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(By WHALEBONE.) RACING FIXTURES. Mar.ii 14—Ohlneninri J.C. I March 1(1. ]7 tte-siporl .l.'\ March il- Walmate R.C. Xlarch JT—Opini-ke R.C. March 17. 18 -Lake Count.* J.C. March IP- Master-ton R.C. March p.)—Xlataniiitn lt.C -March ■_-_. _: It-ic-ilikci U.C. .March 2f.— Tnapcka Coiinlv J.C. .March 2.1, 2S-.Auckland U.C. I March 21!. _S— K.C. I March 2'i. 2S--YVnlranipn U.C. March 2S- Beaumont K.C. I March 2S- Kuoiara K.C. ; March -H—Walpukuraii J C. I March 2S. _> Cantcv'.m-Y .I.C. .March 2.5. 2!) - reildJn? .I.'c. March ;i(i- llirchw-uod Hunt. Man-h ::o West land U.C. April 2—(ireyinoni- _.<.:. Aprii 2, C -X ...iidalr- J.C. April U-lteufton J.C. April T, 1) Wcllinntoii ", C April 10. 20—Auckiiud T.C. AXSWKRS TO CIIURESroXIIENT. I.OKTV.—.II It will take s ,,nic time i,, look ti|>. .-'. He-crt Hold :ll i(l Finland l',oth started. .1. .1. I'rcT-ion ;,as received an addition if,, 1 ;!., "• :u " "■ -' •->■ '••■'•■ »•«- - There is an lnelln.ilion in certain quarter-. 1., pm Itu.le at the head of ihe quotathins for the KhhUt Handicap. The |>a -ln s Relding Wliakntane chanced -1.-imls iccentiy. and Is now owned by Mr. !-'. Kelly. (ihiaminc is reported to be lo.ikins none the wi.rse for his recent elTorts. and is now hack iijiniu at JtK-i-nrton. crowhurst was schooled at Llleiwlie <.v I hut's.lay inoruiiig, and is mnkiiiK some pro-;:re-s in his education as a jumper. The Hawke's nay u-nlner s. W'addcll is cnurtti" North for the A.U.C Ant.(inn Meetill:-, ih-o of |)| M iea:n belli. Untile Knight an! Anomaly. Peter Xla.xwell is slated to be maklnc .-alisfaetory progress toward recovery. and his Injuries arc not e-pectwl to he tin serious as at tirst anticipated. The two year-olds Silver 'Rain an.l Sunny , River have been turned for :> Knell. nnd will n.,; he asked to enrrv silk iiriilu ! null! next season. The Australian I'up winner The Rorer {started live Utiles lust year, hut only won j one small rice, a maiden handicap at | Xlootiee Valley. j Siinarl is stated t„ i„. still pivins his I trainer scan,, tnuibie. ami. as his tasks ..r late have been of lhe ll_hlest, it ilocm not look as If he would be reailv to race at -aster-time. Daloopln. wlii-h ivae showins sisns of soreness after he fell ln the Ituakaha Hurdles al Te Aroha, is lm k nctiln tit Ellerslie. and was treated to lislu exer.-l, i the lan on Thursday inoriiin^. The train arrangements for the see,,ml day of the I 111Ineliiuri .I.e. nieetiiu on Xloiiiliiv win he the same as to-day, tiie special leaving Auckland at (t.lto, returnliis lenvin.. 1-aerna at B.:irt p.m. Private cable advice from Enslnnd statethai CnHiiint. which has been se.-cre.l for stud diltv In Auckland, is to be shipped to the liomliilou by steamer leaving the Old Country about Xlarch 21. With the Pakuran_a Hutu Clu-h's meetins set down for May. a number of hunters are l.elna put Into commission again, 11. Hull has v it-.,d sort In lilh charge, and hud him at Ellerslie the other morning. Two boxes liave been er.-aje.i a t Bert line's sialiles, 'Jreenlane, hv \v. Itavner. wlio Li to bring Xlr. Curries pair. Listowel and Thespian. North for the A.U.C. Autumn Meeting. Sis A.rt.c. Easter Han.Heap candidates in Landslide. Hold Kip, Ooffrey. Tluohor". Right and I.ert, and I'rlnee i-arlernl are engaged In the Ohlneniiiri Ct:p to .lav. A win for inly will bring them under Xtr McManemln to have their weight reviewed. The victory of Xlaloha In the Napier Cup yesterday was a good performance, nnd the son of 'Hallowmas seems to he racing with remarkable consistency. Maioha will have to now crimp under Xlr. McManemln for a re-liandlcap for the Easter Handicap. Tiie two-veilr-old King I'elllcule ls work Ing at Ellerslie under the .