CONSTIPATION "THE BEGINNING OF ALL DISEASE." How a tasteless but -wonderfully curative compound of natural mineral salts cleanses the system of all impurities. Constipation invariably means hotly I and intestines vlren the latter are choked. poisoning and has even been termed the one « annot "reasonably expect a main contributory cause of all disease. , j.;, lv pj]i P or tablets to affect a quart or Clogged intestines mean that the stomach i mo " re o f f 00( i j n the stomach, and to clear is deprived of an outlet so cannot digest j out a OQ-foot- digestive tract. If a W the food, which must therefore sour and , g ra ,i ns o f niedicine arc powerful enoiii:ii ferment. Also mucous rapidly collects, [ O irritate even the bowels into e6nvuls ; .\» especially the mucoue resulting from tne an( j unna tural movements, then the reaflow of digestive juices into the stomach tion mus t .be powerful enough to greaMv during the night. When the digestive j , YC aken thu system. That is why more ferments eanot escape, gastric and intes- an( j n)Ort . o f drug is required <-t i tinal catarrh and other dyspeptic maiii- jj mc y OU ia ] iP ~ dose." Instead of usin_' festations always ensue. 'I hen the liver nauseating or salty tasting medicines and kikdneys succumb to the overstrain try ilriiiking each morning for three day-, to which they are subjected, poisons in- a half-tumbler of water in which a level stead of nourishment arc absorbed into tcaspoonful of Alkia has been the blood, rheumatism, uric acid ilis- dissolved, ami then, note how this j.evordors. kidney or bladder trouble, and end- j fectly tasteless and refreshing drink less complications next result, and all this i was h' PS a ]j impurities out of the is simply from neglecting constipation, stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, aji.l although the true cause is seldom sus- entire digestive tract.' It combines vrithpeeted. Constipation means that all-the in itse if an CXiV . t nrtilieial reppoducttoii fligoetive and aseimilative organs become ( -urative principles found fouled with impurities, which m turn re- . . ' r suits ill bad blood and lack of nourish- '" tlu- waters of seven world-famous ment. A fire cannot burn without a mineral springs, and being a standard draught. Food cannot digest in stomach compound any chemist can supply it. foe uoull use |; y\ enough, , / ,-. ijUfeSft^' I '^^! * . Apples aid the digestion, purify the C\Oj\ i7l£}T£@ blood, and clear the complexion. M± m JWJ% How luscious and refreshing they are APPLES °° fy& An, Apple After Every Mealx "White Wings" Romance of the Sailing-Ship Days* Mr. Henry Brett's popular articles in i botik form. FIFTY YEARS OF SAIL In response to numberless requeata the series of articles on the old sailing-ship days that have been running through the Auckland " Star," has been published in book form, and makes a very handsome souvenir of a picturesque period of colonial life. Fifty years of sail in the N.Z. trade from 1850 to 1900. I Over 300 ships recorded. ■ Vessels that brought out the Pioneers. Yarns and anecdotes of the clipper ships. II 11 Price: 10/6, Postage Bd. " White Wings >p is now published. I ON SALE AT ALL BOOKSELLERS, or at the Office of the BRETT PRINTING CO.> Shortland Street - Auckland I
Page 10 Advertisements Column 2
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 10
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