AMUSEMENTS. EEEEEEEETTTTTTT'I EEE£EEJJKT X T X i , X X -1 k EVERYBODY'S I ] i iXD TIVOLI. j ? t, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. At 7.30 p.m. 1 X 3 X . 'j X " Xor snon - , nor raiu, nor wind, 'x L' uor uigit, 1 X Can stay Uie Pilot in his flight." '* E fj B COMMENCING TO-DAY. 'x E 'i E PARAMOUNT PICTURES Present X I _ I I J . I ;i E I "mETE air -vtail."" 1 'x c •■ ■*- m> -«Lut ->J-Ai;.." i F. 'J E 'i J.- I . 'I E f | V. The sky's the limit for thrills '! X and excitement. 'J E 1 i-; Thrills of a new and amazing '1 R Kind. 'l X 1 F- Sets a nw hieh mark for r-x- 'J E <-itin? entertainment. 'J E - 1 X Filled sky hicU with smashing 'J X tJirills simply amazing. J H The Wjrzest nnd swiftest air 'i X ft'int picture ever- made ! 'I E ■! E - A smashinj; romanoe-melo- 'X E drama of the daring pilots of tue 'I E . mail planes in. U.S.A. X E 1 E See the great tight three thou- x X sand feet aloft! See the startling '' E parachute leap! See the airplane l F. flight through a raging blizzard! 'I E '1 E The <=-pio apromanr-e of the '1 E daring men who pilot the mail '1 E planes through tic myriad X X hazards of tha air. 'I E 1 E A scorching, thrilling, aero- x E manre ny the author of the '1 E Wally Reid motor stories. '1 X ' 1 E There's a m<?>!«aie In ." The i F> Air Mail " for YOU !' '1 Eg X Second Sppeial Attraction at the 'i F. Tivoli Only, at T.SO, '1 E 1 I- MAY M.-AVOY J. E g X In the Universal-.Tewel Feature 'i I :j X " rpHE "XTAD rX'HIRL." v E 'i E Tivoli Her-ervrs at deal's. To- 'I X baeeonistfi. Queen Street. or '1 X 4M3G. Ererybofiv's Hosorrcs 'I X 44-iO2. 'i X "1 E 1 X BIG ORCHESTRA AT BOTH J X HOUSES. 1 E 'i E -j KEEEEKEETTTTTTT'J EEF.EEEEET T T T T T T 'I T>OX Y\7OODWARDS -pICTURES ->- v ox >*ooDWAUD's -Pictures BRITANNIA. POXSOXBY. THREE LAMPS. TO-XlcriT. TO-NIGHT. TO-XIGIIT Paramount Presents I'OLA NEGRI POLA NEGRI In 'T. n ' V !O F TMn T\VST." "MIV V'.F J-IIE J->UST." Comedy "LINES BUSY.' .TACK DKMPKEY ■JACK DEMIrfEY In ,: SO THIS IS PARIS.'• "SO THIS IS PARIS." BURTOX HOLMES TOPICAL Booking at Theatre. Phone 20-23-1. XJHiriRE. DOMINION ROAD. J-'MPIUE. TO-NIGUT, 7.4 i. EJQ'IKE. — EMPIRE. A. S. M. Hutehinson's Sequo EMPIRE. to -If Winter Comes." KMPTRE. "rpiIIS TjMIEEDO.M." EMPIItA "-'-HIS J HEKDOiI," KMl'lrfK. "THIS FRKKDOM," EMPSRE. Also, EMI'IUK. 'THE OHAY D.VWX," EMPIRE. "THE GRAY DAWN," EMPIRE. Featuring • KMPIRK. ROniCUT McKIM. EMPIRE. C'LAIUE ADAMS'. EMPIRE. A Thrillinc Tale of the GoK BMPIRE. Rush Days. EMPIRE. T'usual Prices. Orr-hestra X\7 E S T T7» X I) m II E A T R E *' 1: st Jjxn ■*- n c a t r E POXSOXBY ROAD. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Screening at 7.40 p.m. sharp. EARLE WILLIAMS. CULLEN LAXDIS WANDA HAWLEY, In MASTERS f\V AfEN." ASTERS -J-len." Comedy "TOO MANY HUSBANDS.' Gazette. Review. Serial. Mufcie by the West End Orchestra. Prices: Stalls. 0d: D.C.. 1/. Reserves at "Ideal" Fruiterer, opp. Theatre T> e<3 EXT. EPSUJI -" TO-NIGHT AT S. CORBINXB GRIFFITH In her greatest film, "DECLASSE." "DECLASSE." Cast includes Lloyd Hughes and Cliv Brook. VAUDEVILLE TRIALS TO-XIGIIT. Come early. "Phone 20-142. Prices 1/, t/< Tomorrow (Sat) Matinee. Great Torn Mi: Drama, "Pardon My Xerve." ONEHUXGA PICTURES r- TOXIGHT XBHUXGA PICTURES TO-NIGHT Strand. I,'niversal Presents Strand. PAULINE FREDERICK Strand. In Strand. "SMOULDERING FIRKS." Strand. "SMOULDERING FIRES." Strand. Also. Strand. " THK FAST EXPRESS " Strand, " THE FAST EXPRESS." Strand. Serial. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. • B BLAXDFOR D ry \ R X L A X D F O R D J- A R X TOMORROW, CJATURDAY. ATURDAY. 1.30 P.M. Poxsoxby v. -poYAL OXSOXBl" V. -""OYAL JM AVri AND AT 3 P.M., mRAMWAYS V. mniSTLE. -TRAMWAYS V. J-UISTLE. PRICES AS USUAL. j BL A X D F O R It T> A R K. LA X DFOIiU J- \R X 125 LICENSING NOTICES. T ICENSING NOTICE.—T. WILLIAM -U FREDERICK THOMAS GBIOSBT of Auckland, being the holder of a Publican , ' License in respect of the premises situatec in Quenn Street. Auckland. Unown as tin Thames Hotel, do hereby pive notice that I desire to obtain, and will at. the next licensing meeting, to be held at Aucklanc on the 2nd day of Dnorraber, 1923, anph for. the removal of the License for th< aforesaid premises to other premises situ ated at Quay Street, Auckland, being th< premises now owned and occupied bj Messrs. Llchtensteln. Arnoldson, nnd Co Dated this 3rd day of September, 1925. W. F. T. QBIOIBIi <
Page 14 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 14
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