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STABLE AND TRACK GOSSIP. illy WlIAl.KIinNi: i FIXTURES FOR THE 1925 SEASON. May n, m- ■Eginoiii R.c. May 10—."So:• 111 Canterbury R.C. May v 1 •_•:; w aimai.ui J.i:. Mm _'T Waipn lt:n in-' Club. June :;. -i, i,- -huiiedi'i J.C. June ;i, -i—otuKi Maun R.C. June a, 6, s- -Auckland lit:. June 10, -ju .Napier I'ark RCJune !!U—lirarki'iiilelil Hunt <:iub. Juno -j i, i>s -llaukr s Hay IX.. June so, •.■:■- A.-hbiirti.:i County R.C. June :.•?—llawke's iiav Hunt Club. July », 1 1 -Wellington R.C. ,i ;lv IS- -.sunn t'.aiitcihur.v Hunt Club, ~ l."i I'akui'aiiua Hum. 5..|,i,-i„ ~.,• ••.; > Awmdnle .liiiki-y < '1n... ii. inlit-1' I.", 1; Ulniiigaici liiii'lliiS I tub. it _•'. w alum liiini. N.V.-n,:,. r Vl. li. lliiinii Racing I'lub. \„vc it "S, .".i Takapnnii .luckc.i i'lub. i i!,it :, Tauiiiarunni Racing i'lub. ; \2 Waipn lla. in- i'luh. 1n..,.,„.„ r IT I" nari.:iville liming Club. I „n„T 2<\. -".'- Auckland lla. ing I'lui.. .lanuary !. 2 Aii.-kl.-in.l Racing I'luh. Ijanuan '.'. < 1 Thui.i.s Jockey i'luh. i January -I. -.; Kawaknwa Raring i'lub. .lanuaij "'.' .".u Taknptina .lockey i'lub. .lanilarv ::n'i lia. ing < 'lull. I ,-iii-iiiitv ii. v ■!•.. Kniti Racing flub. 1.. .nun-V i:i, |.-. Itiicing I'lub. I'lvriiiii'V 2" - I'rarklin Unclng i lub. I'.brn.ny --".- tki Jockey run.. I-, i.rnarv 21 To Arulia Jockey I'lub. Man Ii 1* Te An.ha Jockey I'lub. March i.- Mil I a mil I.'i Itarlng I'lub. 1.:. IT i Uilneniui-i Jwkej flub. Man h 2»— I'.av <>( I'lenty Jock-}' I'lub. \i.ii; :: ,"i -Aiirkliind Having club. \,i-i| in, '.J Aviuuiale .li.fkcy Club. April 2A— Whangan-i Racing i lub. Xinv I. :: -llauiill.iii Racing club. June •'!. ■"., T -Auckland Racing Club. A:\~WKH- in I'.OHnESPO.MiENTtj. VKRITAS.--1I is not necessary lo hold the inker to derlai'e "no trumps." II "nn trumps " i- di'i'lared, and the player making Ihe de.'laraiion < - not hold the joker, then 111.' oppiuii'iit who Hold.-, II cannot make use of il until a suit is played ul which lie holds none. The winter raring season opens to-day Willi the Fglliont meeting. Foul's Paradise showed up Tor a while In the llawke's Hay Cup. and will be an, improved horse Ihe next lime out. Ii is stated ilmi Martian Miss collided Willi a trr.-tle while working mi Mc Opakl course, and reeelved serious injury lo one of her shoulders. Ihapotoa, by rotoo —lhapuna, which mis lleell Irallll'd ill ralniel'SH.n Moth I'm- some in,,,, has 1 n returned to Minamata. where be is being trained by A. McAi'tlwr. [.'Amour is reported to have run well In the Auiiiinii Handicap at Hastings last week eventually lliiislung foilftll. l>u iliui showing He Is expected to be closer up in a near future engagemnt. Fleel liar should be none Hie worse for his racing al Wlmngiim. He was started in the Walpu Welter lliindirap, but had to go miller t.. flight anil Left, which was m belter fiirin limn lie has Uecn for Quite a lung time. pood <pr.rt appeared lo have a chance in the' Autumn Handicap nl Hastings last week ir he was reserved for mat event In preference In the llawke's Hay 1.11 i. This was done, and lie managed lo win by a bead from the useful Heather Sprig. Irish Jig made a very faulty jump at the last Hurdle at the Whangarei meellng mi Saturday, otherwise lie may nave been closer. He' should be a lair proposition at the luni' meeting, and would be very hard tn bent if he did not dwell a trifle al Ills fences. The llawke's t'.av Jockey Club bad a most successful meeting, thanks to The Hawk-Gloaming match In tin ormona Memorial Cup. The intalisator on saturriiv •■-bowed an Increase of i!J--'.llO compared will, the lor the previous autumn meeting. ™* ma X.S lntal of £i',:i,:ii'J. which was E-Je.oflo ant ail or the auiiiinii meeting last year. Kliralre, the winner or t iio 11« wKf *s= Bay (\w was disposed i.l lor s»ug* at the '' Ir Mr W It. Keniliall s horses recently lie' was purchased by Mr. W. 11. liaisiord'. and at the lirst time of asking he returned :ir,(is,.vs in stake and a cup value r.Osovs, so that he iimst be i iinsulered a cheap Horse now. lie returned a two-ilgurc dividend, mack Art was brought North ror tlie last fir-eat Northern meeting at Ellerslie, but injured his pelvis bone while contestlllff the biK steeplechase. lie was kepi ai Ellerslie Tor some time and was then shipped home lo llawke's Hay. That ne has made a complete recovery was shown • t i-wiim-s on Saturday, when he won the Karamu Hurdles. This was only his second Silting Since the mishap occurred. Ouiescent. on his running a' mc Wellington meeting, and also his third ~ ih a T;h\n,^h'he , 'wo,f.