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AUOTIO-C3. tWokport and takapuna J} RESIDENTS. R J_TD..| AT "4. ROSLYN TERRACE, - OF p CALLIOPE ROAD, DEVONPORT. j -tjONDAY JSTENIT. -jjj NOON. instructed by the Owner, we will Sell ns * Above. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EFFECTS. BLANKETS AND LINENS. ■STTTING ROOM—7-Piece Leather Suite in splendid condition; Occ. TaMes, Carpet ' squire, Hearthrugs, Curtains and Cushions, P !t!KDROOMS. — Dressing Chests and Tables Single and Double Bedsteads, W. Wovw Bedding, Blankets, Sheets, Quilts, Pillow Slips, Art Tapestry, Square, Linoleum Bookshelf. Table Runners, Pedestal r.vhlnets A.B. Chairs, Congoleum Squares, BnoLs Hall Runner, Slip Mats, Curtains, r«mh Chests, Washstand. TaTCHEN.-Table, Couch, Chairs. Con-.J-nm Hearthrug, Pictures, Singer SewSTacbine Rimu Sideboard, B.P. Mirror, rVlnner Ware, Glassware, Crockery, AlumU 2nm Saucepans, Steel, En. Pots and Pans, j mStri-^inm. Gas Iron, Set Potts' Irons. Foot Bath. Enamelware, Pyrex Dishes and : SUndrie i 2 NOON, MONDAY NEXT. TERMS CASH. '•• J. r,"e? bertson '- AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. 5 TIONSONBY AND HERNE BAY , P RESIDENTS. T K. R°^* TSON ' L TD - At No. 1, ST. FRANCIS DE SALE STREET, Near Blshopscourt. New Street, College Hill - Trams. j TTTEDNESDAY, gEPTEMBBR j -j-j O'CLOCK SHARP. Favoured with instructions from the Owner, j who is leaving for England, we will Sell, as above, the CJUPERIOR JJIURNISHINGS, OAK AND KAURI, JTT7ILTON AND A XMINSTER /CARPETS. pLAYER piANO, 150 ROLLS MUSIC. Details: ,-pLAYER PIANO (Marshall Wendell), in A first-class order, iron frame, excellent tone, with 150 Rolls Latest Music, including. Jazz; 1 Exhibition Mantel Shelf, solid ■ ' oak, B.P. mirrors, leadlight cupboards, a beautiful piece of work; 1 Oak Settee Squab and Cover; Solid Oak Kerb; Axm. Carpet ■. Square. 16 x 15, in good condition, blue shade; Ext. Dining Table, 2 leaves (kauri), Oak Music Case, Oak Book Case, 5 Pairs ' -_Net Curtains, first quality; 1 Pair Velvet "Curtains and Vallancc, 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite, in Figured Damask, Ind. sprung ■ fronts; Oak Occasional Tables, Pedestals; ■ Triangular Settee in English Walnut. DINING ROOM.—Massive Solid Oak Side- ■' •■' board with B.P. Mirrors; Wilton Carpet, 15 x 13, beautiful pattern; 3-Piece Chesterfield ■ Suite, in Moquette; Oak Writing Bureau; 2 Pairs Chenille Curtains; 1 Valuable Armenian Rug, in Silk, hand-made, Round Dining 1 Table-; Oil Painting (Pilcher); Madras Curtains; Easy Armchair in plush covering; 1 8-Day Mantel Clock (cased); Fire Screen; Pictures (engraving); Thermos Flask; • Electro-plate Teapot; Spirit Kettle, Trophy Cup, Vases, 6 Oak Dining Chairs. HALL.—Carpet, Wilton, 12 x 10. good . order; Hat Rack, B.P. Mirror, Antique Metal Table and Jardiniere, Linoleum, 7yds '*■•"'. Runner. Rocking Chair. : --'- BEDROOMS.—Beautiful Design 4-Plece Oak Suite, Massive Wardrobe, Dressing Chest; Ped. Cabinet and Double Bedstead, in dark shade, as new; 4-Plece Oak Suite, in latest pattern; Cheval Dressing Chest, Wardrobe and Cabinet. Rd. End Bedstead, • Wire Woves, Kapok Beddinsr. Pillows, Massive Overmantel (shaped): B.P. Mirrors, in ■ - white enamel; Linoleum, Bedside Rugs, Pictures. Dressing Chests, Oak Shaving Cabinet with Rd. Swivel Mirror. , KITCHEN AND YARD.—Linoleum. Elec. Iron, Elect. Toaster, Plate Rack, Table, Chairs.- 12ft Ladder, Glaze -j Elnes. Chairs, |
