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APARTMENTS VACANT. " TZ"ATOOMBA."—Superior Flats, furn.; •"-*■ ladles or gents; own meters; single rooms.—3B, Franklin Rd„ Ponsonby. "Iv DYBER Pass—Apartments, furnished or ■*-*- unfurn.; convs.; handy Ist sec.—l 9, Khyber Pass. TVTT. EDEN—2 Large Sunny Rooms, ■"■*- kitchenette, sep. stove, entrance, meter, bath : quick.—2o. Essex Hd. "VfT. EDEN—FIat, superior, well furn- --*- ished, self-contained, sunny position, minute car. 14. Esplanade R_ V[T. EDEN, Double Bed Sitting Room, klt- -^ ,J - chenette, califont : near cars; furu. 27/6. nnfurn. 22/o.—lnquire Stak. 420 "YpX. EDEN.—Sunny Front Room, unfurn.. - 1 -'- L c.1., sep. entrance; suit couple or business people: within 2nd sec—lnquire Star. 451 -\ TT. EDEN 1 Best Parti—Rooms (21. large. sunny, unfurn.: separate cooking; c.1.; every cony.: 25/; refs.; adults only.—lnquire Stak, 45S "VEWMARKET— Large, sunny, front Red —* Sitting Room : c.1., all convs.—lnquire Wilson. Stationer, Newmarket. 112 PARNELL Waterfront—Absolutely Selfcontained Flat : £2 10/. furnished.— The Home Finders. .~>B. Queen St. 01 PONSONBY —Single Furnished Room and use convs. : suit refined business girl.— 4f>. Ponsonby Rd. pONSONBY.—DoubIe Bedroom. DiningX room. Kitchenette: gas stove, meter, furn., c.1.. eonvs.—o7. Vermont St. 32 PONSONBY RD.—Flat. 3 rooms, gas stove, convs. ; quite separate and private: suit adults.—2,'>. Ponsonby Rd. KEMUERA. —2 Well Furn. Front Rooms, c.1.. kitchen, gas stove, convs. — 25. Green Lane Rd. Refs. Afternoons. 93 pEMUERA. —Superior Unfurnished Flat, AY o rooms and sleepinjr porch, own conveniences, 'phone.—3B, Remuera Rd. pEMUERA —Flat, furnished. 2 rooms: AA' own gas stove and meter: child no objection ; terms moderate.—lnquire Star. 474 RESPECTABLE Couple wanted, look after house, exchange for free room, kitchen.—e,n. Wellesley St. W. ROOM. Email. hach : office, gas, e.I. Metcalfe. 412, Queen St. ROOMS (1 or 2), unfurn., use of convs.. to Let.—32. Belgium St. 2_B KOOMS (2), unfurn.. c.1.. gas, use convs. : __. —lOfl. Mt. Eden Rd. ROOM, single. 10/: also Man to share Room. 7/0.—75. Nelson St. 8 "DOOM, double, suit m.c.: also large Room -*-*■" with two beds. —Inquire Star. 472 ROOMS (21, front, furn., c.1., ga's stove, grate: 27/6: ndults.—23. West St. 127 ROOM, sunny, unfnrn.. double; c.1., usi gas stove, all eonvs.—2l. Park Ay. 3' ROOMS (21, unfurn.. nil convs.; separntc gas stove. —32, Valley Rd., Mt. Eden. 141 "DOOMS (2), partly furn.. separate stove AA' and meter.—G, Morrow St., Newmarket. ' 294 ROOMS (2), furn., sunny, c.1., own cooker handy cars.—l 7, Turama Rd., Royal Oak. 0: ROOM to Let; central, comfortable; suit business girl ; 10/ weekly.—2o, Belgium St. 124 ROOMS (2), unfurn.. self-contained, kit chenette, c.1., all convs.—Apply 21. rark Ay. ] "DOOM, double, furn., all convs. ; e.I : quiet, AA central; adults. —47, Richmond Rd., Ponsonby. 289 ROOMS (2), unfurnished; c.1., own gas stove and fire.—2o, Millais St., off WilUamson At. ROOMS (lip, front unfurnished, fireplace convs.. sunny; no objection baby.— SO. Cook St.. City. 244 ROOM, front, furn.. stove, meter, c.l. hot water, car line. —203. Ponsonby Rd 279 ROOM, single, furn., unfurn., breakfas optional; 10/ ; all convs. ; quiet ; haudy. 20. Arthur St., Ponsonby. 2_] IJOOMS (21. large, partly furnished A separate kitchenette, use convs.,'phone 2. Charlton Ay.. Mt. Eden. ROOM, large, front, suit two mates, breakfast, washins if wanted, sccom section.—2B!). Mt. Eden Rd. ROOM, single, nlso share; c.1., hot bath phone, all convs.—Thornlea, 80, Wel linaton St. 2_J ROOMS (21, unfurn.; use of all convs.; Grey Lynn Terminus. — For addresf Rinf 91-383. 311
