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TO iiET. STANLEY POINT—3 and 4-roomed Flats, completely detached ; all conveniences ; seven minutes' 30. Stanley l't. ST. HELIER'S.—I Roome, kitchenette, «ne stove, califont, new; handy beach and bus.—Apply Mrs. Henderson. 130 moLE ST., ronsonby—β-roomcd Houee ami J- convs.—Baker and Swan, Lister Bullding, Victoria St. E. 10 ° WIDOW would like refined people share 6-Roomcd House, all convs., own stove end meter; tram stop; adults.—lll, Great South Rd." WORKROOM or Office, cheap rental; finest spot In Auckland. —Iloltons, Ltd., 63, Albert St. 28 XT O II I M' A R A M A. GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, 8 Rooms and Offices, in separate flats. Near to bus and beach. Elevated position. Apply TRUELOVE, Selwyn Bond, Kohimarama. ' ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, O'CONNELL STREET. MODERN OFFICES TO LET On Reasonable Terms. Apply ROXAL KXCHANUB ASSURANCE, 10, O'Connell Street. A MOTOR CYCZ.ES TOR BATE. t> S.A.'S, good order, £12; also late model -D* Sidecar, outfit, cheap. Inspection week-end. —189, Parnell ltd. BS.A., 21 h.p., Latest Model, witti all • accessories; in thorough working order: cheap for caßh.—lnqulre Star. 378 Douglas, 2] h.p., overhauled, splendid order, great climber; £30; erenings.— 92, Edcndale Rd. Car. Royal Terrace. 113 HARLEY Davidson Combination, In perfect order, late model; £65.—Qeo. Bond, 40, Lome St. TTARLEX-DAVIDSON Side Car; real good ■*-■- order; nil fittings; cheap for cash. Write F. 9555, Star. TTARLEY, 1920, fully equipped, sound throughout; cheap for quick sale.— 48', Walrikl Rrf., Mt. Edt-n. 11l HARLEY DAVIDSON, 7-9 h.p., electric combination, 1923 model; in good condition ; any reasonable trial given.—Apply J. Q. -:Peat, Dyer, Eden Terrace. INDIAN ana gidecar, £50 ; Indian, Big X, Douglas, B.S.A.—Geo. Bond, 49, Lome St. INDIAN " Scout, electric, 1923, fully equipped; any trial.—Corner House, Richardson Rd., Duart Ay.. Mt. Albert. 110 INDIAN, 1022, electric, £30; 1918, splendid order, £17 10/, old machine pact payment.—Astley, 5, Belgium St. INDIAN, gear, engine compleetly overhaulPd ; splendid condition ; bargain.— Les. Craig. 26. Trinity St., Heme Bay. 109 INDIAN Side Car, Standard, upholstered, enamelled, well shod; £12; another, excellent order, £10.—Astley, 5, Belgium St. RUDGE, 3| h.p., equipped, good order; £15 or near offer.—flarratt, 145, Grafton Rd. 113 SPARE Parts used for all motor cycles; Cylinders ground: all parts manufactured.—Astley. 5. Belgium St. 01/ H.T\, English, 3 speed gears, kickO/2 starter; original ' tyre; cheap.— Write H. f1321, Star. __ f»KK-1923 INDIAN Combination, over- =*■*** hauled, painted; guaranteed order throughout.—Boueby, 20, Wallace St., Berne Bay. SECOND-HAND TITOTOR /CYCLES. ECOND-HAND IW-OTOR VA'CLES. CASH OR TERMS. When sold on Terms the Deposit Iβ One Third of the Terms Price, with the balance payable at £3 per month. CASH PRICE. Nβ. £ b. d. 23 —INDIAN. 7 h.p.. electric model; one new tyre; Schebler Carburettor 37 10 0 TERMS PRICE, £41 10/. 40r-INDIAN, 1916 Model; good tyres and paint 25 0 0 TERMS PRICE. 429. 42—INDIAN, Standard 1919 model; Shebler Carburettor 8 : left-hand kick-starter 31 0 0 TERMS PRICE, £35. 51—SUN , PRECISION, 3* h.p.. 3 speeds; good tyres and belt 12 10 0 6—Genuine INDIAN SIDECAR, Right-hind fitting; suit spring frame Indian .... 12 10 0 Freight paid to your nearest Station or Port. gKEATES AND rTTHITE, J TO., 48, FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. TWF MOTOR CYCLES WANTMP. "jl/TOTOR Cycles wanted, any sort or conATJ - dition; damaged or incomplete; snot cash.—Astley, C, Belgium St. BICYCLES FOR SALE. BICYCLE, boy'e, cheap; also Scagrase Pram. —Johns, 25. Edwin St., Mt. Eden. 126 ICYCLB (Gents) Auckland Special, practically new.—Apply 83, New North Rd., Klngeland. 17 BICYCLE, gent's, Anglo Special, splendid condition; £5 10/ cash.—ll4, Crammer Rd., Grey Lynn. B~ ICYOLES, £3 15/, £4 15/, £5 10./ ; company built 8.5.A., £6 10/; all' Coaster hubs.—:Clarkson. 38, Ponson'hy' Rd. ENT'S Cycle, fair running order, good tyres; price £3 5/. —50, Disraeli St.. Mt. Eden. RED Bird Bicycle, in good condition. Apply 'Phone 20-593. £9 15/. _£!_J 5A £9 15 '- THE 1925 MODEL PERFECTION CYCLE. Fully Guaranteed. Fully Equipped. Terms arranged. £3 dcpoelt. See it at CLARKE'S, ' Late Taylor's, Broadway, Newmarket. 120 A B.S.A. B IOICLE A B.S.A. B ICICLE F OR £11 11/. F OR £11 11/. IT\HIS is the finest value every offered in J- B.S.A. BICYCLES—not even before the war were B.S.A. machines available at this low figure. The "EMPIRE" Model is complete with Pump and Tools, and has the 8.8.A. Piled Arms Trademark on steering head, chain, wheel, cranks ana hubs. Now is the time to buy—£ll 11/ cash. Terms arranged. Deposit £3. FREE DELIVERY TO NEAREST PORT OR STATION. (gKEATES AND TIU,, 43, FORT STREET, AUCKLAND. > __ ei>> _ i TWr" TOHJ3T SPECIALISTS Ellison Chambers. 'Phone 40-413 a^-> ° , Kooms, Mutual Life tt -' ■ D " Kok°''•' » Hair Restorer, sold by all -iv Chemists, 3/ bottle (3/8 posted from Eccles. Chemist. Ponsonby t Jo>,teu^ 2 arkens Grey Hulr, removes m« D f an i^ ru ?- ? tops p al"ns: 8/ bottle (V 8 postedi.-Eooles. ChPiojst. Ponsonbv. A TADlßS—Madame Tate Restores Your l? aUty: Hair ' Bklß Specialist Bon Marche, Karaneahnqe Rd., phone 46-047. At ' D ''vT:N, Queen St., 'Phone T»«L c 13 « re ««mnien<»*d by medicos for HemoTing Superfluous Sair. Consultations *££S: ;" A ]VTADAME THORA TATE. Bon Marche, tl'Z v 7Jf n -~7? &ir ' Skin Treatment. Stalni2&e Cu mi ?lst ' Waving, Shampooing, Electrolysis.—Phone 46-047.
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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
Word Count
842Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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