tKy WHALERONE.I ' RACING FIXTURES. 1 March 31 —Toapeka County J.C. -March Hl— April R.C. March 31, April 2— Felldlug J.C. March 31. April 2—Kivertou B.C. March 31. April 2—Wairarapa U.C. April "J—Beaumont U.C. April '2— Kmntira R.C. . April •_> —Wulpulcurati J.C. , April 2. 3—-Canterbury J.C. ' April 4—Wostlnud X.C i April 7— Grevmoutl) .1.1. i April 7.o—Avoiulale J.C. ! April 11- Rcel'ton J.C. I April 12. 14—Wellington R.C. I April IS. Hl—MaunwUMi K.C. '; April 20. 21 -South Canterbury J.C. ] April 21, 23—Auckland Trotting Club. ' April 27. 28— Hawkc's Ray J.C. I April 2S —Amberley R.C. The apprentice W. Raßby has been engaged to ride Vlyella in the Hauler Handicap. , Mr. K. Pope has sent Semper Idem back l to her owners, not being satlslied with her prospects oC winning a race. ' Myr.ll King Ims uiaile a reappearance at Kllerslie. and is now working under the supervision of Mr. C. Coleman. i Hsalf was schooled over a couple of Pony ] Hurdles at Lllerslie yesterday morning, shaping satisfactorily fur a beginner. The apprentice Hobson came North with Mr. J. 11. JefTerd to fulfil riding engagements at the A.X.C. autumn meeting. The mare Salvor, formerly in charge of Mr. I. Conway, is now working at F.llerslie under the supervision of Mr. C. Xorgrnve. Musketoon and Pebbles 11. were sent South this in,irnlng. They are engaged at both the Kellillng and Wairarapa Meetings. Evidently Mr. F. I.ootnli is satisfied that Kiiapapa will get a distance for the son of i'olyilam.u, has been engaged in the Treutbaui Gold Cup of two miles. I.andblrd was brought ns far ur, Frankton by Mr. .1. 11. .IclTeril. and has heen sent tn the Cambridge district, where he is to be hunted during the coining season. Pine Arch, which for some time has been under his owner's charge at Morrinsville. ,is back again at Fllerslle. where he is doing his tasks under the direction of Mr. U. Morughaii. ' .Numbers of the supporters nf Cool Stimulants are talking of taking legal anion fur the re.overy nf their dividends, but "before doing so they would be well advised to consult a reputable lawyer. ! Cold Rain won the Waiockn Stakes at Tilkapuna on Saturday 1,, very casv fusion,l. and them Is no doubt thai it,.- »,,.<, „r si. A,nans Is a useful sort of customer. Cold , Kali, has won In his last three starts. An appeal to the Conference has been lodged in both the Tamo a-roa and Penniless cases, and the former Is to be heard in Wellington on April It!, but so r„r no dim , has bee,, fixed fur Mr. Fleming's appeal. ! but it will probably be at the same time. I'liless something unforeseen occurs flroI tesque will not be a runner In the A.R.C. j Faster Handicap on Saturday. Mr. Williams relying upon Rapine and King's Trumpeter. K. Reed will have the mount on the former, and A. Dixon will be on the latter. The many friends of Mr. F. W. Marks. i the well-known racing official, who has been , clerk of the scales to the various Auckland clubs for a great many years, will regret to learn that he is at present confined tn his bed. and his .health is causing his friends some anxiety. , I Canowlndra has been a big disappointment on the flat, but when tried over th- ■ small hurdles at F.llerslie yesterday morning, his display was satisfactory eimugh to encourage the hope that he might make igood as a hurdler. I Loyal Irish should be benefited hv the ; rx'-e be had in the Opotlkl dip on Sntr.r : day. when under 0.0 he finished third lo Surveyor and Stork. He meets Surveyor nil ■ V,lh better terms In the Faster Handicap i than he did on Saturday. ' | F.lstow nearly brought off a big surprise iin the Dtarn Hurdles „t Takiipuna mi Saturday, and would have returned a diviI .lend over the half century had he run I first instead of second. As l> h,,s Ills supporters handled a ~ice return for their I Investment. I An effort was made to get the two-yenr-:nld Attractive on the train at Wauganui. Iliut evidently the sun of Absurd has not jet got over his kno.-k received last spring j when travelling by rail to the Feilding meeting. for every effort to get him in the box was unavailing. Another attempt is to he , made to-day. . I Writing to Mr. W. Roulstnn. Mr. P. I Norton, who recently took several horses to Western Australia, stated that he had won ~ :, race with Thuriuoria. a filly by Thurn- , ham. vvhi.