Sunrise: To-morrow. 4.27. Sunset. To-night. 6.52. Moon: First quarter. T.rd, 8.40 p.m. HIGH WATER. Auckland To-day, 10.41 a.m. 11.0. p.m. Au.-I.ln_d Tues., 11.3. a.m. Onehunga Tues., 2.43 a.m. .!.__ p.m. Kaipara Hds.. .Tues., 2.40 a.m. 3.1 p.m. Manukau Hds. .Tues., 1.13 a.m. 2.1-p.m. ARRIVALS— SATURDAY. Rona. from Fiji, 2.40 p.m. Kawau, from Mangmval, 4.40 p.m. YESTERDAY. Trewyn, from (Ven*u Island. 7.10 a.m. Manaia, from Whangarel, 5.20 a.m. Arahura, from East Const ports, 6.30 a.m. Matnngl. from Tauranga, 7 a.m. Ulra (ketch), from Greymouth. n.15 n.m. Tutanekai, from Wellington, 1.33 p.m. Gael, from Manly, 6.13 p.m. Daphne, from Omlha. 6.33 p:m: Otlmal, from Whakatane, ft.;! 3 p.m. Hauiti, from Surfdale. 6.30 p.m. Walpu, from Walheke. 7 p.m. THIS DAY. Las Vegas, from San Francisco, 0.45 a.m. DEPARTURES—SATURDAY. Physn, for Dunedin. 4..".0 p.m. Ngatlawa. for Ilouhora, 2.20 p.m. Apauul, for Awanui. 10.20 p.m. YESTERDAY. •Hertford, for Tokomaru Bay. 6.30 a.m. Kalkoral, for Newcastle. 1.80 a.m. Ilifcuranii, for Whangarei, 8.10 p.m. Claymore, for Whangarel, 10.13 p.m. THIS DAY. Taniwha, for Paeroa, 1... a.m. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Waiuku, from Surfdale, Ostend, and Omlhn. 0 p.m.. To-morrow.—Taniwha. from Paeroa, 7.30 «.m. ; Claymore, from Whangarei, S a.m. Projected Departures. To-day. — Hauiti, for Coromandel nnd ColTllle, 4 p.m. ; Manaia, for Taurnngn, H. 30 p.m. ; Wakatere. for Tin,mes. 0 p.m. : Mntnnci for Whangarel, HI p.m. : Paroto, for Whangarei. 3 p.m.: Daphne, for Orcwa, Waiwera, Mnburnngl, and Wnrkworili, 4 p.m. : Kawau. for Mntakana and Mullet Point, 4 p.m. ; Motu, for Kutarere and Opotiki, 4 p.m. To-morrow.—Walpu. for Ker'eneehl, 2 a.m. : Gael, for Brown's Bay, Arkle's Bay, and Deep Creek, 7 n.m. VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. ■Knrna (..edge), Melbourne, cnrl.v. Knmnrn. Liverpool, via Australia, this afternoon. 'Waltomo, Newcastle, December 2. llnurnkl. San .Tanclsco. December 2. Tofun. Fill, December 3. Mabana, South (loads). December i. Kurow. Tasmania, December 6. Australlnd. Montreal. December 7. Arahura, East Coast, December 7. Pnklpak], New York. December 7. Hnapehu. Liverpool. December 7. Nlagarn, Vancouver, December 8. Mnranin, Sydney, December 9. Florn. Queensland. December 10. Canadian Cruiser. Montreal, December 10. Cumberland. South (loads), December 13. Pakeh.i, London, December 15. Port Cnmpbcll, Australia. December 15. llllngworth, Texas. December 15. Mnlieno, Sydney, December 16. Kalwarra, FIJI, December 10. 11.M.5. Veronica, South, December IS. JT.M.s. Dunedin, South. December IS Port Melbourne, Liverpool, December 18. Keretu. Liverpool, December 20. City of Edinburgh, New York, December 22. •Tekoa, London, December 31. Canadian Constructor. Montreal, Dec. 31. Dorset, Liverpool. January 5. VESSELS IN TORT. In Stream — Rewa (barque!. Ysabel (bqtno.), Northern Chief (schnr.). Devonport—H.M.s. Philomel. H.M.s. Laburnum, Iris, Nuculn ~11 tonker). King's Wharf—Wlngatut, Kamona, Trewyn. Tentrnl Wharf—Knltunn. Arahura. Queen's Wharf—Rimutaka, Athenic, Tutanekai. Trlnce's Wharf—Kauri, Quebec City, I_a» Vegas. Chelsea—Ronn. At Motulhl—Port Hunter. Ph T J__ r !, H^ h Im J.crlal Oil Company's ri?,'_«Hi/ a - llell °? fs n'""lny afternoon for Dunedin in continuance of ber voyage from Singapore. »»v«_ An expected arrival this evening is the .'r_™ r _ t ' . K , h , ,, epfarmers' steamer Tiroa from Enst Coast ports. She will heVtl at the King's wharf. ber,U mJru.n ArnhUra . aI in P°rt yesterday anSoSri.'S?" '^^ % G^™ t_.. _f e *l ,los ! T< ' s f"r Southern port, from the steamer Port Hunter. r~\ U n " Mrco nf ,-oal - 'he Westport _. .