DE WITTS PILLS CO-OPERATE WITH NATURE AND THUS ACHIEVE RESULTS UNOBTAINABLE BY AXY OTHER MEANS y. YOU CANNOT CHOOSE A BETTER REMEDY FOR— YOU will nevier believe how quickly De Witt's Pills relieve pain until you have tried and proved them in your own case. Testimonials from those who have already tried the remedy may ' encourage you ; the advice of your doctor or your chemist may give • you confidence and you will be impressed by what your friends and . neighbours say. but the real test comes PROOF THAT MUST wnen y° u try De Witt's Pills yourself. i f"TIN\/lrVir*P c\/rrjv Get a box from your chemist to-day , v.univii\ut tVLKY if possible. Take two of the pills , SUFFERING READER before you go to bed and see what a »I . . °"\A/' + difference there will be in the morning. . A LMncy/VllneSS For days perha p S you have dreaded getting out of bed. Every movement has tortured yon and your back has m as would break in two. % Pain is Banished X r^^ie memol T °f thi 3 suffering may remain a long time, but while you J%r Sleep De Witt's Pills work ceaselessly i; Mr. WATERS (from photo.) iar sood. Bend your back, Iμ stretch your arms and you will find x ;'; Writing from 22, Howitt St., your pain has gone. jj; Hawksburn, Melbourne, Mr. A. explanation is simple. De si J. Waters says :—" For 8 years Pitt's Pills contain ingredients (see I suffered with dreadful pains in f ormu ] a O n box) which restore weak J my back, but De Witt's Pills kidneys to a i iea lthy f active state and , ; gave mc instant relief and I have enaWe t]iem tQ extract the harmful jjj enjoyed good health ever smee. m>ic acid which canses pain in your : ; back and loins. Thus the relief which V?so quickly follows the use of De Witt's Pills is permanent, for the I ; cause of the trouble is banished by their use. 'i f |j Surely you will not continue to suffer when a remedy like this !:: is within your easy reach. It is true that Backache sometimes j; goes away of , its own accord, but remember that it is really a i") symptom of kidney trouble, and if you heed the warning now \ yon may save yourself much suffering later on
■:•'- The World's Home Remedy for 40 Years— De WITTS KIDNEY. AND BLADDEE TAKE TWO TO-NIGHT I B B Take two of Dβ Witt's Pills to-night . I ffl and in the morning you wi.l ice and I HI ffl leel and know for certain that they MM H ■___ ■■__ ; matt do you good. j g| g HHI BHB Watch for such symptoms as puffings under the eyes, heaviness of the limbs \ swollen feet or ankles, foul breath, scalding pains, gravel or stone. These symptom * usually precede attacks of Rheumatism, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica or seriou » Kidney Trouble, and much suffering and expense may be saved by quickly gettinc * a box of De "Witt's Pills from the Chemise and taking them as directed. ?, . S i EPS Q M "mc ' Magnificent Sections . . Volcanic Land Best Quality Beautiful View of the Waitemata £6-10-0 Per Foot Only To Home Buyers: — We consider these Sections undoubtedly ' the choicest home sites at present available close to the City at the Low Price of 1 £6-10-0 per ft; They are on the lower slopes of hill facing the north, sunny and sheltered from all cold winds. Call for a Plan. Richard Arthur Limited Street (Opposite Town Hall) ft ■' . ■ —
Page 10 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 209, 4 September 1925, Page 10
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