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CITY BEATS NEWTON. A SPLENDID GAME. WIN'S TO MAUI STS, PON'SOXBY, AND ATHLETK't?. The weather was ideal for tr.e continuation of the Auckland Rugby League's senior competition on Saturday, and lhere was again a large attendance at Carlaw Park, the sum of £164 5/ being taken at the gate*. Greal interest centred in the match betwe'ii City and Xetvtnn. The former, who arc leading for the competition, have been defeated twice in succession, and it was confidently thought by Newton's supporters that they would continue City's scries of reverses. They were not far out. for after one of '.he best games scon at the park this season. City managed to win by IS points to 13. City did not have tlie best of the scrums in the first half. while in the loose they did not show to the same advantage as their opponents. However, their fine combination aud gon.i defensive methods stood them in good stead, and at the interval they were leading by 10 points to 5. Early in the second half Newton losl the services of Poison, and played one man short f'r the remainder of the spell. Despite this handicap they made a splendid showing, and when al] is considered their eifoit. merited greater reward. Fast open play characterised the came between Marist Old lioys and Devonport on No. 2 ground at Carlaw Park, and resulted in a win for the former team by 22 points to 13. MarUts started off with a stron- offensive, which cllectually broke down their opponents' defence, but towards the end of the speii Devonport frequently pressed hard on Marists' goal-line. In the second half Marists continued to have the bettei of the attack, although play was much faster. Altogether it was ijuite interesting to follow. Playing- on the Domain. Athletic easily defeated Fire Brigade by 30 points to ">. They displayed much the better combination, and simply romped over the Fire Brigade men in the latter stages of the game. Ponsonby met Richmond in a hard, fast game at Oroy Lynn park, and defeated the red and bines by 15 to 0. It was a fast game, played hardly from start to finish. CITY V. NEWTON. Newton had the advantage of ihe sun at their backs. W. Davidson kicking off. but v forward rush, headed by Virtue. James and Somers. had City In trouble, Wetherall eventually clearing. Brown sent Newton lo Ihe attack again, but a passing boat bet-w.-the City backs carried the ball bark to midfield. A little later W. Davidson gained possession, intercepting a pass between Voysey and Itrown, play settling near Newton's posts, out a penalty relieved. city again pressed, but a long kick saw Pakl fail to gather up. and rh'e opposing forwards were on him. Somers spoiling a good opportunity to score through holding on too long. Good work by Thomas had City again in trouble but the bail was sent over and forced just in lime. Newton .'l.llllllllOl to press, and iron, a scrum iv City's Iwcutyllve Poison started a passing rush with Brown., Hope and C .lames, wlil-h ended in tb.'- last named scoring, and Poison converting. A passing rush between Cloke and 'Brown ha.l Illy on the defensive again. They were forced back to halfway, where B. Davidson gained possession and passeto G. Davidson, who kicked over the line, but. just failed 10 touch down, the ball reaching the dead ball line. A combined rush between Wilson. Wetherall and W Davidson saw Newion in their own twentydve. A free kick did not avail them mu.ll. for B. Davidson opened un a rush with Werhcrall. The latter returned the ball to B. Davidson, who sent on to C. Davidson, and he score,! at the corner. VV. Davidson converted with a beautiful kick. Almost Immediately Citvwere ha. k again, Townseud kicked across to Rope, but Huwkcs collared him. B. Davidson secured and crossed. \\ . Davidson converting, niakiug Ihe half-time scores City 1". Newion .'>. ("in resuming a passing rush b.v ihe City backs saw G. Davidson stopped well in Newton's territory, and the game reiurned to the centre. Here Mitchell gathered up. and passing between him and B. Davidson resulted in the latter crossing. W. Davidson failed to improve ou the try. Newion then invaded their opponents' twenty-five. and after the ball had reached the dead ban line twice in succession. Itrown had a shoi at goal. The ball rebounded from Ihe oppoV ing forwards, hut he quickly recovered ir, and dodging through th,- opposing side was just stopped ill time. Newton then iultiated a passing rush. Brown, Virtue and Ropparticipating. The last named scoring. Clarke converted. Newton again pressed solidly. and Brown made a good