[,prof o^o S b a e k use ! and this was borne out last Week at Hastings, when he ran third to hiitaire in the Hawke's nay cup and won the "uike Memorial on the second day lie I, stated in have galloped over everything a the llnlstl. More Should be heard Ot the mjii or Kllbroney. The ex-New Zealand trainer 0 Price Is expected to arrive In New /-calami shortly, and will stay ill the Dominion lor a Tew weeks Price, who formerly trained ror Mr. Goring Johnston at PBimerston ins met with ii fair amount or success since he has taken up bis .residence In Austral a. with windbag, stony and others he won £77 in at the recent autumn meeting at Randwirk. and is head ol the winning trainers' list in byaney. Mikumai is reported tn be getting through some good work at Foxton. miring he last jumping season he was a most ietii i.erloiincr. winning the Winter Hurdle Pace and Ihe Final Hurdle Race at the Wellington winter meeting. Going on in the (Hand National, he won the 1 limners' Flat Rare and the next day was sent nut favourite tor the big Hurdle, race in which he railed lo get a place, lie latei ran sec Slid lo Vagabond In the Sydenham Hurdle Race. Mikumai is a pretty good sort over "the slicks," while lie also has pace nn tin- hat. his victories this season including the Waverley Cup. Cloaniing added another victory to his Innir list ol' successes at Hastings on Saturday, when he accounted for The Hawk in the Ormond Memorial cup. The contest attracted great interest throughout Hi,, nonunion, and alter Hie success of The Hawk in Australia recently, and the ran that he holds the Australasian record I'm- a mile, opinions were divided as to the result However, when the totaltsutor dosed Gloaming carried £500 more than his opponent. Cloaniing drew the inside running, but. according lo Southern reports. The Hawk had a clear length's lead in the six and a-half furlong post, and had taken the rails by this time. At I ihe live furlong disc they were abreast, and Gloaming had a neck's advantage as Ihey turned I'm- home. The Hawk came again, but about no or in yards Troiii Ihe posi Oloamlng drew out. to win by a length. Il was a great performance, considering thai Clonming was up against a much younger rival. Cloaniing has nowwon close on £13.n0i1. He lias started on i,7 occasions ror r,7 wins, '.1 seconds, and was only once unplaced—a great record. The Whangarei Racing Club was Issued an extra permit this year, and ihe meeting was held on Saturday. The weather was not Inn good, s showers being expefi-■•in-ill during the day. However, the llxlure was entirely satisl'actory rrom every point ol view, the ill tendance being very good mill tlie loialisaioc Investment,! £li',.i.r,-.. Id/. Though not equal lo the afnoiiiit pin through Hie machine on each ilav at the spium llMuie, Hi,- members oleic club should be pleased with their inaugural autumn meeting. The president i.Mr. 11. 11. Husking, is a popular spurts. man, and there Is no doubt Hint in a large measure the sm ss that attends the racing at Kensington Park is due to his untiring efforts. lie has a good hard-working committee associated witli hltn. and allogeiher ihe club is si capably managed. The secretary (Mr. 1.. 11. Mill i had the aiTiingeuieiils well in hand fur the meeting, and. conducted ~ present lines, there Is no reason why Ihe club should not progress. Inililieil Willi I lie success of Ihe Seiners' Handicap, lor local horses only, for which Mr. 11. Pray Mine a silver cup, Mr. Bray intimated that lie would give a similar trophy for the race next season. The cup thai accompanied the slake in the Autumn Handicap, won by Mr. B. fiolilwaler's Right nnd Left, was presented by Mr. c. fl. Mliclniloe. and after Ihe meeting the trainer of Ihe w inner. Right and I.eft. Mr. .1. Thorpe "tilled it to the brim," anil I Hie member- of Ihe executive, after heartily congratulating him -on his success, drank in.- health,

