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NATIONAL TIIEATKE. "Her Temporary Husband." a lirst Na linnal altraclion. which will be .-creene. al the National 10-mori-nw. promises some, ihing exceptional in ihe wav or screen en lei-iainment. n |„ ,-, co dy drama, am reatures Sidney Chaplin, brother iff lb. I'amous Charlie, who. though in a dllTeren Held or comedy, is said to be just a: clever as Ills brother. The stnrv telb how a pretty girl, in order lo inherit i large sum ol' ey. In accordance will Hie terms or her hencl'actor's will, hius be married within a given time. so slu goes lo a holm* lor old men, and select: an old chap with a beard. Now. it s. happened Hint a reriain young man. whi j war, in love with Ihe girl, heard or lie: I plan, hung a beard about his lace, am ■ wcnl lo Ihe home. As luck would hay. il. lie was Ihe man selected. Bui in Hu | girl's house were two oilier bearded in idlviduals. \ general mix-up .-11-lies, an. j makes one or the most humorous epi I Slides possible. lly aid ol' a wireless se j ihe hero, who, by Ibis tune, is being at ! lacked by a gang or rogues, calls I'o ! help rrom the army. uavv. police, am oilier-, and lliey all Hock 10 Ihe house b 'answer. There are dozens or other bilari , ous episodes in till.- exceptional number j Sylvia 111-earner, uwen Moore, and TuIP 1 Mar-hall are also in Ihe case oilier at ' iraclions will be included on the pro | gramme. HIPPODROME THEATKK. | "The lace ai [he Window." a Phillip: j Film company production, adapted rrom !•' I Brooke-Warren's melodrama, will be thi | main attraction on ihe new programme U I commence al the Hippodrome to-morrow iiiladys Jennings, c. Aubrey Smith, .laei . llobbs. sir Simeon Stuart, and Clias. Quar j leriiiaiiie play Ihe cluer pans. Ihe sloi . lells how I.mien, a Parisian bank clerk | who is engaged lo Marie, the banker': daughter, becomes acquired iff a consider able sum or money, tlii'oiigli an mveiitioi I ol' his being accepted by Hie French Co vernmeni. One night, as he js pu.sinf Ihe bank, lie hears cries n-om within, and Un gaining access, nnds ihe manager am porter dead on the floor, and a I'Oiislderabb .-urn nr money stolen. ii.-giadoll'. a ni.if I Win. is in love Willi I.Helen's llancee. ,-asp I suspicion i.r ihe inui-iler mi l.ucieu, win is dismissed Horn Ins position. How he proves his innocence, and Ihe ideniiu ol' the real murderer, is shown in th'i i Mini. The usual supporis win be shown. j STRAND THKATRK. "The Song i,r Love." a romance or t desert dancer, in which Norma Talmadg. .plays the premier role. ,s ihe cbier at- ! traction coming to the Slraml iii-murrow I Tin- pietuie is adaplcd Margarel , Peterson's novel. "Du. i ~r Desire," ami |. i.le.-cribed a- mie or Ihe mosi rascinatlnj. and euleilainlng stories .Norma I almadg. I has appeared in. Iv tins Norma plav< tinI pan or an Arabian dancing girl, who becomes ihe centre ~!' devious intrigues and I eiui.spiraeie . -h.- i- Ihe main atlractlou : ill Ihe lavein .ff li-r uncle, and new- ol I her cliahm or lace and llgiirc. and her . pulse-(piiekcnirig .new many rrom r.-ir and near. Falling in love wiih a i sii-anger. -he discovers t.... lale thai he i IS :i spy. but .|,e (|„ ( t B t|,at love H islnuiiiiT 111 a 11 bale and racial pride, jo- | sepll -cll.-ldkianll. one ,ff Hie sensations on in.- Broadway slape. is Miss Talmartge's | leading man. The supports are (lie usual jß ga;-.e|te-. ,t line scenic, "A Hay I Willi Ihe r.ypsi.-s." and a coinedv. "Ten Hollars in- Ten Days." reninrmg hen TurI'ln. The ini.