AUSTRALASIAN CHAMPIONS. CATHERINC. AT A OKI. A I UK. TWO WIN. FOR NT-'W ZEAI.ANb AUK-AMU-'. liecemlur 111 The Australasia ii Athletic i liniiipionship Meeting opened at Adelaide oval on Siitur day in favourable weather. Connler ultra.lions interfered slightly wit!, the attend an.-c. The hie feature svas Ihe presence or (be South African team, in ad-dili..!. 1.. the Australasian i-liuniploiis. The .-oinpeii tion whs .spirit...!, und tbe exponents were tlie tlncst ever seen in Adelaide. A.vres Ooslerlaak. Ihe South African sprinter, was a lion-.•oinpeiilor. having iiiinrcl , ,- leg while tr.-ilnin. The 100 yards championship sva-i won al Ihe |.isi,,l -hoi. I-:. \V. Carr iNess South Wales,, gel ling a break, svon b- lour sards, in :i :i K's. W. Illlttoll (New South Wllles, won Ihe ipiarter mile strr.n-.-lv by four yards. A. W. Kei.l . Nesv South Willi*. < broke the javelin record, nnd 11. .1. Homier (New South Walesl it new re-ord r..r I lie broad illlup. I Newman i Vi.-tiiri.-i. nnide il splendid finish in llie mile, defeating liriindemiin.e i.Ness South Wales, m Ihe worsted. It. Webber .Auckland, was :-. fair third. !:. Harbison ,Nrsv Solid, Walcsi ■v-inning svith iofl dill. I. Parker i.Ni'v South Walesl v. on Ihe three mile walk all the ssav. L. A. House iVi.loriai l-nt )')'■ shol .""STI Jin. scciriii. nil easy svin. The '" hurdles svas run straight out. I-'. K.humids iVictoriai narrosv'.v defeating I" ! iNcw South Walcsi nnd D. Munro iNesv South Wales,, ill lr, :{ 10s. a record. Neiv Soiitli Wales secured s,x llrsls. and Victoria three. Following are the r Its: H-o Yards Championship. Kir-i heal: Carr (New South Wnlesi. Won i... -■-. sards. Time. 10 DIOs. Second heal ■ Lukes ,So,ilh ..rrli.ii svon by a yard. Time, to "10s. Third heal: Kinsman (Smilli Al'rhni won by 11 sards. Time, lo !■"'-. Final: M'arr 1." Kinsman "-". <lale .Victoria, ::. Can. on the move, svon etisils by lour sards, a f....t separating second null I bird 'I Hue '.) 'MO.-. Flitting the Shol Kmisc iVi.ioria.. :'.■*•» _ln I: Mourn i\esv South Walesl. :'..(! "Mil. -": lluller (\ i.-toriai. ..(If! Still. 2. I-,.!.- Vault Is. S ilarbisoli (Nesv Soiliii Wales). 10ft bin. 1: K. Sutherland .>.-.. Ze.-ilandi. 1-ift .lin. 2: Harbison i Victoria,. tort. •!. 120 Yards Hurdles ■ iVi.ioria. 1. Munro (Nesv So, Mil Willi's! 2. ...civ South Walcsi :t. This svas n great race. Munro was in llie lead close lo home, bul svon in ,i perfect llnish m 1.1 ::-lus. •I HI Yards. First lien I: I'arroi! il i.-toriai 1. I'unuiiig (Victoria, "-•. Ilullon iS'e.v South Wales, ::. Won by ti yard. Time ">l ■' ">*■ Second beat: dale iVblorhii I. .lulili. toll lAfrici 2. Uodginsnii 1 New 5..11111 Wai--, ::. Won by tsvo sards. Time. .II li. Unal: Hiitton 1. Carroll 2. .lolinston .'.. IVI.I. by live yards. Time. .".I Carroll led. but Hutl'ou linislicl in capital style. Three Mile Walk, i'arker (New South Walesi I. It.-iill.-li iViclorial '-'. Terrell lAile Inldei :: I'arker. Kadi.-h and Wilson ,S"i. toriai were together throughout, but Carter Iliiiiniii-r Kroail .lump Homier 1 New South Wale-i. 2::rt bin. I: Conner -Ado laidei. Jtrt I'm. 2: Twopenny 1 Adelaide.. •-•in gin. ::. Mile Chtiinplonship. Newiiiiin iMetonai 1 11. S. Ornndetnan.c (New Smith Wales, 2 It. M. Webber (New Zciilandi :'. ( mango led Httd looked a certain winner, but a wonderful finish by Newman saw Milliliter prevail in tin '■'■'■ I-•■•-. • . . Throwing the Javelin - Kei.l (Nesv South Walesl. ITttl't .".'ln. I: Sutherland (Nesv /.en land, I SI ft Tin. 2: Hunt iVictoriiu. 