RANFTTRXY SHIELD MATCH. END OF .SEASON MATCHES. At the weekly men ing or the A.R.I". Executive lust night, Mr. 11. Frost presiding, arrangements for the Rnnfurly Shield match were Uisetissod. nnd Mr. \V. 11. Moore was appointed manager for the team for Ihe trip. Two referees were suggested for the game, Messrs. J. Peake, of Christchurch, nml A. Eckhold, of Dunedin, and it was decided to nominate them to Hawkes Bay. A request was received from the Taihapc Cnlon that the Auckland team should play a match at Taihape in the course of the trip to Napier, out the proposal was turned down. The Manukau Inlon reported th- dlsqualihcac.on for two years of a Takanini < Inn niayer for kirking an opponent, hut the rommittw decided to get mrther evidence before confirming the decision The lakamni C'luh forwarded a protest against award of a match to the Valley Hovers, on the ground that the latter had played an ourside player, and because of a dlßputed try and a disputed goal : the comimnee aian decided to get turtlier evidence on this subject. Orafton .thirds were granted permission to piny at heieugville on Saturday. On a request from Thames for' a match at Thames on September 22 by an Auckland team, it was decided to try to arran-c I a pi mc. " c i It was decided to arrange for a match ion Sepfmh-r 22 the Auckland B team and North Auckland. Messrs. A. T c'o 8 "' *' Tl "' T, F " A "''"' W- StreltOll an " of the Junior Advisory Hoard were ap* pointed a special committee to arrange tor ii gala day at the end of th. season FIXTURES FOB SATURDAY. Tho following fixtures have heen arranged of the Auckland Rugby 1 nion on' Saturday .—Hamilton Manst Brothers' School v. \ermont Street, No. 1. la.l.'i p.m r.-ferce. Mr. \V. .1. Crirhton: Auckland Juniors v Secondary Schools. Kden lark. No. I, p.m.. Mr. H. Henueti ; fourth Grade Reps, v. lvinsonby, Eden I'ark, No. ;(. p.m.. Mr. M. kronfeid : Newmarket v. I'etone Workshops. Eden I'ark. No. 8 10 am Mr Hancock ; Retail Chemists v. Chemicals, Ltd., v ictorui i-ark; au. v. Au - Ulan<J Meat Company. Showground. No. 1. :i p.m.. I Mr. C. K. l'aall; Kcuipthorue. ». I Kaxtuers' l.'nltm Trading company, outer Domain. No. 1. l p.m.. Mr. K. Brewer; D.X.1.M.1. v. W. V.M.1., outer Domain, — -:-!<► p.m Mr R. ISrewer: St. Georges \. St. Barnabas. Snow Ground, No. :.'. J p.m. Referees for Warkworth. Mr. .1. Hall: for Helensville. Mr E Dudson : lor Puketohe Mr. .1. H. Muldoon. JUNIORS V. SECONDASY SCHOOLS. A curtnin-raiser to the Auckliind-YVel-iington match* to be played at Ed*'n Park on Saturday, is between the Auckland Junior Representatives and the Secoudarj School.-. The teams will be selected from . the following:— Auckland Junior Keps.—Eddowes. Heard Dare. McLean, (iribble. Singleton C-1 Swanson. Maxwell, Masters. I'otter, Hosk * >~._-. K,,h-iiMin. K..SS. Lineham. McCarthy. ■ Br—>«. MMler. Noakes. Clarke. Sheen. Secondary Schools.—Mathieson Olsen : Mct«iren, Colgan, Kelly ((irammar). Mc ... ...,.., neard, Stewar ' irxiiKV I,.liege.. Wright. Stone. David 1 Maciuonagle I Sacred Heart). Cochran Gardner. .lenkin. Freeman. Kirkpatricl lilt. Albert Grammari. IMayers .should call at the .lunio: I Advisory Board secretary's office. 03, CitJ , Chambers, lor passes. ) i i MILITARY MATCH. r ' 1 4th BATTEKY V. HELENSVILLE itIFLES. I The team representing the 4th ITowitze . Battery (College Hides) will visit Helens ville on Saturday to play the Helensvill 1 Mounte.l Kifles. The tollowmg have beei 5 I chosen to make the trip:—Eadv 121, LID s tott. Sheen, Ifwersen. NoaKes, .Mcl^ar. Crei"h Walker Edwards. Nicholson, Men 1 snesl 13) Hockin, Wynyard. White. Katt t twue Hume, Airey, Neweomlx?, Wnghl Gardiner, Miller. Dodd. Macken, Low 0 Mar,er. Heid, Souter. Whitaker. The team is to leave by the 10.30 a.n 8 train. I'iayers unable to go please notif. c the battery sergeant-major early. . ALL BLACK REPLACEMENT. |. (By Telegraph —l'ress Assocation.) , CHKISTCHUHCH. Wc4nesday. 