-i-luile Hem will be a jsci'lill. "Hie Wedgewooil Vase." arranged by Miss ,eei| lltill. and darned by Hie Misses Dorothy Dicken.-on and Mabel Andrews. l.Vlill' THEATHK. "Flaiinng Barriers." a Paramount piclure. Willi Jacqueline Logan Milonio \|oreiin and Wall.-, nieis |..-in aying ihe principal characieis. |.s |~ |„. ,|„. n ,. s , ~.. lure on ihe coming l.jrlc programme Wniien ror ihe screen by llvron Morgan •Flamiiig Barriers" H pa. k-.f with ilirill.' t is Hie story or an inventor. Patrick .alone, w! rtgages lus raciorv to get money tv carry on ins. evp.i iincnts on a minor lire iiiu-k, which he is perrertlnp lie and tn - daiighler, Jei-rv Malone are the only ones in ilurbridge who believe 111 Ihe lire iriick. with one cveepiitjii _ Joseph Pickens, the richesi and ihe meanesl man in the cnmmuiiitv. I'n.ler the pretexi or helping Malone. he -ends p, the cify ror an elllciencv expert to come down and supei-ititeud Ihe laciorv. Sam Barton, rich aim Idle, is lileraliv driven into Hie country by his lather, who hopes ihai some work will niaTSe a man' or him. Pickens explains to nation what Is wanted bill Barluii spoils everything by railing in love with Jerry, and bends all his energies inwards introducing ihe lire-truck lo the Slate lire cirri's Pickens lights him al every turn, and in the course ,ff the art lon Ihe heroine Hies across a burning I'oresl in an aeroplane, and drives Hie nre-trui-k [liroiiL-li ihe rore-i with burning trees crashing behind her. -Flaming llari-lers" is said lo be or Ihe strongest and mosi exciting pictures produced this„ n . other aura. ~ will also he included on the programme. TIVOLI THKATRK. "Excitement," a I'nlvei-sa] pp-nirc starring Laura La Pl.-mie. n ,„i "Nnnook iff Ihe Norm, are ihe leaiured items on a double slar programme, billed ror liie tiv«ii i... morrow. -Kxenemellt" lells iff Nell Lyons, a pretty girl, whose lire is one series or "thrills." bin who ~ bored by Ihe very riinnoloiiy ol lliein. she leaves home al'lcr a quarrel, aim tluallv inan-ii-s a man who proposes io he- while lliey are dashing madly along on a motor evlc Then tile run begins. The hrnle has -i mama, even alter marriage, r-ir unii.-i _-ung sensational experiences. llor.-einck ]■•;••< leaps over cliffs, sensational airplane ii-i.-k-' and hair-raising anlo sunns cram Hie piclure. I'orming the background ror .'1 llllai'ious series or adventures. i„ -.\anook .ff llle North." the aildien-e be.-olnes .-,.-- ---quainted wiih Hie i■ i■■ ( ,r ihe Kskium all ihe year round in illimitable spaces iff rrozen snow af the top .ff Ihe world They see how his whole hie is centred on a search ror rood-: whai Ins doilies arc made or: how he builds Ins snowhouse: how be goes to bed. gels up. dresses: bow Ihe baby is washed; how they love: how Ihev harpoon a battling two-ton walrus: bow ihev ralcli seals anil salmon; how they eal Hiem. Fverviliing thai holds lire lor the Ksklmo is shown The usual items or support will be realu re. QI'KEX-S THEATRE. A double slar programme will be ofTere.i ai ihe Princess during ihe coming week Ihe cbier reatures being -The Scarlet Lady." starring \ioiei Hnpsnn. .