Ring 21-3H3. Hit) KOOM. furn. or unfurn., suitable lady; handy Mt. Eden and Epsom trams.— Inquire Star. _5_ ROOM, double, furn., all cooking convs.. c.1.. ground floor. —152, Queen St., opp. Myers Park. 133 ROOMS (2), furn., kitchenette, stove, bath, califont, c.1.: handy cars; refined.—lo, Pnrrish Rd.. Edendale. ROOMS (4), unfurn., private, good views; Furn. Balcony -Room.—"Clifton Vale," Grey St.. City. ROOMS (2). unfurn., kitchenette. c.1., all convs.: near Newmarket; adults. — Inquire Star. ___> KOOMS '4). large, unfurn.; suit family; 30/: evenings.—IS, Walton St., Victoria Aye.. -Remuera. 191 ROOM, double, furn.. own kitchen; no j objection one child.—l 9, Willow St.. j off Franklin Rd. _li_ EOOMS. single nnd double, c.1., all convs. I Ivanhoc, 01, Wellesley St. West, opp. \ Wellesley House. I ROOMS 12 or 3), well furn., separate] meter. c.1.; handy cnr. —14, llalston lid.. Dominion Kd. _, • 34 ROOMS (2), unfurn., c.1., convs; 27/0, including tiring and lighting.—o, Summer St.. Ponsonby. _£_, T>OOM. large, unfurn., separate cooking: AA' suit two refined girls, •or busine_s.s lady.—24. Hepburn St. _•__!_ ROOMS (2), unfurn., large fireplace; use all convs.; £1 per week. —Apply 34, Douglas St.. Ponsonby. ROOM, double, and kitchen ; stove, meter, fireplace ; self-contained ; 25/. —31, Edinburgh St., Newton. 108 BOOMS (2), front, unfurnished; separate; entrance.- —3, Arnold St., Charles St., Dominion Rd., near bridge. 331 ROOM, double, nnd kitchen, large, furn.. ' stove, fireplace, self-contained; 25 .—• 31. Edinburgh St.. Newton. __g }>OOMS (2) unfurn., renovated, fireplace, A separate meter, cooker, light, ndults, mm. tram.—los. Valley Kd. -DOOMS (2), furu., kitchenette. c.1.. At bath, gas cooking:. no children ; I Morningside.—lnquire Star. 409 —iriiuis: (•>■> unfurn . front with fire-
KOOMS (2), unfurn., front, witii nre- • place: sep. kitchenette; adults only. 2. Tennyson St.. Grey Lynn. 237 T>OOM, sunny, furnished ; nice locality : - AA handy town ; breakfast optional ; low rem.—Apply 11. Strand Arcade. j "DOOMS (2), unfurn., in select locality, - AY quiet married couple ; all convs.—s, . Carlton (Hire Kd. (Grafton end). ROOMS (2), furnished, front, with all convs.: 5 minutes Oueen St; business ; people preferred.—lnquire Star. 476 ROOMS. (2), lnrge, unfurn., 27/6, fireplace; Furn. Single, 10/0, S/0 ; Single ~ Beds. S/fi. bath. —13. ______ Ltd. : "DOOMS (2), unfurn., fireplace, 0.1., hot 4 AA water: two minutes car: moderate ; n adults.—l 2, Tranmere Rd.. Edendale. t T)OOM, double, furn.. separate cooking, •• AY pity; no fares: 22/0; sober, respect- _ obie. — Apply 60. Wellesley St. W. , TJOOM, furn., kitchenette, c.1., hot water, : -TV private entrance: own meter.-—l 2, 1 >'ixon St.. Newton. Near Reservoir. ~ "DOOMS (2), kitchenette, separate 0 AA entrance, fireplace; unlet, central; use .. ,-nnvs. —No. 2. William St.. ______ Rd. s. . ' ROOMS (2). large, unfurnished, conveniences, separate cooking: reasonable.— ! " Apply after 5. 12. King St.. Kingslnnd. |. "DOOMS (2), unfurn.. Heme Bay Water- - XV front : use modern convs. : rent 20/ : - suit business people.— _______ Stak. 420 I,' j pOOM (!)• large unfurnished; also AY kitchen, self-contained ; near Cowan's ~ Ttnkerv.—-• •Sunnyside lid.. Mt. Eden. • _HNGLIC Beds to Let. c.1., bath; 7<: ' „Q Veekly.-SS. Union St.. City. s_ f- CJYMON'DS ST. Section.—Double Furn. ; Bed Sitting Room, separate stove.— 1 ■ 1 _0. .N'pwt'.n Rd. n g 'fTTiDOW has nicely Furn. Rooms, suit ,c VV mates or m.c—3, Rautangi Rd., Mt. lo Eden. ,„ \T7IDOW, own home, has Front Room, unir VV furn.. all convs.; near care: refi_e4.— 30 Write S. 177, Stab.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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1,069Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 3
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