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board orgsgißP. ACCOMMODATION offered 3 Young Men in superior home.—l 3, Gillies Ay., ■* Epsom. t A CCOMMODATION, Board, 2 respectable men, share bedroom. —27, Rose Rd., j Ponsonby. 3 ACCOMMODATION three respectanle —*• working Men; early breakfast. —125, Newton Rd. A CCOMMODATION 2 mci„ full board, I ' **■ early breakfast.—9, Scotia Place, Ujiper | - Queen St., City. J ] A CCOMMODATION Working Men ; room - -<-A- suitable two mates ; c.1., califont; 30. - per week.—l 3. Pitt St. j i A CCOMMODATION offered business man ; j •*-X nice room and breakfast ; evening meal j . optional : minute tram.—lnquire Star. 495 j ACCOMMODATION, Working Men j Boarders, permanent or casuals, early ■, breakfast. — Sr. (-lair. 21!>. Hobson St. 110 . A CCOMMODATION, comfortable, homely, j —A- double room, business m.c. or two I ladies ; breakfast; califont, convs. —Inquire j S_ta_ I ACCOMMODATION, Gents; Board or Room with Brenkfasr: harbour view; tennis.—Rangiora, Elizabeth St., Ponsonby. Phone 27-065. R A FEW Vacancies for Boarders, per-j manen* or casual; terms moderate. — 21. Remuera Rd. 00 AKARANA" (Phone 44-3SS). S. Whitaker Place (off Symonds St.)— Visitors are arriving. First-class Accommodation; excellent views.—Mrs. Wrigley, Proprietress. B BED and Breakfast for business gentlemen ; select. —The Vync, Symonds St. BED. Breakfast, or Room only; per-1 manents, casuals.—The Oaks, Wellesley St.. near £_ Paul's. 'Phone 40-579. C BOARD offered respectable worklngmen. 20, Parnell Rd- Ist section. BOARD offered two working Men, convs., piano.—57. Nelson St.. City. BOARD offered to respectable man, in private family.—24, Reimers Ay., Kingsland. BOARDER, working man, wanted ; good home, c.1., piano.—3, Osborne St., New- I market. " llfi; BOARD, residence, large front room ; suit m.c. or 2 friends; piano.—23, Shelly Beach Rd. 79 BOARD, comfortable home; Ist section; Room, suit mates, c.1., califont. —179, Grafton Rd. BOARD offered 2 friends share Room, in quiet comfortable home. —3, Winchester St., Newton Rd. OARD, private, steady young Man ; single room, washing, homely.—Us, Surrey St., Grey Lynn. BOARDER (1), near Symonds St.: c.1., ' piano; early breakfast: 27/6. —41, Karaka Street. BOARD, good home, c.1., early breakfast, hot baths, good table. —20. Picton St., Ponsonby Rd. c BOARD offered 2 or 3 Working Men, in private family. — Particulars 40a. Khyber Pass. _ 1: ™ BOARD offered six respectable Men ; good table, every cony., -mins Queen St.: 30/, —Inquire Stak. v 4h7 BOARD offered respectable Man; good table. c.1.. califont, piano; early breakfast.—72, West St. BOARD Residence, respectable young man ; half mm. cars. —0, Green St., off St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. __} BOARD offered Gent., washing and ironing, e.I. hot-wnter; good home. —100, Carlton Gore Rd., Newmarket. OARD or Early Breakfast only, offered gent; Single Room : soft washing: tram, modcrato— Inquire Stah. 40S BOARD and Lodging, select locality, private home, lat.-st appointments: handy city : moderate.—lnquire STAR. 490 BOARDERS wanted, early breakfast, in city : must be sober ; 28/, full board.— fiO. ________ St. W. BOARDERS (2), good home, table, c.1.. califont. early breakfast, phone, piano; 30/. —101. Eden Terrace. BOARDERS (4), in private family; must be respectable.—24, Maidstone St., near Reservoir. 204 BOARD offered 1 or 2 working men ; early breakfast, washing, mending ; Smins Symonds .St—3, Rendell Place, Eden Ter. CECIL PRIVATE HOTEL, Hobson St., Corner Cook St. —Remodelled, refurnished. Vacancies Visitors. —P. White Proprietor.