1 l.'.ft 10111. •'-. V I-'.. Tl. I! DAY' S 111•". SI" I .TS. A Dl. LA IDF. January I The athleii.- championship meeting »n continued to-.lav The nileiulim. <• lm proved, hut was iliwappoinl in.. The is en ther was nsaln ideal. Taylor spniii.,.l a tendon of his leg on Saturday, and Slither land injured both his ankles in tl,.- ,->....- ---vault and was unable to compete iod.ii 'The tracks svere fast. 11l the -2"v.l- eliaill Itirinehip. Carr. running »-;i. Us, was l.e-u.-n by Running In the Httd heat. Gale narrowly defeated Bukes iti the -e-mi'l heal. Klnem-in lllulshed strongly, and smiled oil' SI-..1 |V|. toriai in the (bird lieat. Iv the final a ■raise start was made I'urr svas quick inl-i the running, and svns leading by three yards ill l.Vlv-ls. He won b.v the same margin in L'lK ill, Australasian r.-crd. I!..use iVIc toriai outclassed the opposition in ihe hummer ihrow. svith 11 throw of 1-Uft Will, beat iu_ llie local competitor, nl-woo. by flfi. hi llie jump. Harbison ,Sydney, eh-.i.-cl r.ft HiJln in a stylish manner. The half-mile championship svas marked by 11 svonderful effort by Tavlor (New Zl-.1 hnidi. The spectators appreciated l.i< linrun. He svon easily, and o«tab]ls I a another victory for aNew /.eillander. Web her Mrctrifll.l the crowd Willi a line lap. Ur. liiieuid examined the vi.ior, and pr... Ml.uncoil his heart iim-.-lcs were In splendid order. Went .Victoria, was ton clever iv Ihe discus throwing for his opp.. neiiis. Kdwurlls 1 Xew South Walr.-u gave a great exhibition ill tile quarter-mile hurdles, aud .leliiiie.l the Vietorbin. New South Wales svon nine firsts. Victoria Use, and Nesv Zealand two. The Hire ■ mile walk was undecided. following arc the (lav's results: 220 Yard- f hliinpiunshlp:- l-'tr-ii I.cut: "limning iVletnrlal 1. ('arr (Nesv South Wales 2. Won b.v 11 yard, in --is. This ivas an iin.satisfaetorv trial. Seeoinl hent: (laic (Victoria, 1. Itllkes (Africa. 2. Won by Imlf .1 Vllnl. ill '-'-*". There svas 11 despemle finish, only ihree -iniiirtor- of a uir.l separating seconil and third. Third heal: Kinsman lAfrlrni I. Nleol (Victoria, 2. Won by two yards. in •__.-. Kinsman led at liiiyds.' ami ran Ihe race right nut. Pinal: Carr 1: Gale 2. Kinsman '.',. Biinnin. I. Won b.v three yards in _!>s. Ther.. svas „ Hi;;,; breeze behind the riiuners. ('arr hud the ndi-autase Ihroimhoiit. and svon easily. Hammer Throw championship. Itouse iVJi-tn rial, l-'Tt I HI 11. 1: Olsson 1 Adelaide. Wift Tin. ".': Willlainsoii (Adclaldei. T-ft. ::. Hisli Jump. - Harbison l.Nesv Sullili Wales,, .".ri ldjin. I: liutler iVictoriai and Hosvell (\ i.-lofltii dead heat, lift ."'Jin cadi. 2. .".'.So Yards.—Taylor .New Zealand, 1. I lotion (New South Wales) 2. Nosviiinli iVbtorial ::. Won by _.-. yards. In l.r.s l-.1. a Stale record. The svlnncr cleared 11111 In the fln-t furlong, and scored comfortably. Three miles P.uiiuluk. -Webber iNew Ze.ilaud) 1, Kohluian (Victoria, -. I'ace .Victoria, :'.. At two miles Webber sv„s stroi,_, and svas wnlcliinc the Victoria ns. When the bell sounded, the Nesv Zcalander cleared out. and led by 1.1 yards entering the straight. He finished wiih grand courage, SO yards ahead, iv 1.1.1.