•j 'Amber ; TipsFINE TEA-C&bnsfcst i i Why? Because —every leaf of "Amber Tips ,, is fine tea. Because — fine tea is the choice pluckings of each crop—the leaf that has not matured too quickly or too slowly — the tea that is richest in fragrance and flavour. Because — "Amber Tips, ,, being fine tea, is beneficial to your health. Medical authorities condemn coarse, inferior tea, so often sold loose, as being injurious. /kIHD6F FINE TEA "Tips ,, <&*** est One pound of "Amber Tips" makes as many cups as a pound and a half of inferior tea. Eczema rears Gtarlstcburcb Man's Striking Testimony as to the Efficacy of Germolene In cases of Chronic Skin Trouble. Mr. F. A. ROGERS, formerly of 8. Stanmore' lto»d. . Linwood. Oiirietchurch. New Zeaiand, and now residing »t Tn* Str«*t, Walbtrton. near Arundal, Sutsas, testifies »« Mlowe :— "■ Germolene has cured nir coni- __—_____—•_>->•— liletoly of IODg-standinjr eczema (12 years). Tbe trouble* appeared first in my arms, ami Vac Germolene for latterly in ray Jetfs. The irritation was intense, i could r- R».h.. I>»™ I°™ tJl " e P latM eoineLimes, and tbu eruption was Eeitma, nasbif, of guch h nature that scratching made the surface r&w. Ulceri, Piles, Itching, On my flnerere tiio trouble led to creeks in the akin Cut» and Burnt. Which ieerned to penetrate to the hone. No preparation ij' Jr. ..niien. that I used did any good uotil I «ot Germolene. and Skin Eruption!, t J» t » ootbe( i » t once. Indeed tbo rash disappeared so Ringworm, Chapped rauidlT that in a fortnight or three woeke I was oomHand», Chilblaim, pietely cured. At the present time (two years later) and all Itohine or there It uot a blemish ou nay akin. J Ulcerated SurfacM. SOOTHES AT A TOUCH ! PRICES IX MEIV ZEAKASD.i t,'» awl .M- Of <M chemixLt en>i stores. Addrtts all communications to Ihe New Zealand Depot, Salmond <£• Spragaon. Ltd., Box 662, 0.P.0., Wtlhu'jton. The Aseptic Skin Dressing M FURTHER SUPPLY NO^AVAILABLE B I "ST. GEORGE" COOKERY BOOKS I H Contains gver tSO Special Reetp« not published in I I fH ny # h r eeekjjpjr »•*«—til thiVli.-winn.rt from hDbt ■ 1 SF/~ I JAM CO., LTD., Dunadln. ■ 5,000 COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION B I
Page 12 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 12
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