-h 1,,- purchased from Hie Messrs. 'Roulstnn Urns., win, had her. Tbiirmorin Is 1 I said tn have got good support from her ■ .connections. I Kuzzle Dazzle's withdrawal from the 1 Cre„t Northern Champagne Stakes was due i to the daughter of Kllbrone.i being slightly . ( .uiiNc, in.i, it has bee,, decided not to race |it again this seas,,,,. Mr. S. Waddeli. who has charge of Razzle Dazzle, has a - I ising two-year-old sister to the brilliant . ly. which In- is handling and educating r her two-year-old engagements. - , Old timers will remember Jack Kenn. one time one of our leading horsemen, who lert i for Australia some years ago. The veteran lis still alive and well, but unfortunately is i totally blind, and it, at, institute on the other side. A letter received from him the other day shows that he Is still Interested 'I In New Zealand and Inquires after his old - | friends. '! The withdrawal ~f Solfanello. Vindictive. '- and Kalstou from their engagements ai the A.X.C. autumn meeting was principally due ' to their trainer being unable to arrange their carriage by rail. The Department < does tint seem to have much sympathy , with horsenwiiers d.-splte the excessive charges fur transport, and the sooner some- ' one In authority Insists on a change the * | better. Auckland and tVnikato owners are fairly ' I well represented at the Wellington Racing J I Club's autumn meeting, the following being I among those engaged in the various events: ■ -Mm Bella. Sonlterina. The Curragh. I'rettvman. White Comet. Royal Blood. :;,iapapa. Alfort, Illumination. Sheffield, and Jolly Oar. In addition. Lucius. Wheatfleld. and' Queen March, which are trained at Woodvllle. but owned In Auck land, are engaged. At the Oaklands meeting !„ Tasmania recently. Dr. Bill, which was the outsidet '. die Limit Handicap, crented a surprise by winning by a length. Dr. Rill ; has h„d ,!, Interesting: career. By Comedy . Kinc f-oin the once fameiis New Zealand mare (iladsome. he is „s bin-blooded n> r anything in 'he world, yet has bee,, an ! inter failure as n rneelvrse. It is stilted , that be once changed hands for a "fiver." and did dntv as a trooper's hack, and yet on ■' this occasion won his ra c very easily. t The race for the fipntiki Cup on Saturday showed Surveyor up in a very at true. - live light, and b is a time since '- a race has been won so easily in Auckland, f The son of Nassau was never really at top at any stage of the race, and when " he was asked to go on anl win his effort - w„s very impressive, for he ran past th" - field as" if they were standing, winning , pulling up. Surveyor seems right back tn form, "and his race in the Bay of Plenty •' Cup on the previous Wednesday sharpened 1 bin, up considerably. Mr. McManemin wa« evidently impressed with the performance. for he raised Surveyor Sib. which in a 3 nne of the .lass of the Faster Ilalidl.-aj - is a pretty big rise. Fnfertunately Mr. . Pitterson's horse was attacked by coin ' yesterday, and Is under veterinary care ' but if it is nothing serious he will'be one t of the fancied ones for the Faster Handicap ou Saturday. In connection with claim" made by backer. s of c,„,| Stimulants for their dividends it 1> i w„ r th (,"g Rule 27. Pan xxix.. Hub-, of the Totallsntor. which reads: "A persor * by applying for a ticket shall be deemed v t have irrevocably constitute,l the workers oi J the totalisator and each of them his agent! and agent to invest the money paid by hire in advance ~:, the totalisator, at th, S cru-e r,f the ticket delivered !■• hit! 3 on the horse and for the race indicated hv the ticket, and subject to these rules; nn ,i as soon as he shall have paid his money am! : received his ticket he shall have no right* . other than those conferred on him hv tbe~, , rules as the helder nf siu-h ticket " The " rules then go on to say that Ihe rrorkers ol 1 the totalisator shall not lie deemed tr, h< , stake holders, and that every person shall , he deemed to have made himself thorough!? ' acquainted with ihe rules and to have i agreed to be bound thereby.
