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« The annual spring floiver nbcuv. promoted li.t the Methodist Undies' C.-.iild. took place on Friday, in the Town Hall. There was a rooi] display, narcissi exhibits 'lifting especially fine. Tbe committee, witb Mrs. U. V. Williams as secretary, are to be congratulated on the result. Mr. K. Allan, of Muokland. was ju'l(je. and be complimented exhibitors on the quality of blooms. l-'ollowiug is tbc prize-list.:— Narcissi.—Twelve varieties, one t>? cuc.h: F. M. Shepherd. 1. Six varieties one of pach.-I' , . M. SbepUerd, 1: C. E. Healey, 2. Tiiree v»riptips. oik* of each: F M. Shepherd, 1; C. E. Ilealey. 2. trumpets, sis varieties, one of enoU: Mr. K. M. Jri'.pphord. 1 I,ong trumpet*, tbrpc varieties, one of each: Mr*. V. J. Williams. 1; F. M. Shepherd. 2: M. »;.' lirown, 3. Loug trumpets, one biooin: Mr?. V. .F. Williams. 1: A. Healey. 2; I- , . M. Shepherd. S. Bicolour trumpet, six varieties: Mrs. 0. .[. Ilosking. 1. Bicolour trumpet, throe iari eties: F. M. Shepherd. ]; S. K. Healey. 2: .Mrs. C. J. Hoskinp. 3. ricdium trumpet, six varieties, one of ea<-li: F. M. Shepherd, 1. Medium trumpet, three varieties, oue of c:icn: 1". M. shepherd, 1: Sire. V. .1. Williams. J. Medijni trumpet, one bloom: F. M. Shepherd, 1: Mrs. MeGwen, 2. .Short cup. -«ix varieties, one of Karri. lucoinp. F.eedsii: F. M. Staepuerd. i: f. K. Healey. 2. Short cnp. three vurietjps. one e:ifli of Barri. ln'.-i>nip. Leedsii: Mrs. .I. E. Hpalpy. 1: I". M. Shepherd. •-•; Ml*. \'. J. 'Wiiliams. 3. Sbort cnp. one bloom. Barri. Inconip, l.erdfil: F. M. «liet>heni, I: Mrs. C. K. Healev. L , : Mrs. MoKwen. •>. Double, three rarieties. one of each: Mrs. McEwcn. 1 Double, one bl(,om: Arrs. McKwcn. 1: Mr. M. 0. Brown, 2: Mb. (.'. .). Ilosking. ?.. Polyanlhiis or bunch fiowerpd. three varieties, one Of cacb: P. M. Shoplii'id. I. Polyanthus or inmch flowered, one rariety. three heads: Mrs. C. K. Healey. t. l'oeticus. one bloom: F, M. Sbei>herd. f'bampion Bloom. — Novice class. 12 blooms, any variety: M. G. Brom>, I: Jd'-k Mr-Naiißhton. 'J: Miss Elsie Bell. 2. Cut Flowers. — Rhododendrons, tbre* trnesc«: Mrs. K. A. KUld. 1. (Jamplies. tUrep blooms: Mrs. V. .1. Williams, 1 and 2: Mrs. ti&ichc\ov. :i. Hy.-icin%B. three beads: Miss McNaughtvUi,' 1. Hyecinths. one beaO: Mrs .1 MvDouald, I. Nemesias. als trusses: I Mrs. .). McDonald. 1: Mrs. C. K. Healey. 2. Xemesias, three tnisse.«: Mi-fl. c. .f. Ho*kins- 1: Mrs. H. M. Barribul). 2: M. G. Brown, 3. Frecsia*, six heinds: 11. G. Brown, 1: Mrs. K. A. Kidd. 2; Mrs. C. J. llosking. S. Cinerarias, three trasses: Mis. J. McDonald, l Anemones, sit "Wuonis: Mrs. «.'. J. Ilosking. 1: M. G. Brown. 2. Ranunculus, six blooms. Mrs. C: J Hoskinj;. 1. t.'yolanien. sis blooms: Mrs. .1. Douglas. 1. Cyclamen, three blooms: Mrs. E. A. Kidd. 1: Mr?. J. : Douglas. 2. Stock, three trusses: Mrs. J. ' Douglas. I; 'Mrs. .1. McDonald. 2. P-im- ; roses, six blooms: .Mrs. K. A. Kidd, 1: Mrs. • tlosUlng. si-n.. 2: Mrs. 3. Douglas. 3. Poly- , anthus. six heads: Mrs. K. A. Kidd, 1: Mrs. . F Fitcbett, 2: Mrs. MeKwen. 8. Pansies. ' three hloonis: Mrs. K. A. Kidd. 1. 2 »W\ M. Violets. 12 'blooms: Mrs. 11. Fltchett. 1: . Mrs. K. A. Kidd. 2: Mrs. .1. McDonaifl. 3. other variety, not scheduled, two b.O.mis: '■ Mrs. W. L. West. 1: Mrs. J. 2. ' Collectiou of spring flowers, twelve e&rie- : tios: Mrs. W. 1,. West. I; Mrs. E. A. Kuld. , ■' Collection of spring flowers, six varlei lios- Mrs. Brttcbelor. 1; Mr?. Ilosking. sen.. I 2: Mrs. K. A. Kidd, S. Put Plants. —FrceMas. l»t«t l>loom: Mrs. -MuKn-en 1. i'.'y«.4ameu. ulooio: Mrs. Ml-Ewcu. l: Mrs. C. K. Healey. 2. Bastfet laitbeaeiia: Miss Iloskiug. 1: Ml*, ii. I"-- -' Heaiey " and ::. Siiecinieu foliase: Mr«. < • X tleale.v. 1: Mis. McEsreu. -'. Sp«-ume« flowering: Mr*. McEwtu. 1. Auy other pot iilaut: Miss U. Wiight, \. Decorative.—Bowl or daffodils for effect: Miss J. McEwpn. 1: Mrs. W. Hoskin;. 2: Mrs C. .1. Hoskiug, ;'.. Vase of flowers f" 1 effect: Miss D. Wright. 1. Decorated Table: Mrs. C. K. -Heaiey. 1. Decorated table 1 (novices): Miss Una Children's Classes.—l 3 years and nnfler. - ' Basket, for efle.-t: Miss M. Langtou. 4. Miss Iris Mcßwen, 2. Buttonholes, two: f Misses M. IJinstf>n. 1: J. MoErt-en. J. Ladies' sprays, two: Misses .1. McEtven. i: • 'M. I.anaton. 2. Spring flowers, fclx varieties, one of e:>.\h: .T. McEwen 1. DafCo(sil!«. ' six: Master P. Shepherd. 1: Miss J. MrKwen, 2. Xiac years and liok-s. tv.-o: Misses li. MeEweti. 1; M. Henley. 2. Spriua flovrers. six varieties, one oi i each: Miss M. Healey. 1. DaffoGils. six: : Masters G. Shepherd. 1; MUs B. M^Rwen
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 12
Word Count
769WAIUKU SPRING FLOWER SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 12
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WAIUKU SPRING FLOWER SHOW. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 12
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