AUCTIOW«. T EOXARD /-IOAKLET. JJ 1^AT THEIR ROOMS. 6. CUSTOMS ST. W. jy-OXDAY TSJ-EXT, J)ECEMBER -tg^ It -jj_ a.m. , Favoured with Instructions from * EMANUEL KISSIN. ESQ., of the Hobson Loan 'Co.. 102, Hobson •Street, WE WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION TT N R E D E E M E D DLEDGF.S. , UNREDEEMED PLEDGES, Including.— 18ct. SINGLE STONE DIAMOND RING, valued £100. 18ct SPLIT SECOND FLY-BACK CHRONOGRAPH. £105. DIAMOND NECK CHAIN AND PENDANT. £75. PAIR PRIZM FIELD GLASSES, by Carl Zeiz. PAIR FRENCH pRtZM FIELD GLASSES. SINGER AND STANDARD SEWING MACHINE. BICYCLE. VALUABLE ENGLISH NEARLY NEW, ■HAMMERLESS GIN. In Solid Leather Case. EVGLISH GUN. nearly new, by Hallis and Ron. | 18ct. ENGLISH LEVER. by Thomas Russell. 150 BLUE AMBEROL RECORDS. 6 TENTS AND FLYS. JOCKEY'S SADDLE. I Also. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. CHAINS. DIAMOND AND OTHER RINi.-. VARIOUS ANT. OTHER JEWELLERY VIOLINS AND OTHER Ml SH AL I.VSTRUMENTS. TAILOR - MADL (SUITS VXD COSTUMES. SOLID LEATHER SUIT CASES, BLANKETS. RUGS. ETC. PLEDGES AS UNDER: April 23rd. 6538, Gold Wrist Watch: February 12th. 7848. Tusk Brooch: August 16th. 8C32. G Ring: July 21st, 8143, L.G. 1 Watch: September 10th. 8261 Mil e lf; , May Sth. 9664. G. Guard and & Ba.lgie. I February 4th. 9334. G PliK^ August 16th, 'k36 G king: April 23rd. 9906. Suit Case. December STTth. 863. S Chain: September 27th 80S. G Ring; July 2nd. 900. h Razor. August 10th. 1183. G Watch and Guard. 10th 1184. G Bangle: October 18th. 1240. G Wristlet Watch: 24th. 1282. R Guard and Medai: December 26th. 1444 Greenstone Chain and Medal: December 26th <- I Bangle. November 30th. 188.. 2 C Itnis*. Ift22 January 16th. 1«99. G Ban/le and 1 Neck Chain: April 12th, 2241. Pr F Glasses: January 12th, 2251. B Ring and Brooch. 12th. 2254. S Watch: U<b.J3S2, S < lg. Case and Rarer: 21st. 23.". G Wrist Watch: 23rd. 2360. G B Rinz: 23rd. 2305. W Ring- 23rd 23-17. 0 Brooch: 24th. -.xo. G Sea* 24tb 2376. R G Watch andG Chain: 26th. 2302. G Chain: 26th. 2393, W. Ring ; 20th. 24f*. B Ring . •>7th 2412. D and S King: 31st. -4-w. S H Watch: February Ist. 2139 D and Pearl Ring: Ist. 2440. G Brooch: SivLWoL Camera: 3rd. 2457. W Ring; 3rd 2460. W Watch: 4th. 24«4, S Watch: 4th. -4.1. <' Bangle: 4th. 2475. G Pin: 4th. 24... CI? Case- 6th 2485. Sanh. Rinz: . th. 211 V.. t. Chain anil Pend; Brooch and Greenst Tend: 9th. 2123. i ruclflx in case: M-arch 13th. 2551 D B Gun 13th. 25H2. SH Tea Set: February l.,th. JoCT. <S M./hino- 13th 2574. S Chain: Wth. J>B->. nth, 2393, W Bin*: 20th. MM. Ctz Case and Chain; 22nd..2627. W Ring. 2S?d. 2T06. G Wrist.Watch: 24th. »«■ 2 Watches and G Cbjft: 25th 2(S£G Chat. , and Match Bo*: March Ist. 2085. Ton's. ' 2nd. 2TS6. W Ring: 7th, 2.20. G Ring, .th, ml Bicycle; Bth_j2734 Kit Bag: 9,1 v , 4, Kit Bas: 10th. 2755 Plane: » D ni... i-,,v, 0789 2 C. X tics: 15th. -""■ " ' Wafc'h "ffluC »* Clg Case and *, Rwnr: 1 ">7th "*75 Ring; 28th. 2878. G. Bangle: 28t... , rilS- ~ W-". i. och c«s.7 Wntch and SU.
