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gj _t\ *j___ BUSINESSES FOR SAKE. _\?ARTMENT House, City; 4 flats; treci'oofl^ old - ° r m »Sht consider Lease to b____t^ lail t.—lnquire Star. 402 Xf * Kooms > <-'ity, sound business; u--n_ 3_! n ' nt 3 °/; g° oa turnover.— Write __jig(_ Star. ,^7s^ D^i RY -~ Nice little business, ci -c- p,» s suburb; living rooms; rent £1 1/6, ____gfrgs. Strand Arcade. "p-RAPERY \ MERCERY. NEW UP-TO-Wte SHOP. SHOWING NICE TROFITS. In Growing Township. Client must sell.- Stock and Fittings about t'3so. Splendid living aceotumoda- ! tion. Lease. GEO. PEARCE. Auctioneer. Otahuhu. '/GENERAL STORE. Urgent sale required. Situated one of best country districts. Turnover £400 monthly. Building, 6-rooined dwelling. Store, Storeroom and Offices. Lease 5 years with right of renewal. Renial 37/G weekly. Stock nnd plant at valuation. Ingoing about £1000. Full details from NORTH AUCK. FARMERS' C0.0P.. LTD.* King's Chambers. Commerce Street. t~\ OOD SOUND PROPOSITIONS. £400—BILLIARD SALOON. 4 tables. Lonff lease, low rent. Takings £18. Only room in sound township. Balance arranged easy terms. _200—CONFECTIONERY. SOFT DRINKS, etc. Good lease. Takings £31 week. Good prospects in this business. McARTHUR, Union Bldgs., Customs St. 206 pHEAP T>USINESSES "pOR QJALE. n-lKA —BOARDING HOUSE, S rooms. cw-L_»V Bent £3. Great North Road. <?OAA —APARTMENT HOUSE, 0 rooms. Kent £4 10/. City. -P9AA—APARTMENT HOUSE, 9 rooms. cV—UU Ren t __ 5/. City. jQ OOA—HOARDING HOUSE, 11 rooms. B ent £4 i_/. city. jp9XA—APARTMENT HOUSE, 11 rooms. cw —'-»" Rent £4 12/0. Grafton. /BRIGHTON AND J3OLLETT, U, ALSTON CHAMBERS, J, 03 QUEEN STREET. \ BUSINESSES WANTED. ! A BLE Salesman of Businesses always at i ■** your service, wants yours.-—Kay-Stratton. opp. Newton P.O. B A NYWHBRE in the Dominion we absoxX lutely guarantee to sell a Cheap Business. We don't care how many other agents you employ.—Murrie Spiers Coy., Business Brokers. M 5. Fort St. 172 1 "DUSINESSES, every description. AbsoX* lutely sold out. Twenty changed hands recently.—Vaughau, Talliss, opp. Rendells. 1 Newton. c pASH Grocery Business wanted, about *—' £350 : must show good returns. —Write S. 104, STAn. (-CONFECTIONERY, etc., wanted with 1 ' small living accommodation: £10 15/ cash.—Particulars to S. _____ Star. TjMSH Shop wanted: cash buyer: must X stand strict investigation ;no agents.— Write S. 0820. STAn. *" "jITILK Business ; must be genuine ; with 2 -"-'-*- or 3 rounds preferred.—Write H. 929G, Star. POULTRY FOR SALE. "DLACK Orpington, Day Chicks (10); -*-* mother hatched, purebred; 14/. — Nickleson, Fourth Ay., Point Chevalier. „_~ "OjLACK Orpington, Steedman-Roherts XJ strain; 7/0 setting.—Nash, Bollard Ay.. past Mt. Albert Terminus. Avondale. "13 LACK Minorcas, Settings, 0/0; also XJ Young Rooster for Sale.—2o, Beclcenham Ay., Onehunga, near Cornwall I'nrk. RODDERS (Kapai and Shacklock) ' taken iv part- payment for own make What offers?—A. A. Pond. Ellerslie. C /CHINESE Langshaus, best general purpose fowl since the 1110 a. Settings 12/0 and 21/. —Page, Sara wai St., Parnell. 57 CIRCLE Incubators (4). perfect order; of 30/ Singly.—'Page, 5, Sarawai St., Parnell. Rhone 44-140. 1 TRUCKS. —My White Runners at 21/ per ,XJ Retting are the best proposition in Duckdom.—Page, 5, Sara wai St., Parnell. ! 57 ' "p_GG Settings, 8.0., W.L., McLean strain ; XJ mated pedigree cocks; 7/0, 5/6. —S, School ltd., Morningside. 