i nyal lii.-n was staiteu in wuangarei. bin tailed I" gel a place. His owneinaiiier i.l. Williamson, derided to give bun ,1 spell, alio turned lulu out at \\ Halt.... al l■ i.■-.■nl is a disappointing horse. He was well ran.oil lor Hie Autumn llan- | dicap al Whangarei on Saturday, and ran 1 pi. neiillv lor over a mile, but never nail a chalice after Hull. lieliu-hinieiil, a two-year-old colt by I Cut. ..nil- -lieliglltlnl, was .-tailed in Hi.; I Hal .-take- al Whangarei on Saturday. lie ran a good race, showing a lot oi' speed ,n mc curly stag.--, eventually lliu.-liiug tin lit. Tiimkaliii snowed a lot or pace in ilir earn stages m in.- Miliiinn llandicap nt Wbangarei on Sntui'duy. bill was iiuubie p, maintain it, anil llliisllcd last. II he miproperly sound lie would be a good proposition i" day. I.adv Patience i- a useful mare. Hi" has stalled on ten occasions llus .season I'm il\e win- ami two llnids. All her racing has be, n don.- in 111" .Niirlll Auckland district, and she look- as though she would show lv advantage in iniuli better rumpany. liooineirtav (W. Hciuuci was schooled I over Hie luiiiv hurdles at Kllcislie .voter day aud Jun d well. Ui'igbl l.igbl I .licnule, jumped lour hllidb'S. wllllc laukee Han iK. I'.eslim. and Miss Hiaillble ,J. I't'cstotli were t ivell a similar task. Sleepy Sol was m great heart at Whangarei. winning the Portland Hack Welter with s in ami accounting lor the stewards llandicap with s.i (including ilti penally. lie has iiccn placed on lour occasions pre viou-ly llus sea.-on. but these were the lirst occasion.', on which lie had saluted the judge. Comet king showed up ill his races at Whangarei. lie ran fourth in the Portland Hack Welter, and occupied a similar position in llic Settlers' Handicap, lv Hie latter race, if be had been allowed to run along in front, in-tcael of letting lli«»-«; which neat him get him into a -pocket, be may have won. W. Hagbv had Hard luck on Saturday at Whangarei, tor out »r live mounts lie was second on Dress Circle Bright 5..1. Lightwood and Steel liar. His employer tJ. I. Jainicsoiu met with equally nad luck, loi lie took three horses to lb.- meeting— bright Sol. Steel Par and l>re-s urric— and all llnished in second place. (i Price, the trainer of Windbag, stony and others in Sydney, who was liu'lliei'lv associated with Hie Hlghdell stable .It 1.1----merstoii Sor.Ul. arrived in Auckland by in. Aorangi yesierday. and 1.-ri In the "'""J" ror Wellington. He only intends lo slay 111 the nonunion about ten days nuoiw reluming to the other side, liress circle, the Imported Comedy King coll. owned by Messrs. .1. >:_. and I . ■ • was •« tart rd in tlit* l rial > s at the. ' Whangarei meet ing. and tlnislicil -econd lo utieeii Arch. Tills is 11 Is sei-un I appearance on a race track ad tie is i-.eeii vel However, with a little llion experience h" should be useful next season. Mimetic artcr his performance in ll"Ishing tlti'd to Cloaniing and lUinnyinci c on "be ilrst day of Ihe llawkc's Hay nicec mg. looked a good l' v '"/,?' '''" , . ,„, juvenile Handicap on Saturday t 1 lulled to leave the mark properly, and I an very wide at Hie turn. In conseq urn , Shiilcv had an easy win, while .Muin.ui. could only finish fourth. bright Sol. which ran at Wiangarei on Saturday, is a mo»t ptoimsmg sort I has only started on three occasions this sliason.- and has been, pUiccd.... two or thcin. M na !'f a ''';,:.; • ort,,', lie made the pace or the greatei pin uou o c distance, and was only beaten In He last I'urlong. lie will show to bet advantage bcl'oie he is much older, 10. he has some pace. noomerday was ridden iv theitili-md ot the Held lor a considerable ili-tanc t in in • u " t "o ,, \.'e a "e l aders a jusi h aSu U rhalt ! a mile from home, but then Right and LeTt.mew out. and be bud tic. chance with him. lioomerdav bad been kept closer in tin earlier stages lie might have been more troublesome. However, tie i= pre tj we just now. and will not be neglcclcd at Elierslic next month. Though rHKht and l.el't was nearly the outsider in a Held ol' live which contested the Autumn Handicap at Whangarei on Saturday, Hie win was a popu ar one r< i Hie trainer, Mr. J. Thorpe. He 1.