opening. \ passing rush ended in Williams heiug left in possession, and he forced his way over. Clarke failed to improve.. City 1.1. Newtou 13 City reached ihe half-way flag, but the} were soon forced back and some strenuous work followed. Mitchell eventually clearing. Clarke put them back again, but from their own twentv-flve the City Lacks opened up a 'beautiful passing rush.'Mlicl.ell Wilson TC Davidson. W. Davidson and t,. Davidson handling in succession, the last named easily outpacing Brown and scoring between ihe posts. W. Davidson converted. < It} IS. Newton 13. Good work by VV. Davidson allowed <Try to attack again, but a free k. rt for Townsend not playing the ball, lost city a good chance of scoring. <Hy pressed for quite a long rime, 'bur eventually play returned to midtiehl. where it remained till rhe final bell, with the scores. --City is. Newion 13. ATHUETICS V. FIRE BRIGADE. 4 small crowd of spectators looked on at the Domain, where these two teams met. The game was all too mudi one-si led. Athletics showing up above the lire Brigade team in every department of ine game. Athletics won by 3(3 points to o. Tire Brigade. ..n rheir play, seemed a 11-nc stale- at any rate, they found it ex tremel- difficult to penetrate the sound defence of their victors. .Fire Brigade won the toss, and Athletics kicked ofT. play _oing towards Athletics" ouarter. where they were penalised. Waring made an attempt to goal, hut the kick weut wide. The nippy half-ba.-k for Athletics. Nicholson, got the ball from the scrum, and made an opening, bill he was not supported. Grey took a pass, and with nobody in front he was able lo place a good goal from the field. Athletics 2. Fire Brigade o Athletics for some time had Brigade had. defending their line. The bull came om to McGregor, the Athletics' full-back, and he put 11 fine dron-kiek between th posls. Athletics t. Kire Brigade 0. Immediately following the half-way kick. Athletics were penalised. Wartn_ was successful with his kick from nearly halfway. There were several scrums during the next five minutes of play, and Avery and Grey got away, the latter registering on the corner. Yardley missed with the kick. Athletics 7. Fire Brigade 2. Athletics made another lightning rush downfield, and Grey again scored. Duffy's kick was not successful. Fire Brigade started a seriei. of passing attacks, hut their combination was weak, and they found it difficult to penetrate into Athletics quarter. Dufty again rushed in. secured, and kicked the ball. Webb followed nn quickly, and forced his way through and scored under the. posts. (.trey converted. Athletics 13. Fir„ Brigade 2. A melee ensued on Fire Brigade's corner, and Nicholson nicked up smartly and dashed over. Duffy's ki'k failed. The score at half-time was: Athletics IS. Fire Brigade 2. On resuming Athletics made another ex cursion into Fir P Brigade's half. nn r > it was not !nu<* before another score was recisteredd by Athletic. Dufty accepted a pass, and with his weight managed to get over. Yardlev converting. Fire Brigade seemed to be incapable of withstanding the forceful Athletic onslnu-hts, and were simnlv pushed back by the other team, thifty made another getaway, passing to Avery. This player did not have to face .mv serious opposition, and scored casilv. Grey's kick failed. Athletics •_.;. Fire Brigade -■ Soml afterwards Fire Brigade registered their first try. f.oveti dribbled the ball down, and pi-king nn scored. Waring missed an easy kick. .Inst on the call of time Grey again got over for Athletics and Le p convened. The whistle sounded shortly afterwards the score being: Athletics _6. Fire Brigade 5.

DEVONPORT V. MARIST 0.8. Devonport with a successful shot at goal, which was taken by Storiuont. and niinther forward move soon arter resumption ..f play gave the hall tn Lynch, who n.adr a I line solo rush from midlield. nonplussing '. Devonport's ba--ks and crossing the line to I score. Godiek just failing to get his man j before the try was registered. A spell lof open play followed, iv which both teams ! took an equal share in the attack, bnl j eventually Marist again succeeded in penc 1 [rating the ranks, of ilieir opponents. Ghent I picking up (he ball iv Devonporr's twenty I tiv.\ and passing to Gallagher, who had al' I Clear run to -core. Client goaled Marist I continued their offensive. From the loose at midueld Loveridge picked up the ball, land passed on to singe, who made a feint Ito pas.