1 JUNIOR MATCHES. ' SECOND GRADE. Somervillc 4 (Hartlgan 'J. Newsliam I, Don I), beat Epiphany :.i (Hoverd -', Hewitt 1). Somervllle met with strenuous uppoeition in their eouteet with Kpiphany, which was played ou n sticky ground. • linrtlgan . opened f'omervllle's account , with a beautiful centre from Max- , well. So6n afterwards Harticim euoi ceeded in connecting with a ball from l the corner. The other goaln were shot by ! NewKham and Don. For Epiphany Hoverd scored ihe two first goals, and Hewltt the third, which was the result of a miss 'by the goalie and last following up by ' the forwards. Both tennis were unlucky in not /Hiding to their scores. PlayJe ftnii Hoverd both having a couple of attractivelooking openings, which they fnileu , to utilise. j FOURTH GRADE. I Waitemata 4 (McOovern -. Hamilton 2). beat St. Paul's 1 (Martin). ! Training College A 7 (Mather S, Inglis 11, Graham 1), beat Stanley 0. Somervllle •". (Douglas 2. Dunn 1). drew with Grammar :.'. (White 1, Adams 1). I Areta r>, beat Mount Eden 'J.. I '" "* ! LADIES' MATCHES. j SENIOR GRADE. Mount KtffMi drew with Mount lidon (Juniors) 4. • Training College A 7 (Misses Lemari 15, Moore 1, Steele 1), beat St. Cuthbert's i (Miss Dodds). ■ Waitemata i , (Mi»« McGill.l, beat Interliouse 1 (Miss Juddj. JUNIOR GRADE. Training College A 8 (Miss T-Jrigjrs), beat. Y.W.C.A. A 2 (Misses Rftisher and Withers). WAIUKU GAMES. WHIKI WHIRI WINS AVERV CLP. The final match iv the ladies' competition was played on Waiuku cround, between ! Waiuku A and Whirl Whirl teams. The • game proved a very good one, defcpito. the i unfavourable wenther conditions. The first half was fairly oven, with Waiuku holding the tipper hand, but no score resulted.- In the secoud spell Whirl Whirl net up a hot attack early, aud D. McDonald netted. Some time after. M. Brown added another point. Waiuku now livened up, and from a good passing rush I. Moiklejohu netted. Thus encouraged, Waiuku made a great effort to equalise the scores, but time was called with the Score: Whirl Whirl i! goals, Waiuku 1. For the winners. A. Smith. N. Codlin and D. McDonald were the pick of tho backs, and M. Brown and O. Masters the best Of the forwards. For Waiukn, £.. Hill. goal, played a great I game; B. Christiansen, full-back. aud L. Watson, half, gave sterling displays, in the forwards. I. Mteklejohn. P. Oldham, and N. Plavell were the pick. Referee. Ilev. C. Keudon. The following is the position of the teams at the end of the competition :—Whlri Whirl 21 points. Waiuku A 20, Onewhero 20, I'nkekolie H.S. Old Girls 18. Moukii 17, Aka Aka S, Patumahoe 5, Waiuku B 3. TE AWAMUTU V. OTOROHANGA. Teams representing Te Awamutu and I Otorohanga Ladies' Hockey Clubs met in ; Albert Park. Te Awannitn. on Saturday i afternoon, and after iul indifferent display I Otorohanga won 'by 3 goals to nil. At Whanearci on '.Saturday the Whantrrtrei Reps. (2) beat Auckland Training Coijoge (1). after a clogely-eontested even same. Play on both sides was patchy, owing to rough ground and driizliog vain. Scorers for Wbaujarei Reps, were Connell and Hewlett. For Training Collogo, Brown was responsible for one goal. j GIRLS' INTER-CLUB MATCH. _____ (By Telegraph.—Press Association.j ! GISBORKE. Saturday. The ladies' inter-Island match resulted in a. draw, each elde scoring two goals I
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 10
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