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SECTIONS FOR SALE. A T £ 145, worth £ 180; 4 minutes from ; -~- _s ew _,y__ station ; elevated. —1, Cup- ■ tain St., Opehunga. . TJROWN'S BAY—Half-acre (approx.); sea X* frontages and level; motor entrance; • fenced.—P.O. Box 1413, Wellington. CHEAP Sections. — Henderson * Estate, pick of Henderson, from £80; excellent views; easiest terms.— i"ior Plans, write P.O. Box 1485, Auckland. D p'LLERSLIE, accessible train, tram, bus— -xJ 55 x 198; level, volcanic; £125; deposit £5 ; buyers motored.—Warren, City • Chambers. "CUCTORY Site, France St., just below . X King's Theatre; frontage 87 x 10S; £37 10/ per foot; unencumbered. —W. Scott, Dlgnan Rd., Point Chevalier. • GOOD Business Site, rapidly growing Shopping centre. Cash or terms. No - agents.—33l. Dominion Rd.. Auckland. LOVELY Building Section, Clendon Park, Papatoetoe. Cash or terms. —Address L. Kerr, Te Puke. LOVELY Section, 4,-acre, elevated, magnificent views; lOmln. Queen St. . £4 10/ loot, easy terms.—Write B. 4100, j Star. 1* TV/lORMNGSIDE—I Minute Car—Level ] x *-*- Section ; good view ; -330. Snip.— Alexander and Co., 58, Queen St. 59 MT. ALBERT—Elevated Section, no j stone; extensive view; cheap for cash. 12, St. Martin's Lane, Symonds St. 74 j A/IT. ALBERT, Mountain Rd. —Choice ■"X Level Section, only £500; terms. — Alexander and Co., Mt. Albert Terminus. 58 MOUNT EDEN.—Two Elevated Volcanic Sections, one in Shackleton Rd., one in Calgary St.—Write H. 9520, STAB. PAPATOETOE GARDENS " — i-Acre, j £100; station 2 mm.—Owner (Tele-1 phone 40-243), Colosseum Office, Queen St. I PAPATOETOE GARDENS " — Splendid Shop Site, facing station, £330. Owner, Colosseum Office, Queen St. Telephone 40-243. 11>APAXOETOE —Sections adjoining new Railway Station, £100 each ; beautiful , situation ; put down £10 deposit and apply Government Loan.—Write for special partlculars to 11. 9478, Stak. SECTION, valuable, Great North Rd., near Grey Lynn Public Library; 58 _ 130.—Particulars 19, Ponsonby Rd. QEASIDE Sections, 40 minutes metalled road from Auckland; easiest terms; lovely views.—Write B. 4374, Star. D SECTION, highly elevated, for Sale, waterside. Heme Bay, on carllne.— Paiticulars 16, Lawrence St. jC«ECTION, 66ft x 165 ft. Green Lane Rd.; " level, fenced: 3 mins. Remuera tram; £7 10/ per foot.—Write F. 9559, Stab. SECTIONS, Weston Estate, Mt. Albert Splendid opportunity for Builders and Home Seekers. Ensy terms.—Owner, P.O. Box 1485. 'Phone 43-247. D EJECTION, Epsom, town side tram barn, 50 yards cars, level, 60ft frontage; price, £775.—Richardson and Co., 31, Karangahape Rd. 132 rpAKAPUNA, Hauraki Rd. — Splendid X views—Large Section, 66 by 265; L.T. Title. —Inquire Star. .455 TAKAPDNA —Quarter-Acre, hedges, good position; orchard ; owner will build to suit purchaser.—lnquire STAn. 73 WESTMERE. —Owners of several Choice Sections will build nnd finance.— . Stephens. 38. Garnet Rd.. Grey Lynn. 144 ! 4?_l IA/ PER FT, 50 x 180, close X\jf TXeinuera Terminus, reduced for quick sale ; bargain ; terms.—Write H. , 9-113. Star. 4?0 X/ FOOT, fronting Mt. Albert Rd. cvO •-*/ Victory Estate. Great views. 