-baric of Air. Ryan, while his owner-trainer Is nwny at tbe country meetings. Kins I'ellicnle appears ;.. be going a little sore in his work. The Victorian cross-country performers. Mii'.ni and captain XV., purchased jiome few mont-hs a_o by Mr. S. flollnti. have arrived in England, and are to he trained for their I engagements hy C C. Poole. ) XI. 3. Mason has made an unlucky start I with the colt hy Absurd — Onr Lady, pur- | chased hv Xlr Greenwood, at tho Knntantil sale Mr 12.xi-.ts. While on the way to lie i entrained to Wellington, en route to Lyttelton. the hack with which the jrotnigsfer ; was peine led lushed out nnd inflicted , injuries on the colt. wJiich were . serious ' enough to cause his trip to he cancelled. By the Xlnln Trunk e-pre*s vesterdnr afternoon, Elens. Silver Peak nnd Rosedny arrived to fulfil their engagements at the A.It.C. Autumn Xleetlng. fnforttinatelv while beinz taken along the Ueuinern Itnail dn the wny to Ellerrslle Silver Peak wns run Into by „ motor van and one of his 1 hind legs somewhat badly cut. It Is not yet known definitely whether the Injury will prove serious or not. The Improvement in health of Mr. Edwards, the well-known Christohtirch trainer and driver, reported from the : south, was evidently only temporary, for he j missed away a few- days later, his death being generally regretted. Deceased was I ■ on,, of th-e most prominent figures in trot- ' tin, circle's in the .Dominion, and he I trained, rode, ond drove a large rei-een- j tn:.-e of winners. Ills brother XL 11. I Edwards, has taken over the horses fir- I uiei'i.r in charge of deceased. I The value nf the skull cap ,m nrotee. ! tlon to jockeys was further exempllHM at j Ellei-!!e on Thursday mnrnl'i-. wm n I Cuerre-a-Xlort fell with -T. Prestiu. The j lattet was thrown on t„ hLs bead with territl - force, while thp hor«e In recovering ! himself struck the rider heavily with his I feet. The cap was literally broken to I pieces, and hut for Its protection it is a I certainty that Preston would have been ] completely •sculped, whereas his Injuries, although including n painful cut ovVr the J eye. were not serious. The Incident j again draws attention to the foolishness! or sonic boys who school linrscx without I the cap, and It Is to be hoped that the rule of the Conference which makes it I eompclsory for caps to be worn lv a r.iep j will be added to. to make It compulsory | for them lo be also worn in schooling j work. The evidence given before Ihe Commls- ] slon In Christchiir'-h against any further increase in totnliwttor permits, hut that a redistribution be made Instead, makes interesting reading, and the opinions expressed nre entirely against the majority of those who havp a good knowledge of the subject. There is no donht that the he-It there is in racing is evident at the meetings of the larger clubs, nnd though per■luips it Is natural that various country districts want totalisator permits so as to he nhlp to hold a fixture in their home town, this Is hardly in the best Interests of the snort. The lie,. North stated. and -vig'ntlv so. that a lot of the land could be put to better use. but it does not appear to have struck him that by spreading the permits over a wider area. 1 hat will only lock tin more ground than is done at present. To centralise racing would be of much more benefit, for to tn'te away a permit from an already established chili, with IU course and appointments np-to-dnte, to _ive it to Some country club, only menus the acquisition of further ground for courses. -Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are against centralisation, but take away local feeling and Interests aud ft Is quite apparent that the «port would be all thp better if such were adopted. There is no getting away from the fact that the population of the larger towns Is the main supoort nf racinir throughout the Dominion, and a train Journey of a few hundred miles, and a few days from work, does not deter them from attending the smaller country meetings, where accommodation is at a premium, and the conditions generally a long way below requirements. With this apparent, it seems a quaint idea to suggest that. In order to get over the trouble, we should rob the eltlefl of tJieir permits, and compel the people to travel far and wide for their sport.