315 "CINGLISH Pure Bred Black Minorcas; XJ 10/0 settings.—9, Warnock St., Richmond bus terminus. ITNDIAN Runner Ducks (7), 18 months, ■*■ and Drake; market price.—39, Covle St.. Edendale. _____ TNSTJBATOR (Buffalo), perfect order, 100- --- egg; snip; first cheque, £2 15/ secures.— Newton. P.O. Box 34, _______■ TNCCBATOR, 200-egg, Tamlin, hot water; I X no reasonable offer refused.—Apply S Docherty. Groat South Rd., Papatoetoe. 23a JUBILEE INCUBATOR, holds 216 eggs *-* and brooders: Light Spring Cart, harness; 2 Canvas Verandah Blinds; pure-bred Jersey Heifer. IS months old. AH iv best condition.—Veale, Great South Rd., Manurewa. 213 T>UREBRED White I Leghorn Utility -■- Cockerels: 7 and 9 months. —Dovoy. Meola Rd., Pt. Chevalier. "DUREBRED Black Orpington Eggs tor x Sale, 5/ sitting, 15 eggs.—Brit ton, "Mangere Bridge, opp. school. 325 ROOSTERS (2). prize Black Minorcas, 11 months old; 10/0 each. —13, South St.. Newton. 12.T IfJUAKURA White Leghorns. Salisbury xv Black Orpingtons, 13 eggs, 5/. —Ralph, 3. Truro Rd.. Edendale. j Settings w.l. Eggs, :,/ • i.r. Ducks, o/, j Havern, Bollard Avenue. SETTINGS Duck Eggs, good laying strain, large table birds, 0/(5. —07, Onslow ltd.. I Epsom. 142 ! SETTINGS Of Eggs, Utility Black Orplngj ton's; good laying strain; 5/. —27. Arcadia ltd,. Kp____ I_2 SETTINGS, White Leghorn, good imported *J laying strain: 7/0, or 10/ posted.—J, ■ Bon Marche Biiild.ngs. ! SETTINGS Black Orpingtons, :«42-257-egg strain: 15 eggs. 10/t!.—W. \ennoll, Edendale Kd- Edendale. _ SETTINGS I'tilily KG- «"'•> u ,' L -. 1 7/(i h -,-, , s posted 10/: Broody 11. us, 10/. railed. —L. ______; Tak.-inini. _ ■ _nl-'TTI\GS IHack Orpingtons, Cruick--1 ft l 'shanks-McLean strain. from selected 1 j|, vo r". 5/ cadi.— ___ Western Springs Rd. I SETTINGS Purebred While Leghorns; ' O ' Noi-ri'i Martin champion laying strain, ' :ai7-eg..—l>ov''.v. ____ ]____ '' r - Chevalier. CJiTTINGS piiriMired Minorcas, Orping*J tons. White. Brown Leghorns, Rhodes, 70: Runner Ducks.—SO, Balmoral Rd., Mt. Ed_o_ 225 S ETTINGS, Scott - Blumhardt Ducks, Cumbi-Marvel Orpington and Kismetliot White Leghorns, 8/.—Coates, 14, Hastings Kd., RemuiTn. 'Phone 25-478. C LiILYER Laced Wyandottes, Schnacken>~J berg's noted laying strain; 10/ C Settings, postage extra.—33, Baildon Rd Grey Lynn. . Vy L. SETTINGS, Barron Padman straint , '- r V "]'" Stocken, opp. St. John s Lake, Wnmtarna Rd., Remuera. "DLACK ORPINGTONS p„ LUXE. In 1924 Competition mv No 2 bird laid 201, No. 3 bird 210; both bad laid for throemonths previously. This strain is my own. Non-broody, layers of big eggs seven days per week. Settings. 12/0 and 21/o.— WM. L. PAGE. 5. Snrnwni St.. Parnell. S "DETTER QUALITY SETTINGS, InA_ cubator lots, and Day-old Chicks. Twelve breeds kept. Hatch now and h.-ivo autumn eggs. Over 50 prizes-, including 2 North Island championships won lliis season. Settings from 10 0, posted. Write, mc your requirements. Satisfaction guaranteed. Inspection invited.—John Kissling, Resdale I'oultry Farm, Hall Ay.. Mangere. Letters via Otahuhu. Auckland; country order, special attention; address telegrams: Kissling, Favona. _
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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960Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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