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WANTED TO BUY. A BETTER Price for your Furniture -■— from Coakley, Ltd. Spot Cash. No - cartage.—'Phone 42-Z3S. D i A DVIcE that is Sound.—Ring Coakley's, -t*. 42-288, v you have Furniture to Sell. •« Stratgut methods. D ( A LOT depends on the firm yiu get to . , Buy your B , wjt , .»j_o. Try Coakley's, . phone 42--3«. • d , A LLMINIIM, Bottlts, Rags, -- 1 - Copper, Brass, etc.—Dominion Waste Products, Powerhouse Lane. Tel, 46-514. A NSELL AND CO., Auctioneers, give best TH. prices for your Furniture. — 'Phone ' 41-018. * tj i A PIECE of Sound Advice.—Get Coak- - ta - ley's Price for your Furniture before selling.—'Phone 42-238. D - A PPAREL —Mrs. Outtrlm, Largest Buyer ' Ladles', Gents' Left-off Clothing.—9l, Victoria St. 'Phone 42-C74. ' A RTH-TCIAL Teeth, any condition, prejf *- Mar preferred :up to £."■ paid.— IVarline Co., !), Security Buildings. D " A UCKLANP'S Biggest Market for Furni- • ■r*- tnre and Pianos. Coaklev. Ltd. Top prices guaranteed.—'Phone 42-235. I) DEFORE Selling, Before Buying your ' •*■* Furniture, consult Squirrcll and Co. We defy competition. 'Phone 44-398. C ' TJICYCLES, Tqol6, Jewellery, any condi- ; -*-* tion, Watches, False Teeth, Cameras. Binoculars, etc.—Clarksoa, 3S, Ponsonby • 11 oad. , p T3OOKS, Magazines, Novels. Music wanted. ! -*-* Best Prices given. — Ardilaun'S, 400, ' Queen St., __ Myers Park. D "OOTTLES, Sacks, Copper, Brass, Lead. < JJ Rags, Horsehair.—Zealandla Trading Cp, 7, Belgium St. 'Phone 42-431. 0 j CARPENTER'S Bench wanted to Buy; ' properly constructed.—State descrip- | tion and price, to S. 121. Stab. (COAKLEY'S Price for Furniture and ' Pianoa is highest. Ring 'Phone 42-238. P I COME AND SEE THE FURNITURE ' DISPLAYED AS IT WILL APPEAR IN YOUR OWN HOMEGEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer, I 38. Queen Street. D . TYKOPHEAD Sewing Machine, any make; . - L 7 state price for cash.—Write H. 9445, j Star. T7IOR THE BEST PRICES FOR YOUR FURNITURE TRY— ' GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38, '. Queen Street. p for working man's home, , ■*- cash, £200, wnnted at once; prefer rimu.—Write S. 174, Stah. TTERNE BAY.—House, 5 or 0 rooms, ' -*-*- wnnted, with Government Mortgage; must he sound ; about £200 deposit.—Partlciilars, write B. 4304. Star. 100 1 LET YOUR OLD FURNITURE PAY FOR YOUR NEW BY SELLING THROUGH • GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer, 1 38, Queen Street. D . OUR SHOWROOMS ARE ARTISTICALLY ; PAPERED TO SHOW YOU HOW THE ' FURNITURE WILL APPEAR AT TOME. GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38, . Queen Street. D ] PARROT Cage, large, square, wanted 54. Cook St. 13LATFORM Scales, to weigh up to 3cwt. ! Full particulars to Lcighton, Ltd., High St., Auckland. - TJING Mrs. Kelly—Buys Left-off Cloth- -*-" Ing. Evening Wear.—Darby St.. off Queen St. 'Phone 42-GOG. D ; SELL YOUR FURNITURE through us AND KNOW THAT YOU ARE GETTING THE BEST POSSIBLE VALUE.— GEORGE WALKER, Auctioneer, 38, Q ■.ecu Street. D QEND your surplus Furniture and Cast-ott C' CKitbi g to the Ponsonby Market Auc- . tion Rooms. We collect free of charge.— Phone 27-100. i CJETTEE, dark stained, flat top, or Ches- . fc- 3 terlield. wanted ; particulars.