- wellknown in racing circles, and he has not had a great deal ol success lately. However when luck did come his way. it did so properly, lor -Wglitfand Left scored In the concluding event also, lie won \\el oh both occasions, and now that lie has struck rorm lie may do all fight at the June meeting. WAIPA RACING CLUB. .Nominations lor all events to he run al the winter meeting ol' the Wapa Racing Club, to be hchi at Te Awamuln on May i..7 close with the secretary. Mr. .1 1.. Wvnyard, Te Awaniulu. or Messrs. lilnmlleld and Co.. High Street, Auckland, al 5 I).in. on I'rlday next. TE KARA'S VICTORY. Discussing Tn Kara, "Pilot" states: — in New Zealand Te Kara proved hlhisc il really good handicap horse, and, aesiwc his substantial weight or 9.0, he receiyec solid backing lor City Tattersall s cup sharing favouritism with Stony To hail was last away, but he was lour., to Roya IHghlon, Dialogue, and oalahad i unni along the back. Uialoguc and Hoy a Dight.m were togetber to the turn, and entering the straight ualahaci anij;'"were almost with them, with ie Kara arte Cistercian following. Te Kara. Dialogue ernesk. Galahad, and Cistercian were practically In line a little over a riirlonF from home while Stony was coming la-l on the outside. Then Te Kara, Stony, am Cistercian drew out, and, though a nuntiVeil yards from tne winning post stony .- chance appeared specially,, bright, Te Kan did the better Just at tin: end. He won y about a head, and Cistercian, wiich -v. prised mc. by running out the distant c si well was a similar distance further oil •U the seven furlongs he was last, lie 1, ill the Newcastle cup. also at eleven lurongs but in that he has O.jO. Te hara was ror sine Just arter the A.J.r.. meeting am •it least a couple or well known trainer! would'have liked hlin. However, they (111 not think his purchase at the price askeC _[ believe II was -.cnogs—quite war ranted. Even at that tlgure he would now be a cheap horse, but it did seem a loi lor him. RIGHT AND LEFT. Ilight and Left was a most proinisiiu two'vcar-ohl He won the I il/.hcrbci Handicap at Wellington, and accounted .oi the C.J.C. Champagne stake.-. He was placed on ten other occasions mclndlns .he Hastings Slakes, Wellesley stakes Great Northern Koal stakes, Welling!.,, stakes, Waterloo Slakes, 'laranakl Make and C.J.C. Challenge Stakes. As a three-"ear-old he did not show to the satin advantage only winning one event, tin Seasy Welter at Riccarton, while his nex best "performance in that season was ii finishing third In the A.R.C. Hallway Hand. cao Alter that he went off altogether and it was not until this season that he was again returned a winner—but at only "mall' meetings, lie would have been s most expensive horse to rollow since 111 tinned three years of age, as the following table snows:— Wins. Second. Third. L'nplac'd S years .. - ' ° . j II years . . _t_ — j[ '<. 5 years .. — — — ! 7 years .'.' T T - 17 •Includes a rourth at Avondale. TURF TALK FROM THE SOSTH. City Telegraph. —Special lo "star."), Tuesday. It. .1. Mason returned to Kiccarton to-day Willi Cloaniing and Haze. 11. W. King is expected Hi leave I'm Sydney next week with pilliewinkic am! .Many Kittle. These iwo sons ol' Winkl. should more than pay their way it they remain sound. Pllllewiiikie lias beci having an easy lime lately, but Mam Kittle has been doing usel'ul Work Sinn Hi- tracks became easier as the result v rain. Inning the past week ur two In lias done well, and is now moving iniicl more soundly than ror some time. The Paper Money—kilt.-el ami Archer. - -Pea 'olts have been broken in lor Mi--11. Herald by .1. H. Pearson, and are in.v regular attendants at tlie tracks. Tin Paper Money coll I- the better looking o the pair. Prosperity, a son of Peace, Avon tin Amberley cup fairly easily on Saturday and has incurred a Hub penalty in th, Aorili canterbury Handicap at Huiigiura oi Saturday. This may not be sufficient ti stop him. Utile Owl. dam or Peho, winner or tin (ilasnevln Hack Handicap al Amberley. wa a sister to Hiat good horse .Night watch am to Wi.-elnrd and liruwii Owl. A line lik this, allied to that or Winkle, would b, looked lor to supply something that wouli go a distance, and by the way that I'ehi