rqs; w. w«ten: anh. saw. w»tch ana ?u. Chsn: tS»b. 2597. L.S. Watch: -TOth. 2009. G b Ring: -".Oth. '2912.. Pin,: 31s WJ « .Bangle: April Ist. 292., Ring. 4th. *£-. G 6th «; F-H 'lOth lI.X ™Wc"hl W T & : ,3th. Ml? Field Glssses: 14th. 3CG2. Tr Links. U»h ?Sr G Watch: 17th. 3fWj. CCJIn Uh. Ima W Watch: 19th. 3053. G. |?l.t 3076. Watch and R Guard: » MOO. G H Watch and Chain and Pend 26.h. ,G H Watch: 28th. 3116. L G F W atcb: JOth. 31-71. W Ring; Miv 1. 3133. W R'-g: 3"I. 315S Bible: 3rd. 3148. F Glasses: 4th. Pr• Gla«;. : sth. 3167. W Ring: Sth. "160. Ring- 13th, 3174. Clock and .SrsittH CbalntfWh 3205. G Baijg c: 9th, S2fO S Watch: nth. 3210. trooch: lorl.. -<--i- 1 C. Brooch: 15th. SX». 2 "JjngK 16-h. *W. Ws'ch and •Chrtln: 17tb 3-.-. 1 am; "i. \< '■ S2T7 G Chain and Pendant. 1 1....1. •>-"»• T,„,ls- 17th 3273, Pin: l c -*h '.'-'- '- ;1 n _-'* a T „'„ BVooch-: istb. 3293. o **y*^% .. at^ .«M. Mirrors-. Hth. 3313. Baz: — d.__- ■•- -. ■' ' Rlnir: 22nd. 3327. W Ring: 23rd. .'....,. 1-task andCl" 2-1tl«. 3310. (>nc-:i Gl«»f'•14. 'mil. B RU, K : =7th 3*lo. Watch: igth. 3»T... G Chain: 2»th. 33,4 t. 1 \\atb -i.. 3S7r. Violin: 30th. Rifle: ?^v'J^t' •Ring; 31st. 33PS. Tea « ; 3418 Camera and Tripod: 2nd 3420. \\ Vta 1 R^ nf l r , B '-',"h "••r 1 " ='ig ' <£h 'W at'll aiid Than 7th 3438, Camera: Sth. SKi-i. r. )\atch ami Chain: 13th. 3103. 2 «'"« s : I *.^ 3502. G Bangle; 14th. 3S<-4. G Ring. V-'."" 5 ' 1 : I .'" tember 27. W-0. G. Bai and ( .meets. 1 KS™"anuarr Uth. 1002. Rue: Wra? «tb 1659. Olleoat: January 1881. OHmt; March 27th. 20*2. Oilcoat. 1921 T Xovember 7th. 2155. Kit Bag and o>», I'.t.-i-Ke"oruary 7th. 2156. 'Raincoat. 1922 •<-h Oth. 2170. Evening Dress. 1921----•De.-emher 17th. 2231. Coat and Muff. l.fc--i"i< ,iarv £2X\Coni: January 4.a, 25-">>. Overcoat: May 7th. 2753. Kit. Bag and R Coat: June Stb. 2135. Table Cloth: March I -~..; --cw suit: April 3rd. MX Boot*: .th. i 3125 0 Coat and 2 Razors; Stjh. 3192.-1 Sheets: 2C:li. 31R3. Shoes and H. --Sag: 2C«h. 1 315H a Trench Coat: »th 3196. G Bag | Coiuents : 24th. 32;.5 Saddle: 24th. «17.. Blanket: 24th. 3215. Pr. Boots; 26t11. :L»18. 0. I Coat: 26th 3223. Suit Case and ftcarf; 2*U. «S. ":ot-:s: 27th. :K36. Mackintosh: BSsth. '■ 323.1 Rufc: ->th. 3248. Coat and Trousers, I 1 May Ist. 3251. Coat: oth. 32&). 2 ■ Sklr-s: 10th. oX'ls. O. Coat: 11th. 3319, Boots: Win. 3325, Boots; loth. ZZ.y ard Vest: 17th. 53.--*. Itui:! 17ti. 3363. Dress: 17th. 3364. Dress:] 1 18th 3375. 