„c2i np ". ny " 8 st<,nnl er Cnnopus Is due t-atrti'SnV 4 , <,vloi ' k 'his afternoon, wnen she will l.ertli at tile King's wharf. r..T he . : ! :orlh< ' nl Company advise that the ?'t'V? lenTe p, ' rt »» "»"» 'o-morrow for Whnkntanc. The Motu Is to suil a the B „me hour for Opotiki ami Ku.ircre. rl'!_.^,. : _ , ' W . / ' < ' nlnn ' , fi hlPPlng Co.'s steamer I.lm uinkii is tltne.l tn leave the Queen's wharf nt noon tomorrow for Wellington of i lPr voyage from Liver aJiv.,i frcTn"^?,. 1 s,( '' 1^", '• Tutaneknl __.._ »__ v .v ellln '~' 1 "" yesterday afternoon mill berthed at the 0,,,,,....' ".' . She Is to sail to-night for Nine Island with provisions ,„ h la , „„, Inhabltanu over ihe sssrs "h n e fic . , _, U rn Kh , , ri,r v ioa<i rr " I The S.S. -„d A sleam-r Athei.l. _•„. timed to sail thi. afieruoon for l.vltehon and other Southern ports i„ continue dlacharge of her London cargo and to load •all Anally fmm Wellington about' Decern" Mr 25. for 6outlia__i>ton and London.
The Federal steamer Hertford left, port yesterday morning for Tokotnaru Bay, 10 continue her Homeward loading. The Uona arrived from Fiji on Saturday afternoon, aud berlhcd at Chelsea. The trip to Auckland was uneventful. On completion of her discharge she Is to return to Fiji to load agnln fur this port. TOFCA DfE WEDNESDAY. Returning from her monthly trip to the Islands, tlie L'nlou Company's steamer Tofua left aura on Friday evening last for Auckland with passengers, malls and cargo. She is expected to reach this port at 6 o'flock ou Wednesday morning, and after medical inspection is to berth at the yueeu s wharf. HAURAKI ARRIVES TO-MORROW. With cargo from Pacific Slope, the Union Company's trans-l'aclfle freighter Ilaurakl, is due at Auckland to-morrow from San Francisco, which port she left on November lv. According to the latest wireless received fiom the vessel, she wih arrive in the stream at II o'clock in the morning. Hence she proceeds to Wellington, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney. R.M.S. NIAGARA EN ROUTE. The Royal mail steamer Niagara, en route from Vancouver (November 19) to Sydney via ports. Is expected to reach Suva at noon on Friday next. She is expected to leave again the same evening for Auckland, where she Is due on Monday morning. After landing passengers anil cargo and embarking passengers for Sydney she is to sail the following day lv continuation of her voyage. KUMARA'S ITINERARY". From Liverpool, via Australia, the Shaw, KavlH and Albion Line steamer Kumanl is due oIT Riinjritoto nt midnight to night. On arrival lv the stream she will anchor until to-morrow morning, when she will benh at (he western side of the yucen's wharf to discharge cargo. including a quantity nf salt, and to load New Zealand produce for Home. Hence she is to proceed to Wellington to complete her discharge. From tbe capital port she will visit New riymouth. Wansannl. Tokotmtru Bay, and Napier in the order named, and will then return to Wellington to complete her cargo. She Is to sail finally on December 3u for London, via Monte Video Teiieriffe. L. D. Nathan and Co. are the local agents. THEWVN ARRIVED. With 7000 tons of phosphates loaded at Ocean Island, the Hiiin steamer Trewyn, under charter to the Union Company, arrived at Auckland yesterday morulrig and berthed at the eastern side of the King's Wharf. On her receut trip she left Auckland on October 0, and encountered stormy weather to Newcastle, where the vessel bunkered. On October 27 she reached Nauru Island and landed stores before proceeding to Ocean Inland. At the latter Island tho steiimer had to wait until November 11 before shk obtained a loading berth. Completing her unrgo on the 19th, departure was taken for Auckland that nlsht, and the vessel arrived as above, line weather having been experienced until within twelve hours' steam of port, when strong westerly winds, accompanied by il-iH/iv ruin were encountered. THE