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AUCTIONS. UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OP NEW ZEALAND AT AUCKLAND, AT THE REQUEST OF THE SECOND MORTGAGEE, in exercise of the Power of Sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage Registered Number 114505. AT A O O'CLOCK NOON, ON JjIRIDAY, (SEPTEMBER AA 1925. PROPERTY SITUATED IN RANGITIRA ROAD, BIRKDALE. O Tfl T3ENNETT, AUCTIONEER, Has been instructed to Sell by Public Auction at his Auction Room 3, New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, on the above date, ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF • LAND, situated in Rangitira Road, I Birkdale, in the Provincial District of I Auckland, containing FIFTEEN ACRES j AND THIRTY-THREE PERCHES, more or • less, being Lot 3 on Deposited Plan No. : 461 of Allotments 139, 140, and 2fiS of the i Parish of Takapuna, and being all of the I land comprised and described in Certificate jof Title Volume 183, Folio 250 of tbe Land Registry Office at Auckland. The property is situated handy to motor bus terminus. Erected thereon is a well-built dwellinghouse of 3 rooms. Over 100 well selected apple trees (5 to 7 years old), and a few poorman orange, lemon and plum trees ate growing on the property. The Mortgagee's application and estimate of the value of the mortgaged premises may be seen at the office of the Registrar aforesaid, Supreme Court. Buildlnjgs, Auckland, at all reasonable times prior to this sale without payment of any fee, and a copy of such application, containing the estimate of value referred to, may be seen at the Auction Rooms at the time of sale. Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be inspected at the Auction Rooms aforesaid. (No. A 47) 6 J7IRIDAY, SEPTEMBER A Q 1925, -| O NOON. AT N.Z. INSURANCE BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. pROPERTY. /~IITY pROPERTY. WYNDHAM STREET. Close to WYNDHAM STREET. Queen Street. FREEHOLD SECTION. 34ft Sin frontage FREEHOLD SECTION. 115 ft 6in deep, FREEHOLD SECTION, running through FREEHOLD SECTION, to Mills* Lane at FREEHOLD SECTION. rear. TOGETHER WITH BRICK BUILDING THEREON. TERMS: £500 CASH. Balance 3 years at £500 CASH. . <5J per cent. SPECULATORS' OPPORTUNITY. JHPSOM. TWO FRONTAGES. BUCKLAND ROAD, Running through to Hollywood Avenue. Immediate Possession. SUBSTANTIALLY BUILT HOUSE, of 7 rooms and offices, in fair order: gas, ' pore, bath, range, etc. Outbuildings include motor garage, washhouse, etc. City drainage now available. FREEHOLD SECTION, with lS4ft frontage to Buckland Road, by a depth of 303 ft (measurements approx.), and cou- ; tuining approx. IJ acres. TERMS.T-Cash above present first mortgage Of £1000. /V *p< JSENNETT, AUCTIONEER. 3 (No. A 55) UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR AND AT THE REQUEST 1 OF THE ■\.<nnmn.\ fIV>V. I— IB— arriep - nf Hie
- Power of Sale -contained in' Memorandum of Mortgage, Number 10S051, Auckland Registry, J-RIDAY, THE "TtfTNTH J)AY OF /"VCTOBER, 1925, AT -1 O O'CLOCK NOON. 0, F. B ENNETT Will Sell by Public Auction, at his Auction Room. New. Zealand Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, on- the above date. ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND, situated .in the Provincial District of Auckland, containing 2 roods 6.3 perches, being Lot 14 on Deposited Plan 6646. beins Part of Allotment 10, Section 2, Parish of Takapuna, nnd All the Land in Certificate of Title 277/130, subject to fenclnc covenant In Transfer No. 02492 and to Memorandum of Mortgage No. 85730 to the President of the Auckland Savings Bank securing the principal sum of £1200 and interest at 0J per cent. The above is the property "Castlereagh," formerly known as Cheltenham College, I situated at 48. Vauxhall Road, Devonport. Buildings comprise a 2-storeyed , residence containing over 20 rooms and" tower, divided into flats, concrete foundation, slate roof, electric light, gas and sewer drainage, kitchenettes, bathrooms and conveniences. Insurance, _1750. Tbe Mortgacee's application, containing his estimate of Ihe .value of the said Piece of Lind can be seen at the Oflice of the Registrar nt all reasonable times prior to the Sale, and a copy may be seen at the Auction. Room at the time of the Sale without payment of any fee. For particulars and Conditions of Sale, apply to the Auctioneer or to Messieurs Buddie, Richmond and Buddie. 6, Wyndham Street, Auckland, Solicitors for the Mortgagee. ___ 2_ gALE BY "VJORTGAGEE. UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW ZEALAND AT AUCKLAND. Acting at the Request of the Moi-tgagee, M R C. F. B EXXX:TT Will Sell by Public Auction at his Auction •Rooms, New Zealand Insurance Company's Bupdings, Queen Street, Auckland, on J-RIDAY, THE fiTH JYAY OF /*\CTOBER, 1925, AT -J f> O'CLOCK, NOON, The following Property, namely, ALL THAT PIECE OF LAND, containing five acres more or less, being Lots Numbers One and Two of a resubdivlsion of Lots Numbers Fifteen and Sixteen of a subdivision of Allotment Numlber Fortynine, of the Parish of Manurewa. The property is situated in Robertson's Road, Mangere, and comprises five acres of good land together with a residence of five rooms and outbuildings, all constructed of the best materials and consisting of washhouse, copper and tubs, bathroom and garage. Connected with the house and outbuildings are two four hundred-gallon water tanks. There is also on the property a three-bail milking shed with concrete floor and a bore and pump from which excellent water can be obtained. Motor buses vow regularly pass the house. The mortgagee's Application " and his estimate of the value of the land can he seen at the office of the 'Registrar at all reasonable times prior to the sale, aud at the said Auction Rooms of Mr. C. F. Bennett at the time of the sale without any fee. Particulars and conditions of stile may be seen and inspected at the offices of the Auctioneer aforesaid. New Zealand Insurance .-Company's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, or at. the offices of Messieurs ENDEAN AND HOLLOWAY, Endean's Buildings, (First Floor), Queen Street, Auckland. A 56 BR. HALL'S Famous Capsois, price 12/6 Package, post free. To ensure getting genuine,, order direct from Sole Agents, Bridge Drug Stores, Chemists, 3, Karangahape Rd. (at Grafton Bridge), Auckland. D
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
Word Count
1,002Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.