UXPROFITABLE SHIPPING. German shipping companies, in Qomnton. wiitb many British companjfes anff , shipowners of other axe-. ex» periencingr an unprofitable period.-.* the report issued; recently of the German Australian Line, no diyidends. will, be posaLbl* as a result of last, trading-. AVitlt tne exception of tie Hamburg. South, Ameciqan. laee>.! wMch distribtttedi Si pcjr een,t X none the , German shipping liner Companies;' has been, abfe to pay a dividend this. year,, and many have sustained lxeavylossea.. Tliis is. taken, to indicate' that, despite the Tawec rate ot pay,, German shipping; bas, beeu unable- to-, compete successfully with that of other countriefi, , especially Great Britain-, whete a fair number of companies paid dividends. '. DKIED FRUITS. A: return, compiled b.y? tne Gewernm«»nt StatlHtlclaa Olhclosob tlio raHien lnroi'ituttlon that. iSew Zonumil lsi at ttie head or thA ils». or , c»ui)trlQ« in lt» con.-, sumption oH niJalns itixl cunmnts, eaJailiwd por Iw-od of popii-liiUon, In. Hpif.fl Of ' nil that has been hunx-d, about the eltorts; to, lncroDHo tin; mht in Atntiirlca,, whoun it hoe niwn.vK noun umt'irHtooa unit, tbc ontic-r, Is , practlt'iilljr unHnitTfMi, Thu roirowine; l». the ceilmatftd i;iiiimnn\>tUm o<tr Uuml of populatlonr — , , i HiilHlDM. Gitr'nintH..Total eewntry.. m. h>., to. iv«w zoaivind <mo> 1,90> n,oo I Aiistnulln Qii d i.iiij. 4inlimi Kingdom ~ \,ht, v,77 -i, α-i ' Ciiiiiniii :i.m> (i,c,(i 4,10 United States ~,.„ v.O'i o,'Ji ;i,yu
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 4
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