-md -Th" Christian." realuring Michard iii\ .Mac nuseh, Phyllis Haver. Harem Hughes, and a big supporting cast. -The Scarlet Lady" is billed a- Ihe lies! Knglish racing picture ever screened. II tells bow a woman outwits three rogues, recovers her rortune. which was being squandered byone, and enables her lover in "get Ill's own bavk." "The christian" is a screen version or Sir Hall cable's lamous story or the same name. The film is a .Maurice Tourneur production. Charlie Chaplin will be seen in "The New Porter." fiRAXD THKATRK. j Baby Peggy's Ilrst big picture. -The Darling or New York." is ihe premier altraclion to be shown at Ihe c.raiul tomorrow. The story lells how the child star is en route to New York rrom an Italian port wiih her governess, who lor- . gels her purse. leaving ihe I ill In girl in ! charge or a stranger. The stranger, a ' gem smuggler, lakes advantage iff Ihe situation by carrying the child on board Ihe ship. The vessel pulls out. leaving . tile nurse. The clonk hides diamonds : in the child's rag doll, and at New York he is stripped by Ihe police. During ihe controversy the child is taken by the '•rook's pals. The crooks become roud iff ; Hie baby gin. hut her presence is resented I;.V their cbier. During Ihe night he :lrops her in an ash can. The smuggler. : I reed by the police, shows up Willi the mini-mat ion about Hie jewels in the rag 3011. A systematic search Is made ror he child, who. In the meanwhile, has been taken in by a kindly old Jewish shoe- i maker. a police raid and a spertacular lire lead In her discovery. Tbe usual i -Mliporis. including a "Leather Pusher's" j number, will be showing. j PRINCESS THEATRE. ''. F _?.i Fa iibanV-' n . ,eP . °" 1 '" Stari'lllß Douglas ' terns to .n__." wln ),r tno >wo main : •lunge ~r ~V-ot. , nl " lp n ''i'"'ess with Ihe ! iiove?_o-s . f,""'""' to-morrow. "The i :i wwnivta'tiJL" dramatic story or ,hH^£?rT^-- n( i:'y;__^,;;! l loves her. quie ly V..-' „.: he - Grey, Ann Luther -~,r t „ I." ta ™ f - Jane ihe leading roi'es' "he f?-n. rt Hai,,( ' s P la - V ! by Harry Millarrle, who? Mr?. _?_*.?. oduc '"'- 1 Hill." In "Stephen stin Jf'', ovrr th <' Fairbanks, jun.. ,',ia,!.i ' Uotiyrti youth win, a natural aversion L a co »"«« Mid as the resuli he rails „ '„ t0 ■ ■'"'"•V. lion, and nnds htmseir «,„! by „°- xam| nn- ; to Turkey. Theodore nSberfs i'- S Talnpr ' supporting east, and ~ R '? '» the rood-nafured parent, he is excenent ra W" .' i Beery, another player or mite i. :Soa " prominently leatut-ed.' The usual .'„ also I will be reatured. and will inclu.e a corned!- 3 "The Weakling:." a com eny,

I ■ ADA REEVE IN "ALADDIN." The opening- night or ihe .1: C. Williamson, l.lmilcd, pantomime has ever been regarded as a big event locally, and on Sal unlay nig-ht there will no doubt be an iivcriinwing autlience to welcome Hie Ilrst presentation or "Aladdin," which is the title r.r this year's extravaganza. it will be interesting: lo see Miss Ada Reeve In the role or Aladdin. She is piquant, versatile, and brilliant, and is said to be at her best I in the role she has made essentially her own. and in which sin- has appeared with i conspicuous success in London theatres. Mr. lloorge Shirley, an English producer, in association wiih Miss neeve, has prepared I a delighll'ul and wholesome succession or! wondciTul scenes, a r.-atui-.- or which is the well-Known story or the Chinese lad and his wonderful lamp. The scenic, artists and tbe comedians have also spread tiu-msi-lves largely across tin- entire rabric. Comedy, however, win lie a predominating r.-atuie. and during the eighteen scenes numerous timcrul numhers have been arrange.!, or the many glittering scenes may lie mentioned -The Hates or (".old." the ■Mysterious Lamp.'' the "Cave or Jewels." lie ' Haliet or Wealth." "Moonlight In .