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WANTED KNOWN. A CCORDEON Pleating, the latest in five styles.—Tho Crothall Way Co., 137. Symonds St. C A FTERNOON Teas, Luncheons, etc., are - r *- obtainable Sundays at Home Made Cake Depot, nbove Cheltenhnm Beaeli. S4 A GOOD Serviceable Umbrellu from 6/11. ■**- Umbrellas Re-covered or Repaired nt Lethaby's 10, Strand Arcade. B A W. M. SALAMAN, Indian Herbalist, ' c:v • 56, Khyber Pass. Business hours: 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. ■ ALL quality stores stock Imperial Bee "**• noney, because It makes satisfied customers. " D A LL Suede Shoes converted into Patent ** Leather; we collect, deliver; 0/. —C-O Polishes. P.O. Box IQ2S. __!___ "ANCHOR" Butter Supreme—Gnariin- ■*•- teed by the neat, safe, and sanitary " Anchor " Carton. All Grocers. h A POITXAR Present. —An Umbrella ■**• bought at Lethaby's brings good luck. 10. Strand Arcnde. B A PRESENT from Mother, Father, -■*- Sister or Brother —An Umbrella bought at _________ Strand Arcade. R " \ STIIONA." the remarkable Cough, ■"- Cold. Asthma and Bronchitis Remedy. All Chemists, or 47. Ferry Buildings. C A UCKLAND Horticultural Society's Spring ■**■ Show. September 10, 11, St. Andrew's nail. Symonds St. Admission. 1/. , . 2 "DAP Legs, Eczema, absolute cure. No X* Laying up.—Nurse Carlyle, 12, St. George's Bay ltd. . B "DEKKER'S Pure Soap Saves labour by ■*-* Soaking clothes 20*m!nntes; no soda or powders needed; harmless to the bands. All Grocers. B "I>IG REDUCTIONS IN PRAMS, Push -*-» Clinirs, Doll Prams, ett>., at our SHOWROOMS. Thompson's Buildings, Sl3, Queen Street (3 doors above Town Hall). W. A. THOMPSON AND CO. C T3LUE Serge Suits for a Fiver; guaranteed ■*-* dye.—Laurie and Hardy," Foresters' Bldgs.. Albert St. B T>OOTS and Shoes Repaired thoroughly. •*-* Best materials used, prices reasonable. Craig, corner Pitt, Vincent Sts. B BRICKWORKERS, Co-operative assisted. 8000 Yards Ponsonby CI ly available.— Apply 13, Empire Building, Swanson St. BROWNE BROS., 37, Strand Arcade (third floor). —Best value Irish Linens, Table Damasks. Sheeting, etc. C BUTTONS, Braiding, Hemstitching; no waiting.—-F. 11. Dyer, 2nd Floor, Pacific' (formerly Watson's) Bldgs., Wellesley St. B COLD Nights.—Have a good fire. Coal, Coke, Firewood delivered promptly.— Collier, 83, Ponsonby, Rd. 'Phone 26-246. B FOR all Gastric Troubles and Affections of the Stomach, consult W. T. Andcrton, Herbalist. 17, Mt. Eden Rd. FOR Best Value In Teas try W. and J Poet's Pure Ceylon at 2/8. _ FORD Radiators lent, no charge, while yours repaired.—Philip Lewis, Expert, Chnncerv St. 'Phone 4P-27.~». C FORD Radiators (or other makes) ; overhauled and guaranteed: six months' free repairs.—Plillln Lewis, Chancery St. C FROM Overseas —The British Resident at Pahang writes: "Your Imperial Bee Honey la excellent." D GENTS', Ladies' Hats Cleaned, Blocked. Felts, Panamas, Leghorns, Tuscan.— Crothall Wnv Co.. 137. Symonds St. C GOOD Jumble Sale, Monday, September 7.. 2 O'clock. —9S. Great North Rd. HARRY FORT, High-class Tailor, moderate prices.—Palmerston Bldjjs., Queen St., opp. G.P.O. 'Phone f270. B TTEMSTITCHING, Mens Shirts and ■XX Pyjamas ; own materials made at 370. Dominion Rd- opr>. P.O. C HEMSTITCHING, Buttons, Pleating. Skirts Mnde Cp. Dressmaking. Evening Gowns ; charges moderate. —12, Victoria St. W. D HEMSTITCHING. Embroidery, Pinking. Braiding, Dressmaking, Coat Frocks; moderate ; prompt attention. —Greer Scott. 73. City Chambers. \ B INECTO, the Wellknown Hair Dye. procurable in all shades. —Dewar, Strand Arcade. ' .- B INECTO" Hair Dye, procurable in all shades from Miss Borgolte, Toilet Specialist, City Chambers. Auckland. D LADIES ! To be healthy and strong use Orange Lily.—Pull particulars, Dewar, . Strand Arcade. . 