COMFORTABLE Home, gent.'s; good , table; second section (.min. tram). — 10. Cromwell St.. Dominion ltd. I__ CONVALESCENTS wishing rest, every J home comfort, with good attention; sunny aspect ; high recommendation. — i Inquire Star, 738. B HOME away from Home, with or without Board, for Working Men. —117, Grey St. HOME, good, for working girl and youth, or brother and sister; Ist section. — S_ Newton Rd. 115 HOME, good, clean, offered business or m.c, close cars ; terms moderate.—l 7, Armadale Rd.. Remuera. HOME, good. In private family, offered ! two males; convs., clean, quiet and I central. —Inquire Stak. 44_ j HOTEL GARDINER. Emily Place, facing j Reserve, top Shortland St.—First-class Accommodation. Under new management | visitors nnd Permanents. Phone 42-4«- L | ERYOIS RD. —Good Board offered g.-nts.. every cony., soft washing, mending: j moderate terms. —Inquire Stak. 497 ■ JOLIMONT. — Excellent Accommodation, j Visitors, Permanents. —1, Symonds St., | close Oueeu St. Terms moderate. 'I'lione j 43-707 i» I. I ADY, alone, nice home. Mt. Albert, nenr | - tram, would like young business lady | to Board. —Write F. 9734. Star. , MIDLANDS. — Superior Accommodation, beautiful grounds, tennis court: lOmln. | GPO ' car stop: vacancies Permanents, Casuals: reasonable tariff.—Domett Avenue, | F.nsom. -Phone 20-304. B I J ALBERT.—Board offered 2 young , men or m.c: c.1.. washing, mending: j 27.-10. Fourth Aye.. Gladstone Rd. | "VTURSE offers comfortable Home, con- j JM valescents.. invalids: every attention: terms reasonable: healthy locality; tram st tm.—Write H. 9250. Star. REMUERA —Home offered few Paying Guests of good address; h. and c. showers, garage.—l'lione 25-303. D 4 ROOM, nicely furnished, single beds : suit one or two business friends.—3l, Ponsonby Rd. ', " "DOSSVILLE " Private Hotel, next XV •• Cargen."—Splendid Accommodation, Visitors. Permanents: excellent cuisine. -~_„ TTnnrietresS- D '
Mrs. ______ Proprietress-. _> c_ INGLE also share: c.1.. phone, hot bath. P5 piano', all convs. —Thornlea, SO. Wellington St. __.' \~\C\NCY for business gentleman. —33, Hepburn St.. Ponsonby. 'Phone 26-553. -_7-„cANCIES. Gentlemen Boarders: bus \ stons at door: private house, all eonvs : 25 f week. —64. Richmond Rd. ■•WENTWORTH" Private Hotel. 74. W svmonds St. New building esception- i -ii- _____________ __f alin nt efflciency. B Private Hotel. Khyber Pass.— W vicancies. Permanent* nnd Casuals; tennis court, elec. light. 'Phone 40-723. B -TTOUNG Man, private family : hath. A washing, mending.—99, Edendale Rd.. Kingslnnd. _1_ --HE MANSION S T PRIVATE HOTEL. VCHTTAKER PLACE. SYMONDS STREET. NEW MANAGEMENT. Electric Light hroughout. Hot and Cold Water, Double and Single Roomc. Excellent T-ible Snnciousi Ballroom. Lounge nnd n'rawiiiE Rooms, Photographic Dark Room, and all Modern Conveniences. The Drawing Room contains a Superb CHAPPELL REPRODUCING PIANO, tbe only instrument of Its kind in New Zpaland. T«mn!s Courts are being laid down for the coming season, and Dances wdl he given throughout the winter. Splendid views. Over 2 ncres of ground. Tariff: Casuals, 10/6 daily. 01 ' ~o •"' weekly. Permen»nts, £2 2■'". Certain rooms can be shared by arrangement. RADIO INSTALLED. Receiving—Melbourne. Srdney. America and ail New Zealand Stations. "PHONE 42-724. Telegrams: Mansions. T! ELECTRO-PLATERS. IVN Up-to-dare Plating ,7o j. -Hoiton * _\." Electro Plating Works. :.;!., .:;. Albert St. 'Phone 4.-.-.".;»" i. 15 NICHOLAS AND WIIALEY. Electroplaters. Nickel. Silvering, and Bronzing; work guaranteed.—66, Albert St. Phone 44-644. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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1,030Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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