silver frock: Mis Farc)uarson. gold lace. Members of the staff present were: Misses Wyatt. jade velvet: Storry. green georgette: Watson orange maroeain: Mahony. cream net: Gordon, pink georgette: Brash, tango SRtin: Johnson, blue satin Dancing was indulged in till
11.30 by * large number of pupils of the girls' and boys' sides of the school. A dainty supper provided by the teaching staff was laid in the science room, tho tables being decorated with liniaras and daffodils.
On Thursday evening at "Edingthorpe." the home of Mrs. H. "\ alder. the members of the Hamilton branch of the Council of Women entertained the visiting delegates at an "At- Home.' , The billiardroom was pay with bowl? of primroses and purple violet? and narcissi. Mrs. Valder ' wore a blue frock. with Oriental embroidery: Miss M. Vaicier, rust marocain. Mis, Kane, of Wellington pave an address on Washington, -which was very interesting. Delegates present were: Auckland. Mesdame- B. (adoux. -T. Cook. G. C lO ats. Snowden. KitW. Sister Hannah. Misses Ba?ton. E. Melville, f=. Jackson. Xewhigen: Wellington. Mesdatnes M. Ford, Moose. Mi = -e= Kane i Dominion president 1 . Welsh: Christehurch. Mesdames Robert-, fardnle, Fraer, Miss Lovell- , Smith: Dunedin. Me.sdames Bownie. A-liii. Sidey. Alexander, Miss Powell: Hamilton, Mesdame; V. Cliitty. W. •'. j Steven-. 1.. Sinclair. If. Biiley. F. Bul-U).-k. C. 11. Hnllowav. Ferjjuaon. Dr. de la jM.ivc. Xieholi-. The ( laudelands Ladies" Guild organised a "sift" afternoon, which was held !in the hall in Thames Street 0:1 Tuesilnv. A musical programme, arranged by Mr.-. H. C. Cross, was contributed to l>v Mestlames -T. McKinnon. M.-Mullin. Morton. s'isses W. Manliins-. 1. Andrew-. M. The following ladies were present: Mesdame- Clayton-CJreene. K. J. S. Gray. r . Bla>-kl.vk." H. T. Oillies. H. C. Row. F. 1.. T.uxford. Colin Speiffnt. M.-Cnhe. Wlii:.■!■■>. -T. T. Brown. Currie. Trnut-lifi-k. -I. Barn eh. A. B. Whyte. D. Hay. OrilTit'.;!:. H. I" , . C'uvle*. Houlden. A. •'. Srorev. Presentt. Lewis. Wilb'ams. H. ( hesterman. V. A. Knell. McKenzie. Cronvall. Pros&er. A. Wvau. C. Xewell. R. Bennett. >. Simmons, H. Hudson. F. Battley, J. McKinnon. F. A. Quick. T?v>idv' li. \"aldpr. AVeatherlea. Roy. Mander. T. Hewlett. C. Smith. H. Valder. Xnnier Smith, Misse- Oreen. Daldy. Andrew. M. McKenzie. Manning. 'C. Whittoii. Xewell. A. MePherson.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 13
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1,957WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 13
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WOMEN'S WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 13
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