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Referring to the Imperial Conference, which is to be held in October. Mr. C. J. Parr. Minister for Health, gave it hint at YVaiuku on Saturday that the Prime Minister will probably represent JCew Zealand when the representatives jf Great Eritain and 'the Dominions meet in London. Notwithstanding the oeculiar political situation, said Mr. Parr, it was hoped the Prime Minister ivould be able to visit London for the jreat conference, which would be of the .ltmost importance, and at which natters of Empire trade and immigra;ion would be discussed. No one else iould speak with the authority of the I'rime Minister, and it was in the interest of every citizen of New Zealand hat the Dominion should be rcpreiented. Tlie man who could speak with veight should go, and that Inan was I he Prime Minister. |

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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 101, 30 April 1923, Page 7

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 101, 30 April 1923, Page 7

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 101, 30 April 1923, Page 7