-hanghai Another wonderrul disclosure by Aladdin s magic | amp is aM ~n ormous i-rjsi.-ii cliandelii-r. Willi lovely girls as pendant ornaments. The crowning- glory viii 1 .J'..",*') et H,an '"' SCPne at the end. ... ~.,. "bob- company in red. except the I niewaiiii Aladdin in gorgeous wedding Sl_*t» '" ?•_*"".* * foltl a,,fl tl,e children in wliile I here is said to be splendour enough in uns last scene for the whole or v ' "i...".v ry "» nl :>'»"""- Associated with . i._ L V-,-'"' ! )0 , '" 1 "' '••"ai'teris (prin- . pin), loin Payne (Dame), Hector Hi __„.'. ... r J_ e . '.','.' h ' l ' re ' l Monument, i;us • • I I.'?.*?" \ v . ""n- 'irarton Williams. „ _.., r " rv un " K *' lSo Henderson, and the world-ruinous Nilos. The box plans are open at Lewis It. Lady and Son. Ltd j EVERYBODY'S THKATRK. So great was the success or that Para- _!°'. vc■rv^ P , , ;'.■ , ■'" iil , l "• , •• " Th S "-mnSSr Bin 1" al hAeiybocly's last week that the manforTruvoZ r, '"' ldril ,'" mend tnfl *SS_ nil,. «, fr '"'." rlay!1 ' Tl,e «"" Is a i.Li -.. r ' v " r u "«<t-world lire in .b, m i. .'""' s were " ll)St enthusiastic *T__ ii. '__ . '.""' w '"ltes as rollows.— in. Humming Bird" is entllled lo every ' oisid, ralion. because ~ possesses most or ih_ i.'7 1S , r " r '"•■■"■'•'«« entertainment. .*••_?.„,"■:' '"?'•'•• " P™-* Dial Gloria •ihimv „ V rhanl ; l '''- ?<'tross or marked aOIIIIJ. lor her work as Toinelte. Ihe mas.uerarli.ig pickpocket, is „r a very high uu. r ' _ '" .""• ="•''""" '""'•'■' as befitting i characters arc mostly French, Mr Ile earlier sections ..r -The Humming un die set in Parisian surroundings When he war bi-enks out Toinette shiunes Mm"i a" 1, companions into doing their nut.v lo Hi.-ir country, and it is this action llial subsequently secures Mr her. a rr.-e pardon, thus leaving her rree to\ many Un- American newspaper man who,in. merit or ihe story, it is apparent 111.1 l some of fbe ballle scenes depailure and return or troops, and other puM-wui- eir.-crs. were taken during the ',' between I .MI. in. and ,iius their Ini 111-ion 111 Hi., story means a runner e|e-ini-li! or genuine value. The usual suu|wirn urn b.- reatui-ed. and Mr. Abel Howe will sing —rtic Humming Bird" sung . during the evening s-ssions. j THKEK NOTABLE ARTISTS. A notalo combination or musicians will plve a .'i.ncerl season In the Town Hall beginning July :i. under the direction or Mr. Fred. .Mi-m-ea. ureal interest has been shown in ihe coming or ibese celebrities, all or whom are in llm Ironl rank n 111.- Old World. We are promised the be-i or good filings in voice, violin and plain.. Sifruur I.enghl-Ccllinl. whn.-e voic-e n .New /.ealauder abroad Tor some time characterises as -delicious." will be heard in Italian arias and Kr.m.-h and Knglish song-, including examples or Poncinolli Pi l-pulesl. Pill-cell. Luiiura. I'lotow. Dvorak I Mozart, (ir.-lg. Schubert, llenedlct Thomas, dnilard's exquisite Berceuse "Angel- f'.uard Thee." with violin obligato Played by Zacliarewitsch. Zarharewltsch li will give us works by Paganlni. Himskv- • lvor-aki.lT. Mozart. Beethoven, Bach. Sellu- • bert. Wieiiiawski. Vjotti, Dvorak. Mentlels- . solm. Brahms. Tarlini, Corelll, and many or ■ In.-, own charming compositions. The • Maestro Coiile Pieti-o Ciniara gives or Ills • b.-.-i rriuii the melodies or BaclimaninolT. • choiun. Debussy, nreig. and Moskowski, a.s i well as ai-. ompanlmenls which are do-I' scribed as perfection in performance. Miss h Kathleen Malone. ihe advance represents- ' live. has arrived Io make preliminary ' arrangement.