(By " ACT AEON." ) RUGBY FOOTBALL. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Since falling by a very wrest the Uauftirly has Bay early In the season. W rMm*.on nns been mnking merry at the expense oi iim mg lnTe"rp"fvi n nei.-,I fifteens. , heir l.nrk rn,nbiuatlon having greatly Improvod ancl^ on ItT/.hereFore onions" tLt'the WellVngt-m-Auckland game at Kden la __","'_',.' ' .; will he one worth going a long vraj n . . Auckland will be without lbv "'-',?'SV X Lucas and Cooke, while "Do'and * ■ '•; Mcholls and Porter, of the imui I we ton learn, will also he engageu i n • • test match. But If reports .an be rmi. tl on. the Wellington lea:.. »i»| "•■■;' - '- just nnout as Formidable * Ihe ~„i 1 .an get. and the nliseure ot llie ..-u.ii • « ""' talk ruat our rricnei-. ir .n i tiupire cuy !.«><• lie,"" "■ -!■■ .n_.nsurprise on Auckland. 'ihe Auckland team for ihe '-'• IS "" nn * undergone several ehang; - • ■■'■•"' * h ' grcateT-I loss Is that of v i-. Hi« i« artistic game at centre mi ~l' i l' „,' „ r ,' v , come to ue r.-rognlsed as one ..: i.n -• » • factors In the ulg scores pin UP hj AuiK land in the games he has taken IJiut lU. "nrlv in the se, ond spell *™ Sontn Wales a enrtllege In one nt Ms knees Slmveei"m The "second spell" he' id'icKily ?_. .erTnce'V" _ii"wl'n. ph-Ter i,ui tne eu.itt so nggraMited. iils lujiiry mat he will have to ho up for the lost ot tne season/ . . „.,,;nn Against Wellington the cenrre pos.tion will by nllert ny Ifwersen, while i »oiney and Snecu will he ihe Itve-eig.iths. . nd Wilson will substitute for Linus ;">"'' wing. Sheen, by his play against Otogo and New .-.outh Wales, snowed that he grabbed witn bori! hands Ihe opportunity *f sinvicg in rep. football, and i ivomey is a 50,,,.",! and steimy partner, so that the side will have a wetl-oahmced buck division, not qniie i,o brilliant as tne original set capable of a great game. L.i the ™oaK ia.,K of the i.imirrus lognrl.v. ol I ollege Hides, will tnke Peters' poire, and Morgan Havward, the Hue-nut artisl from tlie Illumes will be on ihe side of t „c scrum. llßlien will also be on ihe side of tne scrum, an.i knur ull.l Kc.j >.»i '•■ »■ •" Peters on the reserve list for the game The pack changes Hre expected to welgUl and devil to the forward work, and ■«• i "<• result the forwards for ihe Kttnfurly Shield game ihe following week will be sorted out. New South Waif* was decisively beaten by Auckland on Saturday, out ihe team from across the water did what no oiner sole has done (ins season J getting the Aiickliuiders thoroughly rati* I and within of the game. liv sheer dash, pace and elusivei.ess ihe Australians rushed the 10~-.l players almosi off their feet al ihe outset. aeei by geltlug all the bull In Ihe scrum held their opponents off fern s-tili..g down to attack for a considerable lime. Where otago bad for the same period held ihe Au.hlnnders by spoiling play, the .Missies made it open aggress,vc. .-mil had Nothling been at nil versatile ihe visitors miglii have ended ihe spell with a lead of live or six points. As .t was. wheu the Auckland side adapted its sty,,- of play to meet the breakaway forward and four three quarter formations it look .-barge, and fioiu ihe beginning of the second spell r.le issue was lover In doubt. (irealorex, Manoit. Blackwood ond Taylor were for wui-da who were always out to support their barks, but none" of the Welsh for wards hnd the slightest Idea of. ~r fancy for ruck piny, and II was here tile Aliceliinclers found them mil in the second spell, continually breaking through the ruck to feed iheir backs. The New South Welshmen scrummed well, ai.d Invariably look Ihe scrums In preference to the line out. but they would not get Into the ru.k. always creaking clear after ihe Uea\e in the serum ami standing oIT for outside i nances. one imagines that this Is Ihe secret of their wntii of success so far In ibis trip. If they cleared the way more for the backs Instead of gelling out and Impeding, rather than helping. In two out ot every force times tti.y Would be about when they were most needed, and would give the hacks better chance for direction In their handling work. In Mlngar. Sheehan a-ld George they had really tine Inside backs ■ Sbee asm being ...specially .nippy), who were often crowded, off toe scene by their own forwards, and ihe mistakes which Inevitably come with iintiecessarv handling often gave- the iidcamago to the