1 I rearesented Canterbury and tni- »"«' ,f ! uSSS He replace* Parker, ,vh, w. injured. CANTERBURY M. MANAWATU SOt'THEHNERS WIN EASILY. THIRTY-f'N"E TO SIXTEEN". (By Telegraph.—tress Association., CHRISTCHCRCH. "tt'ednesday. J ''■ Canterbury beat Manawatu to-day hy^ * I Pu J !"rround I tas?muJ^r"fte V r a the D r'k-e [S g \ ra Sanawa.n pitted the wind :u l?Si^%±p n eTao^lu l etuU b rV^ i evadT Kailey! and passed In to Turp, i «-ho scored for Canterbury *";"*»" i TCr r d - H^r^e^atJd' th anrt "Sri I S-ured the baU and dashed to (anterbun wsmsi and iklura converted. Then By d - ! «'"red uu.l Aklura converted, making "/l^iy^ertfd^urahUS Ii- I poses aim '"" a? ; P eualty '" ?n : WELLINGTON TOURING TEAI [r. j WANGANti .I>El-EATKT>. n . TWEXTV-TWO TO NINE. '"" (By Telegraph —Press Association.) : WANGAXt'I. Wednesday n-I Wm-iuni met Wellington this af:t-rno I '" i■„ shoivery weather. \. ellington .vmni * ! b i,pFe"rf and rL \ ' to htW h' ffi !•»» "'"' nml r : minutes from tne kiik-oiT. from * lineo by SSol! secured the bair. trans-ferrln? '■ h i;" and° n s The kl'k , nt handle ***£**"££* a Hne-om J. she ' :t - sclSed another try for Wellington NK-α, ; ! 1ohn"on and Mahoney. Tbe latter scor fn n f?eam on the offend %%ZJ f Eventually relieving. Wanga tu-n made another movement. Cox. sec • » -he ball transferred to Ro,s wao dasi t. f , ,- nl . rest of the :im.'. In tin- .los re. franlferred to Sveason. who scored at d.) corner.
THE VISITORS WIN. ELEVEN POINTS TO FIVE. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) " HAMILTON. 'Wednesday. The visit of the New South Wales Riisfy • fnotliallers attracted a Croat crowd to the « Claudelands Showsroundf to-rtay. It raineil heavily during the flrst spell, ami the ' came on tlie whnh , was rather disappoint- ! j Ins. the wet ground making it tlie reverse Of filSt. , New smith Wales ilicht hi up I.—Nothllnff, ! Bowers. Troufdale. Louden. Crakenthorp", j Rur.tine. Meagher. Davis (captain). Taylor. Fercuson. Thorn. Thompson. P.lackwoort. Krby. Elliott. , South Auckland (black and white).— Malloy, Glenn. Niccol. Campbell. Kemp. , Crawford. Wrlitnt. Mcl.eay. Hooper. War- , ren. Deluuey, pinl. Oray i.-nptaln), Sowuian. Mi'.:inßton. i Whou the team? Unci nut it was seen that tiie visitors had rather the best of It i>s regard* weight. New South Wales j kicked off a sliffhr wind, and after h ■ a few exchanees the blues found the line , In the local twenty-five, and from the throw Measlier set his ba.-ks in nii.tion. ', when the black centre. Niccol. intercepted. nntl posspd out to Clenii. who was earthed , by Nnthlin;: when he looked dancerons. j and the latter found the line as.-iin away i , down field. From that the blue forwards . attackeri. with Malloy Ravine by markinc I • The visitors now hud the black and whites penned in their twenty-are, and Craken- j i thorpe started a pretty pawine bout, which i t I en.lei! in Meapher sc.irinu after handling I ■ j the hall twice in the movement. Nothllnc 1 j failed with the kick. " South Auckland ." 0 ' ! a strong attack, "but Nothlitic saved and j sent the play back to centre, and then followed some clve and take play, with , the referee bavinc to warn players about p rotiirb. play. Nothllnc. who was playlne n I 1 solid Hume, took the ball from ii high kick, ' 3 and after worklnc his_ way well up. went '. it on to but Kfinj> cr>t in tht* way i nnil i'γ^hjrhr him clown ni/*flj*, and slw»rtiy i . afterwards the lilacks hni! to force. Then . the same became drab, both sides seemlne [ 'i to lose their dash, when fr«»ni a s-r-nn j i. ; McLeay picked up. and after_ dodßins I ■. 