PORT HUNTER. The Commonwealth n:id Dominion line steomer Tort Hunter, which arrived at Motirihl, from London, on Saturday morning, was to leave the powder ground this afternoon for Wellington. The vessel will later load in New Zealand, aud is due back at Auckland early in January, being scheduled to sail finally from Lyttellou on January 10 for London via Monte Video. Captain S. C. Cotterell is in charge of the Tort Hunter, and has with him the following ollicers:— Chief. C. P. Thrower: second, A. A. Cooper: third, C. Ft Post; fourth, .7. T. Weldlu; chief engineer, J. S. Gray; second, K. F. Hill; third, J. C.-abbo; fourth, A. B. Wenlock; Sfth, F. Washingtun; sixth, J. F. Young: seventh. A. llankin: chief refrigerating engineer, 11. E. Ilntton; second, l>. (.!. Halrd; chief steward, 11. W. liray; first wireless operator, J. 11. l'etherlck; second, H. F. Lewis. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. For Auckland via ports, the Wanaka left Bluff on Friday evening lust. With a cargo of coal, the Waltomo Is due in port to-morrow at daybreak from Newcastle. An expected nrrlvnl- nt- Auckland- this evening is the Navua from southern ports. The vessel left Ticton at 11 a.m. on Saturday. Now berthed at the Central wtiarf, the Knltuna Iβ timed to sail at 10 p.m. tonight for Newcastle. The Kamona was timed to sail at 4 p.m. to-day for West port. At present lending at the King's wharf, the Wingntul Is to sail at 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon far southern ports. The Katkornl salW yesterday morning for Westport. She was previously announced to proceed to Newcastle. The Knwntlrl is at present completing her enrgo for Auckland at Port Stephens, where she is loading timber. She loaded a quantity of coal at Newcastle. LAS VEGA'S FIXE RUN. After a particularly smart Jiassngp of twenty-three days seventeen honrs from San Francisco, the Swnyne and Hoyt Line steamer Lns Vegns (Capt. J. Frltsch) arrived In port shortly before 10 o'clock this mornIng. This time from 'Frisco to Auckland Is claimed as a record for vesßels of the S. and 11. Line, the previous best run having been made liy the West Nlvarn. which arrived at Auckland some weeks ago after a passage of 24 days. On her recent voyage the Las Vegas left 'Frisco on November fi, and met with fine weather on the run down, nothing of an eventful nature occurring. Th* average- speed amounted to 10 knots per hour, the best clay's run being accomplished on the 21st, when the steamer logged 203 miles. When the vessel Tan In Frisco a new englneroom sfafT was shipped, nnd to the efficiency of the officers In tliiß dppflrtincnt is loriji'lv <luo tho '*rp<Jit for the fast pnssapo. On nrrlvnl this mornIng the Lmn Veens lierthrd nt the Princes wharf to discharge 318.478 ft of lumber nnd :u.< tons of general cargo loaded at the following ports: I'.v.reUn (redwood). C,rn<- e Hnrliour nnd VaiU.mver (lumber*. Seattle and Snn rraiKisco (general). The vessel Is to sail towards the end of the week for Dunertin. I.ytteltoti. Melbourne nn* Sydney. rnptnln Krltm>h has with him the following nftVers: I-lrst, Mr. A. Uirsen- second Mr. A. W. Ophelm: third. Mr. P. E Tronp-' wireless operator. Mr. .!. Fernan.ioz: chief eneineer, Mr. l>. n. t.pvnki»: se.-onrf Mr F Olir.ttl: second. Mr. E. Ollotti: third Mr, C. A. Wo<t: fourth. Mr. N. E. Sonne; chief steward. Mr. J. (iulnan. VOm OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Obincmurl, lor Vhangape, 11.30 a.m.
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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 285, 1 December 1924, Page 4
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1,755SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 285, 1 December 1924, Page 4
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