mushed on Saturday there certainly seems a prospect Uial the promise will be lullllled. After the Seadown Handicap at Amberley on sat.mliiv Hie Judicial ' onuuiiiec iiuiuired in tn the running oi Sunny l.oi'll. The owner. Mr. .1. Met: lie. and Hie rider. It. .1. Thompson, were nun viewed, and the ~ committee, though mil entirely salisllcd. i ' ace..pie.l the explanation, and cautioned '• ' a- lo UK tutu ii- riding. , Anoilicr Paper Money two year-old in '• lorgerv gut on the winning list al Amber- A ley. ile heal a poor lot in Ihe Novice | Slakes, bin his brilliant llnishing run has | b drawn atlenlion lo his prospects as all' three-year-old. He was taken ... Sydney in las. spring by hi- owner. XI r. .1. XI ci jinilir. IJ; hill lell a Victim lo Hie IllllUCllZa epidemic while tliere. l-'orgcry is iroui Subte.Tugc, ,\ a di.uglitcr or CouiilctTnl. | il XVi'ight stopped Tail. lon in tile Amber- |lj lev Hup. bin lie pill np a game light, .'.ml | I looked like winning al Hie turn lor inm.e. i ----,- li THE GREAT NORTHERN I '] MIA liiai.A S.'.HAT.'.IIEII. * Mm li. N.i w-ns wlibilrawn from Ihe Oreal ! I Northern llurdle llacc at 1.-.'v p.m. yesler- 1 l,av ' . ! LIGHT HARNESS SPORT. ] i (By oniON'.l ' FIXTURES, SEASON 1924-25. i i t .May If.. Te Aroha T.C. May S3. —Oamaru T.C. 1 May -'3. — Northland T.C. Julie 3, fi.—Canterbury Park T.C. I June 3. 0. —South Walrarapa IX. June 13.—Aslibut'ton T.C. I " ANSWKIiS TD COUI'.KSrONDKNTS. , \V\fiKR (Mt. Kdenu— l.ogan Chier. 3.17. : holds the mile and a..a..' record, established m the tree - i-.n--.VI lal Wellington. . llus is iilhciully recognised. •ihe success a.tending the . anibridge Trotting i.bib's .ueeiing on Saturday is most encouraging, and. vvnli the iHrht Harness spoil n.aKiiig remark.-ihle progress m Hie Waikat". Hie inn.- is not lar distant when the Cambridge meeling will be o ol Hie lug atlra. nous on Hie country circuit The drawback is ihe size ol the , course, which'ls about a mile an.l a illilo.ur and. as ironing lose a certain aii.onnt or interest on tracks more man -v furlongs rmmd. maybe t...- . am bridge club, when Hie nuances an- strong enough, will consider reducing the presciil Size ol Hie course. II is nolle near that Urendo is not as good a.- many thought. He was hacked down to a shade belter than even money in a weak Held ill the llaulapu Handicap, and Ins backers lost their money, alter reeling in their pockets at one .-tag.- to make certain llicv Had the tickets. Always a good beginner, the .-on or brent l.ocan.ia quickly ran mto the lead with luz llil/.. but Kenny behind the latter Had the fence and sulllcieiil pace to keep orange on the outside. At tlie home turn Urendo mad.: an effort, but n was a weak one. and lluz Ituz easily beat bun. Urendo was driven hard, but he could not get second, and lilair Audubon got up to beat inn. in the la-l lew strides. A mile is about as lar as lie can go with tlie pace right unit looked as though some oi' the riders in the Introductory Handicap made the mistake id' thinking that licit lienins was not'll good, and wuiihl soon slop, bed Dennis, an aged gelding by Marvin XX'Ukes. went away and stole a break ol' something like Imi yards on the Held. tint instead or slopping he kepi on, and when tinothers out alter him their chance was hopeless, and the judge's decision was Heii Ut'inils by tr. lengths, ins rider took no chances, and even when lie went past the winning i».si lie was using the whip. Certainly he could not be charged with dawdling on the trip. Had Peter McDonald, Mllbeiite, and Cold Star gone anywhere near their best limes they would have been much closer, but -il seemed they were holding the winner 100 cheap, as lie only went 3.57. A winner at the Thames meeting, and again at the recent Auckland meeting, everything pointed to the Our Thorpe mare I rsiillne being a class above the others in the Leamington Handicap al Cambridge. She was only set to give away is yards lo a very poor lot, and in a little over a she was in front. Her driver. ('.. Palon. was then content to run her along Just In front of .Money. Del'cat was not entertained, but, approaching the straight, I'rs.lime suddenly went •• in the air.'