AUCTIONS. TORNE STREET. J.ORNE JJORNE QJ T R E E T. j "TTALUABLE TyAREHOUSE QTTE. | TTALUABLE YT7AREHOU'SE QjTTE. 25ft Frontage to Lome Street and a Right-of-way of 12ft Bin by a depth of 92ft, opening out at a depth of 50ft to 50ft x 42fc. TOTAL AREA 3350 SQUARE FEET, exclusive of Right-of-way. with TWO WOODEN COTTAGES ERECTED THEREON. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION On TjTOIDAY, SEPTEMBER "j C, AT NOON, AT OTTR AUCTION ROOMS. LISTER BLDG., VICTORIA ST. E. T>fCTHE'RFORD, T>OBINSON AND A USTIN, j AUCTIONEERS. 10 WY N V A R D QTREE T, V X YARD © T R E E T, WY N V A R D QTREE T, V N V A R D £5 T 11 E E T, CITY. CITY. C I X Y. C I T Y. i ,i AJESSRS. T»UTHERFORD, TJOBINSOM AND AUSTIN Will Sell at their " " AUCTION ROOMS, LISTER BUILDINGS, VICTORIA ST. 13., On T7ARIDAY, OEPTE_3BER C}K AT NOON, A WELL - CONSTRUCTED TWOSTOREYED HOUSE, KNOWN AS : NO. 5, WYNYARD STREET, consisting ot : eleven bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, washhouse, and a ode-roomed 'building de-. tached, used aS a bedroom. The House is well furnished as an Apartment Boardlnghouse. AN IDEAL POSITION, WITHIN A FEW MINUTES OF QDEEN STREET. The Property will be offered as a 'GOING CONCERN, and if not sold will he offered without the furniture. THERE ISA GOOD INCOME TO BE MADE OCT OF THIS, AND THIS RESERVE IS VERY LOW. 4 queen qtreet—r\u_en cjtreet ueen Street Street QUEEN QjTREET—j"\UEBN CJTREET ueen Street—v_ueen Street queen cjtreet—/"\ueen cjtreet ueen Street—**ueen Street queen cjtreet—/"kueen cjtreet ueen Street—*c»ueen Street auckland, auckland; the heart of the city, the heart of the city. the centre of queen street, the . centre of queen street. on the business side.
ONE OF THE. VERY, FEW BLOCKS WHICH CAN BE BOUGHT TO-DAY IN THIS VALUABLE LOCALITY, Will be Offered by "VJESSRS. JJUTHERFORD, JJOBINSON AND A USTIN, AT THEIR AUCTION ROOMS, Lister Buildings, Auckland, i BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On gEPTEMBER OQ AT _ PM - gEPTEMBER OA O P.M. THIS VALUABLE BLOCK OF CITY FREEHOLD has ft frontage of 42 feet approximately to Queen Street, by a depth of 105 feet approximately, with a TWO-. STOREYED BRICK BUILDING erected thereon, with TWO SHOPS, at present leased by Messrs. Lewis R. Eady and Son, Ltd., ana Messrs. C. H. Kingsford and Co. Situated below Messrs. John Court, Ltd., and just above Messrs. E. Porter and Co. rpn- SITUATION IS 'UNDOUBTEDLY THE SITUATION IS UNDOUBTEDLY THE HUB OF THE SHOPPING AREA. THE HUB OF THE SHOPPING AREA. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR INVESTORS. INVESTORS. INVESTORS. , INVESTORS. Further particulars and plans from the AUCTIONEERS : JJUTHERFORD, JJOBINSON, AND A USTIN, LISTER BUILDINGS, AUCKLAND. P.O. Box 616. - TTKnu-R THE CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT AT Auckland;at the request of THE SECOND MORTGAGEE in exercise of the Power of Sale containedl in Memorandum of Mortgage No. 132699. pRIDAY, 2* D OCTOBBR'0 CTOBBR ' 1925 ' AT -J O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON. qMITH AND TTALCOMBE wm "Bell by Public Auction at their Auction Mart 10, Winstone Buildings, Queen sJreer AncklaW on the above date, iA^k^^Li^tLW^th^land •2S?*_££! 4? rft_ l*eri« 9 ir fook in the ■?I_d F Tr_o2ter°o_S at Auckland, together at the Edendale tram.terminus, and tea ****** <4? at 50 feet by an average depth of 112 "felt. The section is well laid out in lardm and lawn*, with paths of concrete and 9 is level and dry. The property will be sold subject to Memorandum of Mortgaga No: 11 securing the "payment of the sum of £500 and interest thereon at tbe rate of £7 10/ per centum per annum. The application of the Mortgagee containtas his estimate of the value of the in erelt of the Mortgagor in the™'tf.f£<* premises may be seen at the office of the Registrar aforesaid at all reasonable times prior to the sale, and a copy may be seen to the Auction Room at the time of sale without payment of any fee.. v _,„__, Particulars and conditions of sale may be inspected at the Auction Mart aforesaid or at the office -oft the Solicitor for the Second IMnrtea-ee. Mr. John H. V. Manslll, 30-31, National Ban- Buildings, Shortland Street Auckland. - I<f
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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