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SHIPPING. QTEAMSUIP HO., T TD. Time of Sailing, Receiving and Shipping Cargo subject to weatner and other Circumstances permitting:— LEAVES LEAVES AUCKLAND: OUTPORTS: ARKLE'S BAY, MANLY, BROWN'S, MURRAY'S AND DEEi- CREEK. WADE HEADS S.S. OMANA Tues.. Bth, ti.3o a.m. Tues., Sth, noon AWANUIT-.Oth, 11.110 p.m S.S. APANUI COLSILLLt 7th, 3.00 p.m HAUITI Calls Papa-axoua and Amodeo Bay. COROMANDFL, CHAMitERLINS AND ROTOROA—S.S. HAUITL Mon., 7th, 3.30 p.m. Tues., Mil, 10.30 a.m. Frl., lit li, 7 a.m. Fri., 11th, 1.30 p.m. GT. HARRIER?..Wed., midnight. .APANL'I HOUHORAt-.7th Sep., 2 p.m... WAIOTAHI KUTAREREf...7tb Sept., 4 p.m MO'lXt KKRIKERI.. .21«t September PAROTO* KAIMAUMAUt 7th Sep.. 2 p.m. WAIOTAHI KERKrUEMIt Sth. 2.U0 a.m WAIPU KAWAU ISLAND...7th. 1 p.m KAWAU If requested, Passengers, lllh, noun. Claymore. .LEIGH, KAWAU, OMAHA..S.S. KAWAU Wed.. Dili. 11 a.m. Thurs.,, p.m. MANGA WAI, KAWAU, LEIGH?. .Mon., 7th, 1 p.m. Tues.. Bth, 10 a.m. MARSDENf and ONE TREE PT I'ONOi tlth Sept., 3 p.m. MERCURY BAYt. ..7th. 4 p.m... .OTIMAI? MANGAPAIf and PARUA BAY... .I'ONOi {'th Sept-, 3 p.m. MANGONUL.Tues.. r..3<j p.m.. .CLANSMAN MATAKANAt ALGIE'S S.S. OMANA Tuesday, Sth, noon TOREA; Thurs.. 10th, 4.3u p.m.Thurs., 10th, midnight NGATEA S.S. WAIPU Tues., Sth, 2.30 a.m. Tues., Sth, 0 p.m. OPOTIKI 7th. 4 p.m MOTU? I PAEROA AND TE AROHAy.. .TANIWHA ' Sun., Cfh, midnight Mon., 7th. 0.30 p.m. Tues., sth. 2.,"i0 p.m. Wed., 9th, 11 a.m. PATETONGAr..7th Sept., noon.. WAIPUI PARENGA-f..2lst Sept., noon. .WAIOTAHI RUSSELL AND OPI.'A S.S. CLANSMAN Tuesday, .1.30 p.m. Calling Deepwater Cove when required. SILVERDALEf ;... OMANA Tues.. Sth. 0.30 a.m. Tues.. Sth. 11.80 a.m. SURFDALE, OSTENDf AND OMIHA. Mon., 10 a.m.. Frl.. 6 p.m OMANA Wed.. 10 a.m S.S. WAIPU Sat., 1.45 S.S. HAUITI COWES BAY and Way Ports. Wed., 10 a.m S.S. WAIPU Sat., T. 45 p. 111 S.S. HAUITI TAHUNAf 2!»th Sept TOREAJ TOREHAPE, KAIHERE Thurs. nnd Monday, noon TAURANGA. MOUNT, TE PUKE, AND STATIONS ON EAST COAST RAILWAY. S.S. MATANGI. Freight Prepaid Except Tauranga. Mon., Wed., Fri., Tues., Thurs., Sat., 7 p.m. 7.30 p.m. See notice on another page re Mount Cargo. TURUA and KOPU Oth, midnight HAUITI TAIHUA, HIKUAI, 14th, 8 p.m. WAIOTAHI TE AROHAt See Paeroa Time-table TOTARA N.f 7th Sept., 2 p.m.. .WAIOTAHI THAMES S.S. WAKATERE Mon., 7th, ."i p.m. Tues., Bth, 10 a.m. Wed.. Oth. 7.20 a.m. Thurs., 10th. 11 a.m. Fri., 11th, 5.,10 a.m. Sat.. 12tb. 1 p.m. WAirUt....9th Sept., 3 p.m TOREAt WARKWORTH, WAIWERAt OMANA Wed.. Oth. 7 n.m. Wed., Oth. noon WHANGAROA Tues.. 5.30 p.m. CLANSMAN WMANGAI'OUAt 7th Sen.. 4 p.m. OTIMAIt WHANANAKI. .Mon. 21st Sept.. .PAROTOJ. WHANGAMATAt. 2Sth Sept.. .WAIOTAHI WHANGAREI S.S. NGAPUHI Snu., Tues.. Mon., Wed., Thurs.. 10 p.m. Fri., 7.40 p.m. WHANGAREI (Town)... .S.S. CLAYMORE Calling at Marsden Toint and One Tree Point, Reotahl, with aud for Passengers, if required. Fri.. 4th. 7 p.m. Sat., sth. S P.m. WHAKATANE 7th. 1 p.m OTIMAIt WEST COAST PORTS. HOKIANGA Oth Sept. 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10 RIMU Cargo Rail. Mon., and up to Noon Tues. NEW PLYMOUTH •. S.S. RARAWA Thurs.. 3 p.m., Tr. 2.10 Mondnv, 3 p.m. Tr. 2.10 Cargo at Rail, Tues., Wed.. Frl., Sat. RAGLAN and KAWHIA. .7th, 3 p.m. RIMU Cargo nt Rail, Saturday. WAIKATO HKADSf 7th ARAPAWA Cargo, Carts, Monday. WANGANUI About Oth ARAPAWA WAIUKUt, AWHITU, POLLOK, WAIPIPI and TE TOROf O.V. VICTORY Mon. and Thurs. Cargo Daily at Rail. N.B. —No Cargo received within one hour of steamer's departure or after 11 a.m. Saturday. Overtime charged after 4 p.m. tFreight Prepaid. JCargo Only. Ring 'Phone 43-SBO for Traffic Information. COMPANY'S OFFICE, QUAY STREET. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. PUBLIC NOTICE. MOUNT MAUNGANUI (BAY OF TLENTY) CARGO. Owing to the Mount Wharf being occupied for some weeks by Oversea Steamers, Cargo for Stations usually landed at the Mount Wharf may, In the meantime, be landed at Tauranga and carted to the Railway at an extra cost of 3/ per ton. "I7AAST npHROUGH SERVICE. WHAKATANE, OPOTIKI, GISBORNE, 10* Hours. 38J Hours. 24 Hours. Leaves Auckland: MON.. WED., FRI., per S.S. MATANGI, for Tauranga, thence per rail nnd motor. RETURN.—Leaves Gisborne, TUES., THURS.. and SAT. Motor and rail to Tauranga, arriving Auckland Wed.. Fri., Sun. Further information at NORTHERN STEAMSHIP CO.'S OFFICE. D fpHOS. r\OOK AND CON ARE SPECIAL PASSENGER A GENTS JX FOR ALL LINES. Passages Booked by Any Route, Line or Class, at Lowest Rates. It costs no more to book with us. Unbiased information gratis. Assistance rendered abroad. BOOK NOW FOR 1020 SAILINGS. COOK'S SAILING AND FARE LIST (ALL LIKES) POSTED FREE. Travellers' Cheques Issued. Cable Payments Abroad. Foreign Moneys Exchanged. rnuos. qook and gos, AGENTS FOR ALL LINES. KZ INSURANCE CO.'S BUILDING, ' QUEEN STREET. RB P. AND o. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. SYDNEY TO VfFIJiOCRNE, ADELAIDL, FREMANTLK, .'ftIOMBO. INDIA, MEDITERRANEAN . ULUJi" j} OBTS AND LONDON. Carrying t irat aud second Saloon Passengers. . Vessel. Tons. From Sydney. MONGOLIA 16,004 Otti September MOOLTAN 2J,S*7 23rd September CAT! lAY 10,000 7tu October "YIVLO.IA 20,837 21st October CUMOII1N..••■■• • 13,000 -Ith November For further particulars, apply to RUSSELL AND SOMERS, LTD., Agents, 55. Fort Street. B T B E R D X IC N . I N E. TO SOUTHAMPTON, HULL and LONDON, \ia Me.ii"iii-uc, Krcmnntlc, Duivan, Capetown and TeueriOe. Tours at Reduced Rates to All Parts or South Africa, including the Victoria Kails. All Passengers Disembark nt Southampton. Steamer. Tons. From Sydney. EURIPIDES 15,000 10th Sept., 1025 SOPHOCLES...-. 12.500 115 th Oct., 102."i DIOGENES 12,500 13th Nov., 11125 DEMOSTHENES 11.250 11th Dec., 1!)25 THEMISTOCLES 11.250 Sih .lan.. 11120 FARES FROM AUCKLAND — Saloon : South Africa. £72; to London, £102. Third CJass to South Africa, £23: to Loudon, £30. For full information, apply to DALGETY AND CO., LTD. L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD. \. G. PATERSON AND CO.. LTD. 1» , ___ THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. LIMITED. TO THE UNITED KINGDOM, VIA PANAMA CANAL. LARGE MODERN TWIN - SCREW ! PASSENGER STEAMERS. 1 With Unsurpassed Accommodation. ! Steamer. From About ! i*HUAHTNE.. WclHuKton lota 0-t., ia:n I t'KOlOttt'A.. Wellington sfu Dec, TJ2S j **REMUERA.. Wellington 2nd ir.n 't*RUAHINE.. Wellington '.'7th Fen. iO'.'H IJ»ROTORUA.. Wellington 24th April, lfrjc, ; fREMIERA.. Wellington 2_nd .May. l') 20 i "Oil Fuel. Calling at CURACAO. I JCaRs off Pitcairn Island, subject to ! weather conditions permitting. ! Return Tickets are Interchangeable with 'P. ai'.d O. and Orient Lines (via Suez-. c.A. |and Union Lines and Clue Funnel Lines ivia South Africa). For further particulars, apply . UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD., Agents. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 6
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1,050Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 6
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Page 6 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 6
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