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THE CHAMPIONSHIPS. riTUEE THHEE-rOIXTERS. r.V.'VI-.RSITY. PARNF.I,I.. AND EDE: T!;r iratnes I'onnludiMi on Saturday < r<l. -. I'ark and Remuers grounds " Inivrrs.-y \n undisputed possession of t, pin.- ..« tl.e championship ird. The st dents tut:-,'.l a samp that .!i ; ". not prnmli -■•tie on Saturday afternoon, and rnncludi by rfefeitina !•••,.souhy ;,> the tune of 0 Inniriji n<nl ut run*. On :n.- other wicket at IMen I'ark Pa neil M.1.1 Graflon ~'a,-,,i choir came to spirting fiiiL-h. 311,1 tho result gave a thrp p,.ii,lrr t_. l'nrtipll. wh,. ,- :imi . to light ar i.v; -.i .1, ro r five wi.-kfts In their seoin .nnings. lenving lirnfton to cover 14r, 1 ««« iUan :in hour. Urafion mmli< a try ; it. ■;:-. wi.-kois CfU fast, and the only halfway". 1 : rny.,,.:;,. where K.len fels? mi ■1-- .-.ore of 11J wKi, i;.| for six wicket . tii'i" i-.i|iiurln« a ,1,-cisiv,. win hv f, Pl v. :..its and «Kiv.) ruus from Shore. ' M">RTII SHORE V. EDF..V the --f<-»n 1 itinlnes. when the game'wa t-.osp ~J. li, ,i,,. 1r 5 ..,.. 1n ,j efr , , v - M .ire asain made a two-men s,-,, r p iif i I-,' , r-v ••, VVh I <, »" n »■'■! Helphwa c?i™»- > flTe Wlrk ''is down fur M ! , tin, l«wUa R and b om,rtarie™ !S all dlre< tons. wit!, the result that JuVi Sefor IT T'l not cut aD Brooke - S iuith was lb e. r NIV EIRS IT V WI N.S WMnst R. Gan-nrd-K splendid "owllnV th, spectators beL'an to discuss wuethe? h. students could U o it. They did. fo r U,. ■«-t 1 opsonhy wicket fell at 138. leavini University with a whi,-h wa jostly due to Garrard. Tbls howler tool Bx wickets for 7.". runs in the first Lnninßs ont he Tvent a cou.ple hetter In the secom by cettins eicht for 54. That B iv«s hit. fourteen wickets for iai runs in the match For Ponsonhy. X. c. Sneddeu wns ou *piin. and played with his customar' and brilliance, cutting and driviiT; with easy effortl«=s strokes. in the flrsi lTininsrs he attained 7(1 lieforo Player whe had beaten him fairly often, put one 01 his wickets. Next strike he played mon openly, lookinc for quicker soorini. and a! 08 he put his pads in the way of Garrard. PARNEI.L AND GRAFTON. This was another same that fell fairl.i flat, and then recovered its interest wher Grafton tried to accumulate 14." runs li tn hour, and failed. Parnell had taker 22f. runs out of the first tunings, and Graf ton made ITfi. The opposition thet batted the best part of tie remninin; ■ fternoon away, and retired with 07 lot flre wfekets. CJrafton went straight tc *ork. and. altbouEh their slogging tactics kept the outfield busy, the batsmen came •nd went in a continual procession. Anyway, hittinz hard and often was the only *a.T to catch their handicap, but unfortu■ately the odds were too much asainst them, and the tenth wicket fell with just half of the necessary runs recorded, and Only five more minutes to to. That (rave Pernell a three-pointer. Parnpll's bowlers, Anthony and Somervell. achieved fair r"einlts. In both inninps Anthony took Seven wi~kets f.. r SO. and Somervell five for SO. This bonier sot three for 10 trainst Graftons strikins tactics. SECOND GRADE. T.M.C.A. v. North Shore.—V.M.C.A.. innings 112; spr-ond inninzs. four ■wickets for 4.1. Bowline for North Shore Kicholas took four wickets. North Shore, first inninss. 4.",: second iunlugs, 108 T.M.r.A. won by six nickets. T.M.C.A. v. St. John's. —V.M.C.A.. first Innings. .'521 (Bass 112 not ont, 'Malitn 39. Innes MO. I. Tooper 34. Frater R0 Woods Iα BridKens IB). A. Aitken took three wickets for 70. Kobertshow took two wickets for Sts. St. Johns first inlnca. 12«> (■=-hoficld 23. Robertsh.'iw 10 not ont. Cortiev IS. Sellars 17 Prentice 13). I. Cooper took six wickets for (54. and Bass one for o. Second innings. 94 . (Ilohertshaw 16, Fchofield J2. Sellnrs 14)."- Bass took six wickets and I. Cooper four. PAU.VELL V. NORTH SHORE. Parnnll.—First inninss: Peirler. lbw. b Kitcliinc. 61: Jones, run out. 31: Tuhberty. b Williams. 4: Fnrquhar. c Horsley, b TTowy. 64: Burns, c sub., b Campbell, o: Cliffe. c and b Howy. n: Seed, run out. 8: Marsden. c Furnall. li Howy. S; .1. Williams, not out. 2: flifTo. run out. 3: Dare, c and h Howy 3: extras. 28. Total. 219. North Shore.—First innlncs: Furnell. h Seed. .">: Eyrie, b Peßler. 0: Kitchlnp. b Poslcr. X: Jlorsley. l> Peeler. 0; 8. Willia.rrs b Seed. 3: Gale, b Pepler. 0: Howy, b Peed. li .1. Williams. rCrti out. 1: Stone. b Pearler. 0: Campbell, not out. 2: extras. T. Total. 28. Bowllnff for Parnell: Pefrler took fivp wickets for 15 runs. Seed three Wickets for 6. North Sliorp. —Second innings: Kitchinc c sub., b Peeler: Stoupe. b Seed. 43: Rowy c sub., b Burns; Willinms. c sub.. h Peclpr 2: Horsley, l> Peeler. 5; J. ■Williams' I. Peeler. 2: Gale, l> Seed. 0: Stone not out. 0: extras. 13. Bowling for Parnell: Pesler four. Seed two, Burns one. Pnrnell won by an innings and 33 runs— ■ three-point win. GRAFTON V. P. AND T. Grafton.—First innings. 100. Second ftinimrs 133 for seven wickets (Maysie 46, Brooke .17 Anderson 27 not ontl. I' and T. —First innings. 161. Second lnninsf. 25. Thrre-point win to Grafton. THIRD GRADE. Kd»n v Technical. -Ivden: First innings. 77 (Dai-Is 1!>. Holmes 11. Hooker 15 not out i- F~cond innine.-,. 100 (Miell -18. Davis 21' Tpchnlcal: First inninss. 103 iLncas 10 not out. Hughes 22): second lt:ni-;c-i. 3ft. Bowling for Eden: Harding sh tvTc!;p!«. An.cpl seven wickets. .• fhree-JV-i-- ••■i-i for Eden. TMi- \ v. North Shore—T.M.C.A., I flr~t innings 50 CH.irper IR. Torry IX | s'eikle.jnhn ir.i: se<-o."l Innlnstn ', F , r m,, n, , er in V !-hn!!i 1") Total. US. V'M.< .A.. | iecoiKl innings four wickets for AS) (Buckl-v | HT no's 121. V.M.C.A. won by six wickets j and tJiree runs. W.Y M.I v. Ponsonby. -M A .M.1.. first Innlnc* I!>2 (A. Lewis 77. U. Knieht 44 P. <-linpirnn 221" peconn innings «? a>. chop-! man 4S'i. Total. 138. ronPonl.y first Inritiirs TO- second innings ■"« (N- KemT> 3l>>. W.V.M.I.' won by 56 runs, a three-point FOrRTH GRAPE. Ellen r Pe-vnnport rongrepational — Pd'.n: First inninzs. f» (Taylor 13. WrUht v Pr a Murphy 1«). Devonport ( on-r-'p-Ttfonal- 'First innings. ST. Bowllns ior rdpn Vt"Vp*»three for 34. Murphy seven rniMART Bcnoote- matches. A GEADiE. MATNGAWHAU T. PONSONBT. Manncawhau.—Flret inning, 34 (LOTe grove 14i. Second inning*, 14. . Poneonliv —Flret lnningß, 42 (Ed-waras 121. Second innlngK, 10 for two wlckete For Loregrove toot eignt wi-kets fur 23. . . , , _~ Fo- Ponsonby. Cole took eight wickets for io the w|.-lcetkeeT>er. Swinton, Btumpln- .pvrt for the match. Pnnennby won by 3 rune and olgtot Wir-lcPtH. MT. AMSKRT V. SAFIBK STKEET. Mt. Alb«rt.—First lnnln««. 68 (Altemle 11, Monk 11, Butler 21). __ , Xnpler Street.— Pint Inning", 52 (Pnrfr 24. McKennn T. Bel«h«.in ». lit. Albert won by 15 mM