"viu _niier. uasKs. vacuum Cleaner, Pair ~- ,: -StepSi Couch, -and- Sundries. / '-•■■» on view morning of sale. :,"... "; IWEDNESDAY NEXT, SEPT. 9. ~" " " ; TERMS CASH. J. JJ; JJOBERTSON, JTD., •" : AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. ft-! T R JJOBERTSON, JTD., I | J. R. J_TD., j ■"■ QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. } UNDER CONDUCT OF THE REGISTRAR OF THE SUPREME COURT AT AUCKLAND, at the Request of the Mortgagee, in Exercise of the Power of Sale contained in Memorandum of Mortgage Number 86004. JIRIDAY, QCTOBER Q 1925, ;',:.;-,:, AT . .2.15 P -~" JfVREEHOLD, PROPERTY, situated in A Tauhei, 11 miles from Morrinsville, and 22 miles from Hamilton, comprising 253 acres and- 6.6 perches, of which approximately" 112 acres are easy rolling ■-■■.. country, all ploughed; 96 acres carrying a .good sole of English grasses; balance approximately 141 acres, swamp country, ; .00 acres of which are well drained, balance partly drained. Drains have ah excellent i n?J Pr °Pe r ty is subdivided and fenced. • -Here is a six-roomed House and bathroom, ...etc., also washhouse and man's rooms, an in good repair. J J> JJOBERTSON, . -Will Sell by Public Auction, at his rooms, King George Theatre Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland, on the above date, { A LL THAT PIECE OF LAND, situated * i . in the Konsa korau Survey District, con- • taming 253 acres and 6.6 perches, more or . i CBS . being Lots 5 and 6on Deposited Plan . Number 1243 C, which piece of land is por- •; • • tion of a block situated in the said Survey ■ District, originally granted to the New l , Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Com-" • Pjny, Ltd,, by grant dated tbe 20th day of July, 1876; and is part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 250, *0110 6S of the Register Books at Auckland. . T 1 ::. mortgagee's application, containing his estimate of the value of the land can be seen at the office of the Registrar at all ..reasonable times, prior. to the sale, and a copy may be seen at the Auction Rooms -, at the time of the sale-without payment -.. of fee. •, Condi 'ons of sale may. be inspected at "the- offce of the Auctioneer or of the Mortgagee's Solicitors, Messieurs Stanton, Johnstone and Spencc, O'Connell Street, Auckland, from whom further particulars m .ay be obtained. 1 JV)R SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION. Notice is hereby given that the under- ' Mentioned Lands will bo offered by Public •Auction, at this Office, on THURSDAY, September 17, at 10 a.m. Full particulars Obtainable ou application. CROWN LAND. . CASH OR DEFERRED PAYMENT. ■fJIOWN OF pAPAKURA. 'LOT I—lßo Feet Frontage to Great South ,- ' Road. Upset £150. W)T 2—82 Feet Frontage, adjoining Lot 1. Upset £100. ' LOT. 3—Bo Feet Frontage, adjoining Lot 2. i • Upset £100. Sections situated about half-mile from Railway Station at' junction of •Bye roads. Suitable business or residential , . Bites. , . JfJDUCATION JJESERVE. ' LEASE FOR 21 YEARS. LOTS I—lo PART SECTIONS* 163/4, .;■ • ( Titirangi Parish. Areas from 1 . ■ ■■■ Rood to 1 Acre 20 Perches. Upset ' • half-yearly rental from £1 to £3. .' . ••■..-Situated in Myers Road, 11 miles from • £T°n<lale Station, close to main road to Blockhouse Bay. Level to undulating, all v 'heen, ploughed and grassed. "High lying, and command good view. Suitable for resl- . -flentlal purposes. H. J. LOWE, ■ - _■ ' Commissioner of Crown Lands. . qorth Auckland Lands and Survey Office, ■; fC Auckland, 4/9/25. 01
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
Word Count
1,018Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 7
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