310. Victoria Arcade. Phone 20-880. P E DEPOSlT—Splendid Section, Mnn- ' r£*'J gere Bridge. Price, £225. —Home, Ltd. 4? Pr DEPOSIT—LoveIy Sections, Point cW -' Chevalier nnd Lndieß' Mile ; free car inspection.—P.O. Box 210. Auckland. j RAILWAY WORKERS. ! HOMESI-EKERS. READ THIS. "VfEW Locomotive to he Erected between Otahuhu and Papatoetoe; 105 acres acquired by Government , lor same.—(See "Star,": of 4/*»/2J/. PJ.OVERNMENT T OANS mO \T7ORKERS. GET A SECTION QUICKLY AT PAI'ATUETOE, where you will be handy to your work, and can get the finest land at the : lowest price around Auckland, and go for a Government Loan. ; "DEAUTIFUL T EVEL OECTIONS, 1 FULL QUARTER-ACRE (66 N 105) AND OVER ARE AVAILABLE ON THE SUNNYSIDE ESTATE, PAPATOETOE, FOR £150 TO £185. £10 DEPOSIT secures a Section. Balance 30/ monthly, p. and i., until the Government Loan comes through. A fine Bungalow of 5 rooms, with electric light, hot and cold water, pore, bath auu basin, beam plaster ceilings, p.w.c, built to strict Government requirements, can be built for £700, making a total cost for the house and section of under £000. Weekly repayments of about 24/ cover p. and i. (at 4i per cent) UNTIL THE LOAN IS PAID OFF. What better opportunity ? Papatoetoe is the most popular of alt suburbs; the land is the richest volcanic, free from stone. The new station opened August 31st Is only 5 minutes' away. Fine school, splendid roads, 10 acres recreation grounds nearby, where football, cricket, tennis, bowls, and croquet are enjoyed. Splendid Town Hall. Over 40 fine business premises. Workers' fares are cheaper than trams. No healthier spot to live in. "Wonderful land for gardening. Thirty-two trains daily. Line now being duplicated, which means better and faster service. See the beautiful bungalows going up all round. We hnvp n number of applications already In for Railway workers for Government Loans for houses. TWENTY DESIGNS OK HOUSES TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICES PROM £490 TO £835. Gall and see the Designs, and get full details' re Loans from Mr. Smvtheman Ao charge for lodging application.' We fix everything for you. ONLY"! DO NOT DELAY. Call or Write for Plans and Price List to the SOLE AGFNTS T. R. SMYTHEMAN, SS, QUEEN STREET (Opp. Smeeton's), Open Friday Evenings, G-9 p.m. H. C. ERNEST, nPF. STATION, rAPATOETOE. WESTMERE EXTENSION NOW OPEN FOR SELECTION OF SECTIONS nt "WESTMERE" LOW TRICES, AND UPON THE EISY "WESTMERE " TERMS. GOOD BUILDING SITES. FINE HARBOUR VIEWS. PLANS NOW READY. GRAY AND COCKROFT, WINSTONE'S BUILDINGS, ' \ QUEEN STREET. vi j SECTIONS! SECTIONS! "pEMUERA. very best locality, "mins to -*-»■• tram; best of soil; 50ft frontage; £250- ' • J;!'A ac i?' Ipvel ; worth double. !PW-e I -UOO. Terms. •pjDENDAU-:—Three J-acres. 50ft front-! JJ-* -high, elevated; good view. Price I £200. Terms. "" j "VfITT. ALBERT. Main New North Road— -'-*- Corner Section, splendid shop site £400. Terms. "PPSOM— 2 Sections, 50ft frontage to one XJ of the best roads iv this favoured district. Price £400. Terms. FRANK TIARRISON, AGENT RELIABLE. BASEMENT N.Z. INSURANCE BLDGS. C
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
Word Count
949Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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