* and by the nine she settled down again her chance was gone, and she could only get third. It was a good thing beaten. The lime was slow, the winner. Money, going 3.1-J. I'rsiillne's Ihnc was 3.11. lull she would have clipped seconds oil' tills had she gone light all Ihe way. Although the Cambridge track could not be compared with Alexandra Park, ii was surprisingly good, and In more than one case horses bettered their previous records. UoKlman's i.llS 3-D inlo second place in Hie Cup is his best to date, and was a really good effort, suggesting that next season he will win a big llandicap or two at more Important Hirelings. His ttinc I'ur the two miles works out at'. to the mile, not bad when Una I'cre beat the sprinters in the mile event and only went a. 17 3-0. H. A. McMillan was In good I'orm at Cambridge. and, besides winning races with Oakhamptun ami Hoe Hell, he steered Stormy a dead-beat with Ituz Muz in Hie stewards' Handicap. Stormy went -l.iv 3-5, or 3-js outside his handicap. Although The poinier was barked down lo not much belter than evens iv the president's Handicap, those connected with the son or l.ogan Pointer did not regard him as unbeatable. He began in great style, but did not go rat- bcl'ore he broke up, anil he was not sighted again. \ rew years ago Sand Drill was considered a useful pacer in Auckland, and could muster up a fair burst of speed lor a mile, lie was always a pacer, and it j came as a surprise to nnd the chestnut son or iirll'twooii and l.ady Irvinglon included in the llardowie Handicap lor straiglit-oul trotters on Saturday, in his preliminary Sand Drift could not be induced to do oilier than pace, and il was the .same all through the race When he wasn't pacing he was galloping, cither forms ol' going which would have meant being disqualilled it by any chance he happened to llnish lirst. Such horses should not be allowed to start in races tor trotters only, because those who back them have no chance of winning. When Jasper ran third in the Manukau Handicap on Wednesday last at Alexandra Park be beat My .limine. Sidelight, in reel Chimes, and Admiral Lock, all ol which were on the limit with him. They have not met since, but at Te Aroha, on Saturday next, all those named are asked lo give Jasper 1-J yards, with Hie exception ol' My Junior, which is set lo concede -'1 yards. so far mair Audubon has been regarded as a sprinter only, but in both races he contested at Cambridge he was doing well at the end, particularly in the llautapu Handicap, when he went 3.3'J ;-D into second place. ' Man-o'-War has been thrown nut or work and it is not improbable the onetime 'champion has brushed his career on the rare track, lie has been a consistent trier all through the season, but the only -lake lo come his way was the lOOsovs attached lo the contest slaged in connection with the A. and I. Association's showin the spring. Tranquil ran rnnrth in Ihe President's. Handicap at Cambridge, and gave Prince Akwood H'yds and The Pointer I'iyds in it mile. She beat them both, but on Saturday next, at Te Aroha. tliey are all on the 'one mark over a similar distance. Of course, it doesn't follow that Tranquil will win, but she is not badly treated. Orion was backed down lo an ariernoon tea money price lor Ihe Prince or Wales Handicap ai Korhuiy, says a Southern critic but art.-r breaking at the start lie showed sensational speed. He reached the frunt hall-a-inilc from home, and was one of the lirst lulu the straight. 1 hen be broke and dropped back In the ruck. \lter being compelled to cover a lot or extra ground, the American pacer Jack Potts adiiiinisicred a decisive defeat 10 the Held In the Prince of Wales Handicap at I'orburv. lie is a great pacer, and is ■ until.ulJteillv a horse with a big future. I lie was sent lo this country by Mr. Hubert A. Smith. Acron is on the way back to his best form. lie now leaves the mark well, and Hi ihe Prince ol' Wales Handicap at Furbury he lliiisheU up his task like a tradesman. Owners are reminded that nominations Tor the llawke's Ray Trotting Club's meeting. to v be held on Saturtlav, M.iv lift, close with the secretary ..Mr. li. P. stratton) at Bp.m. to-morrow. The cliicr event is the Hawke's Hay Cup. which carries £25U in prize-money aud a cup valued at £25.

