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THE RANFURLY SHIELD. HAWKE'S BAY'S GOOD. WIN. ~ TWENTY POINTS TO ELEVEN. ■ WELLINGTON, Saturday. The Kanfurly _ Shield match, HawVe"« Bay v. Wellington, was played at AthleticPark to-day before Ihu largest crowd since Ihe English watch of 1904. the estimated attendance being over 20,000. The weather was almost perfect, hut the ground was slippery as the result of a heavy shower this morninp. The teams received a great ovation on entering the field. Hawke's Bay won the toss and played with the sun behind them, and the slight advantage of the cross wind. Wellington pressed from the start, but Hawke's Bay benefited by a free kick, when the holders' backs were set in motion. Tho Wellington rearguard broke in ou the movement, and after this there were a series of loose rushes, those by Hawke's Bay being well saved by Walters. During tho play between tin , forwards, Mahoney, Ilie. Ha'wkes Bay lock, was hurt, aud was replaced' by Swain! .Tust afterwards Wellington hustled the Bay. who were compelled to carry back. From the resultant scrum Hawke's Bay got possession, and Mill -set off, pansins to Falwasse.r, who kicked past the Wellington full-back and regained possession, to score a great try. Iryine failed to convert. Hawke's Bay . :\ Wellington o , .ShortJ.v afterwards Nepia failed with a penalty kick. Wellington set up a hot attack, which had Nepia bustled. From a line out k near the Bay line Wellington brought further pressure to bear, but Paewai managed to clear. Tbe kick, however,'was weak, and Svenson marked in front of the goal. Svenson equalised the scores with a good kick. Wellington :; llawke s Bay :; In subsequent l'lny the shield holders made strenuous endeavours to regain the lead, but the local players smothered well •to keep Hawke's Bay clear of the danger territory. Nepia and Grenslde were each unsuccessful with penalty kicks. In Hawke's Bay's attacking movements the forwards combined with the backs in passing, only to lind Wellington's tackling deadly. On one occasion M. Brownlie. Oemmell. Ormond, Mill. Corkill and Paewai all participated in short quick passing. Wellington temporarily held up the advance, but the Hawke's Bay backs got to work again, and dashing play, in which a knock-on passed the notice of the referee resulted in Corkill scoring, the scorer's kick being poor. Hawke's Bay" c, Wellington :; The play continued in the Wellington half for some time, though the Bay advances were not polished. Eventually Wellington took a new lease of life, several : attacks carrying them close near the Hawke's. Bay line. M. Brownlie was penalised and M. Xicholls landed a splendid goal. Hawke's Bay r, Wellington 6 Willi this turn of events excitement ran high. In the final minutes of the mm 11 Hawke's Bay made strenuous efforts, and were on .the point of scoring when penalised for offside. Just afterwards Falwasser missed.with a pot the spell ending Hawke's Bay ■ • r, Wellington (j Wellington made a dashing attack im- : mediately after the interval, but the Shield • holders came back In passing bouts, which . were broken down. Loose piny, however. ' resulted In Bluke scoring. Irvine failed goal. Hawke's Bay maintained the pressure and Wellington were hard put to it in staving pit two particularly vigorous rushes. This task over, Wellington "made better ' territory, only to tlnd that entry into the . Hawke's Bay twenty-five wns nil exceedJ ingly difficult manor. Wellington were. . penalised, but. Nepia's kick from out in , front of tho goal was pnor. I , lay became . hard again, and Walters and l'newai had ,to retire through injuries. They were re • placed by Tilyard and Barclay respectively. , The Hawke's Bay forwards continued to l press hard, but when it came to 'he back* ' the movements were smothered. At length '■ M. Nlcholls made a great breakaway, aud • kicked past Nepia, with the result that, Hawke's Bay had an anxious time defendc ing their line. Wellington, however, were ; full of determination, and linally the backs ' were worked successfully. FVom Warwick ? the ball went through Nicbolls and .Tobjiaon to Svenson. who cut through to score. Nicholls goaled. placing Wellington in the lead. ; Wellington 11 i Hawke's Bay 9 Play was now as strenuous as it could ! possibly be, and mostly in neutral territory, until a cross-kick by lllyard pro ' sented Hawke's Bay wHh a line opening. '■ which was accepted, a passing bout ending 'in Swain scoring near the posts. Irvine converted. Hawke's Bay 11 Wellington H 111 further play Hawke's Bay's strength told acftinst Wellington, and the holders' forwards succeeded in forging their way through the local defence, Swalu scorlnsr. Irvine failed. Hawke's .Bay 1~ Wellington n The ensuing play favoured Hnwke's Bay, and just on time another forward rush resulted In a try. M Brownlie being the scorer. Grenside failed with the kick, aud the final score was Hawke's Bay -0 Wellington 11 Mr. Atkinson was referee. TO PLAY HAWKE'S BAY. THE AUCKLAND TEAM. NEXT SATURDAY'S GAME. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.i WHA>'GAREI; Saturday. The following team will play the Hawhe"? Bay representatives on Saturday next: — Full-back: Goodacre. Three-quarters: Mattson, Lucas, Olsen. Fivc-eJ.ghtbs<: Cooke and Sheen. Half: Wright. • . ... Jlover: Keene. Forwards: Front row, Lomas. I'almer; second row, i>. Knight. A. Knight. McWilliams; back row, Batty and lUghton. Reserves: Backs, Hook. McGregor, McManus, Broderlek: forwards, Gallagher, Webber, and Sorcnsou. All players must be lit the Tonsonby shed at o'.ZQ 'p.m. on Monday. REFEREES THREATEN TO STRIKE. •BECAUSE OF PRIVILEGES WITHDRAWN. A special threat of a strike by ihe referees was meutioued at a meeting or the Wairarapa Rugby Union by Mr. a. &• Hall, who reported that members of the Referees' Association were very grievea because their usual privileges had been suspended for the New South Wales maten on Wednesday. He. hinted that if tuey were excluded from free admission, a strike might eveutuite. Mr. H. T. Tilyard (acting chairman) explained that tho union was guided by the New Zealand. Union, whose instructions were that all privileges were to be cancelled. He was surprised at the attitude ot the referees. Mr. E. McKenzie deplored the threat ot a strike. If the reTerces took that extreme stop he would come out himself and referee two matches in an afternoon. Ho said he would interview tho authorities in Wellington on Saturday, but he did not hold out many hopes for the referees' demands being granted. He added that manr other good workers for Rugby had also -to forego their privilege for the match. BALLISTITE CUP. Despite 'boisterous weather there was a fair attendance at Te Awamutu to witheSH the final for the Ballistlte Cup, between Te Awamuau and Pironsia Seniors. To Awamutu only fielded thirteen men, but had the lietrer of play for most, of the game. In the last quarter, however, Plrongia scored a. lucky try and right on the call of time ticked a penalty goal, winning by Cto nil.; Ilev. 11. White refereed
POVERTY BAY V. EAST COAST. iHjr Telegraph.—Press Associatlon.l OISBORXE. Saturday. I'oveity Bay 24 beat East Const S in a : .match played here to-day. •••β-ma
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 10
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1,159RETAINED. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 10
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RETAINED. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 211, 7 September 1925, Page 10
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