—Write S. 0052. Stah. " CjKWING Machines, Drophead, at once; . *~' cash waiting.—Terry aud Barker, H.B. Bldgs., Newton. CJINGER Sewing Machine; must be in ; good order and cheap.—Write S. 103. . Star. CJOHA Fountain, small, complete: state - full particulars, price, where seen.— Box 512. " CVTAMPS, old N.Z. Collections and Loose 1 *3 Lots.—Hunt, 100." Victoria Arcade. 1 Corner Shortland St. C OTAMPS, Early V. 7 _eiiand. Pigeon » Posts, General Coll ?ctlons.—Powell, 65, : Shortland St. Open Friday Evenings. C CJUITS, Dinner Suits, Musical Instruments, *J Bags. Tools, Goods every description.— Melt/cr Bros.. <i.~>-(i7. Victoria St. D rpAXK, covered, squat, 400 or 000 gal- I X lons, wanted.—Write B. 4429, Star. < . 283 WE INVITE YOU AND WILL WEL- I COME YOU TO OUR FURNITURE . EXHIBITION SHOW ROOMS. — GEORGE WALKER, Furnishing Auctioneer, ! 38. Queen Street. r> ' f'lOf. WOUTH Furniture wanted daily. Large and small lots.—"Busy Bee." 105-00. Ponsonby Rd. 'Phone 27-190. f> -Plf_f.f_ L v ' Available. MeKenzie's « cV-LUUU i >ays nes t p r i C es _ 0 r your Furniture.—279-81, Broadway, Newmarket 'Phone 43-950. j) QLD TYPE METAL.ANY QUANTITYWANTED Apply MANAGER, " STAR - OFFICE. D 4 j LTD., PAY TOP PRICES FOR FURNITURE. ' See Them Before Toy Sell. 'PHONE 42-235. D TOURIBT AND HEALTH REBORTB. HOT SPRINGS, Ileicnsvllle.—Eddleston's Springslde Private Hotel, Swimming Pools and Hot Mineral Baths on premises. C . PARAKAI HOUSE—Phoue 35. Helens- '_ vllle. —Electric light throughout; good table; bright tires.—Mrs. Himmer, pro- - prletress. D McGARVEY'S Bathgate House, Helensvllle.—Central Position, close to bathhouse. Tariff, 10/ per day. Splendid accommodation. C ROTORUA— "Surrey House." Haupapa , St. First-class Accommodation ; handy bath: £2 week; 8/ day.—Mrs. __!_ 6 ROTORUA— "Bondi House," Haupapa St. 7/C per day, £2 week. Adjacent Sanatorlum Grounds. —Mrs. C. Henderson. B ROTORUA — "Lake House" — Mineral baths on premises: easy distance all • attractions. —Write H. Lloyd, Proprietor. B • ROTORUA —"Randwick," near station ' (next R.M. Co.)— Terms, 0/ day, 52/0 < week. —Stewart Stinton. Proprietor B ; OTORUA — "The Empire," adjacent j ' railway station—Tariff, 12/ per day, ' 70/ week.—McLean. I'lione 111. Box 59. B ROTORUA— "Park View House," opposite Govt. Gardens, all Baths, Sanatorium. First-class Accommodation. Ground Floor. B ROTORUA —"Armidale" — New, comfort, 1 condolence, assured. 'Phono 2n."j, Box 173; 10/ day, £3 3/ week. — Carkelk. 1 Proprietress, b ' TJOTOKCA-A Home from Home. Clubb's XV private Hotel, adjoining Government Orounds : 8/ day. 4.V weekly.—Mrs. Clubb, Proprietress, late Hamilton House. R TJOTORUA —"Devonshire House." cenX*> trally situated, near Government Grounds. Baths.—Excellent accommodation : £0 weekly.—Mrs. Andrews, Proprietress. B riOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAU, XJ N._. INSURANCE BUILDINGS. DECIDE NOW TO VISIT THE DUNEDIN EXHIBITION, And en route 1 SEE THE TOURIST RESORTS OF THE SOUTH ISLAND. ACCOMMODATION Tf; THE FIRST CONSIDERATION. CALL AT THE OFFICE WITHOUT DELAY. S
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
902Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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