AUCTIONS. "DUILDING ALLOTMENTS. ■pPSOM ■ -pPSOM. BEST PART, Acting under Instructions from JOS. AMBURY. ESQ., who has subdivided a portion of his well-known property in LIVERPOOL STREET, off Pah Road, WE WILL OFFER AT AUCTION, AT SALEROOMS, OPP. TOWN HALL, ■VTONDAY, SEPTEMBER AA AT -J -I A.M. rT \ LLOTMENTS. rr A LLOTMENTS. i-T \ LLOTMENTS. EACH 50 x AVERAGE DEPTH OF 170 FT. With Frontage to LIVERPOOL STREET. off Pah Road, 4th on right from Greenwood's Corner, 4mins. from Onehunga tramline. Buses pass within balf-minute's walk. EASY. TERMS. SMALL DEPOSITS. Plans can be obtained from Auctioneer. TJICHARD ARTHUR, J_ TD -» LAND AND FURNITURE AUCTIONEERS, OPr. TOWN HALL. 28 "\TONDAY, SEPTEMBER AA AT A-1 A.M., WE WILL OFFER BY AUCTION, AT OUR SALEROOMS, OPP. TOWN HALL. Q 771 ARMLETS. £> J^ARMLETS. O TTAARMLETS. E ACH OF JQ A CRES. A DELIGHTFUL SITUATION, WITH WARM SUNNY SLOPE. GLENFIELD, LENFIELD, ON THE MAIN ROAD FROM BIRKENHEAD AND ALBANY. Daily Bus Service Passes the Property. Public School and Post Office about 1 Mde. £50 -Deposit. balance easy payments. Full particulars from "DICHARD __TD., AUCTIONEERS, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. & TL/TONDAY, SEPTEMBER -J^ AT "I-I A.M. , ,:*' -La- $k%.* FOR POSITIVE SALE. TJESIDENCE OF rj JJOOMS. DIVIDED INTO TWO FLATS. VALUABLE CORNER SECTION. DOMINION ROAD AND BRENTWOOD AVENUE. THE Property is situated just over the Railway Bridge, on the left side. No--44. A good Investment; now is returning £6 6/ per week. Very low reserve. Buyer to make own arrangements re finance. Cards to view from "DICHARD A RTHUR, T TD., LAND AND FURNITURE AUCTIONEERS, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. « TN J")ECEASED TESTATE. JTRICK T7-ILLA T)EVONPORT. Acting under instructions from the> Public Trustee, as Executor of the will of J. I. Vlbert (Deceased). IVTONDAY, CIiPTEMBER -J A AT __L A M NO. 73, VICTORIA AYE., 2nd road.on the left off Lake Road, after paasing the racecourse. FINE HARBOUR VIEWS. Frequent bus service. NEW BRICK villa of 4 rooms, pantry, bathroom, elec. light, gas. water, sewer drainage. Insurance, £750. SECTION, 33 x 102 ft sin; level. Immediate possession can be given. Deposit £200, bal. 5 years at 6i per cent. Further particulars from T3ICHARD \ RTHUR, T TD., LAND AND FURNITURE AUCTIONEERS, OPP. TOWN HALL. 30 R". RUCTION. O QPLENDID "DUILDING INVERNESS AY.. DOMINION ESTATE DOMINION ROAD. EACH SECTION 66FT x 132 FT. Practically on Main Concrete Road. Buses Pass and Easy Walk to Trams BY AUCTION, AT OUR AUCTION HALL, HIGH ST. T7TRIDAY, (SEPTEMBER -I-J 1925, AT -j P.M. . . . ff| TERMS: £50 DEPOSIT. ?£' Property Flagged. ?*®f JJORNE, JTD., "THE LAND MAN." REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE, 10, SHORTLAND ST., AUCKLAND. 1 g V AUCTION. "DUILDING SECTION, GLADSTONE ROAD, MOUNT ALBERT. DEAUTIFUL FREEHOLD BUILDING XJ SECTION. 56 x ISO. level. Beautiful views. Situated few minutes from Mt. Albert trams. Buy this Section, build your own. home, and live in the most ideal sur»°m n A l }?* T° be ' sola h >' Public Auction, AT OUR AUCTION HALL, HIGH ST.! PRIDAY, gEPT. 1025, AT P.M. £50 DEPOSIT. 'property Flagged. TTORNE, T TD., " THE LAND MAN." Real Estate and Auction Service, 19. SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. 2 J_EASE FOR 21 YEARS. JJOUSE, pONSONBY pOAD. JfIRIDAY, gEPT. -JO AT 9 P.M. j gAMUEL AND gONS, J_TD., In rnnv??TT by . the AUCKLAND CITY I«„,i IL * wUI offer f °r Lease by Public „„ „! on ' *,* their Rooms. S3. Queen St.. on above date, the following property :— \O._Sl, PONSONBY ROAD—HOUSE of ' hoiiee 00m . 8 ' ami - attic rooms : wash- ' Voni' i e V" * p(> tion. 33ft frontage, by depth Section 00. City of Auckland, t0 be for 2l ' vcars wUhoUt lea^e r oM er Particulars and conditions of lease on application to the Auctioneers. 0
Page 6 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 6
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