-, and heat Ihe opposing back- lo score In the corner. Siormont goaled. Devonport rallied on kicking off once inure. and a fast rush down field s„w them pressing hard 1.1 the Marists' corner, where , "Pin" Webl. fought his way through t-, I -core Devonport repealed rheir tactics, ~iv.l Cling got a hold on the ball to be | tack:..,!. and pa=sc.l to Wet.'... Taylor . Devon- nrr look up a persistent attack o'i I , resuming for the second half, bin Maris! ] ! showed up in .1 move which .livened piny | t., Drvnniinrr'-. 'iiinrter. wlicre the la-l . named player broke away to cross th- line and s.ore. I.overidge goaled. Marisr 1 1 were again attacking, and from play near j [the halfway line I.overidge claimed a'mark. I j Stormoni 100k a shot at goal, and -11,- ] 1 1 ceded in placing a line kick between the', j Hard .01 Marist'* line or'defence, and a I . strenuous tussle in the latter': twenty five' I saw Webb break through r1 ■ score a well-;* learned try. Taylor goaled. The liual 1 j further score eventuated, and the gnuiu • ended:- | ! Maris! ■_>_ i j Devnnpon 1:; j PONSONBY V. RICHMOND. ! Richmond had probably its weakest team ' j this season in on Saturday in the match ihut. :his noiwii'hst-in.;:::_. ihoy looked like I winners at half-time, when with a point lo th" ~,„,d ,-t . -_.> ii,,. v WPr ,, prising a hot ninic'K. Hut in ihe second half J'-insonbv's weight and push 1,.1.1. :..-.-! .-, good dele,,.-,-.-. 1 preve.,:.-.! I heir opponem - serin- more ihan • once. Ihr.uzl] they a snail led desperately lice and again. I'.insonh.v <nm! ;i'nes mini, .1 three ri.c.-s and iwl-e .-.inverting. jthe game ended iii P..n-..nbys favour by 13 points 10 .'.. I'or Ki'lini.iml. Htitier, Love. grove. Ilanlon, Mule. McLean and Mo Kenzir. appeared nest p, ..min.-i.:. and for I Ponsonhy the uiosl cfTe.-tiv,. foothill was 'seen from Delgros-o. McGregor. Williams. I Ping Ilanion. McNeil. Si.iirthernwo.xl ami I Henderson. The latter w t.s iinCort.lli.-ite enough to he knocked 0111 early in the second half by .1 kick on tlie jaw. It was a fine game, played with dash and . vigour throughout on .1 hard, fast Held. : AUCKLAND V. HAWKE'S 3AY. I Till-'. AFCKLAND TEAM. ' The following leatn has been selected ro represent Auckland in the tnterprovln.-ial ma'ch against Hawke's Hay. at Carlaw Park, next e-'aiunlny: Fulll.n.-k. XV. liavidson: three-quarters. Dclgross.i, c. Dufty, G. Davidson: ;ive-eighths. 'It. Laing. Werhcrall: half. C. Poison: forwards. W Stormoni. s. I-owrv, A. Singe. 11. flawkes. II Avery. V. Has... Reserves: 'Hacks, c. Grey. G. Nicholson; forwards. I-:. Herring, G "iteed. j TEAM FOR CAMBRIDGE. All players selected must aitend for prac \ tis-e ai Carlaw Park on Tn--.lay next, at 7.:i0 p.m. The team . -boson is as follows:Ba k:- ( regi" T \t".v-..vni. \ vsey . Newion. Sutton (Albletlesi. FI. Mclrrgor 1 Ponsonhy.. W'ils.-n iCily. Steven, .Marist i Brothers.. Ghent (Maris: Urothersl. Little 1 (Richmond.. Forwards: Soul hern wood iiPonsonbvi Ilanlon iPonsonbyl, St. George 1 (Shore. 'Douglas (Shorn. Mnokie (City.. I Mil. bell .city", and c.-irrowcll iltiohmoudi. SECOND GRADE. i I Ponsonby v. Northcote. Ponsonby won 0 to .-.. Riley and Locke scored. city -IC 'beat Devonport 7. Curgenven I scored 11 tries and Verrall couvcrted 1 for j City. THIRD GRADE. Ponsonby :'-'*. bear North Shore 3. : rOTJRTE GRADE. ' Parnell 15. v. Ellerslie 7. ; FP-B GRADE. i North Shore 3. drew with Manukau 3. I ! A protest was entered b.v Manukau. ■ Richmond 10. v. Newton .'.. j SIXTH GRADE. Citr A 13. 'beat Otahuhu -4. •Manukau '.». beat Richmond 3. Craike scored and Simmons converted for Richmond. HAMILTON. IBy Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.l j HAMILTON. (Saturday The first junior rep. game of the season i was piaved to-day at Hinemoa Park. , between Taiiniaruiiui and Hamilton reps. There was .1 good attendance of spectators. who were treaied to an exceptionally good, fast game, in which Taumarunui proved victorious by S to 7. I I'liited (Hamilton premier club team) defeated ihe premier Cambridge team (Matatlgi. by -'.(> 100. and will now play , Huntly 111 Hamilton on Saturday next and, the winner will play CUV lAu.-klandl f"l . ihe challenge shield under the F.ndean . Shield competition. 1 Lower Waikato defeated 1 ainbrid-e I>> I :» to 8. ______ - ______________.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 191, 14 August 1922, Page 8

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THE LEAGUE CODE. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 191, 14 August 1922, Page 8

THE LEAGUE CODE. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 191, 14 August 1922, Page 8


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