J. o'-_ea liii- l>p-ii engaged to ride Anomaly In the -Great Northern. Champagne Stakes. Xlr. Thomas yuirUe, the well-known race detective under the English Jockey ClnJi. ■li.-.l reeetitlv, his will being proven at il.'l, 38*1. J. Williamson did not take a team to the (Uilneniurl meeting. returning tn I'.llerslie with them Immediately after the Ie Aruhn tlxture. Xlr. XleXlnnemln, on Tuesday next, will declare the handicap- for the minor events on tile openius day of Jhe A .U.C. Autumn -Meeting. Pente continues to race unluckily, nay, when she nded as runner-up to XlaloJia in (),,, Xapler Cup. Tlnohoro, which was eased in his work ■ ifrer the Takapuna Summer Meeting. 1.. going again, nnd report credits him with galloping well one morning on the track at Te Aroha. Tlnohoro is down for an engagement in the Ohliiemurl Cup to-day. W. ii. Irwin, who recently leased Ilersehics. ivhich has bee, enjoying a spell, rrom bin owner, has started working the son of I.iiciiiins. and he Is now a regular attendant on the inickn at Klierslle. ACCKLAMi IIACINd CI.L'K. Final payments f.. r the Raster Hand. cup. 'Croat Northern Champagne Stakes. "Trent Northern daks, and lireat .Northern I St. Leger ami acceptances f., r lhe if on r minor events on the opening day of the | A.K.I . Autumn Meting, elosp with tho I secretary. 'Mr. W. .S. Spenee, on Friilav. the lsih iust. I. v 3 p.m. FRANKLIN RACINC CLIlt. I The lirst anual race meeting of 'he Kmnklln Racing Cluh will lie held at Pnkelo.he ~n the .lull's n,. w curse mi Satur | day. April :>. A pr»griinime of seven events has been drawn up. lhe principal event being the Franklin Cup. nf KKIsoVS.. one mile an.l a-qiiarter. while the Tu.ik.-.u I Flying Handicap Is of the value or ODsocs.. Ihe amount tn be K iven away lv lilies tetnlllUL- _a<». Nominations i.,,- events close with the necretarv, Xlr. A. P. liaysh. I'nkekohc on the 2:: rd in-! . I lhe weights are due on the oPth i..s|., acceptances closing on April "i. (To the S[)«rtln_ F.dltor.l Sir. —1. with another unfortunate or two, visited Te Aroha races per SatuxdnW .special with suml! i-nmitiU*lons for NiirI row Ne.-k In the fir.-l race. When we; ! arrived on the course the horse* had .lone ■ illicit- preliminary, ami as the starting I board from the outside enclosure evidently (11.1 not have room to indwate all the starters an,! scratching.". In order to avoid disappointment in the event of a dividend. Hie impulse was to procure the c.l.ets. ■uud Uie money was pur on No. J(. VV <- (lid not know till Wo read the --.Sliu" Ulat j Narrow Neck had not slnrte'l. hill Onih. I 1 wllileh was bracketed with him, did. From ' I the Jockey Clubs point of view they! ! might contend we l..i<i n run with Crab.! From our point of view if the starters had I been indicated ns they should have been the money for Narrow Neck would u..i have been invested, and tiie totiillsafr «:., consul uently getting motiev for goods I t:..( on sale. We would be obliged r..r an [expression of vi.ur opinion on the .|iie- ; Hon.—l am. et.- . visrroi:. ' IThe position Is certainly an unfortunate one. but. while agreeing that country m. I ing clnl.s should 1,,, compelled to make .better arrangements for lhe providing "f i Important particular* for th.- public, those ill charge of the totllllsator evidently as seme.l Hint sn.-li hail bei-n done. Altholl-h Narrow N.