I Wish Wynne knocked herself about a bit I when she fell In the Otara Hurdles at TakaI puna ou Saturday, and Is at present ou the injured list. ! Evidently Mr. T. 11. Lowrv's pair. Oroflno I .am] Highland, are all right again, fur they "' have been nominated for the Wellington and Mauawatu Meetings. Surveyor, which had a touch of colic yesterday, has made a good recovery, and was . on the track this morning, but was restricted to walking exercise. Narrow Neck was badly kicked while at , the post for the Wijiotahi Hack Handicap - at Tnknpiinn on Saturday, and has been an ' absentee from the tracks since. j Mr. K. .1. Sutherland's racing guide is to I hand, and Is a useful little publication for ' those in search of winners during the Easter season. It will be nil sale through- ' out the Dominion during the week. ' GOVERNMENT TAXATION. I The total sura paid to the Government in taxation In connection with the (lpoUk! .lockey Club's meeting amounts to £.'lll4 18 11. made up as follows: I i.tjuisator tux, £104:'. *.'-; war tux. £I*7B G -; stakes tax, £1115; privileges tax. £n8 4.T.. I THi: COOL STIMCLANTS CASE [ The judicial committee which officiated , at the (Ipotiki .lockey Club's meeting on Saturday mcl yesterday afternoon, and Ihe following (hiding was arrived at in connec Hon nith the East Coast Welter Handicap! Tli -t ,he members of the .indicia! committee of Ihe Opotiki Jockey Club are unanimously of opinion that while they resolved as o question of eipiltv that the owner of the horse placed first by the judge in the Kast Coast Welter Handicap. viz.. Coo! Stimulants, be paid a sum equal to the amount of the winning stake of that race. "they recognise that tinder the rules of racing the horse placed second, viz.. Elsie Aroha, must he adiudged the winner of the race. They therefore decide— 111 Thai tin- amount of tho winning stake, viz. £140. be paid to the owner of Elsie Aroha. ,•_•, Tliim tiio he paid to the owner of Ci„,i Stimulants. ,::i That the owners of the horses placed ' third and fourth, viz.. Bute Sound and Klorcnl. he paid second and third stake money. This finding disposes of the claims for • the dividend by the supporters of Cool " Stimulants. I -THE TCKF REGISTER." ' The pocket edit*on of 'The Turf Regis--1 ter." for the period from December 9 to March 10. and which embraces both ' branches of the sport, trotting and gallnp- • Inc. is to hand from the publishers, the •• Christehtirch Press" Co., and, as usual, iH full of valuable Information to the racing public. Coming as it does on the ' eve of the Easter meetings, nml with the , results of every race run during the period , mentioned, it is a publication no racegoer ! can afford to he without. An only a limited number are published, early application for copies is necessary. i j WELLINGTON RACING CI.CB. | After payments of rorfeits. the following 1 have been left In the St. I.eger Stakeß and ' Challenge Stakes, to be decided at the Wei- ' llngton Racing Club's autumn meeting:— ST. LEG Kit STAKES of 530sori. One mile nml three-iiuarlers. Mr. A. n. Williams' be Rapine, by Martian I —I'ineta. " Mr. T. A. Duncan's b f, by Panrnure—Bonhcur. ■ Mr. Ileurv Ares' b f. by Bonlform—Ribble. s Mr. W. t. Hazlett's eh f Gold Light, by ' Hvmettus —Simper. : , .Mr. T. A. Duncan's b f Enthusiasm, by i Pa v mil re—Martin. I Mr. W. A. Nlcholls' b c Many Kittle, by Winkle—Snnglow. 1 Mr. Eric M. Russell's b f Laughing Eyes. I by Balboa-Eager Eyes. ' Mr. It. McKay's b c, by Solferlno— M.ixurkn. " Mr (has Elgar's b c Zouave, by Martian— | linse Bed. I Mr. Thus Templeton's eh c, by Boniform — . i ltnsalita. ~ Mr. Eliot It. Davis' blk c Lucius, by Lucullus— March, a Mr. V. M,Duff's be. by Lucullus—SHvere , mane. I CHALLENGE STARRS 11023) of lOOOsovs. : Seven furlongs. Sir James Carroll's br c, by Kilbroney — „ Tarlngamuiu. ~ Sir George Clifford's eh c. by Autumnus — p Telescope. , Mr. G. M. Curries eh h Listowe], by i Absurd—Lyslstrnto. c Mr. G. M. Carrie's be Thespian, by n Absurd —I.ita. |. Messrs. Dwnn Bros." b c Alabama, by Boul n form —Northern Rose, i- Mr. T. A. Duncan's b I Bellina, by Panr mure- Bouheur. Hon. Mrs. Tabu Rhodes - b f Gay Juliet, by ,' Gay Lad- -Cargarnn. -. Mr -I I> Jones' I, c Murihaupo. by Sunny i. Lake—Equltas. t Mr II li. Gibson's br g Rational, by g Absurd—Cowl. - Mr. G. D. Greenwood's Pluto, by Putala — x Procrastinate. ~ Mr R Heppners b g Rouen, by Bezonlan — Lady Ladd... ■Mr T A Duncan's b f. by Panmure — i ; Mania. n Mr W li Kemball's b g Bumptious, by n KUboy- Conceit. , Mr W P. Kemball's br f Hose Martian. , by Martian—Rose Red. « Mr I'Il"t R Davis' br f Queen March, by r ' Lib alius— March. Mr. Waller's c. by Day Comet—Miss V\ me'Mr W V Desha's br f Koatiumanu. by c ' Demosthenes Lady r>lia. y Mr. W. F. Desha's b f El-n. by rormative c Etona. II TURF TALK FROM THE SOUTH ' j CASTKUBIRY. * I (Special to "Star.") n| riIRISTCIH"RCiT. this day. " Kl.