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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. WE OFFER THE BEST IN REAL ESTATE. DON'T HESITATE TO MAKE KNOWN YOUR WANTS. BRAND NEW. £30 CASH. £50 CASH. TY7E believe it's a real find, and is buying " * such as one would expect in days gone by. SPLENDID LITTLE BUNGALOW HOME, of 4 rooms nnd kitchenette, I 'porcelain bath, electric light. Fine vol- 1 canie section, and only lew minutes to 1 train, tram and bus. PRICE £900, AND £30 DEPOSIT. : SEE IT AND YOU SEE THE BEST, j TRULY A GIFT. PARNELL. JUST OFF GLADSTONE ROAD. PRICE £750. ONLY £50 CASH. "IT'E guarantee the first to see it will buy. *' FOUR GOOD ROOMS, range, bath, , tubs, built on brick foundation. Freehold : I section, in the best part of Parnell. Just I off Gladstone Road, Jmin to buses. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, AND RE--1 DICED FROM £875 TO £750, ON £50 DEPOSIT. FOR A SPEEDY SALE. BE THE FIRST OR YOU , MAY MISS IT. DO IT UP AND MAKE A SURE PROFIT. YOU WILL NEVER BUY BETTER THAN THIS. < £73 CASH. PRICE £950 —GREY LYNN. A NEAT AND SUBSTANTIALLY BITLT BUNGALOW HOME, OF 4 SPACIOUS I ROOMS AND HALL, range, porc-e-I lain bath, electric light, sewer drainJ age. washhouse, copper and tubs, and | jin perfect order throughout. Nice art I papers and friezes. Section is level, and I ideal for gardening. Only 5 minutes school and trams, and buses J minute. Situated Grey Lynn. TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY *950. AND WE SAT DEFINITELY THAT A WORKING MAN MILL NEVER BUY BETTER OR SEE BETTER. WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAYS. I WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., " THE LAND MAN," REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE, 19, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. ■ B BEST HOMES. BEST LOCALITIES. BEST VALUES. REMUERA BUNGALOW. WONDERFUL VALUE AT £1800, ON £250 DEPOSIT. THIS PROPERTY COMPRISES 6 BEAUTIFUL. LARGE. AIRY ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE. with every possible appointment. Tastefully decorated throughout. Dome ceilings. All possible built-in furniture. Large freehold section, with lovely views over Auckland and harbour. Nothing has been left out that goes to make a perfect home. WE WELCOME YOUR INQUIRY, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO TAKE TOU I TO INSPECT. i — ANOTHER FINE HOME. I £1550. BUNGALOW, latest design and appointments, 5 spacious rooms and kitchenette, sleeping porch, porcelain bath and I basin, califont, electric light, copper and j tubs; splendid art papers and friezes, etc. I Insurance £950. Section 60 x 150. Water- | side of Remuera, lmin buses, and Smin trams. PRICE, £1550. £300 CASH. £150 DEPOSIT. SPLENDID VALUE AT £1400 OR OFFER. SPLENDID BUNGALOW, of 6 large rooms, just out of builders' hands. Only 2min trams ; built-in wardrobes, linen press, cupboards, etc.; electric light, p.w.c.; beam aud plaster ceilings, beautiful art papers. Fine, level, freehold section. This is a lovely property, the terms are easy, and possession can be had immediately. ONLY £150 CASH REQUIRED. ;WE ARE OPEN FROM 7 TILL 9 P.M. j FRIDAYS. i WILLIAM A. HORNE, LTD., " THE LAND MAN," REAL ESTATE AND AUCTION SERVICE, 19. SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. B CHOICEST BUILDING SECTIONS. IN ALL BEST DISTRICTS.
TJEMUERA —Easy Distance from Remu- ' era Road, on Ladies' Mile —Nice i~ '. Acre Section, 66ft frontage: £42* J. (1055 a) TVEMUERA WATERSIDE, off Victoria Avenue —Capital Section, 60ft frontage by about 300 ft depth. £420. (1077) I\TT. ALBERT, Very Best Part—Charmingly Situated Freehold Section, level, 60ft by 132 ft: magnificent view. Easy distance from car. £11 foot. (594) TVrT. ALBERT, on Main New North Road Very Fine Residential Building Sites, in central position. Price, £12 foot. (597) "L^PSOM —Grand High Position, with great view—First-class 4-Acre Section, in the "near part"' of Epsom. Price, £1250. (262) Near Boys' Grammar School— Capital Section, 3-S Acre, in a grand elevated situation. Splendid site, with fine views. Rooms for tennis | court. £1750. (317al j T. MANDENO JACKSON, 0. COMMERCE STREET, AUCKLAND. j SPECIALS. j SYMONDS ST. (neari.— 5-Rd. Cottage. c.1.. pore, bath, c. and t.'s. Price £000. PARNELL.— 5 Rooms, solid house, all in I first-class order; 2mius. to tram, and j ' handy to Newmarket. Trice £775. This is ; j a snip. i PONSONBY.— 5-Rd. Kauri House and garage; requires a little attention. Price £950, worth £1100. GREY LYNN. —5-Rd. Villa, c. light, c. and t.'s, pore, tiath, etc. Trice £975, I . £75 deposit. | : "\f~T. EDEN. Valley Road.—Bungalow. 4 j _?A rooms, kitchenette, sleeping porch; j 1 everything right up to date. Price £1500. | ! THOMAS AND CO., j I BON MARCHE CHAMBERS, | NEWTON. I THE CARLTON LAND AGENCY, QUEEN STREET, ONEHUNGA. £900 CASH. SEMI-BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and convs. , Section 100 ft x 100 ft, on the slopes of One Tree Hill. £100 DEPOSIT. vrEW BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, good sec--N tion, near Te Papapa Station. Price. WORKER'S HOME. j £150 DEPOSIT. VILLA. 5 rooms, modern convs. 1 Good buying at £ 825. 81
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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796Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 4
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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