0 Coat: 20th. 3390. Quilt, j .etc: 19th. 3350. Suit Case and Contents; i 'iiiid 3309. lioots ; 24th. 342.1. O I oat ;, I -4th 3422. Sheets nnd Table Cloth: 29th. 13445 G Bug: 30th. 3155. Su.t ; 30th, 3457,; G Bag: 31st. 3409. Suit: June Ist, 3470. Coats; 2nd. :!47'.1. Sea Bag and Blankets: 1 7th 3516. Bag nnd Contents: 9th, S.iSft, j Table Covers: loth, 3535. Cont 11 ml Ve*t land Itine: 10th, :t",3S. v o Coal: C-'th. 3546. Coat and Vest: 13th, 35r.2. O Coat:! 13th. 3554. O Coat: 14th. 359. Trousers: I 14th. 3563. Furs: 15th. .1570. O Coat; 11 7 Hi 3. S7, Coat and Vest: 19th. 5591, 'Rug' 21st. 3602. Waterproof: 2tst. 3U13. Hoots: 21sl. 36(10, Boots: 21st. iOO9. It j t oat : 23rd. 3616. Rug: 26th, 303:1. 1 Trousers- :iOth, 3054. Coats: July Ist, , 3002. R Cont : Ist. 3006. Suit ; 4th. 3683, O coat: ii th. 3089. Boots; s(h, 3091. Trousers: 6th. ••1000, Shoes; loth. 3721. 5 Boots: 11th. 3730. Suit; 11th. 3733. -Boots: 11th. 3736. Trousers: IKb. 3737. 1 Boots; 12th. 3741. Raincoat: 10ih. 3777. i Trousers: 20th. 3753. Cont and Vest ; 21st. 37SS. R Coat: 21st. 37h9. O Coat; 22nd, i 3792, Blankets : 24th. 37113. R Coat : 24th.
3795. Coat and Vest: 2Hi h. 3H05. Coat:, 27th. B*ll. Coat: USth. 3814, Tent: 2Sth, I 3813. Suit; 31st, 3~<26, Boots: Aug. Ist. 3432. Suit Case: 2nd. 3544, Coat and Vest: 3rd. 3550. Rug; 3rd. 3SSS. R c,,at : I 7th. 3NK7 Boots: 7th, 3St;X, R Coat: 7th,: 81*70. Coat and Vest ; 7th. 3572. Trousers j and Boots: 9th. SxSO. Shoes; 10th. 3X90.! P. Coat: 14th. 3905. Shoes: 15th. 3915,' Rug: 15th. 392". Coat and Vest: Kith. 3924. Rug: 17th. 393*. Shins: 19(h. 39-I*.' Boots: 19th, 3919. Cont and Vest: i'.ilh. I 30..0. Sheets: 22nd. 8:i66, It Coat: 21st. 5957. 0 Coat: 24th. 3975, Su-t : 2Slh., >'.9:>4. 0 Coat: 30th. 4010. Coat ami' Boots: 30th. 4013. R Coal: .list. 4HIH.' Suit: Sept. Ist. 4024. O Coin; 2nd. 4H2X , O Coat : 4th. 4039. R Coat : sth. 41)46. I Suit Case and Contents: sth. 4048. Rug. 1 Also. - i -I OQ PARCELS OF USEFUL CLOTHING. XJJO AND HOUSEHOLD FFFE'TS "COAKLEY WILL SELL IT." 28; OXIDISED COPPER-CASED TUBING i FOR YOUR CURTAIN RODS. AT 6D ' PER FOOT. ~-A .special price. Ai3o Brackets'! and All Requirements for your Soft Fur- ' nishingAT V, A n M A N" - S. Faithful Fiirr.lture Stores. In Hobson Street, near Vi.-toria Street. C Dn. HALL'S FAM-jCt Price 12/6 package, ipost free. To ensure getting gentiiiis order direct from Sole Agents. Bridge Drug Stores. Chemists. 3, Karangahape Rd. (at Grafton Bridge). Auckland. O
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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 295, 13 December 1922, Page 6
Word Count
1,397Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 295, 13 December 1922, Page 6
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