-k .iff arrived from Wellington on ° Sunday morning. So far he has not beer, ? extended on the track at Ri, carton, but , '\ hi* presence at headquarter* has caused Mil) to harden In the market. , Quest aud Sdnn were sent a sound ten furlongs this morning, tinlsbing up in 2.12. ': with the cup winner going the better. So f fir it is not announced who is to nde Scion, but H- Wheeler rode the pair at the .'J Horor.lta Meeting. v Mason's active brigade all worked we.l c this uurning. Cupblon, wno look* la good , erder. was sent over a mile at a sound „ p„,e. Pluto. Trewnyr and Vespucci were allotted six furlongs, registering 1.10. with Vespnc-l flnlshing. best, Ooiqwwn. Heathy ,-ote and Parody were sprinted five fur"g longs. g With the exception of Scrimmage, who *: had broken down badly. Cntts' learn were l. given solid work. Owlscombe was again too 1. good for top si ore over a half mile In 40s. 1. Winning 'Hit was not impressive over six furlongs in 1.17. Viewpoint galloped five ■c In 1.3 1-3. with v sharp burst to hrlng him i- home over the last three. Dinner Bell and Thorn laic were sprinted half a mile. 1 Both Hobbs' pal:, .Palestrina and Wink, ■i acre given strong work, acquitting them•r chives well. The stable youngster r.ny * Juliet pleased by ealloptus five furlongs on " the course proper in 1.1 3-5. >' Deucalion, Many Kittle, h>d Gown and rt Pelliewlnke ad looked and galloped well. lS Ihe first pair seven furlongs In 1.29 2-o and " the second pair five furlongs In 1.4. Lime- .. light fated to gallop as usual, and took 1.4 for her five furlongs. <>f course, there is n no knowing what is in her trainer's mind. ,but she looked to be overdone for all that. It is difficult to get a combination locally beginning with her name. ■Boarticea was sprinted balf a mile with ? Lord Leslie. This fill? may easily make '• amends for '.ast Saturday's disappointment n by running well in the Great Aut'imn. " Clean Sweep was sprinted, and looks none the worse f,ir hi* race o:l Saturday. c Proceedings at. Addlugton are hecomlnz 8 interesting with the near approach of the " Metropolitan Meeting. The a .- optan e« for % the opening day are specially good, there '' being few defections in any of the races |S Class Is we!! t, the fore i:i the Hist"- - - Handicap, First Carbine. Tat-y Di 11,,;, and n Vilo belli! popular picks. Ttu- last named !' will be driven by O. E. Hooper in the anr - fortunate absence of E. M'-T>rui'itt. Er f "" 'C litest accounts !• wll) be ni„:,y a long day "■ before he takes a scat in n sulky. '" Key De '~-„ promises to start at a short P prl--e In ;'.,<• 1Vn.1.i1:,.n Handicap, and Judging by his performance last Saturday hv 1,1 be very hard to beat Sir H»nry >« fs another verr much Improved horse to rein member from the same s:a •>. and !i- ---'" mi2ht p-wi.ily ■~, =", the we.'-known ra-'s n aja-ks in the Elyln.' Handicap. In the Ex■n press Ilni'lb-ap there .-,:<• two rood voting if 1,. r=es in Cmutrvman and Childe Pointer. is Countryman. Lilly Joan and Emperor were m sent :en furlongs this morning. Lady .loan le without the straps, gave the most pleasing m display. ,y Pedro Pronto. Augusta Dillon and A-Ton d wen' a fast mile. The las; name,! gave id his companions a .tart, but soon caught •s il.em. ~:,<! rtnished full of running on terms - vith I'clr.i Pronto. if Bonny Logan and Elite ;.••;;, worked well if in harness. K.ite is a most-improve,) racer. Ie ami recently has been doing well in very I! exa'ted company. Iv Native King will not be started until the "c SP-ond d iv. Fie i» trotting in z>od -tyle. I and, bar accidents, thould finish in a place-
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Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 75, 28 March 1923, Page 9
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2,966RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LIV, Issue 75, 28 March 1923, Page 9
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