12 ?a" ARGE Shipment Mullet. Flounder, Gar- *— lish Nets arriving, ex s.s. Kent.— Johnstone's Net Factory, 680, Dominion Rd. D ADAME HYLAND, Phrenologist. Character Reader, see friends.—l, Waverley St., off Dixieland. D MURPHY, Chemist, "Junction Pharmacy," Broadway.—Prescriptions made up only by fully-qualified Chemist.—Phone 24-340. " " —Death to Moths and — Silverflsh; all stores, or Domestic Vacuum Cleaning Co., 12, Strand Arcade. D V"OW Is the time to have your Lawn- ™ mowers renovated before the rush sets In. We are -*dge Tool Experts. Estab. 1880. No canvassers employed.—Leadbeater Bros., 300. Queen St. W.S. NURSE CLAYTON, Healer, Cures Stitt Joints, Rheumatism. Nerve Troubles.— Consulted 1 to 2, 00, Mackelvle St., Ponsonby. 17-1 OIL of Salt—Antiseptic Healer, First Aid one bottle : stops bleeding cuts, lacerations, bruises, boils. ' S4 OIL of Salt—Burns. Scalds, no blistering, heals rapidly. Keep bandy on mantelpiece.— Chemists. Stores. S4 OUR Factory is busy, but we have time to Clean your Hat at Tntfs. D JIANOS Tuned'and kept in good order; A three times yearly. £1 1/. —Stanley. Wright's Road,.Pt. Chevalier. B PSYCHOLOGIST, . Herbalist. Medical Dinsnoser, Character Delineation, Business Advice. —Sakara, Box 17, Newton P. 0.. Auckland. 17a RESTORED Health.—Kirk's Renowned Natural Cures Successfully Practised. Martin's, 32, St. Mary's Rd., Ponsonby. Inquire to-day. TFS ROLFE'S Wax Is, after all, the best and most economical Floor Polish. Sold everywhere. D SAWS of all kinds Oulleted, Hammered. Set, and Sharpened at Anderson and DurHp. 4.'. Albort St. C CANNOT BEAR THE THOUGHT OF DRINK. THANKS TO DRINKO. , There are no relapses with Drlnko—lt • eradicates permanently tbe craving for alcohol. Read this letter from a Hastings , lady: "After two years and two months your Drlnko Treatment still holds good, and although my husband was treated secretly he has a complete disgust for • drink now, and cannot bear the thought of It. You can imagine how happy we feel." Drlnko is certified absolutely barmleSß by a Government Analyst. Odourless and tasteless. Write for free booklet and testimonials. Strictest secrecy observed. Only plain wrappers used. The Lady Manager, Home "Welfare Proprletary. 4M. Willis Street. Wellington. RB WAY TO MAKE MONEY AT HOME. Would you like ito turn spare hours Into pounds? Would you like to have an independent business of your own? Here is a new way to make money unlike anything ever offered before. There Is no canvassing to do; no tedious, laborious drudgery. This Is the most delightful kind of work you could. imagine. You will enjoy, every minute you devote .to it. And it pays amazingly well. From £5 to £15 per week and more! 'NO SPECIAL ABILITY OR EXPERIENCE NEEDED. The National Confectionery organisation has openings for new members to devote to Home Confectionery Making. No matter where you live you can be one of the happy members of the National Confectionery Industry.Mail the coupon for the beautiful Illustrated Book that explains everything. We Will send it to you FREE, But you must be prompt, as new members are wanted at once, and this golden opportunity may not come to you again. NATIONAL CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY, 77, Queen Street, AUCKLAND. Gentlemen. —.Without obligation on mv part please send mc FREE,- the book on Home Confectionery Making, which tells how I can earn money at home by making sweets for you, also particulars of your Money-Making Guarantee and the special co-operative privileges and services. Name Street Town .', • ~ - S J
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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1,100Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 210, 5 September 1925, Page 2
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