TE AROHA CLUB'S MEETING. THE ACI'KI'TA.N'CES. The following acceptances have been ceived lor events In he decided at the • Ariilia Trotting Chili's Meeting, which lo he held on Saturday ue\i : - '" -Maiden Handicap, one mile and a-hnlf. — | m • Norma limit. cllo-n licit limit. I H iranti.iin limit. Kin:; Hell limit. Allien j A v limit, i.oliv Moor Hell Tudd- ,II nit. l'cter .Mcliouiild 24yds bclitiid, llimn II ll.vds. Hell Unl.crls doyds, xlurie Hell I " yds. Speed King liuvils. I'u.luina K4yds, |t> S|.er Slvds. Lock '.ulyiis. I !< Waiion Handicap, one mile and a-haH". —j " inhcriic limit, Kingcti Star limit. Maid of <l c Mountains limit. Mufti limit. Terr n nit. Hcauiv Sp„t li'vds behind. Tod Hells II ids. :Mvds, Motiev :10yds. J nine* I' uiwav -.-.i-.vds. Admiral Lock -iSyds, Tanti- H uiser uuil-.. rrsuline '■ Te Aroha Trotting flip, two miles.— a nwldv I.ocanibi limit. K.miiiiiviii.d limit. I be Pointer limit. Kingsclcrc limit, linld | t i.lllld limit, Hlair Audubnii limit. Trail- a lil limil. firev I'eler limit. Buz Buz 12yds| lid.. Heather Girl l'Jvtls. Ilebivnn Hill j a 2vds. Una I'ere lllviis. Temple 24yds, [ c rime Lyons -Jlvds. Child.- Audubon 24y.N, j X v ramus 21vds, Cine Lad -isvds. King I.esirin svds. Cla lulu re GO, Kelia.icc 00yds, Xlla iell l.tivils. | a I'iakn Handicap, one mile and ii-qiinrtcr. i hick Pearl limit. Flora Hash limit. Beauty t pol limit, General Advance limit, Bell n nlierts limit. I.evrinc limit. Speed King v mil. Sidelight limit. Direct fhimes limit, | t line King 24vils lilid.. Guinea 2 4yds. Ben i i I'allnce 24vds. l.iicetta .'tliyds. Master t) rattan .'lOvds. Snlintiird ." Hal Chimes , Cvils, Kliigsclere 4Svds, johnny Gidddust ; i xv,ls, Temple (Writs, Siaiimoor 72yds, . •r'ince 72yds. , I Waihou Handicap, two miles.—Bell Todd mil. Koto limit, Gold star limit. Peer f 1.1)1.null 1 limil. Sweet Memory 12yds hhd., 'iki I'.livils. Appeal liovds. A.nberite BOyils, , ere liuvils Tod Hells 72vls. Hoc Hell Myds. , Hot Springs Handicap, one mile and a- j all. Maid of Ihe Maintains limit. Mufti , mil. Willie Mac limit, Golden Park limit, f asper limit. Admiral l.nek 12yds hint.. s .lib-light 12vds. Direct fhimes 12yds. Levin.- IL'yils. "TannhalisiT 21yds. Blue King (lids. Hclianee HlSvils. Farewell Handicap, one mile. —XX 111:" lac limit. Blue King limit. Puiluma limit, loney limit Guinea limit. Prince Poole Iniit. Kkoeranei limit. General Advance imii Knniniwnnil limit. Siilellghl liinii, > • li.unt Allien limit. Scandal 12yds hhd.. ' lawlrtv l-ocanda 12yds. Buz Hu* 12yds. I I latinh'ir.l 24yds. :Wy,U. Gold, Un.nil Itfivds Grcv l'|ds, 1 lie 1 '(.inter isi-ds. Prince Altwmul, Trim- , nil ISyds, Cute 00yds. Kua I'ere i I POVERTY BAY MEETING. HANDICAPS PKCIiAKEP. ( The following handicaps have been \ leclare.l for events tn be decided nt the •overtv Bnv Trotting Club's meeting, which likes 'place on the 2:inl instant : — Trial llnndirop. one mile and ahalf,- . limit. Bingen King limit. Maid . if llie Mountains limit. Mount Lupin limit. I Jeofferv Logan limit. Sunny Chimes limit, i \nrma limit, St. fvrus limit, liaia limit. 11.-..lys Cole limit, Pu.lnma 132 yds hhd. Dnrn llandicap. one mile and i-luilf.—Koniti Hinge, limit, Rrattan Wdk.-s Hold Curl limit, Rnthlmrn limit, . lunette 4Svds 1.1u1.. Zelic.-l lOSyds. Poverty Ilnv Trotting Cup. two miles. — tnhy llunn limit, The Tartar limit. Ufa klni limil. Lottie Advance limit, .Inm.