-k was withdrawn, the starting ( of Crab made the hrtieket open fur inve-t | meutr and the or clerk cou.d hardly be expected to know that you i wished to bad: Narrow Ni-.-i-. Hie "'"',•','! horse „f the combination. 1 am afraid j there is no redrew and the o. cttrren re on ly | makes another a.1.111l ■•• to 'he ••' -rd ll|.-k ' I stories or the turf— F.dltor.l j NAI'IBIt PARK II.MKS i MAIOHA WINS THE f*TP NAPIFR. Friday. I X: the Napier .Park Autumn Xleetlng. to | .lav the totallsaior staff hnndlwl £21.0x7 . i coin pare. I with t27.C14 last year. The , later results arc as follow: j I Welter Handicap. Itvta;ar.i 1. Pat donga 2 Vermllliou ■".. Also started: llyttns. | Trial.-. Mntiitane. Woden. Prince Martian, j Ar.-h Salute. Alt Talk. F.arthshlue. Una, easllv. Time. 1.27. I Xlaldell Scurry. Black Art 1. Spook 2. ; a. Ali-ki startisl: Illin-k Tea. , Bllssfuhie.s-, Pollnl. ilnnranzl. Ilhetnrlc, l.ndv Muriel. I'ort Heorge, liatno's.ln. Sus- : Id -Inii. Won by ii head, wit.i a len.tb j between second and third. Time. 1.2 XT,. | I.'ed.lllTe Welter. Xtokattam 1. The!. 2.' Xl.irMonm a. Also started: Doric lord tMtt'skerry Irion. Xlanngarango, Sunray. i Klni; Albert. Manhattan. Won hy two lengths. Time. 1.41 1-H. I Flvlnc llandlcap.-Kiirly Imwn 1. ( hr.i sostom ■' Tiirl a. Alho started: Xlurihiku and Cariciture. Won by half a length, with a head between se.-ond and third Time, 1.12 4-1. C.I.C. MEKTINU. (By Telegraph. -Press Association.) CIIRISTCIII'ItCH. this day. I The Canterbury Jockey Club's accept- | ail.-es are us follows: - ! lireat Faster Handicap of ir.OOsovs. i seven furlongs.- Snsnnnf 10.3. Surveyor ■I 1.-, Radial R. 13, Tlgritlyn s.ia. Solfanello s ll' Clean Sweep S.ll, chimera S.S. Cashmen- S4 Winter Wind R.-t. Will Oakland . 7 la Klliowen T.H. Xliss Xllmi. 7.«. Black innii 7.1!. Slit Israel Inn ".:.. Sunny Corner 7 S Counter Alt ark «.?. ! (ireat Autumn Handicap of I.>unsnvs nne mile an.l a half. Royal Stag 0.."., Kllrnsh ."!!,. Radial S.S. Foo Chow S.l. Itoyal Star si Clean SWeep 7.11. Warlove ..8. Insurrcctioii «i.!>. Johnny Walker t'.S._ Linden (1.i.. Malaga tt.T. Uuteh Courage fi.,. C li np-igne Stakes of loDPsovs. -\x fur ,o,g' tcnl.s and MO. «'»-«"•"».•-- Kline-.. Xleiniin. I'nlestinn, Pluto. Winning " cii-nieu-e Vt'likes of lOOOsovs. seven fur-j ~,,.1's (weigh, for age,.-Winter Wind. ..foaming. PI"'". S _. r I f- T 'T,' s:,n " f '! Merinln, Tatau Tatflu. flnllwell. . Tl-ltl* XOT-3KROM THE SOITH. \ (P.y Telegraph.-Special to "Star.") J. CIIItISTCIICncH, Chrysostom has 7.2 lo carry ln_ tUe Aiick- 1 i.,„,i F-ntcr I am cap »"'' *•" ln tUI Kser 'il-ndle-P a, Rlccarton 11 s torn, here in November suggests that he Is fully , entitled to the latter weight. _.„„,■' F_otlsm, one ot .Mr. ti. I>. Greenwoods horse" Is muel, fancied for Ibe <Ircat make the trip to Auckiaml. . , The imported horse. Arrnwsmith. i-ppears to have got over leg troubles, and Is walking n"»e soundly again, but will noi , hp seriously tried until the spring. In the ; iiieiiutlme P. Christinas will treat lliill to ll "'The 'unbeaten I wo venr-ohl. Xlennln. en- . pect.d nt Ric.-ai-ioii (ti Master Monday, is j ~ competitor In the Chatupague stakes In , which he will set local juveniles 11 big ' a Ki'll,iwpn Twinkle. .Satisfnetlon. ltailiai and Linden, winners at the Southland lticln- Club's meeting this week, are en'•igedin one or both of the leading han-di'-ii* at Canterbury Easter Xleetlng. lladlal earned 71b extra for the lireat Faster and nil. fur the (Irent Autumn, hut tiie other four horses have all missed penalties for llleeartou. Tin Soldier, while making the running j in the Aw.