Aucklanders, who were not slow to accept such opportunities. Erasmus gave the Impression of being an excellent wing threequarter, but Norhllng showed no resource whatever. At the dinner to the New South Walesteam on Saturday evening, when ihe ll.ivor presided. Mr. E. Wyllle. of the New Zea land Rugby I"nlon. who is piloting the visitors in their tour, made a polished speech. in the e-ourse of which he showed that the controlling body has expended pasi pluses wisely in loans at low rates to ntliliateel unions, hy which players and the game had prouted. and incldcut.illv nr made n good case for the two shilling gate charge to mutches In which international teams were engaged. In the course of refer once to the exp.-ctee! tour of Britain next year, he mentioned that there were now In New Zealand sfxty or seventy forwards of international standard, and foreshadowed a possible narrowing of the selection to unmarried men in view of the personal expense involved lo the players There »■", a hint In his remarks that'young men who expe.-ied to get ihe trip should accumulate a personal reserve fund for expenses This mailer of personal expense-. N „„,: tll . lt \* likely to he keenly discussed hy the Interrated_ authorities berore the conditions of selection are settled next year "Another l-'ollovvec- writes to the cnv,i that had llarty, Combes and Mm'ro not iw. "''"', ,'"J ur "' s b is problematic whether the Auckland team u--,iust _tl_o „„„ i have retained It, unbeaten record lie points our further that Utago was'without the services of Sinclair. Mewarl Morgan. Mulbison, Dickenson ferry I-'.vi \lc .•decking. Williams and Sontag i,ii,V „f whom were this or last year's tops. The «,-£" "v"' wh,cn fourcil was little belter than a R team, and vet It was capable „f demoralising the Auckland team until injuries rootled it of its best forwards." he cone-lueles. "Another Followers" view appears to he that of an extreme partisan Admitting thin t,:ago had tar Horn Its l.esi ,i._'. , " ia S<> fain iiseif aelmiited that l>j- playing w-hollv nnd solely n -.poll h S S . E ",f r " X " , •• , ,h « P o '""' down, nnd tnuiij,'ii it made n good showing, ihe stnlement that ,t demoralised the Auckland team at any stage of the game i„ par.-lsan exaggeration, otago certainly icsted the Aiiekiand team's moral lor n time, and l»unti It not want ing. So far as the Auckland learn is ronC K™S d ""■ ho "<mr 8 of the clay go again ctiictly to Wright and ihe tnrei-iiiiiirler _"';-, Ifwersen was missed, nnd i, was Badeley s kiiack of drawing (he opposing wing lhat made most of the scoring nppnrni'L on wnicu Lucas put brillinnl unishes. Sheen improves with each game and has gained the confidence of his supports and of ihe public. The bull: of the .New South Wales attack went to Malloys wing, and was very cupahiv dealt with. Nothling being unable to make any impression on the sturdy Marist rln.rcr. Fletcher, Knight nnd Flu lay son were ihe outstanding forwards of the day. the flr.t named playing one of his finest gnr.ies. THE riNAZ. TEST. ALL BLACKS IN TRAINING. fßy Telegraph.—Own 'AvresDOtt.ient... WELLINGTON, this day. The twenty players selecle.l to contest he third test match against New South .Vnles at Wellington, on Saturday, go lino immers at tastliourne lo ..ay. 1 lie iuckiand players n.o expected i» reach he c:;v by» the Mn.n TriiuK express io- '"}•• Ihe team will be nuclei- lite manage- j nent of .Mr. A, (I. tlriiiilbs. who will have •ilh him Mr. T. v\\ r-,ioi-,ie , Leslie, aud j •"ill Use the Las;bo.line Recrcaiioi Grounds j o.- j THE RANFIELY SHIELD. AI-CKI.AN'D'S SIPREMK TASK. j VIEWS OF OITSIDERS. It is ten years since the Ranfurly Shield epnrted from Auckland after a r.sidenc? ere of eight years, and ihe ,|iie'tio.i or ringing it back again Is now agitariug in. linds of followers of the game. .lust to emonstrste Ihe provinces Come-back in uj,bv. The shield was awarded lo.lct Wemngton ,10-_ the foIIOWIM iM*a. •hen George Smith made a tsmen.. lastlinute run to get the «',nnin- r" ■l" a ,ng succession of games Auckland retained .e B .SSd np to ms. when TnranaKi ro,k in a game which the Ut,T won b., .. :,ints to 11. Since then .be man. «f Am . :,„-, declined Hi tne tootbs\ wor . _ ml -ellingtor.. wb" look, the sh ,el,l f i 1 l m akl In mi*, was in the ~s . 11,1,111 in otil bland Hashed up at Ihejud "IT 1 ; '-1 an ! ami brought Ihe shield --•■ and has successfully defended it ace.