-. KINu'S THEATRE, NEWTON". - The pantomime "Cinderella'" will hold : the boards at the King's Theatre for a six- ; night's season, commencing al the matinee j; on Saturday. July .".. It Is claimed ror . this production that it adheres closely to ; ihe original Pile, that il i< a clean 'and j wholesome entertainment enjoyable to all, ■ ami that ihe prices of admission are within ■ th.- reach ..r everyone. The ballets, which are quite a leature. have been specially ; iraiiicd lor this production by Miss Aileen ■ Bei-esrord. whilst Ihe chorus and solo work i an- in the capable hands of .Miss Lillian r Hiaithwaite. This young lady aiso plays : a very dashing pan or Ihe principal boy. : Ihe scenery a very linporlanl item in a • paniofiiime i- brimful or blight numbers. , .Mr. 11. Melville. The orchestra is under * Ihe balon ol' Mr. Norman Volkner. The ' paiiloiiiime i< innmriil or bnglil numbers. " liiiieiul c|.oru-e-. screanunglv runny situ- I" an.ui-. .....I beautiful .-..stumes. ' The ! prici- haie been lived al 3/, -/. and I/, r |ilu< ia\. Children will be adniitled al i bair-pr ;«.. all pan.- al the matinee. \ " I'Kfl 0' MV HEART." \ The .-\eiiie liranilcy scisun. at llis- !- ---".lnje.-- I heaire. cio.-es 10-nighi. when ' ■ tin-, populai- acii-ess will make her ilii.-u i ; appeal ance in "Peg o' My Heart." As Ihe '■ inepressibic, irrcslsiible I'esr. .Miss lirain- |" |e\ has made strung claims on the public's. - interest, and mere will, in all probability, ' ' be a larg- audience lo wish her rarewell in I ' uiie nf her most appealing creation-. !; MCN'ICIPAL (.'HOli:. i; The Municipal choir. Miss Phyllis ilazell i ■ iUn \ustralian i-onlt-oltu), and Mr.'■ Maughan nat-netl icii.v organist' will con-| ■ tribute to an especially allrarlive pro- " gramnic. arraupeH r.u- in.- municipal re- - cital in the 'i'.nvn Hall on Saturday even- |? Ing nexl. 'Ihe choral works will Include \: Mendelssohn's motel -r.rani Is Thy peace.'' ;" a i-harinmg pari sung "In My Harden," and j" Coleridge-Taylor's dramatic Shore." 1^ DIXIELAND. ; Patron? or the Dixieland Cabaret have;» been more mail pleased With (lie new ar- J ■ rai.geiiienl- plac-.l al Iheir disposal, anil ; • the iitirariive niaiiiier in whlcli Hie interior!: ilecorations and lounges have been alterel. i» The orchestra i- all that could be desired. | f and. wiih the new novelties introduced, the • mosi ras'.idious tastes iff "jazzerr." cannot | ■ mil i" be -aiisiie.i. it is also interesting i ' lo note thai Ihe dansan! has been re-opened ;" I'rom . p.m. lo .1 p.m. each arternoon. ! ■ s.p.CA. CONCERT. ! - The beneilf perrormance in aid or 111' jl New Zealand Society lor Ihe Prevention o' |... Cruelly lo Animals and Protection n! >.. Women and Children, in be given by !h. . I.eoneilo Drainailc company in the Town I. Hall Concert Chamber Ibis evening, pro-I; mises lo be an enjoyable r-iitertainmeni. |» Die programme Is varied, embracing all i; irancnes nl' dramatic art. A number or I •■■ tialleis have been arranged by Miss Muriel i;Brown, as well as musical numbers by ■ viadame Meyrnl, in which ."iss Lambert and !• Masicr Fred Barnes will appear. ••

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Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 150, 26 June 1924, Page 8

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 150, 26 June 1924, Page 8

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LV, Issue 150, 26 June 1924, Page 8


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