APPLES ARE CHEAP. Guaranteed A grade apples, such as are being: sold all over Auckland, are now obtainable in case lots at very reasonable prices. Order a case to-day. Apples are also procurable in 51b aiul Sib bags.— (\<j.\ ■α-cmm Spenl en HEE NZOr.«»e, full. Make, a pint of good strong cough and cold syrup. Safe for the youngest. Pleaunt to talcs Over 4.000 te»lim«niaU latt year. jj "appiis? To-datj •
The demand for Sliarlarxi's tEprg Preservative increases every Tear, because it. is absolutely relaible. — (Ad.)
! QUALITY FURNITURE In Buying Furniture, Have the Best at |j Lowest Cost. We make it, and sell direct to you at Factory Prices. The saving and satisfaction is yours. I D.S.C.& COUSINS & COUSINS I ( LTD. 1 ; Kitchener Street (near Police Court). |
HH ! m\ fr /' "S ■ . \ So we are ten days from the B\ \ Bfi>y) I 4 (fe J a jfl s' / <U* closing date. Invest at least 2- Ml \ JBh i I J*S fi v/'j before it is too late. Although you MaT (1 : I m*'j h may have a ticket bought weeks J^^| YsYfl ! / ago, have another just for luck. Don't I erf" *** turn your back when a fortune is lying: IpH \Jt~l begging—be . in. the. charmed . circle .of ■EM Lr ticket holders. Faint heart never won a first fvlj Jgj prize. Act to-day! Use the coupon—it's only a W=m He| paltry matter of a few shillings. Just tear out that W~m Wk\ I coupon below! It's so well worth while. MM jHj (By Permission of the Minister of Internal Affairs.) JH MAKE NO MISTAKE.—See that your tickets are BLUE ones. This fm Art Union will be drawn months before any other. Definitely drawn on ky^ October 20th, 1925. Closes on September 15th. List of prize-winning J^H numbers published within a few days of drawing. K^M I 1.l lV»/e 12000 I I 2na-£SOO. 5i4-000 I H -ttriies 4 £13 3 5Ji izcs <f £10 I 04O» - £5-48 •• f.\ § 4tM rf\ Iff* f* Th ' B mean * y° u obtain eleven hundred chances Pβ LvJ ME Mtr , irg%§£ M>/| of winning all prirei, including the £2,000 firet. LJ ■H mLM M.U£jl Make up a Syndicate! Go seriously After getting in IJH on the big prize-money. |s The Minister of Internal Affairs has limited For Am.i.,,,. <;,».» *-,„+. +v 4.4-1,; f +■ X ■ the value of Art Union Alluvial Gold prizes SrlS un Vf ■ to £dOO. Therefore it is considered by the purpose of nlavirs- areas fo- El X most people that the £2000 prize of the R ug gy &° n To^ TFooS fnd oS Amateur K[ ■g Dominion AU Gold Art Union will not only Athletic Sports in Southland, illuminates fTf) ff) fe e a splendid windfall for the holder of the interest and push of the promoters in I\ f I '/ / the winning ticket, but one that, m view Amateur Sport All who wish to temnr I ' I IJI of the Minister's statement will not occur luck and Jffita should h?ve I I again in xs ew Zieaianu. tickets I 1 Tickets obtainable at all Tobacco. /VJM^JPl^^^^^^pjßß^BßßfijßbJ nists and Retailers displaying p__J \ B Dominion All Gold Art Union, K^^M IMB Coupon. C// ° T " W * M * ben > BHH Acacia Buildings, BJ Wmß 14, O'Connell Street, Auckland. ■ I\VSS?J JmmmWWz-/ Til - - W/^t Se Sen mc tickets for which jtjj I 1 Please enclose stamped and addressed envelope with your remittance.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 10
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