1 several was collared. Then Kemp and ■ Wrlßbt made .in attempt, but Meacher ' .- nhetmcrinc. the l>la<-ks liad n kick In n j .. handy position, but Malloy faile.l an.l th.i spell ended with the Cornstalks three in j .. the lead. sta rtinn off i\ cjnin Stnnloy r**pln t'O*i ' •r Trousdale. who was Injured. 'The spell -; opened with a irrea? run by 'Ireatorex. but i, Xiccol beat him by tv.rclnc. Tills was .. followed by the blues pusbtns the blacks back, keepinc them bu.-y defeodlnc till r Kemp crime out. only to lose to Nothlini:. ■, who raved with a great kick, and a nice run by Stanley. Ixindeo and Thorn was u|iset by "iieno interceptins and kicking nut on his own corner. The local pack woke up. f»ray leadinsr them, with "Nothlins tacklinc in fine style, when suddenly from resmltlns play l>r. c;rny nipped In and rtivint- n-n. ncnred. and Malloy . on- ! verted the try. k : South -.n.-..-.and r, j New South Wal-s .•; " y This put some life into the local pack. m I and they played much letter for a time. I cettint* rather the better of the line-out*, d. '. Meaeher relieved a movement of the p. j blacks by a ao.«! line kick, and play was k- , transferred t.o the home twenty-five. When !'i they turned for the last time the j.lay : became much better to watch. ea<-h side n. playing keenly l'.untine came away with c-I a dribble, only to be stopped by Malloy rt j near the line. Nuthlli.g marked the return <1. !in a cod position, but was unable to c'.n •>• 1 much with the creasy hall, and SI.-Leny ; k cleveriy saved what seemed a certain score. Aciin the blue forwards came with the " r ball at their toes, though tlie defence was [ y too «,,od and the L-ame quickened up a< time Nothlin— was moved up to the wins and Bowers went h.i.-k. This whites, when from a line-out the ball went thronch all the blue backs. Nothllng scorNew S.,utb Wales « South Auckland ii er With a couple of minutes to S " the ball 1S - i wa* thmwn about In great style, each le su-ivlnc to make a win. and from a en scramble •Jreatorex picked up. and passing n. kick The thus ended. D- New South Wales 11 h- South Auckland . .... 3 it, "■" c NOTES. m If th" day had been fine one wonders Iy what the Aussies , score jvould have been. Meacher wo* without doubt 'be best hack on the paddock. He pn the ball away J beautifully and cleanly, and some of his lonir passes were weil timed. Nothlinzr. at full, left nothing to be desired, and moving him iii > to the wing at a critical time was good generalship. Davis and Thorn were also always handy. The local pack worked exceptlonallj th well, led hy Dr. Gray, but were bidly lei uu down t-y the scorinc men behind them -Iy W.vren and Hooper" Of the hacks Wrl'ghl iiu anflUKctnp were outst-andin:;. as For the .local team this much can b< said, no team on earth can be expected v training together. The system is wron; J. to try. and to pick a team from such i scattered area as from Opotiki to Paeroa from Hamilton to Tauranga. means that combination is impossible. A lot of time was wasted by only havinone ball, and hy the public encroaching o t the field of play. Mr. Meredith, of Auckland, was referea
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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 219, 13 September 1923, Page 9
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1,811RUGBY FOOTBALL Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 219, 13 September 1923, Page 9
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