MT. KDBX V. ORAIFTON g) 'uingß, a, for no wickets (Kayes 9, potter Bowling for Aft ta~~ t^ s , wictets, Potter tw «; ! th gj^J«; ,n cii 5 ™" o,l ' three re runs , / Ede " "■°" on th « erst Innings by 32 v- V. VERSrONT STREET so nlp n 23. ,c - F,rßt IMID « s . 27- Second "mmm SSShS Edendale: MM- taw**** ten. Common. ;■ 21 runT Stree, won b " one «»-tan »»a J;} B GRADE. * ;',''• <'»rdlne 19 Douglas 10. ratlin 11). "• 2l T™ Pantham performed ,he i lat trick. Devonport won bj- .14 runs. I Bayfleld v. Reniiiera.-Remuera- First Innlnss. -Hi (Ross 12, (;. McMillan 12) I innings. r>o t X. McMillan Hi Bowl! V> ing for Hayflelrt: Craig elßht. Hardlev nine, n- MntthPws three. Bayfleld: First Innings ... M.-. Uianllev 13. Taylor 11,. Second is , innings. ,1 for seven wickets Ulardlev 34 11 j I icterson IS. Cnshmore 10). Bowling for rs Romuera: McMillan four. Graham four v I "aimer nine. Bayfield won by three t. j wickets and 14 run«. 'n i NELSON STRF.ET V. GREY I.YNN. .v , Grey I,ynn.—First innings. 12) (Marshall I. .61. Campbell Iβ. Mlddleton IT not nut) j Rowling for Nelson Street- /'alters two o I wlrkets, Rrndanovf.-h four, outrun* one ir I Motter one. Mazzelone one). y 1 Nelson Street.--First innings. OS (Bradf; Maae,one 12 - ---t. j Bowline for Grey I.ynn: Marshall two it I wickets, Hayes six. 1: i Grey I,ynn won hy 33 runs, n ! ~, n < r j t r i e |; , n L r nn no,v lea ds the B Grade corns' j RICHMOND ROAD V. NEWMARKET ;M Richmond Road. —First inning 3-' ' CiVheaton 13). Second inningß, re for" three , I wickets (Newdick 16. Rudllng 12 Burke 10 !~ J not out). "1 Newmarket.—First innings. f>s CMoore 22, ( InneslC). Second innings. 24 (Moore 14). Mchinond Road won by six wickets and - runs.

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Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 7

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CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 7

CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume LII, Issue 56, 7 March 1921, Page 7