Auckland has not since 1913 been con sidored a formidable challenger, but it? string of wins this season In home matches, and Hawke's Bay's similar success on that province's own soil have made these twc Ihe logical contenders for a test for the inter-provincial championship. It will hi the interprovincial game of the year. As to the result the supporters of each team are equally confident. We In Auck land have been tohl in figurative language hy -Mr <'. Atkinson, of Wanganui. whe referred the Hawke's May-Canterbury am I Auckland-New Smith Wales inaiches that Hawke's nay will "kick Auckland oIT the field •• lie explained at the dinner to the ] learns on Saturday night that this was the < Atklnsonese for being beaten by the 8113 . forwards—an exceptional pack. Mr. T. H Rosward. Hie New Smith Wales manager 1 stated niiirh the same thing in less vivid language. He thought the Ray forward.' - would be too good for Auckland. '" • The "New Zealand Times" (Wellington : critic, while not depreciating Auckland, has ' a feeling that way ton. He writes: - "Neither team has been defeated this .", season, although each has met most IT not 1 all. of the strongest sides In the Dominion < Auckland has been fortunate In mcerinj , all Its formidable opponents on Its home - ground. I'sually its best "team has beer . available, and the hacks have worked up a < combination which, unless reports exag gerate Its worth, is second to none in New Zealand. Little has been heard i>f the - Auckland forwards, hut descriptions ol ' heir play Indicate Hint they are fast, ann - 1 iliat they specialise in combined move t m<"its with the backs. Hawke's Ray - thinks. with considerable reason, that • Auckland will prove even mor- formidable •' than the Wellington and Canterbury teams. s which hoih went dose to winning the ! shield. On the other hand, the shield ' holders are undoubtedly a stronger team now than when Wellington met them. t ' Their puck now includes .1. Unnnnd. who » will be seen a I Athletic Park next Saturday. He is the third largest man in a large puck. i and the fact that he was r mmondod to ,• the New Zealand selector before Cyril I P.roivnlio (brother of M. Brownlie. the All » fllacki .Indicates that he more than ■> sire In his favour. The Hawke's Ray 3 backs, 100. have combination ami finesse, •' which they did not possess when they 5 played against Wellington. Mill. Paewai. 1 and Nepia. the Inside hacks, are as touchy 1 and enterprising a trio as is to be found in 1 the Dominion. Inewai was five-eighth in ' the Hawke's Rnv touring team, which was ' unbeaten In four matches recently, and list '. Wednesday played a brilliant game against New Sooth Wales. On the other hand. ". Hawke's Hay may be weak where Auckland , is strong in the three-quarter line. So Auckland piayers will take the I field at Nnnier on September _! with a full . of their boldness in the challenge. .- and quite aware Unit the Southern sections -. of New Zealand an- preiarecl to say "I toll you so" in the event of Hawke's Rnv win i nine. At the snme time Ihe Auckland team l and supporters. while recognising that r Hawke's Pay has a great side, are confident '- of being able lo lifi ihe shield. 1 AUCKLAND V. WELLINGTON. i the aitki.axd team. The following team has been selected hy ■. Mr. V. It. Meredith to represent Auckland ~ In Ihe match nga'.nst Wellington at Kden i Perk on Saturday: Gregory. Malloy. < WINon. Sheen. Twoniev. Wright. t Arnold. It. Casey. Fo_irtv. "... Casev. c O'Brien, M. Hnyward, Kigliton. Knight." i; LEAGUE FrOTBALL. 1 NOTES ON THE CODE. The teams pursuing Roopes Rooster on Saturday were City. Devonport. Ponsonby i and Marist Bros., anil of the quartet ■ only City and Ponsonby remain in the chase. The ownership of the bird will 1 h.- derided .on Saturday, when City and 1 Ponsonby contest the final of the eoni- ; petition. The form shown throughout the j season would point to City haying the , , beßt chances, hut Ponsonby. who are the r .present holders of the Rooster, have a f much slronger team than they had in the s'clnh competitions. and on their showing . against Marist Bros, on Saturday they .- should not lose possession of the bird with- - out putting up a hard tight. The two * matches played on Saturday last were r. rather disappointing, and the wins of City j and Ponsonby were easily achieved. 