-irna linmllcrp at the .Southland I meet in- slipi-e.I and fell, bringing down! Twinkle ll''. Voightt and Xlarlntime (I>. ! Xlclionald). Xla-ama was left ln front, i.ut lladlal headed him and led Uorkc's i litift ami Jock into the straight. Itadlal : won hv slightly over n lengih. with some- ' thing to simre rrom Jock. which beat j Itorkp-s Drift by less than a length: then ! e.iine Kil-PO nnd Xlazama. F. Volght had I hid collarbone dislocated, but the other horsemen in , he fill escaped luckily. : Twinkle was running a great race when I brought down. I F. I>. Jones has started the gelding by San Francisco from Shindy schooling over hurdles. The gelding; which is a half brother to •Xledley. a good galloper, and is shaping as if he will mnke a clever jumper. , K. J. Mason is hack from the North. He was on I lie sick l:sr ror several days, while away, but is right again. I'lnninlng races in the Ch.illeugp Stakes at Rlccarton. then iv the Wellington , autumn tlxture. after which he will have ' a short spell before lcftrtng for Randwick. It is stated that Xlasou Is going to dispose of Vespucci. Xlnnuish is in wotl-: again, and will be. jumped with 'Micky Free. It. Emerson has an addition to his team ■ In Admission. He has decided to give (ilpngdyue a longer trial, and if tbe gelding does not show decided improvement will send him home. 1 P.oadiccn is having a short spell. XVarlove went seriously wrong after running third in the Peninsula Cup, and was down for some time. The trouble is an Internal one, caused, it Is thought. by j slipping in her work a few days ago. |

| .XlA_t__*Oß-0-GH RACES. I (By Telesrrapli.—Press Association.) BLE.VHEi-f. Friday. I Additional results of to-day's racing are a« follow: — I Omnka XX'eller.—Ran-gt Aroha, S.ll (W I.Xlnncer), 1: l.rulv LueullilS, 10.7, 2; Himti taka, .s.ll. a. Al_o started: Hick. Xlissland, Single File, Sagacity. Won by two lengths. , Time, 1.2S 4-5. I Telephone Handicap. - Kestlr. 7.0 (c. ilteedt. 1: Cold Problem, 7.1-. 2; Ilnrley corn. li.ll. a. Also started: Sweet Memory, War Baby. Won by a length. I Time, 1.1.-, I-;".. Itlverlaiei Handicap.— Lord L'sU. 0.13 (W !'Belli, 1: Jackaroo. H.p. 2: Pa-aka, s.l), a. Also sliirteil: llclove.l. Altllfl, Knsset, JTre-Miirn King. Wou by two length-, 't'lme. Fourth Trot. -Skylark. 12y<ls hehind, 1 I Woodland Itose. :«>,il-, 2: Plain Peter. :'.. Also started: Handsome Lad. Annie Black, Krle Itollischlld, Never Will. Annie's Dream. Piira Bell. Willow deter King. , Jlmmv Richuiond. Mary Hill. Won by two lengths. Time, 2.7 1-X. I Farewell Ilini.llcap. - Corld Problem, ..I.i MI.. .Morris). 1: Partfor-i. 7.11, 2: S-llk ''Ribbon U. 7. a. Also marled: Fortune I Teller, Trentlmm Rose. Won "uy tw.i leuglUe. Time, 1.2.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 61, 12 March 1921, Page 12

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RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 61, 12 March 1921, Page 12

RACING WORLD. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 61, 12 March 1921, Page 12


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