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I PROPERTIES FOR 6A_,_. i .B E .VrT IFl:L Xew B " u salow, 4 rooms and ■" kitchenette ; vacant; Heme Bay Waterfront ; £1250, £100 deposit.—Write S "1 Stak. , • ; I^n, SPf i t Walkato town. 30 Acres good • ooufrv W-if' BUita,,le c "ttlng up, £11.50, | equity tlloO owner reauires house ' Write S. Onno, Stah. lll l ul, <-S nous*..— pKICE i-TSO—NEW BUNGALOW, just eo ß r S f °ffi ; ,VT S ' ~n" !111 mo(1 "» o , a lo 7 ely seaside honeymoon H__P_Tijnv nIy TMS» IOO cash r«l«i«d.— ____jj_' D - Queea yt - (opp - Little Cottage, 24, Belmont Teri ™L.o arP ' , K,!m " rril ' handy Newmarket: 4 inei- _____]_: terms arranged. WORKERS LOANS AT U PER CENT. AN OPEN LETTER. 15, 10, 17, Exchange Lane, _, Opp. Fort Street. DEAR FRIEND.— the verl f l££? /"" t0 Se(<UrP a H °"Se On vourloi?. ~S t ter ™s obtainable, blame only yourself; the opportunity is now yours to ! avail yourself of a STATE LOAN offer, tn tho it- il* mo S£ GENEROUS ever made voi niiVh 1 ?": A Vo are to render such a l_»n aSSi _ t . ance y< L u need t0 Becure sum a Loan. All you have to do is to I vo„; S "' V ' *I°, DEPOSIT on a Section of i™ 7 own TT choice, and in the locality you prefer However, before doing so, call on FROM A e TO l V t ' XP w in thC ¥ home t0 y°« yon 1 I,'vo 1' We Ca " ShOW >' ou °OW jou can lne in your own home for npproxi- ' .IS WEBK ' INCLUDING PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST. Don't be toolish enough to buy n dear house on the £50 DEPOSIT SYSTEM. If you go fully into figures you will discover that to live limww W J- U cost you f2 P er we ek, nnd that within 5 years you will either nave to pay for the property in full, or .-hie lose it! UNDER STATE CONDITIONS r °"f' the use of MONEY AT 4J PER ~ '1? years, which means cheap rent tor all that period. We are prepared to help you, select a section (if you have 55.V.2, one so already), to supply FREE OF COST WITH PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS and ESTIMATE, and also show you how |to till in your application. In all exposed parts of the buildings the STATE INSISTS on HEART TIMBER being used, and the work is carried out under strict supervision, no less than 3 INSPECTIONS being made during the course of the work. For ' the convenience of the Workers who CANj NOT ATTEND during business house we i are prepared, if appointment is made by I°t,t£..°J Phone, to be in attendance oh FRIDAY EVENINGS FROM 7 P.M. TO i 0 P.M.—For all particulars, FREE OF COST, interview JOHN GRAHAM, Building Manager. JOHN GRAHAM AND CO., BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS, 15, 16, 17, EXCHANGE LANE (opp. Fort Street). First Floor. PHONE 41-424. THE PICK OF THE TOWN. REAL GOOD BUYING. MOUNT EDEN—SPECIAL—MOUNT EDEN "Y7ERY NICE HOUSE OF SIS LARGE \ ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. Everything in real good order. Every possible convenience. Section laid out In lawns, , asphalt paths, vegetable and flower gardens. | Double entrance for motor garage. Very nice outlook. Total price, £1350, and deposit : only £150. Balance us rent. | THE HEART OP THE CITY. • SPECULATORS, HERE IS A CHANCE. i X ROOMS for £220. Wants renovating a •—' little, and worth twice the money. AND HERE IS ANOTHER: X ROOMS for £150. Want a little reno- -* vating, and they are worth double tbe money. Real money -maker. £100 DEPOSIT. £100 DEPOSIT. HERNE BAY WATERFRONT. GLORIOUS VIEW. MOST UP-TO-DATE BUNGALOW OF FOUR ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, c.1., p.b. and b., califont, art papers, two open fireplaces. Everything in perfect order. Section nicely laid out.. Cheapest .house on the waterfront to-day. Total price, i' 1250. I Deposit £100. Or owner will take Second j Mortgage or good Section -as deposit. i Balance as rent. | PONSONBY. I SITUATED ONLY ONE MINUTE FROM | TRAM LINE. GREAT BIG SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. , overlooking the harbour. Glorious view. House contains every possible con- j venience, c.1., p.b. and b., h. and c., range, I gas stove, telephone, art papers. Everything in perfect order. The cheapest house ,in Auckland to-day. Let us show you a I bargain. Total price, £1050, and deposit to suit purchaser. i £50 DEPOSIT. £50 DEPOSIT.' DOMINION ROAD — VERY NICE I BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and kitchenette; sleeping porch, p.b. and b., calif out, ! ■ c.1., gas stove, built-in cupboards, dresser I nnd usual conveniences. Very large level section. Total price, £1050. Deposit £50, balance as rent. APPLY dan McCarthy, 2, PHOENIX CHAMBERS, QUEEN ST. Phone 44-050. 235 £1300 —A BARGAIN —£1300. REMUERA WATERSIDE, off Victoria Avenue. —NEW BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, all modern conveniences ; tiled roof ; electric light ; porcelain bath and basin, gas range. Section, i-acre; lease, 51 years, at a rentul . of £2 10/ per annum. PRICE ONLY £1300. Terms arranged. If you want a good home, with harbour I views, and at the right price, make a point | of inspecting the above. " MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS." WENZL SCHOLLUM, 100, QUEEN STREET. ALL BARGAINS. CITY.— 4 Rooms and kitchenette, all convs. Price, £775. Deposit £1-5. "VTE'WTON.— 7 Rooms, every cony. Dctarhed washhouse. Price, £755. Deposit £335. HERNE BAY, nice locality.—o Rooms and kitchenette, bathroom, etc.. every modern cony. Price, £1275. Deposit £150. ("IREY LYNN, handy cars.—Semi-Bunga- * low, 5 rooms, bathroom, etc. Lawns and garden. Price, £075. Deposit £200. PT. CHEVALIER.—3 Rooms, pantry, bathroom, etc. Section, 53 x 100, 1 approx. Price, £SSO. Deposit £110. KINGSLAND, 2nd Section.—4 Rooms, pantry, usual convs. Frice, £GSO. Deposit £75. H. E. BUCKLEY, 105, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. GOING CONCERN. DAIRY FARM. ONLY £1100. A PPROXIMATELY 101 ACRES AT | J-X TAIIEKE. Hokianga County. Most of ' the property is fenced. Only 1(> acres are I heavy bush, the balance being in rough nnd ' good grass. Fivo-roomed kauri house in good order, telephone, barn, cowshed and all utensils: 20 cows, 2 bulls, 2 horses, etc. Has carried 20 to 40 and room for more. All good roads to property. Cream cart passes door. Leases renewable over 21 years. Rent, £0 1/S per annum. Unencumbered. Owner will consider any reasonable cash deposit, say £250 or perhaps less, and take back Ist mortgage on easy terms, or would exchange for good 5-roomed House in or handy city. VAUGHAN, TALLISS, AND CO., ARCADE, OPP. RENDELL'S, NEWTON. 15S
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
Word Count
1,055Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 5
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