1 ! - ~~ \ I CITY'S EASY WIN. : ' That Devonport would at least make a - fair showing against City even if they did 1 ' not actually win, was the universal opinion on Saturday when the teamn met in ; the semi-final of the Roope Rooster. lint ? the- men from across the harbour not only A , fulled, hut they gave easily th«"r worst " r exhibition to date. A week previously they . i had beaten a strong team like Athletics . in good style, and with the same team fielded against City the latter expected to he ■ tried out. The hlrck nnd reds little - dreamed of the easy task in front of them, -and the shocking stand made by Devon- > port must have come ns an agreeable sur- > prise. K. I.aing and his team never played 1 ■ what might he describee! as even a sem--1 blance of football: Iheir attempts al passing the ball- about were reckless and the 1 defence was as weak as King Country ' whisky In Ihe first spell City only scored f half a dozen points, toil this was not the 1 fault of Devonport. who were very fortunI ate that I lie total was not greater. In 1 Ihe see-ond half City setlled down to play * real football, and their total increased so I | rapidly that nil Interest ni Ihe contest was , lost. They first made the Devonport backs . look like novices, and with goals following . tries it looked as though City were plnyr Ing Devonjiort on a -live break." Ttaey could have done it. In the l bccond spell City put on 43 points, making t Iheir total V.I. while Devonport pul together r Just a dozen. Wetherill, B. Davidson and 1 Crewther were the best of ihe City hack,.. ■ but all played - well. Of the forwards - Thomas and Mnokie were always proluin--'ent On Ihe Devonport side the whole of •the bucks ;.hived below form with the oxf jceptlon of Ilurper, but he received little ''assistance from his associates. The for- ; I wards on the other hand, gave a good :• display until they realised their hacks hail , let them down. ORrien nnd Douglas ore . n line pair, while Hand was also respnn- ' I slide for a lot of solid work. -j PONSONBY V. MATIST. Ponsonbv displayed more combination I i against Marist on Saturday than they I have done for some time past. The r»sult ,' was lliey secured n victory over their I I opponents by' a comfortable margin. Their nltnck was ronsistenl and well supported '. In- Hie backs, who speeded up the game i t considerably. Marist started off well, and .' in the final stages of ihe game made n .'cood rallying efTort. but their middle play .! was of nn Inferior order. For the winners ' I the backs plnved a good game lo a man. • ! Gray. who played h.s first game of the ~'season, gaining esprcial prominence as fullj back, while F.ittlewood shone mil on , necount ot his pn'-e and general resource- : ,' fulness. Henderson and McNeill were the ■ pick of fli" forwards, nil of whom rontriI I b'lteel materially towards ihe finnl victory. ! McNamnrn. Brisbane. Klrklnnd. I.eug and ,'!!;hent were outstanding nmongst the I Marist back markers, while in Ihe forward ;te advantage. ! The defeat of Marist B-others and I Devonpor: last Saturday means that City land Poii'-onhv will have lo meet nvice oil I end. Kvery.flie was under the impression I that the w,nners of Hi- Koope Rooster had Ito play the club chnnipions. or in Ihe event of the same teem winning both a match would he played between the winners of ' the Roope Rooster and the runners np in I the cluli competition. However, this Is ! not the position, and the match to follow 1 the final of the Rooster is between Ihe cluh i champions and the runners up in Hie Roopp , Rooster. This means that City and Ponsonbv will oppose each other next KatUr- . day and the following Saturday also. i HAMILTON V. AUCKLAND. | TO-MORROW AT CARLAW PARK. I in view of Ihe match to be played lnier j between Auckland and South Auckland for Northern Cnion Cup. considerable inMerest will be taken in to-morrow's game at ■Carlaw- Park, when a Hamilton representaitlve thirteen will oppose an Auckland combination. While the latter will not be the strongest side that the selectors could have chosen woing to players in the City nnd Ponsonby clubs nor being considered, the team is nevertheless a fnlrly sound one. and will not doubt give a good account of themselves. The League code is very strong in the Waikato, and last year the South Auckland representatives beat Auckland's for the Northern Union Cup, which trophy they successfully defended against the challenge of the Wellington team a few weeks ago. It is unfortunate that Saturday next should be set down to decide the final of the Roope Rooster, because it means Chat the Auckland team to go to Hamilton to battle for the Northern Hnlon i'up will not he anything like the best the city could assemble. Still, many members of the Hamilton team playing to-morrow will oe included in the South Auckland's thirteen and the result e,f the game should _ Hf?i S "".i " nP _'" Auckland's chances of lifting the trophy.
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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 217, 11 September 1923, Page 9
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3,143SPORTING GOSSIP. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 217, 11 September 1923, Page 9
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