-s •onway limit Annzimm limit. Padlock ' iniit. General limit, ttespect 12yds hhd. •etenvah 24vds. tlrev Peter Sliyils. Hclavan '.ill 4Svds, William the First 00yds, l'itarua 120 yds". [•resident's Handicap, one mile and nlalf—Glndvs Cole limit, llalmnre limit, JeotTrev Logan limit. Maid ..f the Maunains limit. Guinea Si.yds 1.1u1.. The Shrew ISvds- l.evrine 4Svds. Kubv Ilnnn flfiyds. hoiiiinlon Handicap, two miles.—Rothutrn lliuit. Grattnn Wilkes limit. St. Cyrus iiltiit. Gold Curl limit, Annette limit. Bin-, -en Boy limit. Zolica 4Syds hhd.. Sweet Memory OUvds. Peterwah 22Syds. Electric llandicap. one mile. —ora Mai unit. Prince Toole limit. Th- Tartar limit Ruby Huon limit. Sntinbird limit. General limit Lottie Advance 12yds hhd.. Ann/dram l"yds. Grey- Peter 24yds. Miss Marvin 21 id's Delnva'n Bill SOyda, Master Hal 4Syds. I'itaroa 72vds. Walknnne Handicap, one mile.—Digger limit Glndvs Cole limit. Maid ot the Mountains' limit, Dillon Audubon limit. AcciBell limit. Sunny fhimes limit. St. Cyrus limit. Italian:, limit. Bingen King limit. Ilalmorc limit. Mount Logan limit, Geoffrey Logan limit, I'tidtima lOSyds hhd.. General 132 yds. Stewards' Hanilicnp. one mile and anuarter. — Ghidy-s Cole limit, Geoffrey Logan lihd..' Prince Poole 72yds. Sntinbird 72yds. General 72yds, Miss Marvin Dfiyds. I'itaroa 144 yds. CANTERBURY NOTES (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") CliniSTCinnCH. Tuesday. Amongst the interested spectators at Forbury I'ark on Saturday xvas the xvcll known singer Sir Harry Lauder, and, judging by the interest lie displayed in the sport, he thoroughly enjoyed the day S "'fry Soon lias been purchased by Mr. F. C. Hogarth, a patron of ,l. 11. Wilson's stable, ami in will be trained at New Brighton. \V. ,1. Toinlilnsnn's stable lias been strengthened by tbe inclusion or the I liuncflln-owned trotter Swiriblne. winner or the Improvers' Handicap on the concluding day of ihe Forbury Park meeting. Prior to" the second day or the Forbury Park meeting the trotting gelding Clonmel was sold at auction ror 250 guineas, on behalf or the estate of the late Mr. T. Kelt, to Xlr. J. M. Samson. Clonmel xvas taken charge or by .1. .1. Kennerley, and raced in Mr. Samson's interest on Ihe concluding flay. At the conclusion or the recent meeting at Forbury Park. Avalanche went into .1. iMcl.cnnan's stable at i.amaru. and .Martin lirilt joined T. G. Fox's string at Addinirton. .Moth horses are owned by the Dunedin sportsman Mr. J. M. Samson. The Ashbnr.on Trotting Club has received excellent nominations tor Its lo3f. New Zealand Sapling Stakes. They lotal 58. Mr. It. Jarden has seven In the list. and Mr. H. F. N'icoll and Xlc. R. XI. Morten .our each. Of Hie yearlings nominated, eleven arc by Logan Pointer, anil Author Idllon lias the same number representing him. There are nine by Hey lie Oro in the list, and six by Ureal Audubon. The veteran pacer Rorke's lirift Is being exercised on the roads by XX". McLean. The son or Driftwood looks bright and healthy, and hopes arc still entertained that he will win another stake.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 111, 13 May 1925, Page 10

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 111, 13 May 1925, Page 10

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVI, Issue 111, 13 May 1925, Page 10


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