(Before Mr. J. W. Poynton, S.M., and
Mr. A. J. Stratford, J.P.)
On a charge of obtaining the sum of | £25 from Malcolm Brown, of Pokeno, by falsely representing that he had due , to him £20 from the Post and Telegraph Department, Joseph Herman Vincent (30) was remanded to appear at Mercer on September 9. A SERIOUS CHARGE. John Dennis ((58), for whom Mr. J. J. Sullivan appeared, was charged with indecent assault on a girl of 13 years. Accused was remanded to appear on September 10, bail ill the sum of £100 being allowed. A CHANCE TO MAKE GOOD. To two charges of procuring liquor while prohibited, Emily Riatt pleaded guilty. Senior Sergeant Edwards stated that on August 8, at 6 p.m., a constable was called to accused's house, where he found Mrs. Riatt in a drunken condition. She had been before the Court last July, when he was ordered to come up for sentence. Adjutant Gordon said that accused's husband never helped her. Mrs. Riatt was a good mother and housekeeper, and was looking after her two little children very well. The adjutant asked that the case be adjourned for one month in order to give accused a chance to make good. Mr. Poynton, in adjourning the charges for three months, told accused that she had been previously warned. She would have to continue to improve herself, otherwise she would find herself up in Mount Eden. ELDERLY WOMAN'S THEFTS. Martha Scott (72), appeared for sentence on five charges of theft of clothing valued at £G 3/. Chief Detective Cuminings said that accused stole the articles of clothing from a boarding house and sold them to second-hand dealers. She had previously been on Pakatoa Island and before the Court for drunkenness. Adjutant Gordon said that accused was not a criminal and had never been before the Court for offences involving dishonesty. She was willing to go back to the inebriate's island for a term. On one of the charges the Magistrate convicted accused and ordered her to come up for sentence within two years. An order was made for her committal to Fakatoa. PUBLISHED A DOUBLE CHART. When charged on summons with publishing a double chart on the Winter Hurdles and Grand National Steeplechase, run at Cliristchurch last month, Gordon Basil McEhvain did not appear. Detective Moon deposed that at 4.35 p.m., on August 8, he found McEhvain in the bar of a hotel exhibiting a double chart; when witness accosted him he attempted to tear it up. "McElwair, is an old criminal, your Worship," said Chief Detective Cuinmings. "'He has, since 1908, been convicted on several occasions for theft and tours the Dominion laying doubles. When 'struck' he cannot be found." Accused was fined the maximum penalty. £20.
A mountain of salt, in Algeria, a mils across at the top and 800 feet hiyh, is to be mined for commercial purposes. In spite of the soluble character of the material, the hill stands in high Telief from the surrounding country, and in almost smooth except for a number of sinkholes which the heavy seasonal rains fill, the water bubbling out below as briny springs. It is proposed to run this water into pans and evaporate it to reclaim the salt, while most of the material will be dug out with picks and shovels. A railroad is to be built to the mountain. , .._..-•. _~■ _.
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 5
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