-, --in. 4411 Yards Hurdles. - l-hlwards ,N,-sv Souih Wales, 1. F.ilniiind.s lY'i-tortm _. Itoiiuelt lA.lelaldc-) :'.. Kdsvards led ili-o,i_liout. and won easily by issu yards. In .11) 1 Is. Mile llehiv Ra.-e. South Africa won In X,:: yards. in I-.1. Mtb- Walk. Kiidb-k IVictoriai I. Wilson iVictoriai -. I'arker (New Souih Wales, ::, Asker iXictnriiii 1, I'arker and Itndick had a great so ill the last lip. bin the Welshman tired. Decision on a protest a.ainsi Kadi-k and Wilson svas reserved ill! Tuesday. IHsciiK Throw. - West iVictoriai. KiTfl lin. I: lieid (Nesv 'soiiih Wales.. Ulifl Uin. z: Kor._e (Victoria,, '.'(n't .lin. ::. West pin more strength in liis efforts.- .A. and N.Z.i Crr.TAILMFNT OF PKOlili AMM K. NKW ZKAI.ANIVS roSITION. (Ry Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, tins day. A private lablegram received iv Wellington from Adelaide reports : lint at Ihe biennial conference or the Amateur Athletic CIIIOII of Australia and New Zealand it h.-is moved by the Dominion delegates: "Thai Nesv Zealand be exempt from further participation in the pres -rlbeil series of Ausli-a Insian i-hamiuon-liir- 1 , svith a sien n. the substitution of a biennial Australasian championships and home-anil-home contests hetween Nesv Zealand and combined Aus triillii "
Mr. S. Cox. the New Zealand ilelojrate uraeil thai the . est ~r ieaius ~,,,1 the c-tecssive perlo.l leave 1 t -,.,iir.-rl i„.ti, militated against their adequate leprespniation. ami thereby prevented meeiings from belDs: a genuine test of the relative athletic ability of (he Dominion and the Australian states.
A-rainst this it svas pointed mil that the proposal sroulrl merely be a transfer of some disabilities to the Australian .Slates, aud that the matches Australia v. New Zealand svould. on the present programme, necessit—te a large increase iv the number of men sent from the Dominion every fourth year, thus cancelling any previous adjustment.
The cnnfpren.p dpcidpd thai a penalty only he imposed for foilurc to notlfv tlie boHltn. Association in the event of nn.v stiuc or Dominion ili-'-lilina not to lio represented: nisi thni ihe prpseui sprir.s ~f chaniploufliips lip cnntimipil. any conies;., between Australia ami Hip Dominion lo be loft for separate consideration and arrange roeut. Tho conference <ltrl noi disapprove of the suggestion madp. lint considered that a reduced pro-ramme of about nine evpnis and special financial arrangements would l. c
ca'le.l for. It was agreed the Pomiiiioii should . oiishler ihe matter further, an.l. if so ilesire.l. submit a proposal. 'I'Mviesv was c.r.curreil in by ihe Dominion .1.-!. -S.-iies. Ii wai- also decided I ha', the .■..•eiiiive should take action and coniiniini- • ate with .lilTerent spnrr.ll. "1H...1CS will, a view lo hohlius Australasian oi-ruipl.-
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Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 1, 3 January 1922, Page 8
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1,509ATHLETICS. Auckland Star, Volume LIII, Issue 1, 3 January 1922, Page 8
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